
Safest Link Building Technique in 2019?

May 29th, 2019
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  1. Safest Link Building Technique in 2019?
  2. I used to frequent the forum -- day and night -- about 6-7 years ago, but I have been away for a while as I was working on my business. The business is now established and has built some authority very organically -- all the links were actually created naturally, through time.
  4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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  16. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  18. I'm now looking to actually create some new links, but as you can understand I'm very hesitant due to the crystal clean profile we've kept for several years, and where any new links may stick out to the big G. I may be overthinking it, but at the very least I want to be super cautious.
  20. What technique would you recommend based on the above? I'm leaning towards guest posting on quality sites, but wanted to see if there is anything else I should be looking into. On the same note, if guest posting is the way to go, then any advice on finding quality sites that would accept posts (paid or free)?
  22. Thanks in advance!
  24. What's your niche?
  26. Tech!
  28. Really, the only 'safe' linkbuilding technique is to entice others to link to your content. Some examples are linkbait, really good content, or similar.
  30. Every other method brings with it some risk. However, the most damaging thing is to have a spammy looking website. Google appears to be headed toward not telling us what we may be doing wrong. My answer is, everything in moderation is (usually) ok.
  32. The thing that you should avoid like the plague are automated tools that create thousands of "backlinks", as they are a dead giveaway that something is up. It may not hurt you, but it will have very short-term benefits, if any.
  34. Content Marketing is the safe technique to build the natural links. Broken Link Building, Infographics Submissions, and Video Submission will help you.
  36. Like you said, guest posting is one of the best methods to use to get quality backlinks.
  37. Go to Google and use footprints like these:
  38. NICHE "Guest Posts"
  39. NICHE "write for us"
  40. NICHE inurl:guest-post
  41. That should get you started in the right direction.
  43. nice / fresh and regular updates updates of content related to your niche is the main goal...that always drive the traffic weather its in blog format or in anywhere....keep up to date your writer up with current market trends and just follow basic rules of seo and you are done. bro.!!!
  45. I will say guest blogging is the best link building strategy. for reason I can say for every blog we post unique and quality content, that Google likes. From different sites we can get traffic and lastly we wants our diversified backlinks collection means we are getting backlinks from different sites, so this good for SEO.
  47. Guest post
  48. Blog commenting
  49. Make sure that the links you build are natural and that Google doesn't conclude that you're trying to manipulate its search algorithm.
  51. Why not try guest posting?
  54. Hello all,
  56. I used to frequent the forum -- day and night -- about 6-7 years ago, but I have been away for a while as I was working on my business. The business is now established and has built some authority very organically -- all the links were actually created naturally, through time.
  58. I'm now looking to actually create some new links, but as you can understand I'm very hesitant due to the crystal clean profile we've kept for several years, and where any new links may stick out to the big G. I may be overthinking it, but at the very least I want to be super cautious.
  60. What technique would you recommend based on the above? I'm leaning towards guest posting on quality sites, but wanted to see if there is anything else I should be looking into. On the same note, if guest posting is the way to go, then any advice on finding quality sites that would accept posts (paid or free)?
  62. Thanks in advance!
  63. Click to expand...
  64. It's case to case. But mostly, go try and increase your branding awareness in social media pages. Also look for partnership with relevant and authoritative sites.
  66. It sounds crazy and funny but i saw some sites are getting ranked with traditional mediocre techniques like copied content, huge content and classified postings.
  68. Article submission, blog submissions and bookmarking are safest seo technique.
  70. Guest posting is the best technique to build link building, it is very safe no harmful to your website.
  72. I think News publish and Guest Posting is safe options.
  74. Once your website is fairly well established and is getting a significant number of visitors, don't overlook the value of putting lots of new, fresh content on that already-successful website. If the content is indeed good, you will steadily pick up people choosing to link to your articles that they consider valuable to them.
  77. Once your website is fairly well established and is getting a significant number of visitors, don't overlook the value of putting lots of new, fresh content on that already-successful website. If the content is indeed good, you will steadily pick up people choosing to link to your articles that they consider valuable to them.
  78. You really do not need a lot of content, even though content is useful to get more keywords ranked, however, people often abuse this method thinking they need to post articles/content day in and day out. First, you need to know your niche, and what you want to rank for, then post content related to those keywords, then you will want to seek high-quality backlinks on an individual basis' - once you have completed your backlink process, then simply repeat the process again. Do not use the same keywords, do not use the same anchor text, and if you have done your research, and you found something that may be profitable, then maybe one day it will pay off. The last case study that I read, he claimed he spent $5000 on his site and took him almost a year just to start earning $500/mo, and if one is lucky to find that one in 100k brand, then that brand could turn into some serious dollars, as I have been reading up on some of those startups that go from zero to hero, and I am talking about big dollar Investor type stuff.
  80. People still think they need a lot of content and backlinks, which is not really true, you do need content, but when it comes to backlinks, you need the right backlinks, and the ones that I am thinking about cost around $100+/pop, and I have seen backlinks, or guest posts, whatever you want to call them go much higher. Running a site sounds easy, but it does require a certain level of skill, and a good amount of work in order to get it off the ground, nothing happens overnight anymore, and you have to do your research....
  82. I would say writing a lot of useful content that can be easily shared and doing Guest Posts.
  85. Article submission, blog submissions and bookmarking are safest seo technique.
  86. These are probably the least powerful links you can have, and frankly they are borderline spammy. Find sites that are in your niche and reach out to them politely to see if you can add to their site. The "Guestographics" technique has worked well for me in recent outreach campaigns. Offer to design a custom infographic for someone's site and share the image URL with them for addition to their site.
  88. Best thing you can do is just build an audience via social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc. Gain a following and the traffic will come in no time.
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