
Lilth's abilities

Jan 12th, 2018
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  1. Capability to Weild Lamia's Eye-
  2. The Sword in question is bound to the weilder. Any one else who attempts to carry the blade risks burning their hands and being unable to lift it. The sword at this point is bound to Lilith.
  4. Night vision-
  5. Due to the nature of the blade, Lilith has undergone physical changes. One being the ability to see at night. However, she is more sensitive to light in exchange for this. This is why she travels in the evening or during stormy days.
  7. Regeneration-
  8. Curtosy of her sword, however this comes at a cost... The blade will only grace her with healing if it is fed during it's monthly cycle. The blood of those slain by the sword must coat the black blade, it will absord it. However the blood of those only injured or cut by the blade or by other means will not suffice. If she is not able to feed the blade there is no healing as she also suffers as well.
  10. Is the sword is not fed the sword will start to feed on it's host. It's a painful process... But Lilth has be willing to feed the sword by slaying others. Normally bandits.
  12. Lilth also must be with her sword at all times. If she is away from it for too long she will fall into a state of pain, and her body will shut down. This is why she carries it upon her back at most times. She can not go anywhere with out it. It has to be within five feet at all times. Or else as stated before her body will shut down. And without it too long will actually cause her life to be forfitted.
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