
Day 293.5 Bronx Followup SilverScript Aug 11 2017

Aug 12th, 2017
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  1. Day 293.5 Bronx Followup SilverScript Aug 11 2017
  5. Transcript
  6. 0:13
  7. so this shop owner here okay okay so
  8. 0:23
  9. what you have here is a situation where
  10. 0:27
  11. the person's probably a little bit
  12. 0:28
  13. mentally ill and she is returning to
  14. 0:32
  15. this neighborhood to sort of harass this
  16. 0:36
  17. small business and harass this gentleman
  18. 0:40
  19. many years right now the way really we
  20. 0:46
  21. need to handle this right is mental
  22. 0:47
  23. health help I think for the person who's
  24. 0:50
  25. involved here I believe the police are
  26. 0:52
  27. trying to handle this in a very genteel
  28. 0:54
  29. way they've been very very calm and been
  30. 1:00
  31. letting the person know what they're
  32. 1:02
  33. gonna do way in advance they've walked
  34. 1:03
  35. in they try to get her ID so she could
  36. 1:05
  37. get in the ambulance and so forth so I
  38. 1:08
  39. think this is it's it's a strong show of
  40. 1:10
  41. force with all the officers here but I
  42. 1:11
  43. believe the officers at handle this in a
  44. 1:13
  45. very good way but I don't think this
  46. 1:16
  47. should fall on the officers to try to
  48. 1:18
  49. deal with these situations really a
  50. 1:19
  51. social worker probably would be to
  52. 1:24
  53. prevent this from ever happening
  54. 1:25
  55. probably as a solution here I didn't
  56. 1:27
  57. come down here to report this as as you
  58. 1:29
  59. know but I am here it is life and I
  60. 1:32
  61. can't we can't ignore what's happening
  62. 1:34
  63. there you can see there's creates quite
  64. 1:36
  65. a social stir when this is left fall to
  66. 1:39
  67. police officers to try to deal with so
  68. 1:42
  69. that's all for me I'm gonna go have my
  70. 1:43
  71. pizza that's all from this location
  72. 1:47
  73. which I'm not going to disclose
  74. 1:51
  75. you
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