

Jul 13th, 2016
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  1. function time(offset) -- Get the time, offset to set the time off by bla bla hours
  2. if not offset then error("Please enter a number to offset the time by. Use 0 if you dont want to offset it") end
  3. local Days = {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"}
  4. local Months = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"}
  5. local DaysInMonths = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
  6. local res = http.get("")
  7. local Res = {}
  8. local DateFormat = ""
  9. local bla = ""
  10. local Date = ""
  11. local time = ""
  12. local BlaDate = ""
  13. local BlaTime = ""
  14. local BlaDays = ""
  15. local BlaMonth = ""
  16. if res then
  17. while true do
  18. bla = res.readLine()
  19. if bla then
  20. Res[#Res+1] = bla
  21. else
  22. break
  23. end
  24. end
  25. res.close()
  26. Time = string.sub(Res[49], 63, string.len(Res[49])-4)
  27. Date = string.sub(Res[50], 53, string.len(Res[50])-4)
  28. DateFormat = {Time}
  29. for n=1,3 do
  30. if string.find(Date, ", ") then
  31. local s,len = string.find(Date, "%, ")
  32. DateFormat[#DateFormat+1] = string.gsub(string.sub(Date, 1, s), "%,", "")
  33. Date = string.sub(Date, len+1, string.len(Date))
  34. end
  35. end
  36. DateFormat[#DateFormat+1] = Date
  37. if string.sub(DateFormat[3], string.len(DateFormat[3])-2, string.len(DateFormat[3])-2) == " " then
  38. BlaDate = tonumber(string.sub(DateFormat[3], string.len(DateFormat[3])-1, string.len(DateFormat[3])))
  39. else
  40. BlaDate = tonumber(string.sub(DateFormat[3], string.len(DateFormat[3]), string.len(DateFormat[3])))
  41. end
  42. DateFormat[3] = string.gsub(DateFormat[3], BlaDate, "")
  43. BlaTime = tonumber(string.sub(DateFormat[1], 1, 2))+tonumber(offset)
  44. repeat
  45. if BlaTime > 24 then
  46. BlaDate = BlaDate+1
  47. BlaTime = BlaTime-24
  48. elseif BlaTime < 0 then
  49. BlaDate = BlaDate-1
  50. BlaTime = BlaTime+24
  51. end
  52. until BlaTime > 0 and BlaTime < 24
  53. if string.len(BlaTime) == 1 then
  54. BlaTime = "0"..BlaTime
  55. end
  56. end
  57. DateFormat[4] = tonumber(DateFormat[4])
  58. BlaMonth = string.gsub(DateFormat[3], " ", "")
  59. TheDays = BlaDate
  60. o = 1
  61. repeat
  62. if Months[o] == BlaMonth then
  63. BlaDate = TheDays+BlaDate
  64. else
  65. BlaDate = BlaDate+DaysInMonths[o]
  66. end
  67. o = o+1
  68. until Months[o] == BlaMonth
  69. repeat
  70. if BlaDate > 365 then
  71. BlaDate = BlaDate-365
  72. DateFormat[4] = DateFormat[4]+1
  73. end
  74. until BlaDate < 366
  75. local o = 1
  76. local TempNo = BlaDate
  77. repeat -- Turn this into a 7 day
  78. TempNo = TempNo-7
  79. until TempNo < 8
  80. DateFormat[2] = Days[TempNo]
  81. repeat -- Get it into a format for the proper month
  82. BlaDate = BlaDate-DaysInMonths[o]
  83. o = o+1
  84. until BlaDate <= DaysInMonths[o]
  85. BlaMonth = Months[o]
  86. DateFormat[3] = BlaMonth
  87. DateFormat[1] = BlaTime..string.sub(DateFormat[1], 3, string.len(DateFormat[1]))
  88. DateFormat[5] = BlaDate.."/"..o.."/"..DateFormat[4]
  89. table.insert(DateFormat, 3, BlaDate)
  90. return unpack(DateFormat)
  91. end
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