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a guest
Jul 8th, 2017
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  1. #===========================================
  2. # Default Messages file for english
  3. #===========================================
  4. #===========================================
  6. #===========================================
  7. # Common Literals
  8. #===========================================
  9. literal.yes = Yes
  10. = No
  11. = Info
  12. literal.notice = Notice
  13. literal.unknown_user = Unknown User
  14. literal.hint = Hint
  16. #===========================================
  17. # Common messages
  18. #===========================================
  19. message.welcome = Welcome to Corazon!
  20. message.no_entries = No matching entry could be found.
  21. message.entries_found = Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries.
  22. message.entries_filtered = \ (filtered from _MAX_ total entries)
  23. message.entry_found = Exactly one entry has been found.
  24. message.nothing_found = No matching entry could be found.
  26. message.create_successful.title = Create successful!
  27. message.create_successful.message = The entity has been successfully created.
  29. message.update_successful.title = Changes saved!
  30. message.update_successful.message = The changes have been applied successfully.
  32. message.delete_successful.title = Record deleted!
  33. message.delete_successful.message = The record has been successfully deleted.
  35. message.upload_successful.title = Upload Complete!
  36. message.upload_successful.message = The file has been successfully uploaded to the server.
  38. message.dialog.confirm_close = There are unsaved changes right now. Are you sure that you want to quit?
  40. message.created_by = Created by
  41. message.updated_by = Last updated by
  43. message.confirm_delete = Are you sure that you want to delete the selected element?
  44. message.confirm_overwrite_file = An entry with the given name does already exist. Should it be overwritten?
  45. message.specify_folder_name = Please enter the name of the new Folder.
  46. message.file_or_folder_already_exists = A file or folder with the given name already exists. Please choose a different \
  47. one
  48. message.characters_left = Characters left
  50. #===========================================
  51. # Common errors
  52. #===========================================
  53. # HTTP Errors:
  54. error.not_found.title = Resource not found!
  55. error.not_found.description = The requested site or resource could not be found on the server.
  56. error.not_found.message = If you are sure, the resource should actually be existent, please contact the support.
  58. error.unauthorized.title = Unauthorized access!
  59. error.unauthorized.description = The requested resource needs special permissions to be accessed, which you do not have at this time.
  60. error.unauthorized.message = If you know you should actually be able to or need to access this resource, please contact the administrator.
  62. error.unknown.title = Something went wrong!
  63. error.unknown.description = The server has encountered an unexpected error, while processing your request.
  64. error.unknown.message = If the error continues to occur, please contact the support.
  65. error.invalid_fields = The following fields have not been filled correctly
  67. # REST Errors
  68. error.unknown_error.title = Something went wrong!
  69. error.unknown_error.message = An unexpected error occurred while trying to process your request. If the error keeps \
  70. appearing, please contact the support.
  72. error.unauthorized_access.title = Insufficient permissions!
  73. error.unauthorized_access.message = Sorry, you do not have the required permission for this action.
  75. error.validation_failed.title = Invalid input given!
  76. error.validation_failed.message = Your request could not be processed, since some input fields were not filled in or formatted correctly.
  78. error.data_access_failed.title = Data access failed!
  79. error.data_access_failed.message = There was an error while trying to read or write data. If the error keeps occurring, \
  80. please contact the support.
  82. error.data_integrity_violated.title = Data Integrity violated!
  83. error.data_integrity_violated.message = The current operation could not be executed due to data integrity violations. \
  84. Most likely, the current record could not be edited, since it is referenced by another record.
  86. error.duplicate_key.title = Create failed!
  87. error.duplicate_key.message = An entity with the given key does already exist. Two entities with the same key must not co-exist.
  89. error.null_pointer.title = Something went wrong!
  90. error.null_pointer.message = Some necessary information could not be retrieved by the System. This is usually an \
  91. indicator, that an object with the given key does not exist in the database.
  93. error.payload_size_exceeded.title = Upload size exceeded!
  94. error.payload_size_exceeded.message = Please reduce the size of the file or upload another one.
  95. error.payload_size_exceeded.description = The server is unwilling to process that large requests.
  97. error.upload_file_size_exceeded.title = File too large!
  98. error.upload_file_size_exceeded.message = The file is too large to be uploaded.
  100. # User Administration Errors
  101. error.system_username_reserved = The username 'system' is reserved and thus cannot be used for other users.
  102. error.delete_default_tax_category = The default Tax Category may not be deleted!
  103. error.new_password_not_allowed = The new password has to be at least 5 characters long.
  104. error.old_password_mismatch = The current password is wrong.
  105. error.invalid_iban = The given IBAN is not valid!
  106. error.invalid_bic = The given BIC is not valid!
  108. # Article Errors
  109. error.article_not_found = An article with the given ID does not exist.
  110. error.replaced_article_not_found = The article with the given replacing article ID could not be found.
  111. error.negative_price = Price values must not be negative!
  112. error.negative_sales_price = Sales price value must not be negative!
  113. error.negative_purchase_price = Purchase price value must not be negative!
  114. error.negative_list_price = List price value must not be negative!
  115. error.article_cannot_be_removed_from_store = An already stored article may not be set to be not stored!
  117. # Warehouse Errors
  118. error.unknown_booking_type = The specified booking type is invalid.
  119. error.non_positive_booking_amount = The booking amount has to be greater than 0.
  120. error.no_such_storage_location = The specified storage location does not exist.
  121. error.storage_location_disabled = The given storage location is inactive.
  122. error.storage_article_id_mismatch = Other articles is already stored in the given storage location. They have to be\
  123. removed before adding new articles.
  124. error.no_such_article = An article with the given ID does not exist.
  125. error.duplicate_storage_location = A storage location with the given location does already exist.
  126. error.booking_amount_exceeds_quantity = The amount exceeds the quantity currently present in the given storage location.
  127. error.booking_equal_source_and_destination = The source and destination storage locations must not be equal.
  129. #Sales Errors
  130. error.unsupported_currency = The given currency unit is not supported!
  131. error.unknown_offer = An offer with the given ID does not exist!
  132. error.unknown_user = A user with the given username does not exist!
  133. error.invalid_valid_until_date = The valid-until date may not be in the past!
  134. error.negative_freight_costs = Freight costs must not be negative or zero!
  135. error.invalid_delivery_date = Delivery date must not be i the past!
  136. error.no_harbour_specified = A harbour has to be specified for the selected delivery terms!
  137. error.unknown_offer_item = An offer item with the given offer ID or item ID does not exist!
  138. error.article_not_active = The selected article is currently not active and thus not valid for an order item!
  139. error.invalid_quantity = The quantity must not be negative or zero!
  140. error.invalid_item_delivery_date = The item's delivery date must not be in the past!
  141. error.unknown_customer = A customer with the given customer ID does not exist!
  142. error.inactive_customer = The given customer is not active!
  143. error.invalid_tax_rate = The Tax rate has to be between 0% and 100%!
  144. error.invalid_discount_value = The Discount has to be between 0% and 100%!
  145. error.negative_sales_price_net = Net Sales Price must not be negative!
  147. #===========================================
  148. # Common Fields
  149. #===========================================
  150. field.username = Username
  151. field.password = Password
  152. field.forename = Forename
  153. field.last_name = Last name
  154. = Name
  155. = Email
  156. field.email_address = Email Address
  157. field.phone_number = Phone Number
  158. field.fax_number = Fax Number
  159. field.department = Department
  160. field.is_active = Active
  161. field.is_admin = Administrator
  162. field.last_login = Last Login
  163. field.can_view = View
  164. field.can_create = Create
  165. field.can_update = Update
  166. field.can_delete = Delete
  167. field.privilege_name = Privilege Name
  168. field.language = Language
  169. field.currency = Currency
  170. field.old_password = Old Password
  171. field.new_password = New Password
  172. field.confirmation = Confirmation
  173. field.time = Time
  174. field.locale = Locale
  175. field.street = Street
  176. field.house_number = House Number
  177. field.zip_code = Zip Code
  178. = City
  179. = Country
  180. field.address = Address
  181. field.phone_number_1 = Phone Number 1
  182. field.phone_number_2 = Phone Number 2
  183. field.mobile_phone_number = Mobile Phone Number
  184. = Website
  185. field.title = Title
  186. field.gender = Gender
  187. field.gender_female = Female
  188. field.gender_male = Male
  189. field.customer = Customer
  190. field.harbour = Harbour
  191. field.size = Size
  192. field.show_discount_on_printout = Show Discount on Printout
  193. field.show_delivery_information_on_printout = Show Delivery Information on Printout
  194. field.printout_info_text_above_item_table = Additional Text above item table
  195. field.printout_info_text_below_item_table = Additional Text below item table
  196. field.company_name = Company Name
  197. field.legal_form = Legal Form
  198. field.board_of_directors = General Manager(s)
  199. field.company_registration_number = Company Reg. No.
  200. field.bank_institute = Bank Institute
  201. field.iban = IBAN
  202. field.bic = BIC
  203. = ID
  204. field.tax_rate = Tax Rate
  205. field.include_taxes = Include Taxes
  206. field.vat_tax_rate = VAT Tax Rate
  207. field.tax_category = Tax Category
  208. field.article_group = Article Group
  210. title.gender.male = Mr.
  211. title.gender.female = Ms.
  213. # Articles
  214. field.article_id = Article ID
  215. field.article_label = Article Label
  216. field.manufacturer = Manufacturer
  217. field.purchase_price = Purchase Price
  218. field.sales_price = Sales Price
  219. field.sales_price_net = Sales Price (net)
  220. field.sales_price_gross = Sales Price (gross)
  221. field.tax_due = Tax due
  222. field.manufacturer_number = Manufacturer Number
  223. field.article_description = Article Description
  224. field.weight = Weight
  225. field.replacement_for = Replacement for
  226. field.is_stored = Is Stored
  228. # Storage Locations
  229. field.storage_location = Storage Location
  230. field.quantity = Quantity
  231. field.source_storage_location = Source Storage Location
  232. field.destination_storage_location = Destination Storage Location
  233. field.amount = Amount
  234. field.order_id = Order ID
  235. field.purchase_id = Purchase ID
  236. field.comment = Comment
  237. = Active
  238. field.booked_by = Booked by
  239. field.description = Description
  240. field.quantity_before = Quantity Before
  241. field.quantity_after = Quantity After
  243. #Customers
  244. field.customer_id = Customer ID
  245. field.customer_name = Customer Name
  246. field.customer_type = Customer Type
  247. field.vat_number = VAT Number
  248. field.payment_terms = Terms of Payment
  249. field.default_discount = Standard Discount
  250. field.delivery_terms = Terms of Delivery
  251. field.business_line = Business Line
  252. field.address_type = Address Type
  253. field.invoice_address = Invoice-to Address
  254. field.delivery_address = Ship-to Address
  255. field.offer_id = Offer ID
  256. field.total_value = Total Value
  257. field.responsible_user = Responsible User
  258. field.valid_until = Valid until
  259. = Offer Date
  260. field.customer_inquiry_number = Customer Inquiry No.
  261. field.customer_order_number = Customer Order Number
  262. field.inquiry_date = Inquiry Date
  263. field.qty = Quantity
  264. field.margin = Margin
  265. field.delivery_date = Delivery Date
  266. field.line_price_net = Line Price (net)
  267. field.line_price_gross = Line Price (gross)
  268. field.freight_costs = Freight Costs
  269. field.total_margin = Total Margin
  270. field.total_net = Total Net Value
  271. field.total_gross = Total Gross Value
  272. field.total_taxes = Total Taxes
  273. field.is_partial_shipment = Partial Shipment
  274. field.transport_type = Transportation
  275. field.packaging = Packaging
  276. field.warranty = Warranty
  277. field.list_price = List Price
  278. = Discount
  279. field.message_code = Message Key
  281. transport_type.truck = Truck
  282. transport_type.train = Train
  283. transport_type.ship = Ship
  284. transport_type.air = Plane
  286. #===========================================
  287. # Common Actions
  288. #===========================================
  289. action.sign_in = Sign In
  290. = Search
  291. = Save
  292. action.create = Create New
  293. action.create_folder = Create Folder
  294. action.edit = Edit
  295. action.delete = Delete
  296. action.cancel = Cancel
  297. action.close = Close
  298. action.ok = Ok
  299. action.confirm = Confirm
  300. action.accept = Accept
  301. action.decline = Decline
  302. action.reset_fields = Reset Fields
  303. action.back = Back
  304. action.clone = Clone
  305. action.change_password = Change Password
  306. action.create_booking = Create Storage Booking
  307. = New Storage Location
  308. action.create_booking_fill_correction = Correction
  309. action.create_booking_debit_correction = Correction
  310. action.create_booking_rearrangement = Rearrangement
  311. action.create_booking_debit_order = Order
  312. action.create_booking_fill_purchase = Purchase
  313. action.create_booking_debit_disposal = Disposal
  314. action.create_booking_fill_rearrangement = Rearrangement
  315. action.create_booking_debit_rearrangement = Rearrangement
  316. action.new_address = Add Address
  317. action.new_contact_person = Add Contact Person
  318. action.write = Write
  319. action.preview = Preview
  320. action.upload_file = Upload File
  321. action.upload = Upload
  322. action.folder_go_back = Go Back
  323. action.refresh = Refresh
  324. action.add_item = Add Item
  325. action.download_printout = Download Printout
  326. action.save_printout = Save Printout as Attachment
  328. #===========================================
  329. # Common Placeholders
  330. #===========================================
  331. = Name
  332. placeholder.username = User
  333. placeholder.password = Password
  334. placeholder.set_new_password = Fill to set a new Password
  335. placeholder.forename = Forename
  336. placeholder.last_name = Last name
  337. = Email
  338. placeholder.email_address = Email Address
  339. placeholder.phone_number = Phone Number
  340. placeholder.fax_number = Fax Number
  341. placeholder.department = User's Department within the Company
  342. placeholder.last_login = Last Login Date and Time
  343. = Search for a specific Privilege
  344. placeholder.article = Article
  345. placeholder.article_description = Article Description
  346. placeholder.article_label = Article Label
  347. placeholder.manufacturer = Manufacturer
  348. placeholder.manufacturer_number = Manufacturer Number
  349. placeholder.purchase_price = Purchase Price
  350. placeholder.sales_price = Sales Price
  351. placeholder.sales_price_net = Net Sales Price
  352. placeholder.sales_price_gross = Gross Sales Price
  353. placeholder.weight = Weight
  354. placeholder.is_active = Active
  355. placeholder.old_password = Your current password
  356. placeholder.new_password = New Password
  357. placeholder.confirm_new_password = Confirm your new password
  358. placeholder.replacement_for = ID of the replaced Article
  359. placeholder.privilege_name = Privilege Name
  360. placeholder.storage_location = Storage Location
  361. placeholder.quantity = Quantity
  362. placeholder.source_storage_location = Source Storage Location
  363. placeholder.destination_storage_location = Destination Storage Location
  364. placeholder.amount = Amount
  365. placeholder.order_id = Order ID
  366. placeholder.purchase_id = Purchase ID
  367. placeholder.comment = Comment
  368. placeholder.article_id = Article ID
  369. placeholder.locale = Locale
  370. placeholder.street = Street
  371. placeholder.house_number = House No.
  372. placeholder.zip_code = Postal Code
  373. = City
  374. = Country
  375. placeholder.phone_number_1 = Phone No.
  376. placeholder.phone_number_2 = Alternate Phone No.
  377. placeholder.mobile_phone_number = Mobile Phone No.
  378. = Website, Homepage, URL
  379. placeholder.customer_id = Auto-generated
  380. placeholder.customer_name = Name
  381. placeholder.vat_number = VAT
  382. placeholder.business_line = Line of Business
  383. placeholder.title = Title (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Dr.)
  384. placeholder.offer_id = Auto-generated
  385. placeholder.filter = Filter
  386. = Date
  387. placeholder.freight_costs = Carrying Costs
  388. placeholder.packaging = Packaging Type
  389. placeholder.harbour = Shipment Harbour
  390. placeholder.warranty = Warranty Information
  391. placeholder.list_price = Default Sales Price
  392. = Item Discount
  393. placeholder.line_price_net = Net Line Price
  394. placeholder.line_price_gross = Gross Line Price
  395. placeholder.valid_until = Valid Period
  396. placeholder.delivery_address = Delivery Address
  397. placeholder.invoice_address = Invoice Address
  398. placeholder.customer_inquiry_number = Inquiry Number
  399. placeholder.customer_order_number = Order ID in customers system
  400. placeholder.inquiry_date = Inquiry Date
  401. placeholder.delivery_date = Scheduled Date of Delivery
  402. placeholder.printout_info_text_above_item_table = Additional information text shown above the item table on the printout
  403. placeholder.printout_info_text_below_item_table = Additional information text shown below the item table on the printout
  404. placeholder.message_code = Message Code
  405. placeholder.legal_form = Legal Form of the Company (GmbH, Ltd. etc.)
  406. placeholder.company_name = Name of the Company
  407. placeholder.board_of_directors = Board of Directors
  408. placeholder.company_registration_number = Company Registration Number
  409. placeholder.bank_institute = Name of Bank Institute
  410. placeholder.iban = International Bank Account Number
  411. placeholder.bic = Bank Institute Code
  412. = Identifier
  413. placeholder.tax_rate = Tax Rate Percentage
  414. placeholder.vat_tax_rate = Default VAT tax rate
  415. placeholder.tax_category = Tax Rate Category
  416. placeholder.description = Description Text
  417. placeholder.article_group = Article Group
  418. placeholder.tax_due = Amount of Taxes to pay
  420. #===========================================
  421. # Navigation items / page titles
  422. #===========================================
  423. = Menu
  424. navigation.home = Home
  425. navigation.warehouse = Warehouse
  426. navigation.purchase = Purchase
  427. navigation.sales = Sales
  428. navigation.statistics = Statistics
  429. navigation.administration = Administration
  430. navigation.sign_out = Sign out
  431. navigation.taskboard = Taskboard
  432. navigation.warehouse.article_management = Articles
  433. navigation.warehouse.article_groups = Article Groups
  434. navigation.warehouse.storage_locations = Storage Locations
  435. navigation.warehouse.deliveries = Deliveries
  436. navigation.purchase.price_requests = Price Requests
  437. navigation.purchase.purchase_orders = Purchase Orders
  438. navigation.purchase.delivery_lists = Delivery Lists
  439. navigation.purchase.vendors = Vendors
  440. navigation.sales.offers = Offers
  441. navigation.sales.orders = Orders
  442. navigation.sales.invoices = Invoices
  443. navigation.sales.e_commerce_orders = E-Commerce Orders
  444. navigation.sales.customers = Customers
  445. navigation.statistics.business_development = Business Development
  446. navigation.statistics.turnover = Turnover
  447. navigation.statistics.margin = Margin
  448. navigation.statistics.order_intake = Order Intake
  449. navigation.statistics.expense = Expense
  450. navigation.administration.users = Users
  451. navigation.administration.document_templates = Document Templates
  452. navigation.administration.messages = Message Translations
  453. navigation.administration.company_information = My Company
  454. navigation.administration.tax_categories = Tax Categories
  456. #===========================================
  457. # Login Page
  458. #===========================================
  459. login.site_title = Corazon - Sign In
  460. login.welcome.title = Welcome to the Corazon ERP System
  461. login.welcome.message = Please sign in to continue
  462. login.missing_information.title = Missing Information!
  463. login.missing_information.username = Please fill in your username.
  464. login.missing_information.password = Please fill in your password.
  465. login.missing_information.both = Please fill in your username and password.
  466. login.error.login_failed.title = Login failed!
  467. login.error.login_failed.message = Wrong username or password given.
  468. login.login_successful.title = Success!
  469. login.login_successful.message = You are being logged in...
  471. #===========================================
  472. # Administration Pages
  473. #===========================================
  474. administration.users.site_title = Corazon - Users
  475. administration.users.title = User Administration
  476. administration.users.edit_user = Edit User
  477. administration.users.create_user = Create new User
  478. = Username, Name, Email address...
  480. administration.document_templates.title = Document Templates
  481. administration.document_templates.site_title = Corazon - Document Templates
  483. administration.messages.site_title = Corazon - Message Translations
  484. administration.messages.title = Message Translations
  485. = Message key, translated value...
  486. administration.messages.delete_message = Delete Message
  487. administration.messages.edit_message = Edit Message
  489. administration.company_information.site_title = Corazon - My Company
  490. administration.company_information.title = My Company
  491. administration.company_information.general_information = General Information
  492. administration.company_information.print_outs = Printout Texts
  493. administration.company_information.default_settings = Default Settings
  494. administration.company_information.vat_tax_usage = Tax Rate applied to freight costs.
  496. administration.tax_categories.site_title = Corazon - Tax Categories
  497. administration.tax_categories.title = Tax Categories
  498. = Search for Tax Category Description
  499. administration.tax_categories.edit_tax_category = Edit Tax Category
  500. administration.tax_categories.create_tax_category = Create new Tax Category
  502. #===========================================
  503. # User Profile Page
  504. #===========================================
  505. user_profile.settings = Settings
  506. user_profile.personal_information = Personal Information
  507. user_profile.set_new_password = Set new Password
  508. user_profile.password_confirmation_mismatch.title = New Passwords do not match!
  509. user_profile.password_confirmation_mismatch.message = The entered new password and the confirmation do not match.
  510. user_profile.password_changed.title = Success!
  511. user_profile.password_changed.message = New password saved.
  512. user_profile.login_to_apply_changes = You have to re-login before the changes are applied.
  513. user_profile.site_title = Corazon - User Profile
  515. #===========================================
  516. # Articles
  517. #===========================================
  518. warehouse.articles.site_title = Corazon - Articles
  519. warehouse.articles.title = Article Management
  520. = Article ID, Article Label, Article Description, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Number
  522. warehouse.article_editor.site_title = Corazon - Edit Article
  523. warehouse.article_editor.title = Edit Article
  524. warehouse.article_editor.create.title = Create new Article
  525. warehouse.article_editor.article_replaced_by = This article is replaced by
  526. warehouse.article_editor.general_information = General Information
  527. warehouse.article_editor.attributes = Attributes
  529. warehouse.article_groups.site_title = Corazon - Article Groups
  530. warehouse.article_groups.title = Article Groups
  531. = Article Group Description
  532. warehouse.article_groups.create_article_group = Create new Article Group
  533. warehouse.article_groups.edit_article_group = Edit Article Group
  535. #===========================================
  536. # Storage Locations
  537. #===========================================
  538. warehouse.storage_locations.title = Storage Locations
  539. warehouse.storage_locations.create_booking_creation = Create new Storage Location
  540. warehouse.storage_locations.create_booking_correction_fill = Create Correction Posting Booking
  541. warehouse.storage_locations.create_booking_correction_debit = Create Correction Debiting Booking
  542. warehouse.storage_locations.create_booking_rearrangement = Create Rearrangement Booking
  543. warehouse.storage_locations.create_booking_order_debit = Create Order Debiting Booking
  544. warehouse.storage_locations.create_booking_purchase_fill = Create Purchase Posting Booking
  545. warehouse.storage_locations.create_booking_debit_disposal = Create Disposal Debiting Booking
  546. warehouse.storage_locations.create_debit_booking_rearrangement = Create Debiting Rearrangement Booking
  547. warehouse.storage_locations.create_fill_booking_rearrangement = Create Posting Rearrangement Booking
  548. warehouse.storage_locations.site_title = Corazon - Storage Locations
  549. warehouse.storage_locations.debiting_bookings = Debiting
  550. warehouse.storage_locations.general_bookings = General
  551. warehouse.storage_locations.posting_bookings = Posting
  552. = Storage Location, Article ID
  553. warehouse.storage_location.title = Storage Location
  554. warehouse.storage_location.site_title = Corazon - Storage Location
  555. warehouse.storage_location.currently_no_article_stored = This location is currently empty.
  556. warehouse.storage_location.stored_article = Stored Article ID
  557. warehouse.storage_location.stored_quantity = Current Quantity
  558. warehouse.storage_location.booking_history = Booking History
  559. warehouse.storage_location.quantity_before = Quantity Before
  560. warehouse.storage_location.quantity_after = Quantity After
  561. warehouse.storage_location.action_debiting = Removed
  562. warehouse.storage_location.action_posting = Added
  563. warehouse.storage_location.description_creation = Created new, empty storage location.
  564. warehouse.storage_location.description_debit_correction = Correction debiting.
  565. warehouse.storage_location.description_debit_disposal = Removed items for disposal.
  566. warehouse.storage_location.description_debit_order = Taken for order
  567. warehouse.storage_location.description_debit_rearrangement = Moved to storage location
  568. warehouse.storage_location.description_fill_correction = Correction posting.
  569. warehouse.storage_location.description_fill_purchase = Added delivery contents of purchase
  570. warehouse.storage_location.description_fill_rearrangement = Added items from location
  572. #===========================================
  573. # Customers
  574. #===========================================
  575. sales.customers.site_title = Corazon - Customers
  576. sales.customers.title = Customer Search
  577. = Customer ID, Name, Address, Country
  578. sales.customer_editor.site_title = Corazon - Edit Customer
  579. sales.customer_editor.create.title = Create new Customer
  580. sales.customer_editor.title = Edit Customer
  581. sales.customer_editor.general_information = General Information
  582. sales.customer_editor.conditions = Conditions
  583. sales.customer_editor.additional_addresses = Additional Addresses
  584. sales.customer_editor.contact_information = Contact Information
  585. sales.customer_editor.address_information = Address Information
  586. sales.customer_editor.financial_information = Financial Information
  587. sales.customer_editor.delivery_information = Delivery Information
  588. sales.customer_editor.other_information = Other Information
  589. sales.customer_editor.create_address = Create new Address
  590. sales.customer_editor.edit_contact_person = Edit Contaceperson
  591. sales.customers.edit_address = Edit Customer Address
  592. sales.customers.create_address = Add new Customer Address
  593. sales.customers.delete_address = Delete this Address
  594. sales.customers.delivery_and_invoice_address = Ship-to and Invoice-to Address
  595. sales.customers.edit_contact_person = Edit Contact Person
  596. sales.customers.add_contact_person = Add new Contact Person
  597. sales.customers.delete_contact_person = Delete Contact Person
  599. #===========================================
  600. # Offers
  601. #===========================================
  602. sales.offers.site_title = Corazon - Offers
  603. sales.offers.title = Offer Search
  604. = Offer ID, Customer ID, Customer Name, Responsible User
  606. sales.offers.create_new_offer = Create New Offer
  607. sales.offers.select_customer = Select the customer to create the offer for.
  609. sales.offer_editor.site_title = Corazon - Edit Offer
  610. sales.offer_editor.title = Edit Offer
  611. sales.offer_editor.create.title = Create New Offer
  612. sales.offer_editor.edit_delivery_address = Edit Delivery Address
  613. sales.offer_editor.edit_invoice_address = Edit Invoice Address
  614. sales.offer_editor.delete_offer_item = Delete this Item
  615. sales.offer_editor.fill_in_customer_address = Fill-in Customer Address
  616. sales.offer_editor.general_information = General Information
  617. = Delivery
  618. sales.offer_editor.payment_and_legal = Payment & Legal
  619. sales.offer_editor.printout = Printout
  620. sales.offer_editor.attachments = Attachments
  621. sales.offers.edit_offer_item = Edit Offer Item
  622. sales.offers.create_offer_item = Add Offer Item
  623. sales.offers.select_article = Select Article
  624. sales.offer_editor.basic_information = Basic Information
  625. sales.offer_editor.financial_details = Financial Details
  626. sales.offer_editor.attributes = Attributes
  627. sales.offer_editor.article_is_replacement_for = This article is a replacement for
  629. #===========================================
  630. # Orders
  631. #===========================================
  632. sales.orders.site_title = Corazon - Orders
  633. sales.orders.title = Order Search
  634. = Order ID, Customer ID, Customer Name, Responsible User
  636. sales.orders.create_new_order = Create New Order
  637. sales.orders.select_customer = Select the customer to create the order for.
  639. sales.order_editor.site_title = Corazon - Edit Order
  640. sales.order_editor.title = Edit Order
  641. sales.order_editor.create.title = Create New Order
  642. sales.order_editor.edit_delivery_address = Edit Delivery Address
  643. sales.order_editor.edit_invoice_address = Edit Invoice Address
  644. sales.order_editor.delete_order_item = Delete this Item
  645. sales.order_editor.fill_in_customer_address = Fill-in Customer Address
  646. sales.order_editor.general_information = General Information
  647. = Delivery
  648. sales.order_editor.payment_and_legal = Payment & Legal
  649. sales.order_editor.printout = Printout
  650. sales.order_editor.attachments = Attachments
  651. sales.orders.edit_order_item = Edit Order Item
  652. sales.orders.create_order_item = Add Order Item
  653. sales.orders.select_article = Select Article
  655. #===========================================
  656. # Privilege Names
  657. #===========================================
  658. privilege.user_administration = User Administration
  659. privilege.article_management = Article Management
  660. privilege.warehouse_management = Warehouse Management
  661. privilege.customer_management = Customer Management
  662. privilege.document_template_management = Document Template Management
  663. privilege.message_management = Message/Translation Management
  664. privilege.tax_category_management = Tax Category Management
  666. #===========================================
  667. # Printout Texts
  668. #===========================================
  669. # Categories
  670. printout_texts.category.sales_offer = Sales Offer
  671. printout_texts.category.sales_order = Sales Order
  673. #Descriptions
  674. #Sales Offer
  675. printout_texts.description.sales_offer.above_article_table = Text above article Table
  676. printout_texts.description.sales_offer.trade_terms = Trade Terms
  677. printout_texts.description.sales_offer.sales_condition = Sales Condition
  678. printout_texts.description.sales_offer.delivery_time = Time of Delivery
  679. printout_texts.description.sales_offer.other_conditions = Other Conditions
  681. # Sales Order
  682. printout_texts.description.sales_order.above_article_table = Text above article Table
  683. printout_texts.description.sales_order.trade_terms = Trade Terms
  684. printout_texts.description.sales_order.sales_condition = Sales Condition
  685. printout_texts.description.sales_order.delivery_time = Time of Delivery
  686. printout_texts.description.sales_order.other_conditions = Other Conditions
  689. #===========================================
  690. # Languages and Currencies
  691. #===========================================
  692. language.en_us = English
  693. language.de_de = German
  695. currency.usd = US-Dollar ($, USD)
  696. currency.eur = Euro (€, EUR)
  697. currency.gbp = Pound Sterling (£, GPB)
  699. #===========================================
  700. # Date formats
  701. #===========================================
  702. = MM/DD/YYYY
  703. = dddd MMM DD YYYY
  704. format.time = h:mm A
  705. format.time.long = h:mm:ss A
  706. format.datetime = MM/DD/YYYY h:mm A
  707. format.datetime.long = MM/DD/YYYY h:mm:ss A
  709. = MM/dd/yyyy
  710. format.datetime.backend = MM/dd/yyyy h:mm A
  712. format.currency = %s %v
  713. format.currency.decimals = 2
  714. format.thousands_separator = ,
  715. format.decimal_separator = .
  717. #===========================================
  718. # Locales
  719. #===========================================
  720. locale.de_de = German, Germany
  721. locale.en_us = English, United States
  723. #===========================================
  724. # Payment Terms
  725. #===========================================
  726. payment_terms.prepayment = Prepayment
  727. = Instant net
  728. payment_terms.net30 = 30 days net
  729. payment_terms.net30d14s2 = 30 days net, 14 days 2% cash discount
  730. payment_terms.net90d30s1d14s3 = 90 days net, 30 days 1% cash discount, 14 days 1% cash discount
  731. payment_terms.ship50dlv50d30 = 50% when ready to ship, 50% 30 days after delivery
  733. #===========================================
  734. # Delivery Terms
  735. #===========================================
  736. delivery_terms.exw = Ex Works
  737. delivery_terms.fca = Free Carrier
  738. delivery_terms.cpt = Carriage Paid to
  739. delivery_terms.cip = Carriage and Insurance Paid to
  740. delivery_terms.dat = Delivery at Terminal
  741. delivery_terms.dap = Delivery at Place
  742. delivery_terms.ddp = Delivery Duty Paid
  743. delivery_terms.fas = Free Alongside Ship
  744. delivery_terms.fob = Free on Board
  745. delivery_terms.cfr = Cost and Freight
  746. delivery_terms.cif = Cost, Insurance and Freight
  748. #===========================================
  749. # Customer Types
  750. #===========================================
  751. customer_type.end_user = End-User
  752. customer_type.oem = OEM
  753. customer_type.reseller = Reseller
  754. customer_type.private_customer = Private Customer
  756. #===========================================
  757. # Countries
  758. #===========================================
  759. = Germany
  760. = United States
  761. = United Kingdom
  762. = Sweden
  763. = Switzerland
  765. #===========================================
  766. # Documents
  767. #===========================================
  768. = Company
  769. field.number = Number
  770. field.contact_person = Contact Person
  771. field.unit_price = Unit Price
  772. field.total_price = Total Price
  773. field.tax_information = Tax Information
  774. = Company Bankinfo
  775. = Bank Institute
  776. = BIC
  777. = IBAN
  778. field.manager = Director
  779. field.customer.payment_terms = Terms of Payment
  780. field.customer.delivery_terms = Terms of Delivery
  781. = Customer VAT No.
  782. = Tel:
  783. field.contact_person.mobiltel = Mobil:
  784. field.contact_person.fax = Fax:
  785. field.document.vat = VAT
  786. field.document.discount_value = Cash Discount Value
  787. field.offer.text_below = Offer Information
  788. field.offer.individual_offer_information = Individual Offer Information
  789. field.document.total_net = Total net Value
  790. field.document.total_gross = Total gross Value
  791. field.document.reverse_charge = Reverse Charge
  793. #===========================================
  794. # Taskboard
  795. #===========================================
  796. taskboard.title = Taskboard
  797. taskboard.general.your_tasks = Your Task
  798. taskboard.general.your_notifications = Your Notification
  799. taskboard.general.reported_tasks = Reported Tasks
  800. taskboard.general.settings = Settings
  801. = Create Task
  802. = Search for Updates
  803. field.taskboard.task.number = Task No.
  804. = Task Name
  805. = Created by
  806. = Date
  807. field.taskboard.priority = Priority
  808. field.taskboard.task.status = Status
  809. field.taskboard.task.update = Update
  810. action.create.notification = Create Notification
  811. = Notification Name
  812. field.taskboard.notification.sender = Sender
  813. field.taskboard.notification.receiver = Receiver
  814. field.taskboard.task.category = Task Category
  815. = Assigned to
  816. taskboard.notifications.title = Notification
  817. field.taskboard.settings.newly_assigned_tasks = New Task assigned to me
  818. field.taskboard.settings.update_task = Update on existing Tasks
  819. field.taskboard.settings.processed_task = If a Task has not been processed in:
  820. taskboard.notifications.out_of_office = Out of Office
  821. field.taskboard.settings.out_of_office = Out of Office message
  822. field.taskboard.settings.task_assign = Assign new Task automatically to
  823. taskboard.modal.create_task = Create New Task
  824. taskboard.general_information = General Information
  825. field.taskboard.task_name = Task Name
  826. field.taskboard.task_category = Task Category
  827. field.taskboard.task_priority = Task Priority
  828. field.taskboard.task_assign = Assigned to
  829. field.taskboard.task.due_to = Due to
  830. action.createTask = Create Task
  831. placeholder.taskboard.task_name = Name Your Task
  832. field.taskboard.notification_name = Notification Name
  833. placeholder.taskboard.notification_name.placeholder = Name your Notification
  834. field.taskboard.sender = Sender
  835. field.taskboard.task_Receiver = Receiver
  836. field.taskboard.notification_date = Start Date
  837. taskboard.notification_information = Notification Description
  838. placeholder.notification_description = Describe your Notification
  839. action.createNotification = Create Notification
  840. taskboard.modal.create_notification = Create New Notification
  841. taskboard.task.number = Task #1
  842. taskboard.modal.detail = Details
  843. field.article = Article
  844. field.offer = Offer
  845. field.order = Order
  846. taskboard.task.description = Task Description
  847. taskboard.task.comment = Comment(s)
  848. = Open
  849. field.created_by = Created by
  850. placeholder.task_description = Describe Your Task
  851. placeholder.task_comment = Comment Your Task
  852. action.addComment = Add Comment
  853. action.submitTask = Submit Task
  854. taskboard.settings.process.days = days
  855. taskboard.settings.out_of_office.message.placeholder = Set your Out of Office Message
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