

Aug 26th, 2021
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  1. Pangea. There was one land mass before the flood. Then in 2458BC the flood broke up the land into 7 major continents. The land masses moving created mountain ranges you see, and Africa moving the least is why it has few mountains. Then the floods covered the earth. Ocean water ate away limestone giving us caves. As the waters receding canyons were created. This is evident in the Grand Canyon and the lack of exposure between the strata lawyers. After the waters were receded there was an ice age. This ice age helped the animals to repopulade the globe humans quickly recovered great numbers and built the tower of Babel. After the tower was cast down they spread out in 70 base languages. All knew how to build, hunt, gather, grow and had a 7 day week and knowledge of constellations and growing seasons (Rome tried an 8 day week but only for a little while why trying to develop a solar calendar.) A few coastal cities were built and then destroyed by the ending of the ice age. The Babylonian civilization, Egyptian civilization, Indus Valley civilization, Greek civilization and the 1st Chinese dynasty all start within a 150 years of each other. Egyptians ruled concurrently and had many pharaohs over a shot time frame. History supports the Bible, not fantasy. Life couldn't exist 600k years ago with the moon so close, let alone millions of years ago.
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