

Jun 6th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 "Dump a bucket of water at the front of your house.": (Grosstoad)
  2. [X] 14 "Pass through Mercy Street on your way to the school.": (Alexander, Malcolmo, Ct613hulu, Chibi-Reaper, Silver W. King, Darkened, Nekraa, kinglugia, Xicree, dreadis, BFldyq, Nyrath, Silversun17, megrisvernin)
  3. [X] 1 <img alt="" class="bbc_img" src=""/>: (BFldyq)
  4. [X] 1 Tall, athletic, slightly uneven tan. You play volleyball, and when the season's right, beach volleyball, so you have <del>manly man</del> <em>well-defined</em> biceps.: (Grosstoad)
  5. [X] 3 Tall, athletic, slightly uneven tan. You play volleyball, and when the season's right, beach volleyball, so you have manly man well-defined biceps.: (Nekraa, kinglugia, Xicree)
  6. [X] 14 Your mother's a world famous quantum physicist off working at CERN and your father's a journalist off hunting for another Pulitzer through his investigations in Somalia. Sure having rich and inanely successful parents is great, but it does get a bit lonely at times.: (Alexander, Malcolmo, Ct613hulu, Chibi-Reaper, Silver W. King, Darkened, Nekraa, kinglugia, Xicree, dreadis, BFldyq, Nyrath, Silversun17, megrisvernin)
  7. [X] 1 Your parents' are visiting relatives currently, and they should be back tonight.: (Grosstoad)
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