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Jul 13th, 2019
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  1. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
  2. // I just don't know what went wrong :(
  4. Time: 7/13/19 4:50 PM
  5. Description: Ticking screen
  7. java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
  8. at codechicken.nei.recipe.FurnaceRecipeHandler$SmeltingPair.getOtherStack(
  9. at codechicken.nei.recipe.TemplateRecipeHandler$CachedRecipe.getOtherStacks(
  10. at codechicken.nei.recipe.TemplateRecipeHandler.getOtherStacks(
  11. at codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiRecipe.refreshSlots(
  12. at codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiRecipe.refreshPage(
  13. at codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiRecipe.func_73876_c(
  14. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(
  15. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(
  16. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
  17. at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
  18. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  19. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  20. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  21. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  22. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
  23. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
  24. at launcher.lOlkEKchebureK.LoLkeKChEbUREk(SourceFile:321)
  25. at launcher.lOlkEKchebureK.main(SourceFile:204)
  28. A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
  29. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. -- Head --
  32. Stacktrace:
  33. at codechicken.nei.recipe.FurnaceRecipeHandler$SmeltingPair.getOtherStack(
  34. at codechicken.nei.recipe.TemplateRecipeHandler$CachedRecipe.getOtherStacks(
  35. at codechicken.nei.recipe.TemplateRecipeHandler.getOtherStacks(
  36. at codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiRecipe.refreshSlots(
  37. at codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiRecipe.refreshPage(
  38. at codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiRecipe.func_73876_c(
  40. -- Affected screen --
  41. Details:
  42. Screen name: codechicken.nei.recipe.GuiUsageRecipe
  44. -- Affected level --
  45. Details:
  46. Level name: MpServer
  47. All players: 1 total; [EntityClientPlayerMP['NezeRoy'/5673229, l='MpServer', x=-1193.48, y=64.62, z=5905.51]]
  48. Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 399, 399
  49. Level seed: 0
  50. Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: false
  51. Level generator options:
  52. Level spawn location: World: (-2827,70,3575), Chunk: (at 5,4,7 in -177,223; contains blocks -2832,0,3568 to -2817,255,3583), Region: (-6,6; contains chunks -192,192 to -161,223, blocks -3072,0,3072 to -2561,255,3583)
  53. Level time: 107756265 game time, 108032037 day time
  54. Level dimension: 0
  55. Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown?
  56. Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: false), thunder time: 0 (now: false)
  57. Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
  58. Forced entities: 28 total; [EntitySheep['Овца'/6400623, l='MpServer', x=-1183.72, y=64.00, z=5852.59], EntityClientPlayerMP['NezeRoy'/5673229, l='MpServer', x=-1193.48, y=64.62, z=5905.51], EntityItem['item.tile.railcraft.cube.stone.abyssal'/6400622, l='MpServer', x=-1244.81, y=38.13, z=5848.88], EntitySheep['Овца'/6399600, l='MpServer', x=-1180.25, y=82.00, z=5941.50], EntityCreeper['Крипер'/6409590, l='MpServer', x=-1248.97, y=19.00, z=5957.53], EntitySheep['Овца'/6400545, l='MpServer', x=-1208.22, y=63.00, z=5889.22], EntitySheep['Овца'/6400544, l='MpServer', x=-1194.84, y=68.00, z=5905.34], EntitySheep['Овца'/6400557, l='MpServer', x=-1178.14, y=67.00, z=5880.47], EntityGaiaEnderEye['Эндер глаз'/6399792, l='MpServer', x=-1242.50, y=39.00, z=5955.50], EntityBat['Летучая мышь'/6424380, l='MpServer', x=-1217.25, y=22.10, z=5912.75], EntityBat['Летучая мышь'/6424381, l='MpServer', x=-1224.25, y=16.65, z=5917.75], EntitySheep['Овца'/6400527, l='MpServer', x=-1170.78, y=67.00, z=5931.56], EntityPig['Свинья'/6400535, l='MpServer', x=-1132.16, y=75.00, z=5919.16], EntitySheep['Овца'/6400543, l='MpServer', x=-1204.41, y=64.00, z=5890.31], EntitySquid['Спрут'/6431467, l='MpServer', x=-1223.97, y=47.00, z=5843.94], EntitySquid['Спрут'/6431470, l='MpServer', x=-1235.50, y=46.47, z=5853.28], EntitySquid['Спрут'/6431468, l='MpServer', x=-1234.28, y=48.78, z=5848.94], EntitySquid['Спрут'/6431469, l='MpServer', x=-1236.91, y=48.28, z=5850.06], EntitySquid['Спрут'/6431474, l='MpServer', x=-1228.84, y=47.28, z=5849.28], EntitySquid['Спрут'/6431475, l='MpServer', x=-1227.53, y=48.00, z=5849.72], EntitySquid['Спрут'/6431472, l='MpServer', x=-1231.16, y=48.16, z=5841.25], EntitySquid['Спрут'/6431473, l='MpServer', x=-1225.66, y=47.31, z=5843.22], EntitySquid['Спрут'/6431476, l='MpServer', x=-1223.47, y=48.38, z=5843.25], EntityCaveSpider['Пещерный паук'/72613, l='MpServer', x=-40.11, y=-32.62, z=35.67], EntityGaiaCreep['Крип'/6423482, l='MpServer', x=-1244.50, y=51.00, z=5924.50], EntityGaiaCreep['Крип'/6423483, l='MpServer', x=-1253.34, y=50.00, z=5928.22], EntitySheep['Овца'/6399677, l='MpServer', x=-1179.50, y=72.00, z=5961.66], EntityGaiaSatyr['Сатир'/6401437, l='MpServer', x=-1211.44, y=71.00, z=5955.69]]
  59. Retry entities: 0 total; []
  60. Server brand: kcauldron,cauldron,craftbukkit,mcpc,fml,forge
  61. Server type: Non-integrated multiplayer server
  62. Stacktrace:
  63. at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_72914_a(
  64. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71396_d(
  65. at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(
  66. at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
  67. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  68. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  69. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  70. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  71. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(
  72. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
  73. at launcher.lOlkEKchebureK.LoLkeKChEbUREk(SourceFile:321)
  74. at launcher.lOlkEKchebureK.main(SourceFile:204)
  76. -- System Details --
  77. Details:
  78. Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
  79. Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0
  80. Java Version: 1.8.0_131, Oracle Corporation
  81. Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  82. Memory: 1425473728 bytes (1359 MB) / 2402549760 bytes (2291 MB) up to 2402549760 bytes (2291 MB)
  83. JVM Flags: 8 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=ThisTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xms2304M -Xmx2304M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M -XX:+DisableAttachMechanism
  84. AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
  85. IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 15, tallocated: 95
  86. FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Forge Optifine OptiFine_1.7.10_HD_U_E3 87 mods loaded, 87 mods active
  87. States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
  88. UCHIJA mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
  89. UCHIJA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (f.jar)
  90. UCHIJA Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (f.jar)
  91. UCHIJA appliedenergistics2-core{rv3-beta-6} [Applied Energistics 2 Core] (minecraft.jar)
  92. UCHIJA CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar)
  93. UCHIJA NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NEI.jar)
  94. UCHIJA ThE-core{} [Thaumic Energistics Core] (minecraft.jar)
  95. UCHIJA ThaumicTinkerer-preloader{0.1} [Thaumic Tinkerer Core] (minecraft.jar)
  96. UCHIJA bspkrsCore{6.15} [bspkrsCore] ([1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.15.jar)
  97. UCHIJA BuildCraft|Core{7.1.20} [BuildCraft] (buildcraft.jar)
  98. UCHIJA BuildCraft|Factory{7.1.20} [BC Factory] (buildcraft.jar)
  99. UCHIJA BuildCraft|Transport{7.1.20} [BC Transport] (buildcraft.jar)
  100. UCHIJA BuildCraft|Silicon{7.1.20} [BC Silicon] (buildcraft.jar)
  101. UCHIJA additionalpipes{4.7.0} [Additional Pipes] (AdditionalPipes.jar)
  102. UCHIJA IC2{2.2.827-experimental} [IndustrialCraft 2] (industrialcraft.jar)
  103. UCHIJA AdvancedSolarPanel{1.7.10-3.5.1} [Advanced Solar Panels] (AdvancedSolarPanel.jar)
  104. UCHIJA appliedenergistics2{rv3-beta-6} [Applied Energistics 2] (appliedenergistics2.jar)
  105. UCHIJA bdlib{} [BD Lib] (bdlib.jar)
  106. UCHIJA ae2stuff{} [AE2 Stuff] (ae2stuff.jar)
  107. UCHIJA ArmorStatusHUD{1.28} [ArmorStatusHUD] (ArmorStatusHUD.jar)
  108. UCHIJA armourersWorkshop{1.7.10-0.48.3} [Armourer's Workshop] (Armourers-Workshop-1.7.10-0.48.3.jar)
  109. UCHIJA Baubles{} [Baubles] (Baubles-1.7.10-
  110. UCHIJA Thaumcraft{} [Thaumcraft] (Thaumcraft-1.7.10-
  111. UCHIJA Waila{1.5.10} [Waila] (WAILA.jar)
  112. UCHIJA Automagy{0.28.2} [Automagy] (Automagy.jar)
  113. UCHIJA BiblioCraft{1.11.7} [BiblioCraft] (BiblioCraft-1.11.7.jar)
  114. UCHIJA Forestry{} [Forestry for Minecraft] (forestry.jar)
  115. UCHIJA BinnieCore{} [Binnie Core] (binnie-mods-1.7.10-
  116. UCHIJA Botany{} [Botany] (binnie-mods-1.7.10-
  117. UCHIJA ExtraBees{} [Extra Bees] (binnie-mods-1.7.10-
  118. UCHIJA ExtraTrees{} [Extra Trees] (binnie-mods-1.7.10-
  119. UCHIJA Genetics{} [Genetics] (binnie-mods-1.7.10-
  120. UCHIJA BuildCraft|Robotics{7.1.20} [BC Robotics] (buildcraft.jar)
  121. UCHIJA BuildCraft|Energy{7.1.20} [BC Energy] (buildcraft.jar)
  122. UCHIJA BuildCraft|Builders{7.1.20} [BC Builders] (buildcraft.jar)
  123. UCHIJA ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  124. UCHIJA Railcraft{} [Railcraft] (Railcraft.jar)
  125. UCHIJA chisel{} [Chisel] (Chisel.jar)
  126. UCHIJA CarpentersBlocks{} [Carpenter's Blocks] (Carpenters-Blocks-
  127. UCHIJA CraftHeraldry{1.1.3} [CraftHeraldry] (CraftHeraldry.jar)
  128. UCHIJA customnpcs{1.7.10d} [CustomNpcs] (CustomNPCs.jar)
  129. UCHIJA DamageIndicatorsMod{3.2.3} [Damage Indicators] (DamageIndicators.jar)
  130. UCHIJA DummyCore{2.0.1710.0.A} [DummyCore] (DummyCore.jar)
  131. UCHIJA EMT{} [Electro-Magic Tools] (ElectroMagicTools.jar)
  132. UCHIJA endercore{1.7.10-} [EnderCore] (EnderCore.jar)
  133. UCHIJA EnderIO{1.7.10-} [Ender IO] (EnderIO-1.7.10-
  134. UCHIJA extracells{2.3.14} [Extra Cells 2] (ExtraCells-1.7.10-2.3.14b200.jar)
  135. UCHIJA FlatBedrockx{1.0.2} [FlatBedrock Xplosion's Edition] (FlatBedrock.jar)
  136. UCHIJA McMultipart{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  137. UCHIJA gendustry{} [GenDustry] (gendustry-
  138. UCHIJA GraviSuite{2.5.0b1} [Gravitation Suite Mifort Edition] (GraviSuite.jar)
  139. UCHIJA GrimoireOfGaia{1.0.0} [Grimoire of Gaia 3] (GrimoireOfGaia.jar)
  140. UCHIJA CEhacks-Sasay{1.0} [CEhacks-Sasay] (Hwyla.jar)
  141. UCHIJA IC2CA{} [IndustrialCraft 2 Combo Armors] (ic2ca.jar)
  142. UCHIJA IronChest{} [Iron Chest] (ironchest.jar)
  143. UCHIJA journeymap{5.1.4p2} [JourneyMap] (journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.4p2-unlimited.jar)
  144. UCHIJA mwutilities{1.7.10-R5} [MW-Utilities(By Apart)] (M-W-U-5.0.jar)
  145. UCHIJA modelcitizens{1.0.1} [Model Citizens] (ModelCitizens.jar)
  146. UCHIJA MineTweaker3{3.0.9B} [MineTweaker 3] (MTwk.jar)
  147. UCHIJA modtweaker2{0.9.6} [Mod Tweaker 2] (ModTweaker.jar)
  148. UCHIJA MrTJPCoreMod{} [MrTJPCore] (MrTJPCore-1.7.10-
  149. UCHIJA MWAWLA{1.0.0} [MWAWLA] (MWAWLA.jar)
  150. UCHIJA mwdc{1.0} [MW Discord Hook] (MWDC.jar)
  151. UCHIJA NEIAddons{} [NEI Addons] (neiaddons-
  152. UCHIJA NEIAddons|Developer{} [NEI Addons: Developer Tools] (neiaddons-
  153. UCHIJA NEIAddons|AppEng{} [NEI Addons: Applied Energistics 2] (neiaddons-
  154. UCHIJA NEIAddons|Botany{} [NEI Addons: Botany] (neiaddons-
  155. UCHIJA NEIAddons|Forestry{} [NEI Addons: Forestry] (neiaddons-
  156. UCHIJA NEIAddons|CraftingTables{} [NEI Addons: Crafting Tables] (neiaddons-
  157. UCHIJA NEIAddons|ExNihilo{} [NEI Addons: Ex Nihilo] (neiaddons-
  158. UCHIJA neiintegration{1.1.2} [NEI Integration] (NEIIntegration.jar)
  159. UCHIJA thaumcraftneiplugin{@VERSION@} [Thaumcraft NEI Plugin] (NEIThaumcraft.jar)
  160. UCHIJA NuclearCraft{1.9g} [NuclearCraft] (NuclearCraft.jar)
  161. UCHIJA PowerConverters{1.7.10_3.3.0-jenkins.76} [Power Converters] (PowerConverters.jar)
  162. UCHIJA ProjRed|Core{4.7.0pre9.92} [ProjectRed Core] (ProjectRedBase.jar)
  163. UCHIJA ProjRed|Integration{4.7.0pre9.92} [ProjectRed Integration] (ProjectRedIntegration.jar)
  164. UCHIJA ProjRed|Transmission{4.7.0pre9.92} [ProjectRed Transmission] (ProjectRedIntegration.jar)
  165. UCHIJA ProjRed|Illumination{4.7.0pre9.92} [ProjectRed Illumination] (ProjectRedLighting.jar)
  166. UCHIJA tcinventoryscan{1.0.11} [TC Inventory Scanning] (tcinventoryscan-mc1_7_10-1_0_11.jar)
  167. UCHIJA thaumicbases{1.3.1710.2} [Thaumic Bases] (ThaumicBases.jar)
  168. UCHIJA thaumicenergistics{} [Thaumic Energistics] (thaumicenergistics.jar)
  169. UCHIJA ThaumicTinkerer{unspecified} [Thaumic Tinkerer] (ThaumicTinkerer.jar)
  170. UCHIJA UnicodeFontFixer{1.1.12-mc1.7.10} [UnicodeFontFixer] (UFF.jar)
  171. UCHIJA wawla{1.3.1} [What Are We Looking At] (WAWLA.jar)
  172. UCHIJA nGuard{} [nGuard] (WawlaS.jar)
  173. UCHIJA ForgeMicroblock{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  174. UCHIJA UniDict{1.7.10-2.9.2} [UniDict] (UniDict.jar)
  175. AE2 Version: beta rv3-beta-6 for Forge
  176. List of loaded APIs:
  177. * apAPI (2) from AdditionalPipes.jar
  178. * appliedenergistics2|API (rv2) from ThaumicTinkerer.jar
  179. * armourersWorkshopAPI (1.7.10- from Armourers-Workshop-1.7.10-0.48.3.jar
  180. * Baubles|API ( from Baubles-1.7.10-
  181. * BuildCraftAPI|blocks (1.0) from Railcraft.jar
  182. * BuildCraftAPI|blueprints (1.5) from buildcraft.jar
  183. * BuildCraftAPI|boards (2.0) from buildcraft.jar
  184. * BuildCraftAPI|core (2.0) from buildcraft.jar
  185. * BuildCraftAPI|crops (1.1) from Railcraft.jar
  186. * BuildCraftAPI|events (2.0) from buildcraft.jar
  187. * BuildCraftAPI|facades (1.1) from buildcraft.jar
  188. * BuildCraftAPI|filler (4.0) from buildcraft.jar
  189. * BuildCraftAPI|fuels (2.0) from buildcraft.jar
  190. * BuildCraftAPI|gates (4.1) from buildcraft.jar
  191. * BuildCraftAPI|items (1.1) from buildcraft.jar
  192. * BuildCraftAPI|library (2.0) from buildcraft.jar
  193. * BuildCraftAPI|lists (1.0) from buildcraft.jar
  194. * BuildCraftAPI|power (1.3) from buildcraft.jar
  195. * BuildCraftAPI|recipes (3.0) from buildcraft.jar
  196. * BuildCraftAPI|robotics (3.0) from buildcraft.jar
  197. * BuildCraftAPI|statements (1.1) from buildcraft.jar
  198. * BuildCraftAPI|tablet (1.0) from buildcraft.jar
  199. * BuildCraftAPI|tiles (1.2) from Railcraft.jar
  200. * BuildCraftAPI|tools (1.0) from Railcraft.jar
  201. * BuildCraftAPI|transport (4.1) from buildcraft.jar
  202. * CarpentersBlocks|API (3.3.7) from Carpenters-Blocks-
  203. * ChiselAPI (0.1.1) from Chisel.jar
  204. * ChiselAPI|Carving (0.1.1) from Chisel.jar
  205. * ChiselAPI|Rendering (0.1.1) from Chisel.jar
  206. * CoFHAPI (1.7.10R1.0.13) from EnderCore.jar
  207. * CoFHAPI|block (1.7.10R1.1.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  208. * CoFHAPI|core (1.7.10R1.1.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  209. * CoFHAPI|energy (1.7.10R1.0.13) from EnderIO-1.7.10-
  210. * CoFHAPI|fluid (1.7.10R1.1.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  211. * CoFHAPI|inventory (1.7.10R1.0.13) from EnderIO-1.7.10-
  212. * CoFHAPI|item (1.7.10R1.1.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  213. * CoFHAPI|modhelpers (1.7.10R1.1.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  214. * CoFHAPI|tileentity (1.7.10R1.0.13) from EnderIO-1.7.10-
  215. * CoFHAPI|transport (1.7.10R1.0.13) from EnderCore.jar
  216. * CoFHAPI|world (1.7.10R1.1.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  217. * EnderIOAPI (0.0.2) from EnderIO-1.7.10-
  218. * EnderIOAPI|Redstone (0.0.2) from EnderIO-1.7.10-
  219. * EnderIOAPI|Teleport (0.0.2) from EnderIO-1.7.10-
  220. * EnderIOAPI|Tools (0.0.2) from EnderIO-1.7.10-
  221. * ForestryAPI|apiculture (4.8.0) from forestry.jar
  222. * ForestryAPI|arboriculture (4.2.1) from forestry.jar
  223. * ForestryAPI|circuits (3.1.0) from forestry.jar
  224. * ForestryAPI|core (5.0.0) from forestry.jar
  225. * ForestryAPI|farming (2.1.0) from forestry.jar
  226. * ForestryAPI|food (1.1.0) from forestry.jar
  227. * ForestryAPI|fuels (2.0.1) from forestry.jar
  228. * ForestryAPI|genetics (4.7.1) from forestry.jar
  229. * ForestryAPI|hives (4.1.0) from forestry.jar
  230. * ForestryAPI|lepidopterology (1.3.0) from forestry.jar
  231. * ForestryAPI|mail (3.0.0) from forestry.jar
  232. * ForestryAPI|multiblock (3.0.0) from forestry.jar
  233. * ForestryAPI|recipes (5.4.0) from forestry.jar
  234. * ForestryAPI|storage (3.0.0) from forestry.jar
  235. * ForestryAPI|world (2.1.0) from forestry.jar
  236. * gendustryAPI (2.3.0) from gendustry-
  237. * IC2API (1.0) from industrialcraft.jar
  238. * MekanismAPI|core (9.0.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  239. * MekanismAPI|energy (9.0.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  240. * MekanismAPI|gas (9.0.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  241. * MekanismAPI|infuse (9.0.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  242. * MekanismAPI|laser (9.0.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  243. * MekanismAPI|reactor (9.0.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  244. * MekanismAPI|recipe (9.0.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  245. * MekanismAPI|transmitter (9.0.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  246. * MekanismAPI|util (9.0.0) from NuclearCraft.jar
  247. * RailcraftAPI|bore (1.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
  248. * RailcraftAPI|carts (1.6.0) from Railcraft.jar
  249. * RailcraftAPI|core (1.5.0) from Railcraft.jar
  250. * RailcraftAPI|crafting (1.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
  251. * RailcraftAPI|electricity (2.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
  252. * RailcraftAPI|events (1.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
  253. * RailcraftAPI|fuel (1.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
  254. * RailcraftAPI|helpers (1.1.0) from Railcraft.jar
  255. * RailcraftAPI|items (1.0.0) from Railcraft.jar
  256. * RailcraftAPI|locomotive (1.1.0) from Railcraft.jar
  257. * RailcraftAPI|signals (2.3.0) from Railcraft.jar
  258. * RailcraftAPI|tracks (2.3.0) from Railcraft.jar
  259. * Thaumcraft|API ( from Thaumcraft-1.7.10-
  260. * thaumicenergistics|API (1.1) from thaumicenergistics.jar
  261. * WailaAPI (1.2) from WAILA.jar
  262. Chisel: Errors like "[FML]: Unable to lookup ..." are NOT the cause of this crash. You can safely ignore these errors. And update forge while you're at it.
  263. [DummyCore]: 'Special case ASM modification mods: ''Note, that this mods might not be involved in the crash in ANY WAY!''DummyCore just prints some known mods for a lot of ASM modifications''DummyCore''CodeChickenCore'
  264. EnderIO: Found the following problem(s) with your installation:
  265. * Optifine is installed. This is NOT supported.
  266. * The RF API that is being used (1.7.10R1.0.2 from <unknown>) differes from that that is reported as being loaded (1.7.10R1.0.13 from EnderIO-1.7.10-
  267. It is a supported version, but that difference may lead to problems.
  268. This may have caused the error. Try reproducing the crash WITHOUT this/these mod(s) before reporting it.
  269. Forestry : Warning: You have mods that change the behavior of Minecraft, ForgeModLoader, and/or Minecraft Forge to your client:
  270. Optifine
  271. These may have caused this error, and may not be supported. Try reproducing the crash WITHOUT these mods, and report it then.
  272. Info: The following plugins have been disabled in the config: mail, storage
  273. AE2 Integration: IC2:ON, RotaryCraft:OFF, RC:ON, BuildCraftCore:ON, BuildCraftTransport:ON, BuildCraftBuilder:ON, RF:ON, RFItem:ON, MFR:OFF, DSU:ON, FZ:OFF, FMP:ON, RB:OFF, CLApi:OFF, Waila:ON, InvTweaks:OFF, NEI:ON, CraftGuide:OFF, Mekanism:OFF, ImmibisMicroblocks:OFF, BetterStorage:OFF, OpenComputers:OFF, PneumaticCraft:OFF
  274. Armourer's Workshop:
  275. Render Type: MODEL_ATTACHMENT
  276. Texture Render: false
  277. Baking Queue: 0
  278. Request Queue: 0
  279. Texture Painting: false
  280. Multipass Skin Rendering: true
  281. Launched Version: 1.7.10
  282. LWJGL: 2.9.1
  283. OpenGL: Intel(R) HD Graphics GL version 4.4.0 - Build, Intel
  284. GL Caps: Using GL 1.3 multitexturing.
  285. Using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 3.0 is supported and separate blending is supported.
  286. Anisotropic filtering is supported and maximum anisotropy is 16.
  287. Shaders are available because OpenGL 2.1 is supported.
  289. Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge'
  290. Type: Client (map_client.txt)
  291. Resource Packs: []
  292. Current Language: Русский (Россия)
  293. Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
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