
Gladiator Anon [Magicless]

Dec 24th, 2017
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  1. >Be Twilight.
  2. “Alright, now I want you to focus as much as possible to make this cup move.” You say moving away from the table.
  3. >Anon sighs.
  4. >”Twilight, it's not gonna work. I already told you, humans don't have magic.”
  5. >You stomp your hooves in frustration.
  6. “But you do! You have too, it makes no sense that you'd have a immunity to magic by using a passive magic but can't utilize said magic to cast spells!”
  7. >He places a hand on your back.
  8. >”It's alright Twi. I really appreciate your help, but if I do have any I'm sure I'll be able use it sooner or later.” He says rubbing your back.
  9. >Maybe he's right, maybe you can't force magic. While it'd be nice for him to be able to and you're sure it would make a massive scientific breakthrough maybe you're doing more harm than good trying to force it.
  10. >Maybe, just maybe, you should give Anon space to figure out his powers on his own.
  11. >…
  12. >Nah, forget that!
  13. “Stop being lazy and lift the cup!”
  14. >Anon groans and point's his hand at the cup focusing.
  15. >Come on!
  16. >You can do it!
  17. >Just a little more!
  18. >He sighs and lowers his hand.
  19. >”This isn't working, and I've got to be somewhere. Can we delay this tomorrow?”
  20. >You wave a hoof at him.
  21. “Sure, same time as always.”
  22. >You say walking over to your desk with a calendar and cross out Anon's name on today and writing it on tomorrow.
  23. >”It's alright Twi, you'll figure it out eventually. See ya tomorrow.”
  24. “See you tomorrow Anon.”
  25. >With that he leaves you to your research.
  26. >Be Anon.
  27. >You're so late!
  28. >You rush from Twilight's castle back to your house and wave to a few ponies as you pass.
  29. >You make it to your house and notice a all too familiar guard waiting out side.
  30. >”You're late.” She says coldly.
  31. “I know and I'm sorry Flare.”
  32. >She snorts.
  33. >”Don't be sorry to me. Be sorry to -them-. Now come on.” She says opening your door and heading towards the basement.
  34. >You follow quickly.
  35. >As you enter the basement you see the dark blue portal already open.
  36. >You grab your armor and sword as you pass them quickly putting on the armor as you walk towards it all except the helmet.
  37. >Your armor is nothing too fancy.
  38. >Gray steel with a few scratches across it and a once well made green cape that's now torn and tattered.
  39. >The only not as worn is the massive sun emblem across the chest, and the only reason it's not in poor condition is because -she- doesn't let it.
  40. >Should it be damaged you're to repaint it.
  41. >You enter the portal and are met with the muffled roar of the crowd.
  42. >You now stand at your entry point of the stadium.
  43. >The only thing separating you and the center is a massive gate that can be pulled up by two cranks.
  44. >”You're late.” Gate Keeper says
  45. >”He knows, I've already told him.” Flare says walking over to her crank and biting the handle.
  46. >Gate snorts.
  47. >”Well since you kept the princesses waiting she's allowed a Solar Guard to challenge you for your spot as champion."
  48. “Wonderful. Well let's not keep her waiting.”
  49. >You say putting on your helmet.
  50. >As you do the gate slowly raises with the grunts of the two ponies.
  51. >You quickly walk out from the entry and the crowd roars louder.
  52. >You raise your arms up and show off for the crowd as you look around as the gate slams shut behind you.
  53. >In front of you in her royal observations area or whatever it's called is Luna, below her is her champion’s entry gate.
  54. >To the right of you is Solar challenger’s entry point left is the Lunar challenger’s entry point.
  55. >”Champion!” A all too familiar angry royal voice calls from behind you.
  56. >You make your way to the center of the arena being sure to avoid the many pits.
  57. >You turn to look at Celestia as you enter the center.
  58. “My princess!” You call. “You allow a challenger to question my championship!? Am I no longer needed of you!?”
  59. >You say expanding your arms and do a turn a circle as you continue talking.
  60. “Have I not fought in your name!? Have I not defeated many pony and dragon!? Am I not your champion!?” You say as you lower your arms and look up at Celestia.
  61. >She stares down at you with cold eyes.
  62. >”You have fought well my champion, but your constant disregard for my arena and it's ponies within leaves me to wonder, is your loyalty truly within me?” She calls down.
  63. “So be it! I shall best this false challenger and prove my loyalty! Show me my enemy!”
  64. >She nods and the gate opens.
  65. >Out comes a larger than average pony with massive armor and a battle axe in it's magic.
  66. >Sun emblems cover it and a Equestrian flag flies high attached to a poll on it's side.
  67. >This may be a challenge.
  68. >”Let the fight commence!” Celestia calls.
  69. >You take a battle stance as the massively armored pony begins it's approach.
  70. >Maybe if you slash it's back legs you can cut off some armo-
  71. >”AHHH"
  72. *BOOM*
  73. >…
  74. >This moron fell into a pit…
  75. >The -only- pit on it's side…
  76. >You look over to Celestia who has a hoof to her forehead as she mumbles to herself.
  77. >Luna on the other hand is about to lose her sides.
  78. >The crowd seems to agree with Luna.
  79. >”Just… release the other champion.” Celestia calls before mumbling something about hating those pits.
  80. >Up goes Luna's gate and the champion night guard is released.
  81. >His armor is dark blue and much lighter and easier to move in than the challenger.
  82. >As they begin to walk towards you sing a song to yourself.
  83. ‘Fall in tha pit! Fall in tha pit!’
  84. >They walk around the pit.
  85. ‘Dammit!’
  86. >You raise your sword and stare down at armored pony.
  87. >You notice a horn on it's head.
  88. >They haven't been bested yet?
  89. >Good, you like fighting this one.
  90. “Come now little pony. I won't hurt you… much.”
  91. >It growls and rushes you falling for the taunt.
  92. >As it approaches a massive spear ejects and is caught by the pony's magic.
  93. >That's new!
  94. >You slash at the spear as it goes for a jab and quickly rush the pony.
  95. >You do a quick left towards the pony and it dodges.
  96. >But unlike a spear in magic you quickly rework yourself and nail it right across the muzzle.
  97. >Just as you do you're stabbed in the back with the spear.
  98. “Gah!”
  99. >You scream in pain as you swing at the pony with your sword cutting it's throat.
  100. >You both fall to the floor of the stadium.
  101. >Either way the crowd cheers.
  102. >As you bleed out you hear the referee call.
  103. >”Due to the fact the sun champion still lives even if for a bit longer. The victor is Celestia.”
  104. >The last thing you hear as you black out is cheers and boos filling the crowd.
  105. >…
  106. >Be Celestia.
  107. >Anonymous’s lifeless body lays before you on a stretcher.
  108. >It's sad to see your champion fall…
  109. >Is it wrong to fall for them?
  110. >You know they will fall in combat.
  111. >But, it's the fact they do it for -you- that makes you care for them.
  112. >”Princess, it's ready.”
  113. >You look at the doctor as he approaches with a massive vile of foal liquid.
  114. >”May I proceed my princess?”
  115. >You nod.
  116. >He approaches Anonymous’s body and opens it's mouth pouring the liquid down.
  117. >After it's all gone he backs away.
  118. >Nothing happen for a bit until-
  119. >”Gah! Mother fucker!” Anon says slinging up. “Christ almighty! Could you lil’ shits not make that shit taste so foul!?”
  120. >The doctor hums.
  121. >”We could, but then you'd have no fear of death.”
  122. >”No fear!?” Anon yells. “I do fear it! Shit hurts like fuck!”
  123. >The doctor rolls his eyes.
  124. >”Quit being a baby, at least you're alive. Besides, you have visitors.” The doctor says pointing a hoof to you.
  125. >Anon looks over at you.
  126. >”Oh, hey Tia. Here to give me the paycheck in person?”
  127. >You snort.
  128. “Yes and no. I'd like to thank you for your performance.”
  129. >You say motioning for the doctor to leave.
  130. >He does so locking the door behind him.
  131. >”I kinda thought I over did it.”
  132. “I did too. But the nobles paid a lot of bits today.”
  133. >You say floating over the check.
  134. >Anon looks at it wide eyed.
  135. >”Holy- nine hundred thousand bits!?” He ask in surprise.
  136. >You smile.
  137. “A lot of nobles and politics from different nations were in the crowd today.”
  138. >All of the sudden Anon rushes you wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight mumbling thank yous.
  139. >You feel your wings move to wrap around him but stop yourself.
  140. >You don't want to scare him away.
  141. >Soon to your dislike he lets you go.
  142. >”S-Sorry about that. It's just… this is a lot of bits. I'll be able to pay off a lot of stuff!”
  143. “Yes, well, you earned them.”
  144. >You say as you flick a back hoof.
  145. >”So… what was this fight about?” He ask eager to change the subject.
  146. >Oh yeah, you nearly forgot.
  147. “Oh, the loser has to take lead of the country for a week while the winner gets a vacation.”
  148. >”Really? That's nice.”
  149. “Mhmm.”
  150. >”So how's the other pony?”
  151. >Always worried about the opponent.
  152. “Oh they’ll be fine in a few hours.”
  153. >”Alright, good.”
  154. >Anon gets up out of bed and heads to the door.
  155. >”Well, I won't keep you. Enjoy your vacation!” He says waving.
  156. “W-Wait!”
  157. >You call out by accident.
  158. >He looks back confused.
  159. >”What's up Tia?”
  160. >You struggle with your words.
  161. >Come on Celestia! Get a grip!
  162. >You shake your head.
  163. “Nothing… my bad.”
  164. >Anon raises a eyebrow.
  165. >”Well, just let me know if you do need something. Later.”
  166. >And with that he's gone.
  167. >Well, guess you can still enjoy your vacation.
  168. >Even if it's alone…
  170. >Be Anon.
  171. >Well it's good to be alive again.
  172. >You're walking down one of the halls of the Gladiator Revival and Healing Ward to find your ‘opponent’.
  173. >You say opponent but they're actually really nice.
  174. >More like a rival seeing as neither of you have ‘killed' the other without getting ‘killed' yourselves.
  175. >But that's why you're both are the champions of your respected side.
  176. >Hell, even before you were both champions you were rivals.
  177. >You remember it like yesterday.
  178. >The two of you throwing insults at the other as you sat in the waiting room for the low ranking fighters saying you'd drop the other with no problem.
  179. >Fighting for the first time dirty.
  180. >Slinging sand at the other before ramming them with a elbow or horn.
  181. >Them figuring out magic doesn't work on you.
  182. >Falling to the ground trying to get the upper hand or hoof as you rolled across the stadium.
  183. >Both of you feeling the ground leaving you as you roll into one of the holes.
  184. >The first massive pay you both got afterwards.
  185. >You both put a down payment on a house in two different towns before paying a local smith to make custom armor to beat the other.
  186. >You had gone for a flashy Smough look while he went for some kind of moon based heavy armor.
  187. >Both of you moved -so- slow and by the end got too exhausted to fight anymore and it was called a tie.
  188. >Getting Ornstein armor only to find out they got some kind of pony Artorias armor.
  189. While you both could move faster you found yourselves sweating a lot due to the closed off face plate.
  190. >Both armors were a bust.
  191. >You do miss the spear though.
  192. >That shit was cool.
  193. >Now you wear some upgraded golden armor given to you by Celestia as a gift to her champion and your rival the same with Luna, exempt theirs is some dark blue moon based armor that's constantly updated.
  194. >You don't let Celestia update yours.
  195. >Only puts more stuff on there to break.
  196. >God you remember the first time you wore that armor.
  197. >Ponies, Griffons, minotaurs, and goodness knows what else were trying their best to sponsor you and cram their ugly logos on you.
  198. >You shot them all down.
  199. >Putting anything but that sun logo seems like a insult.
  200. >You hate doing upkeep on the damn thing but you won't disrespect it by putting a pony with it's tongue sticking out with a carrot in it's mouth beside it.
  201. >There's no way that mare didn't notice how lewd that shit was!
  202. >You stop at your daydreaming as you make it to your friend’s recovery room.
  204. >”Hey Anon you dick!” A voice calls from inside as you open the door.
  205. >”Stop moving so quick! You -just- got revived you crazy bat!” A angry doctor scolds.
  206. >You can't help but laugh.
  207. “Hey cut her some slack, she's just angry she hasn't kicked my ass yet.”
  208. >She puffs up her cheeks and glares at you.
  209. >Then she gets a cocky grin.
  210. >”-You- haven't beat -me- yet either monkey boy!” Mighty Spear says puffing up her tuft.
  211. >You shrug.
  212. “At least I don't have to upgrade my armor every fight, cheater!”
  213. >She rolls her eyes.
  214. >”Whatever you say. I still don't buy you have a ‘natural immunity’ to magic yet can use potions.” She says hopping off the hospital bed to the doctor’s dismay.
  215. >”You two are insane, I swear you both -like- the feeling of death.” He says shaking his head.
  216. “Oh doc~ you just don't know how much it get's me off at night~”
  217. >You say faking a sultry voice.
  218. >Spear grins and puts a hoof behind her head.
  219. >”Oh Faust above~ the feeling of blood leaving my neck~ how wet it makes me!” She rubbing her hoof up and down the back of her neck slowly.
  220. >The doctor just sighs as he opens the door to leave.
  221. >”You two are the most perverted champions I've ever had to deal with"
  222. >”You love us!” You both shout as he closes the door.
  223. >After a bit of laughter you both calm down.
  224. >”So Anon, I've been meaning to ask. Why'd you become a gladiator for Celestia?” Spear ask looking at you with a tilted head.
  225. >That's a good question.
  226. >You begin to think for a bit before you remember.
  227. “Well when I first heard about it I thought it was completely barbaric and insane for ponies. But then after a bit of research and finding out there's no real threat I gave it a try. Got a good pay, was able to move out from Twilight's, so on so forth.”
  228. >”Okay… but why Celestia? Didn't they give you a choice?”
  229. >That's a easier question.
  230. “I liked her armor colors more than Lulu's.”
  231. >”And what is wrong with our colors Anonymous?” A voice from the door ask making you jump.
  232. >You look towards the door and see Luna staring at you.
  233. >”My princess!” Spear yelps with a salute.
  234. >You wave before speaking.
  235. “White and gold is just better than black and blue.”
  236. >Spear slings her head to look at you with horror.
  237. >”Is that so?” Luna ask a eyebrow raised.
  238. “Yeah.”
  239. >You reply simply.
  240. >She continues to stare at you for a bit.
  241. >Not glaring, just seems like she's trying to get you to second guess yourself.
  242. >It won't work.
  243. >That white and gold just look much better.
  244. >”Hm, well I suppose everyone has their own taste.” She says as her stare softens up.
  245. >That's actually really mature.
  246. >You kinda feel like a di-
  247. >”Your taste just so happens to be garbage.” She says now looking smug as can be.
  248. >Never mind, you just remembered how cocky Luna can be.
  249. >You still remember her yelling at the noble who threw popcorn in the ring for thirty minutes.
  250. >”S-So, what do I owe this visit my princess?” Spear ask, eager to change the subject.
  251. >Why is she so scared of offending Luna?
  252. >Yeah she's cocky but it's not like she'll send her to the dungeons for saying her name.
  253. >”Well, we were coming to inform you and Anonymous that it has been a full year sense you both became our sister's and ourselves’ champion tomorrow.”
  254. >Holy shit, has it really been that long?
  255. >Time flies when you're having fun you guess.
  256. >”Thank you my princess. It has been a honor to serve you for so long!” Spear says with a look of pride.
  257. >Is her tail wagging?
  258. >That is so cute!
  259. >You're -so- going to tease her about it later!
  260. >”Yes, and as a show of gratitude our sister and ourselves wish to take you both with us on a vacation.”
  261. >Wait… how did Luna get a vacation, didn't she have to fill in for Celestia for a week?
  262. >”Yes! Thank you my princess!” Spear says holding back no excitement as she bows then begins to dance in place.
  263. >So. Cute!
  264. >Luna looks at you waiting for a reply.
  265. >All you've got to do tomorrow is test with Twilight so you're basically free.
  266. “Sure.”
  267. >Should be pretty fun, it's been awhile since you got to spend some time with Tia.
  268. >Luna nods looking pleased with her replies.
  269. >”Good, we will pick you both up at three o' clock.” Luna says as she leaves.
  270. >You and Spear sit in silence for a bit after she leaves.
  271. >Then you're whacked in the side.
  272. “Hey! That hurt ya' sly bitch!”
  273. >”I'm glad! What were you thinking talking to Luna like that!” She yells back a look of anger and hate covering her face.
  274. “What, she asked what the issue with her colors were?”
  275. >You get hit again.
  276. >How does this small pony hit so hard with bare hoofs!
  277. >”You don't talk to a princess like that! Please tell me you don't talk to Celestia like that!”
  278. “Well yeah, Tia's is cool with a bit of banter.”
  279. >You see no issue with it.
  280. >Celestia and Luna seem to be fine with it, hell they even throw some insults back at you if you're joking.
  281. >But from the fierce glare on Spear's face, she does see a problem with it.
  282. >She slaps her face with her hoof.
  283. >”Oh Celestia, please don't talk to Celestia like that tomorrow…”
  284. “Why?”
  285. >And that just made her jaw drop.
  286. >”Why? Why!?” She yells loud enough to hurt your ears. “If you talk to the princess like -that- around other ponies you could be seen as a traitor! Your reputation in -and- out of the pit!”
  287. >You really didn't think about that.
  288. >Some of these ponies see the princesses as gods, especially in Ponyville.
  289. >While they're friendly as can be you can't imagine them being very happy with you if they here about you saying something ‘disrespectful’ to Celestia.
  290. >You begin to worry about tomorrow.
  291. >Spear takes notice of this.
  292. >”It's alright! Just be respectful as can be, that means no banter, no short names like ‘Tia' or anything like that. Just my princess, Celestia. Also, dress properly! Go get a suit-
  294. >Be Luna.
  295. >You're back at your sister's room.
  296. >”Well, what did he say?” Your sister ask eagerly.
  297. “He said ‘sure'.”
  298. >In a rush you're taken to the ground by the white blur known as your sister.
  299. >Your muzzle is attacked by joyful nuzzling.
  300. >”Thank you, thank you, thank you! You don't know how much this means to me Luna!”
  301. >You try to free yourself from the nuzzle attack but are unable to escape your sister's tight grip.
  302. “Yes, understand your appreciation! Please release us!”
  303. >The nuzzles stop and you are released.
  304. >You quickly get up and brush down your fur with a hoof.
  305. >Your sister laughs nervously.
  306. >”Sorry about that Luna.” She says still smiling.
  307. “It's alright. Why are you so excited? You even admitted you don't know if you really care for him yet.”
  308. >”Well, it's just been so long since I even thought I cared for somepony -that way-.”
  309. >You can understand that but still.
  310. “Just be careful sister, we don't want to see you getting hurt.”
  311. >She nods.
  312. >”I know Luna. I will be safe, that's why it's not really a date. I'm testing the waters, that way if we go out and I'm not interested he won't be hurt. If I am I'll invite him out again. Simple.”
  313. >You still don't like it.
  314. >You know how clingy your sister can get.
  315. >But you also know she needs someone other than you to care about.
  316. >Those hugs are getting too tight!
  317. “Alright. Have you messaged Twilight yet?”
  318. >”Mhmm, she's -very- eager to run day court tomorrow.”
  319. >That poor young mare.
  320. >She stands no chance against the hoards of whining nobles…
  321. >Better her than you!
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