
Magical Burst: Session 36: Case Closed

Sep 2nd, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Sunday, August 31, 2014
  3. 6:09 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: oh hey nicole is here too
  4. 6:10 PM - Eri Motai entered chat.
  5. 6:10 PM - Eri Motai: sup peeps
  6. 6:10 PM - Eri Motai: ready to die?
  7. 6:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: lemme finish this combat up since I stopped to eat dinner
  8. 6:11 PM - Eri Motai: k, it's all cool
  9. 6:16 PM - Your state is set to Offline.
  10. 6:16 PM - Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
  11. 6:16 PM - Connected again and rejoined chat.
  12. 6:17 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: aight, now I'll save and we can do this
  13. 6:17 PM - Eri Motai: yayyyy
  14. 6:18 PM - nicolefancy has changed their name to Val.
  15. 6:19 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to Contract Killer.
  16. 6:21 PM - Contract Killer: since frig won't be here, I'll lower the difficulty by 1 familiar
  17. 6:21 PM - Contract Killer: because I'm so nice
  18. 6:21 PM - Eri Motai: thanks bae
  19. 6:21 PM - Contract Killer: ready, nerds?
  20. 6:21 PM - Eri Motai: now we'll survive another turn
  21. 6:22 PM - Contract Killer: let's get MAGICAL
  22. 6:22 PM - Eri Motai: (shit I forgot how hold on give me a minute guys how does magic work)
  23. 6:23 PM - Contract Killer: it doesnt
  24. 6:23 PM - Contract Killer: u ded
  28. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Celestine - Meeting with Mr. A~~
  30. 4:16 PM - Celestine Travers: Right, I assume I'm not with the group?
  31. 7:16 PM - Contract Killer: Nope, last I checked you were with Princess at the spa
  32. 4:16 PM - Celestine Travers: Just checking you didnt time skip me along :v
  33. 7:16 PM - Contract Killer: So instead of continuing that, we'll say it's over now, and you're out and about
  34. 7:16 PM - Contract Killer: with Princess
  35. 4:17 PM - Celestine Travers: Right
  36. 4:17 PM - Celestine Travers: We walk along the street, as I speak softly, trying not to be heard by other pedestrians "So, we're getting you into Mr A.'s office then, I do advise we make a plan first."
  37. 7:22 PM - Contract Killer: "A plan? Have you got something in mind besides poofing into his office?"
  38. 4:24 PM - Celestine Travers: "Well, considering the men he sent after you were well armed, it is nice to have a backup plan, so if things go tits up, we don't get pumped full of holes."
  39. 7:25 PM - Contract Killer: "Your tits are too topheavy to go up."
  40. 4:25 PM - Celestine Travers: "How can you say that without having tried?" She said with a smirk "But, this is no laughing matter, we are magical girls, but we are not bullet proof."
  41. 7:26 PM - Contract Killer: "'Specially not if they're packing Arcanium rounds."
  42. 7:26 PM - Contract Killer: "Mr. A found a big cache of the stuff, but it was pretty low grade, not helpful for anything important, but it was pretty good for bullets. The case of the stuff I got is refined, high quality."
  43. 4:28 PM - Celestine Travers: "Right, well, that'll make us even more dead, you dont happen to know of any security flaws, do you? A nice backdoor, or blindspot perhaps"
  44. 7:30 PM - Contract Killer: "Well, he did have a hidden staircase installed, if I remember right. It opens up a few floors below his office, and leads right there. The elevator he tends to trap."
  45. 4:31 PM - Celestine Travers: "In the case of teleportation failing us, I'll remember that"
  46. 4:35 PM - Celestine Travers: "...So, when is this going to happen? I dont think any major preparation is needed"
  47. 7:36 PM - Contract Killer: "Well, I guess we just need to head to your place and grab the metal. We can do it right now if you're up for this shit."
  48. 4:37 PM - Celestine Travers: Cele smirks, shrugging "I need to dress up, pick out a nice knife perhaps, if we want you to get rehired, we need to look professional, I recommend you do the same."
  49. 7:39 PM - Contract Killer: She looks down at her own clothing, the dress you made for her not too long ago. "Best I can do is go magical, unless this is good enough."
  50. 4:39 PM - Celestine Travers: "Well, it is my own work, so gorgeous enough, do be ready to go magical though, if that new girl is an issue, she must be dealt with"
  51. 7:42 PM - Contract Killer: "Alright, let's give this a shot, then."
  52. 7:42 PM - Contract Killer: You head home, get ready, do what you need to do and grab what you need to grab, and are now standing before the Akechi Corp's building once again.
  53. 7:43 PM - Contract Killer: Princess, leaning slightly while holding the massive case big enough to fit a midget, seems hesitant now that she's at the doors.
  54. 4:44 PM - Celestine Travers: Nervously, Cele plays with the ivory handled butterfly knife "This is a bit more dangerous than my usual job, but this is no time to get scared... Take my hand, I can move us up a few floors at a time without transforming, longer ranges get a bit... Iffy, on positioning."
  55. 7:46 PM - Contract Killer: She nods, straightening out her face and going back to her always angry face
  56. 4:47 PM - Celestine Travers: Grabbing Princess's hand, Cele tries to teleport them up, into the 2nd floor, to test the waters slightly
  57. 7:47 PM - Contract Killer: Roll magic
  58. 4:47 PM - Celestine Travers: Uno momento
  59. 4:48 PM - Celestine Travers: Welp, 1 involn OC
  60. 4:48 PM - Celestine Travers: :I
  61. 4:48 PM - Celestine Travers: 19
  62. 7:48 PM - Contract Killer: :v
  63. 7:49 PM - Contract Killer: You poof onto the second floor instantly and quietly.
  64. 4:50 PM - Celestine Travers: Cele whispers to Princess "Right, unless you're missing any limbs, I think I'll try going a bit higher this time"
  65. 4:50 PM - Celestine Travers: Hmm, 5 floors up this time
  66. 7:50 PM - Contract Killer: Go 4 it
  67. 4:50 PM - Celestine Travers: 14
  68. 7:50 PM - Contract Killer: You poof up to floor 5 this time, ending up face-to-face with someone holding a sheaf of papers
  69. 7:50 PM - Contract Killer: She drops them in shock
  70. 7:51 PM - Contract Killer: "Wh-wha...?"
  71. 4:52 PM - Celestine Travers: Celestine raises a finger to shh her "It's a bad thing to interact with your hallucinations, might want to see a doctor about this." And with that, we teleport up 5 more floors
  72. 4:52 PM - Celestine Travers: Welp, 12
  73. 7:52 PM - Contract Killer: You only manage 3 floors.
  74. 4:53 PM - Celestine Travers: Anyone else around?
  75. 7:52 PM - Contract Killer: Nope.
  76. 7:53 PM - Contract Killer: "No offense teletits, this is taking too long. Here, I got an idea. Follow me."
  77. 4:54 PM - Celestine Travers: "I will, as long as you stop talking about my breasts so often"
  78. 7:54 PM - Contract Killer: With her free hand, she drags you out into the hallway, and finds the nearest person. Some middle-aged guy with salt-and-pepper hair.
  79. 7:54 PM - Contract Killer: "Yo, guy!" He turns around. "Huh?"
  80. 7:54 PM - Contract Killer: Princess whacks him in the face with the case.
  81. 4:55 PM - Celestine Travers: Cele doesn't even blink, this is just another day of work.
  82. 7:55 PM - Contract Killer: She then roots through his pockets as he lies on the floor unconscious, and pulls out his wallet, taking his keycard.
  83. 7:56 PM - Contract Killer: "Much quicker."
  84. 4:56 PM - Celestine Travers: "Right, lead the way then, these are your stomping grounds, not mine"
  85. 7:57 PM - Contract Killer: She leads the way along to an elevator, swiping the keycard and entering. She gestures you inside. "Don't take all day."
  86. 4:57 PM - Celestine Travers: Again, cele follows, stepping in reluctantly "Thought you said the elevator was trapped?"
  87. 7:58 PM - Contract Killer: "Yeah, but he has to activate it manually, and the remote has a short range. We'll stop a few floors below his office, out of range of the remote, then take the hidden stairs."
  88. 4:59 PM - Celestine Travers: She nods, with a grin "Smart, I like it... Any chance of there being two openings? I'd love to work beside someone who wasn't an idiot for a change"
  89. 8:00 PM - Contract Killer: "We'll find out once we're there."
  90. 8:00 PM - Contract Killer: The elevator dings, and Princess gets out, pushing past the confused office workers, and working her way through the halls without hesitation. She knows where she's going.
  91. 5:02 PM - Celestine Travers: Cele follows, keeping her knife in her pocket, as she trails along, not making eye contact with the confused workers
  92. 8:03 PM - Contract Killer: Eventually, you enter an out of the way closet. Princess reaches for a particular book on the bookcase filled with books, and pulls it back. It clicks, and the bookcase slides aside, revealing stairs leading upwards.
  93. 8:04 PM - Contract Killer: "I always thought it was tacky. Tough to resist the urge to burn it down."
  94. 5:04 PM - Celestine Travers: "I thought that was only a thing in movies, really."
  95. 8:04 PM - Contract Killer: "Mr. A thought it was ironic, so he had it installed."
  96. 5:07 PM - Celestine Travers: She smirked as they started up the stairs "Interesting man, it will be nice to meet him"
  97. 8:07 PM - Contract Killer: "You never have? All the other cunts did."
  98. 5:08 PM - Celestine Travers: "I dont spend too much time with them, for obvious reasons"
  99. 8:09 PM - Contract Killer: "Fair enough."
  100. 8:10 PM - Contract Killer: You ascend several flights of steps.
  101. 8:10 PM - Contract Killer: Eventually, you arrive at the top, and there's a door. Princess pauses here.
  102. 8:10 PM - Contract Killer: "Do... do we knock?"
  103. 5:11 PM - Celestine Travers: "Do you want to impress Mr A? Or do you want to say hello, and invite his new girl to rip your face off?"
  104. 5:11 PM - Celestine Travers: ((Aaah brb))
  105. 8:19 PM - Celestine Travers is now Online.
  106. 5:20 PM - Celestine Travers: ((Back))
  107. 5:20 PM - Celestine Travers: What type of door is it?
  108. 8:21 PM - Contract Killer: Just a regular door from this end, with a knob :v
  109. 5:21 PM - Celestine Travers: Right
  110. 5:22 PM - Celestine Travers: "You want to make an entrance? Start taking notes darling" And with that, Cele plants her left foot on the ground and kicks the door as hard as she possible can
  111. 8:23 PM - Contract Killer: roll physical~
  112. 5:24 PM - Celestine Travers: 14
  113. 8:24 PM - Contract Killer: You kick the door down, and one of the hinges come loose as it flies open
  114. 5:25 PM - Celestine Travers: She pushes Princess forward, into the middle of the room "Go on, say what must be said"
  115. 8:25 PM - Contract Killer: "I - wait, wha-"
  116. 8:25 PM - Contract Killer: She stumbles into the room, suitcase in hand. Mr. A looks up.
  117. 8:26 PM - Contract Killer: A: "Princess. I wasn't expecting to see you here again."
  118. 8:26 PM - Contract Killer: Princess says nothing, but gets a firm look on her face. She tosses the suitcase onto the floor in front of his desk, where it pops open, revealing the Arcanium.
  119. 8:26 PM - Contract Killer: P: "Give me my job back."
  120. 5:28 PM - Celestine Travers: Grinning behind her, Cele steps out. "Trust me, if anyone deserves the job, it's this girl right here."
  121. 8:29 PM - Contract Killer: A: " And you've brought a guest. Well now, this is unexpected. Ever since the storage drive containing the maps to the ruins was lost, my source of Arcanium has all but dried up. This is a much-needed boost."
  122. 5:30 PM - Celestine Travers: "Hey, if anything, I brought her here, teleportation is great for sneaking around security." She says, matter of factly
  123. 8:30 PM - Contract Killer: "You hardly snuck around anything. The increased camera presence likely caught every movement, as did the sensors I recently installed to detect magic. I really am getting tired of having my office raided by you Magi."
  124. 5:31 PM - Celestine Travers: "We aren't here to raid, or cause damage, merely to request a job opening for Princess"
  125. 8:32 PM - Contract Killer: He looks to the wall, where the door that appears like a segment of the wall from inside of the room is hanging by one hinge. He then looks back to you.
  126. 5:33 PM - Celestine Travers: At this point, she stepped infront of princess, raising a hand to object "That was all me, do not hurt her chances, because of my actions"
  127. 8:35 PM - Contract Killer: A: "And why are you here, Miss...?"
  128. 5:36 PM - Celestine Travers: "Travers, Celestine Travers. Good friend, and housemate of Princess. I was the one who, eliminated, the men you sent after her quite swiftly. And after hearing how distraught she was by losing her position, I volunteered to help get her here."
  129. 8:37 PM - Contract Killer: A: "Is that so? They weren't my best, certainly, but they were surely skilled. And to kill without hesitation..."
  130. 5:38 PM - Celestine Travers: "Professionals don't hesitate, you should know that, managing this sort of business" She said with a smirk.
  131. 8:38 PM - Contract Killer: Roll Social!
  132. 8:41 PM - Contract Killer: you go somewhere?
  133. 5:41 PM - Celestine Travers: 13
  134. 8:41 PM - Contract Killer: ah, there you are
  135. 5:41 PM - Celestine Travers: And yes, something got knocked over by cats :v
  136. 8:41 PM - Contract Killer: gotta love em
  137. 5:41 PM - Celestine Travers: Does that pass?
  138. 8:41 PM - Contract Killer: yep
  139. 5:41 PM - Celestine Travers: Sweet
  140. 8:42 PM - Contract Killer: A: "You most certainly have a point. So, you wish for me to hire the both of you?"
  141. 5:43 PM - Celestine Travers: She raises her eyebrow, considering it. While it did go against everything she had worked for under Yarif, it would be nice to work with Princess, and nicer to have work without having that tortoise critique every one of her actions. "It would certainly be a privilage, Mr. A."
  142. 8:45 PM - Contract Killer: A: "I believe I'll have to... reconsider, my termination of Princess' contract. As for you, I'm not quite sure you're up to par yet. I've one test for you before I agree to anything."
  143. 5:46 PM - Celestine Travers: "I live to impress Mr A. I'll take you up on that test."
  144. 8:49 PM - Contract Killer: He nods, and pushes a button on his telephone. "Amaya, what is Kimiko doing?"
  145. 8:49 PM - Contract Killer: A female voice responds from the phone, "Last I checked, she was mixing something together in her office."
  146. 8:49 PM - Contract Killer: A: "Send her in, if you would."
  147. 8:49 PM - Contract Killer: ?: "Right away, Mr. A."
  148. 5:51 PM - Celestine Travers: She pulls out the fancy knife, spinning it open with a smirk. "Is this going the way I think it is?"
  149. 8:53 PM - Contract Killer: He nods, giving a smirk of his own. Soon after, the elevator dings, and in walks a girl with long, flowing purple hair that's tied back in a ponytail that reaches her waist. Her golden eyes shine with something strange, a sort of odd combination of... endearing and malice.
  150. 8:53 PM - Contract Killer: K: "What's up, Mr. A?"
  151. 8:53 PM - Contract Killer: Princess glares at Kimiko.
  152. 8:54 PM - Contract Killer: A: "Spar with Mrs. Travers. Don't kill her, and attempt to keep my office intact."
  153. 5:55 PM - Celestine Travers: "I assume I have to follow the same terms?"
  154. 8:56 PM - Contract Killer: He nods.
  155. 5:56 PM - Celestine Travers: I return the nod, before teleporting behind Kimiko
  156. 5:57 PM - Celestine Travers: No one's attacked, so it's not combat, so just magic roll? :v
  157. 8:57 PM - Contract Killer: yep
  158. 5:57 PM - Celestine Travers: Another involn OC damn
  159. 5:57 PM - Celestine Travers: GOD DAMNIT 6
  160. 5:57 PM - Celestine Travers: 2
  161. 5:57 PM - Celestine Travers: 26
  162. 8:58 PM - Contract Killer: You poof behind Kimiko very well
  163. 8:58 PM - Contract Killer: :v
  164. 5:59 PM - Celestine Travers: And in one fluid motion, I move one arm to put her in a choke hold, the other to put the blade of the knife to her neck, not enough to cut, but for her to feel the pressure
  165. 5:59 PM - Celestine Travers: Physical, or finesse?
  166. 8:59 PM - Contract Killer: Let's go physical for the grapple
  167. 6:00 PM - Celestine Travers: 13, y/n?
  168. 9:00 PM - Contract Killer: 17
  169. 9:00 PM - Contract Killer: :v
  170. 6:00 PM - Celestine Travers: Damn
  171. 6:00 PM - Celestine Travers: Hmm, wont luck it
  172. 9:01 PM - Contract Killer: You attempt to grapple her, but she turns quickly around and lifts you over her head, throwing you to the floor.
  173. 9:01 PM - Contract Killer: K: "You'll have to do better than that."
  174. 6:03 PM - Celestine Travers: She grins, raising an eyebrow. "There's only so hard you can try with a knife focused style, before you start to bleed, and I assume Mr A. doesn't want blood on his carpet."
  175. 9:05 PM - Contract Killer: She stops pinning you and stands. Then, she pulls out a little teddybear, and hugs it, transforming into a loose, flowy lavender dress that ends just above the knees. It has a gold collar, and on her chest is a white bow that glitters like freshly fallen snow. The center of this bow is the head of her teddy bear. Her ponytail is also tied back with a ribbon of similar style, minus the bear head, while the short sleeves of her dress are trimmed with gold. On her bare naval is a pink heart-shaped crystal.
  176. 9:06 PM - Contract Killer: K: "Let's get magical. No blood, no problem."
  177. 6:08 PM - Celestine Travers: She nodded, pulling a bonbon in a golden wrapper out, unwrapping it and tossing it into the air, catching it between her teeth with a smirk. "Agreeable terms, and it means I can pull out my full bag of tricks." Opening her mouth to catch the bonbon and eat it, the air around her faded into a brilliant night, full of decadent stars. They slowly receded, taking life in her gorgeous black dress, as she held her knife in one hand, and the bag of bonbons in the other.
  178. 9:09 PM - Contract Killer: Princess leans against a wall and crosses her arms, clearly not happy with her replacement, but she allows this continue anyway.
  179. 6:10 PM - Celestine Travers: With a smirk, Celestine put the bonbons away, and held out her hand. "May we have an honorable duel, and may you be a worthy opponent."
  180. 9:12 PM - Contract Killer: Kimiko holds out her own hand. "Try not to go down too quick. I pack a bit of a sting."
  181. 6:13 PM - Celestine Travers: She grabs her hand softly... And teleports both of them outside the building, at the current level
  182. 9:13 PM - Contract Killer: So, you're in freefall :v
  183. 9:13 PM - Contract Killer: well, roll teleport, first
  184. 6:14 PM - Celestine Travers: 16
  185. 6:14 PM - Celestine Travers: I keep OCing these fucking things
  186. 6:14 PM - Celestine Travers: 5
  187. 6:14 PM - Celestine Travers: 21
  188. 9:14 PM - Contract Killer: You poof outside with Kimiko
  189. 6:15 PM - Celestine Travers: Can I try to kick her away from me?
  190. 9:15 PM - Contract Killer: Physical~
  191. 6:15 PM - Celestine Travers: 14
  192. 9:15 PM - Contract Killer: 19
  193. 9:15 PM - Contract Killer: :v
  194. 6:16 PM - Celestine Travers: Luck is +2, or reroll right?
  195. 9:16 PM - Contract Killer: actually that'd be 21
  196. 9:16 PM - Contract Killer: she has 9 physical
  197. 6:16 PM - Celestine Travers: Well damn
  198. 9:16 PM - Contract Killer: and yes, +2 or reroll
  199. 6:16 PM - Celestine Travers: Can I at least let go of her hand with a 14? :v
  200. 9:17 PM - Contract Killer: Hardly
  201. 9:17 PM - Contract Killer: if anything, she bearhugs you
  202. 6:18 PM - Celestine Travers: Welp, that's my turn then, unless that didn't count as an attack
  203. 9:18 PM - Contract Killer: that did
  204. 6:18 PM - Celestine Travers: Just double checking
  205. 9:19 PM - Contract Killer: "Fair fight, my ass! You're one slippery lady!"
  206. 6:20 PM - Celestine Travers: I grin, toying with my knife a bit, calmly plummeting. "I wish I was a bit more slippery right now, you're holding on to me like I'm your lover in bed."
  207. 9:22 PM - Contract Killer: "I'd probably poison the wine before we did anything. Let's skip the wine and get to the point, eh?"
  208. 9:22 PM - Contract Killer: oopsies
  209. 9:22 PM - Contract Killer: that roll is for you
  210. 9:22 PM - Contract Killer: :v
  211. 6:23 PM - Celestine Travers: "Fair deal, you're a fighter not a lover quite obviously."
  212. 9:23 PM - Contract Killer: "I resent that!"
  213. 9:23 PM - Contract Killer: 42 on an attack against you
  214. 9:23 PM - Contract Killer: :v
  215. 6:23 PM - Celestine Travers: Sweet
  216. 6:23 PM - Celestine Travers: Fucking
  217. 6:23 PM - Celestine Travers: Christ
  218. 6:24 PM - Celestine Travers: WAIT
  219. 6:24 PM - Celestine Travers: I'll spend 1 luck to use Disappearing act
  220. 6:25 PM - Celestine Travers: Whenever hit by a succesful attack, I can blow a luck to use it and teleport 2d6 spaces away in a random direction
  221. 9:25 PM - Contract Killer: Alright, try it
  222. 9:25 PM - Contract Killer: do you still take the damage though? I don't remember how that works
  223. 6:25 PM - Celestine Travers: 15
  224. 6:25 PM - Celestine Travers: No, I take no damage c:
  225. 9:26 PM - Contract Killer: Seems ridiculously OP to instantly avoid all damage with a single, simple roll
  226. 6:26 PM - Celestine Travers: Well, you have control where I end up
  227. 9:26 PM - Contract Killer: that doesn't change the fact
  228. 6:26 PM - Celestine Travers: True
  229. 6:26 PM - Celestine Travers: Half, or a fourth perhaps?
  230. 6:26 PM - Celestine Travers: Maybe a third?
  231. 9:26 PM - Contract Killer: let's go with half, and 3 uses per battle
  232. 6:27 PM - Celestine Travers: Well, I only have 2 luck :v
  233. 9:28 PM - Contract Killer: wait, it costs a luck to use?
  234. 6:28 PM - Celestine Travers: Yes
  235. 9:28 PM - Contract Killer: ah, well then, scratch the limited uses thing, since it's already limited
  236. 6:28 PM - Celestine Travers: Yeah
  237. 9:28 PM - Contract Killer: so let's see what the damage is
  238. 9:29 PM - Contract Killer: figures it gets minimum
  239. 9:29 PM - Contract Killer: 10 damage
  240. 6:29 PM - Celestine Travers: 10 halved? Or 10 is what I take
  241. 9:29 PM - Contract Killer: oh yeah, halved
  242. 9:29 PM - Contract Killer: so 5 damage
  243. 6:29 PM - Celestine Travers: So, 5
  244. 6:30 PM - Celestine Travers: Woo
  245. 9:30 PM - Contract Killer: and you poof further away from the building
  246. 6:30 PM - Celestine Travers: Right, my turn then?
  247. 9:31 PM - Contract Killer: Aye
  248. 6:31 PM - Celestine Travers: I teleport back into the office then c:
  249. 6:31 PM - Celestine Travers: 14, pass or no?
  250. 9:32 PM - Contract Killer: Well, considering you've fallen quite some ways, and have been pushed even further out into the street
  251. 9:32 PM - Contract Killer: no
  252. 6:33 PM - Celestine Travers: I'll OC it then
  253. 6:33 PM - Celestine Travers: 5, 19
  254. 9:33 PM - Contract Killer: You don't poof into the office, but about 2 floors below it
  255. 6:35 PM - Celestine Travers: Isn't that the floor with the secret staircase?
  256. 9:35 PM - Contract Killer: Yep
  257. 6:35 PM - Celestine Travers: I take that then c:
  258. 9:37 PM - Contract Killer: You walk up the stairs and enter the office.
  259. 9:37 PM - Contract Killer: Mr. A appears to be looking out the window, while Princess hasn't moved.
  260. 9:37 PM - Contract Killer: He turns around at your entrance.
  261. 6:38 PM - Celestine Travers: Celestine feigns a yawn, grinning at Mr A. "I was expecting a challenge."
  262. 9:38 PM - Contract Killer: A: "That wasn't quite the fight I was expecting."
  263. 6:39 PM - Celestine Travers: "Ah, as many girls I met have learned, all is fair in love and war, and I am quite good at both of those things."
  264. 9:39 PM - Contract Killer: A: "You're quite lucky she's a resourceful girl. I did specify non-lethality, did I not? I can't accept any girl who can not follow simple directions."
  265. 6:40 PM - Celestine Travers: "Ah, if she lives, or if she dies, that is up to her own skill. If anything, if she doesn't come back alive, it's her own lack of skill that's responsible, not my fighting style."
  266. 9:41 PM - Contract Killer: Roll Social~
  267. 6:41 PM - Celestine Travers: 8
  268. 6:41 PM - Celestine Travers: Damn
  269. 6:41 PM - Celestine Travers: I'll luck it to reroll
  270. 6:41 PM - Celestine Travers: 10
  271. 6:41 PM - Celestine Travers: Well, I could have +2'd it to the same result
  272. 9:42 PM - Contract Killer: :v
  273. 9:42 PM - Contract Killer: not gonna cut it
  274. 6:42 PM - Celestine Travers: I figured
  275. 9:42 PM - Contract Killer: you got a luck left, don't you?
  276. 6:42 PM - Celestine Travers: No, I used it to use disappearing act
  277. 9:42 PM - Contract Killer: ah
  278. 9:42 PM - Contract Killer: welp, rip
  279. 6:43 PM - Celestine Travers: Actually, wait
  280. 6:43 PM - Celestine Travers: I still have 2 unspent XP I've been unsure what to do with the last two games :v
  281. 6:43 PM - Celestine Travers: Spending it to buy another luck
  282. 6:43 PM - Celestine Travers: And I'll use that to reroll, again
  283. 6:43 PM - Celestine Travers: 10
  284. 6:43 PM - Celestine Travers: Are
  285. 6:43 PM - Celestine Travers: Are you fucking
  286. 6:43 PM - Celestine Travers: Shitting me
  287. 9:43 PM - Contract Killer: :V
  288. 9:43 PM - Contract Killer: ggnore
  289. 6:44 PM - Celestine Travers: Yep
  290. 9:49 PM - Contract Killer: A: "While that may be the case, she is resourceful, /and/ follows directions. Your actions have not given me any proper way to gauge your prowess, apart from the fact that you can teleport. Useful as that may be, your inability to do as I directed makes you far too much of a hassle to be considered useful."
  291. 9:50 PM - Contract Killer: A: "Kindly leave my office, at once."
  292. 6:50 PM - Celestine Travers: I merely nod, before walking to the elevator "Can I get to the lobby with this, any sort of ID needed for that?"
  293. 9:52 PM - Contract Killer: He nods. "You may leave without incident, but do not return. And tell your... associates, not to return either. They are far too troublesome."
  294. 6:53 PM - Celestine Travers: "I do not associate with them often, but I will convey the message. I didn't come for the job anyways, just to do a friend a favor, adieu Mr A, and Princess, when will you be coming home tonight?"
  295. 9:55 PM - Contract Killer: P: "Depends on how things go here. We'll see what happens."
  296. 6:56 PM - Celestine Travers: "I see" She said with a smile "I shall see you then regardless, I think I'm going to take a nap, today's been rather eventful." She said, stepping into the elevator and hitting the lobby button
  297. 9:56 PM - Contract Killer: You descend, and arrive. Walking through the lobby doors is none other than... Kimiko.
  298. 6:57 PM - Celestine Travers: Celestine smiles and waves, crossing the lobby. "Sadly, my application was declined, it was rather fun trying to outfox you."
  299. 9:59 PM - Contract Killer: She gives you a wave as well, while giving a genuine smile. "Try harder next time!"
  300. 7:00 PM - Celestine Travers: "Ah, there'll be no next time. Mr A was afraid I had perhaps killed you, even though I'm sure somone as professional as you could shrug off such a drop. Though perhaps we could meet on non business terms sometime?"
  301. 10:02 PM - Contract Killer: "Sure!"
  302. 10:02 PM - Contract Killer: She walks past you, enters the elevator and hits a button, but stops the doors before they close, poking a head out to call out to you.
  303. 10:02 PM - Contract Killer: "Say, on the offchance, do you know some weird girl with rabbit ears? Val, was her name."
  304. 7:06 PM - Celestine Travers: "I've seen her around, why?"
  305. 10:06 PM - Contract Killer: "If you see her, tell her I'm almost done with her request, and it'll cost her about $300! It's tougher than I thought, making this stuff nonlethal."
  306. 7:07 PM - Celestine Travers: "...Will do, oh, can I get your number? In case she has any sort of reply to this."
  307. 10:07 PM - Contract Killer: She exits the elevator and walks over to you. You exchange information.
  308. 7:08 PM - Celestine Travers: "That shall make this easier, though, a request, for something nonlethal, would it be rude to inquire about this? You certainly have me intrigued."
  309. 10:09 PM - Contract Killer: "Oh, just some kinda poison that puts people to sleep. Poison is my specialty, but I never really tried to make it put someone to sleep."
  310. 10:09 PM - Contract Killer: "Most of the time it just rots their insides! Maybe paralyzes them, or sends agonizing pain through every nerve, but never put someone to sleep."
  311. 7:10 PM - Celestine Travers: "Hmm... I normally don't go the non-lethal route, too many witnesses, not enough fun, but if the need ever arises, I know who to call" She says with a smirk. "The other types though... How well do they stick to blades?"
  312. 10:11 PM - Contract Killer: "Now /that/'s simple! I can just add a little compound to thicken the brew, make it a little sticky so it doesn't just... run right off like water. Bam!"
  313. 7:12 PM - Celestine Travers: "I may have to give you call myself then... Or perhaps I'm just looking for an excuse to text such an interesting girl." The last part is spoken with a grin, as she finishes inputting the info to her phone.
  314. 10:14 PM - Contract Killer: "Sorry, I'm spoken for! Oh, Sanzo..." her face looks blissful as she gets a far-off look.
  315. 7:15 PM - Celestine Travers: She giggles a bit, walking away "Oh, I'm not sure if it was serious, it's a bad habit I have with most girls, especially the dangerous ones... I will get back to bunny girl with the information though."
  316. 10:15 PM - Contract Killer: "Thanks much! See you around."
  317. 7:15 PM - Celestine Travers: She merely nods as she gets walking back home, pocketing her phone
  318. 10:19 PM - Contract Killer: You head on home then, and are greeted by your squaking little buckets of retard.
  319. 7:20 PM - Celestine Travers: I petpet all of their precious little heads, before heading off to bed, it's been a long day
  320. 7:20 PM - Celestine Travers: And speaking of long things, it's been a long while since a certain American made an apperance
  321. 7:20 PM - Celestine Travers: Permission to switch characters?
  322. 10:20 PM - Contract Killer: Sure, no problem
  324. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Celestine - Meeting with Mr. A~~
  331. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Ramona - Gunsmithing and Backup Requests~~
  333. 10:21 PM - Contract Killer: Let's say you both went home after leaving the hospital, so now you're on the next day which is today
  334. 7:22 PM - Ramona Boone: Got it c:
  335. 10:22 PM - Contract Killer: It's tuesday afternoon
  336. 7:23 PM - Ramona Boone: I'll text Eri then, see what the girls are doing "Yo chucklenuts, how goes it?"
  337. 10:26 PM - Contract Killer: "Hey, kinda busy killing a murderer!"
  338. 7:26 PM - Ramona Boone: "Woah, tough shit, mind if I pop by?"
  339. 10:27 PM - Contract Killer: "If you want, we're kinda beat"
  340. 10:28 PM - Contract Killer: 10:27 PM - Eri Motai: "She's got a snake monster who's also her lesbian lover"
  341. 10:27 PM - Eri Motai: "and it's killing us too"
  342. 7:28 PM - Ramona Boone: "Damn she sounds crazy, where you guys at, I need to see this?"
  343. 10:28 PM - Contract Killer: "Brb Rulz of Nature"
  344. 7:29 PM - Ramona Boone: Welp, that's no help at all
  345. 7:30 PM - Ramona Boone: Oh right, I have two scuba tanks and a buncha PVC piping and valves, time to make a grenade launcher!
  346. 10:30 PM - Contract Killer: woo
  347. 10:30 PM - Contract Killer: So, you're at home, with your gear, in your pops' workshop
  348. 7:31 PM - Ramona Boone: (Also, I know Ramona's expertises, but I never decided which got what value :v)
  349. 10:31 PM - Contract Killer: gg
  350. 10:31 PM - Contract Killer: so do them now :v
  351. 7:31 PM - Ramona Boone: I know shh
  352. 7:33 PM - Ramona Boone: What did we start with? As in, how many points?
  353. 10:33 PM - Contract Killer: 14
  354. 10:33 PM - Contract Killer: each of the 3 skills you picked starts at 1 for free
  355. 10:33 PM - Contract Killer: max 8
  356. 7:33 PM - Ramona Boone: Right
  357. 7:35 PM - Ramona Boone: Right, 7 in gunsmithing, 5 each in Aerobatics and Explosives
  358. 7:36 PM - Ramona Boone: So, sitting in the workshop, Ramona lays out the parts, and pulls a grenade out, not pulling the pin, but for measurement purposes
  359. 10:37 PM - Contract Killer: Roll Gunsmithing to start this shit
  360. 10:37 PM - Contract Killer: Eri resumes texting, "Ok, rulz of nature was a success also yeah now other girl is pissed"
  361. 7:39 PM - Ramona Boone: 15
  362. 7:39 PM - Ramona Boone: "Welp, I assume you have this shit covered then, currently building myself a new toy over here in the workshop, I think you'll like it"
  363. 10:39 PM - Contract Killer: "We're at this location, here." Eri sends Ramona a gps coordinate for the church.
  364. 10:40 PM - Contract Killer: You start off with some nice measurements and proceed to get things lined up neat and ready
  365. 10:40 PM - Contract Killer: Roll again
  366. 10:40 PM - Contract Killer: "What is it? I've got time, gonna take a breather on the sidelines for a sec"
  367. 7:41 PM - Ramona Boone: "A grenade launcher, compressed air launcher, using a scubatank backpack"
  368. 7:41 PM - Ramona Boone: 18, almost perfect :v
  369. 10:41 PM - Contract Killer: 10:41 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh yeah, you're also friends with Sarah right? How's she doing? She hardly talks to me."
  370. 10:42 PM - Contract Killer: The assembly proceeds as planned and all goes nicely
  371. 7:42 PM - Ramona Boone: "She got out of the hospital, after I had a nice yelling at her for getting herself into danger, she's healthy and well though, went off to rest up at home."
  372. 10:44 PM - Contract Killer: 10:43 PM - Eri Motai: "She go fight a giant monster by herself or something?"
  373. 7:44 PM - Ramona Boone: "I... Ask her about it, I'll get mad again if I tell the story"
  374. 7:46 PM - Ramona Boone: Anyways, did I assemble the entire thing already?
  375. 10:47 PM - Contract Killer: 10:46 PM - Eri Motai: Eri texts back, "Aight, I'll make sure to ask her when I get a chance also I might need to assist so if you aren't gonna help I should stop texting now"
  376. 10:47 PM - Contract Killer: Yep, it's nice and perfect
  377. 7:47 PM - Ramona Boone: Grinning, she puts it down, looking around the workshop, what sort of raw materials are in here?
  378. 10:48 PM - Contract Killer: I dunno, what are you looking for?
  379. 7:49 PM - Ramona Boone: Millable steel, steel tubing, perhaps any unfinished/ruined projects from my father
  380. 7:49 PM - Ramona Boone: Anything that can make a gun really :v
  381. 10:52 PM - Contract Killer: Sure, there's some bits and pieces around you can use
  382. 10:53 PM - Contract Killer: 28
  383. 10:53 PM - Contract Killer: sht
  384. 10:53 PM - Contract Killer: shit
  385. 7:53 PM - Ramona Boone: I gather up all of it, and lay it on the table, sorting out the biggest barrel, and some parts to machine a reciever out of
  386. 10:53 PM - Contract Killer: Roll Gunsmithing to find some parts
  387. 7:53 PM - Ramona Boone: 15
  388. 10:53 PM - Contract Killer: You find quite a few usable parts
  389. 7:55 PM - Ramona Boone: I measure out the barrel, and see what's the largest caliber shell it can handle
  390. 10:55 PM - Contract Killer: I dunno what do you want :v
  391. 7:55 PM - Ramona Boone: I want to make an anti-tank rifle :v
  392. 10:55 PM - Contract Killer: well that's sure not happening
  393. 7:56 PM - Ramona Boone: 7.92mm would actually be all I need
  394. 7:56 PM - Ramona Boone: I dont mean like a fuck huge anti-tank cannon
  395. 7:56 PM - Ramona Boone: Think anti-material rifle size
  396. 10:58 PM - Contract Killer: when I hear AM I think .50 BMG
  397. 7:59 PM - Ramona Boone: That's actually 12.7mm, its a relatively meaty anti-armor round
  398. 10:59 PM - Contract Killer: I'd prefer you to not get an anti-tank rifle from scraps though :v
  399. 8:00 PM - Ramona Boone: Well, assuming it's a gun workshop, it's not just random metal, it's stuff made to make guns
  400. 8:00 PM - Ramona Boone: Now, if I just went to a hardware store and made it out of random shit, fair point
  401. 8:01 PM - Ramona Boone: But, if you want, I will scale it down, just merely make a xbox-hueg sniper rifle
  402. 11:01 PM - Contract Killer: I guess that's a little better
  403. 8:02 PM - Ramona Boone: Hmm... Any chance of magically 'enhancing' the gun, or is that just stupid :v
  404. 11:02 PM - Contract Killer: stupid
  405. 11:03 PM - Contract Killer: I'm not letting any shit like your arm working because reason happen again :v
  406. 8:03 PM - Ramona Boone: Darn, looks like singing bullets are out of the question
  407. 11:03 PM - Contract Killer: maybe if you took it somewhere :v
  408. 8:03 PM - Ramona Boone: Just image America the Beautiful being screamed by a bullet as it slammed into a youma's face :v
  409. 11:03 PM - Contract Killer: sung poorly, I hope
  410. 8:03 PM - Ramona Boone: Yep
  411. 11:03 PM - Contract Killer: like, by someone singing loudly, not well
  412. 8:05 PM - Ramona Boone: Right then, I take the barrel, and mill it to the largest calliber I can without breaking the thing
  413. 11:06 PM - Contract Killer: Gunsmithing~
  414. 11:07 PM - Contract Killer: :v
  415. 11:07 PM - Contract Killer: min roll gg
  416. 8:07 PM - Ramona Boone: Welp
  417. 8:07 PM - Ramona Boone: Luck to reroll
  418. 8:07 PM - Ramona Boone: So I dont wreck a perfectly good barrel :v
  419. 11:07 PM - Contract Killer: nuther 9 nuther 9 nuther 9...
  420. 11:07 PM - Contract Killer: damn
  421. 8:07 PM - Ramona Boone: 13
  422. 8:07 PM - Ramona Boone: Whew
  423. 11:08 PM - Contract Killer: You mill the barrel pretty decently, and it doesn't break, thankfully
  424. 11:08 PM - Contract Killer: Though for a moment you thought it was about to
  425. 8:08 PM - Ramona Boone: How high is the calliber?
  426. 11:10 PM - Contract Killer: nigga I'm not a gunsperg I dunno
  427. 11:10 PM - Contract Killer: big enough?
  428. 8:11 PM - Ramona Boone: Wait wait wait
  429. 8:11 PM - Ramona Boone: Forget the BFG, I'm making a Loudenboomer lmg
  430. 8:11 PM - Ramona Boone: Which is a .22 round, rather weak
  431. 8:12 PM - Ramona Boone: But it travels at 4600 fps, the fastest bullet in the world
  432. 8:12 PM - Ramona Boone: Also it's really fucking loud :v
  433. 11:12 PM - Contract Killer: :v
  434. 11:12 PM - Contract Killer: alright, fine, whatever
  435. 11:12 PM - Contract Killer: roll to build your damned death machine
  436. 8:13 PM - Ramona Boone: 14
  437. 11:13 PM - Contract Killer: You begin construction, and it goes smoothly
  438. 11:13 PM - Contract Killer: roll again
  439. 8:13 PM - Ramona Boone: 10, bollocks
  440. 11:13 PM - Contract Killer: you fumble, and drop a few parts
  441. 8:14 PM - Ramona Boone: Also, the Earsplitten Loudenboomer looks like the bullet on the right, if you want to see it
  442. 8:15 PM - Ramona Boone: "Damn..." She mumbles, gathering the small parts back together
  443. 11:15 PM - Contract Killer: roll again :v
  444. 8:15 PM - Ramona Boone: 14 yay
  445. 11:15 PM - Contract Killer: Much better, you put those pieces back together proper and work runs smoothly
  446. 11:15 PM - Contract Killer: One more roll and you'll have your gun
  447. 8:16 PM - Ramona Boone: 16 woo
  448. 11:17 PM - Contract Killer: Your gun is now appropriately constructed
  449. 8:18 PM - Ramona Boone: One last touch, I take a paint marker, and write onto the barrel "LFG", because while this is only a .22 gun, it'll be quite vicious :v
  450. 11:19 PM - Contract Killer: does that mean what I think it means
  451. 8:19 PM - Ramona Boone: Yep
  452. 8:19 PM - Ramona Boone: Little fucking gun :v
  453. 11:19 PM - Contract Killer: Eri texts you, "Hey, status update, we kinda need help; bitch is loco and is trying to blow up the lower tier via magic nukes"
  454. 11:19 PM - Contract Killer: sounds about right
  455. 11:19 PM - Contract Killer: "Medical evac would be nice"
  456. 8:20 PM - Ramona Boone: "Aw fuck yeah, one moment, just built a surprise."
  457. 8:20 PM - Ramona Boone: WIth that, I take off to the location they texted me earlier
  458. 8:20 PM - Ramona Boone: With my grenade launcher on my back, and LFG in hand
  459. 11:22 PM - Contract Killer: You fly down to Tier 4, flapping as fast as you can
  460. 11:23 PM - Contract Killer: Eventually, you fly onto the tier proper, and head to the coordinates. A dilapidated, abandoned church
  461. 11:23 PM - Contract Killer: Your activator tells you there's a Nightmare inside
  462. 8:23 PM - Ramona Boone: I fly inside at once, the Maelstrom (new name for the LFG :v) at the ready
  464. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Ramona - Gunsmithing and Backup Requests~~
  468. 6:23 PM - Contract Killer: Turn order as you won't recall but can reference here is Norie, Val, Eri, Tami, Rin, Saiko
  469. 6:23 PM - Eri Motai: I thought me and Tami went before everyone else :v
  470. 6:24 PM - Contract Killer: Tami just concluded her turn focusing on Eri's cross to try and make it a sword or something
  471. 6:24 PM - Eri Motai: well, besides the youma
  472. 6:24 PM - Contract Killer: I literally copy pasted that list from the log
  473. 6:24 PM - Eri Motai: you did? huh
  474. 6:24 PM - Saiko Itami: ((your turn frigs)
  475. 6:24 PM - Contract Killer: That makes it Rin's turn
  476. 6:24 PM - Saiko Itami: ((oh wait))
  477. 6:25 PM - Eri Motai: (damnit frigs you had one job and that was being a super hero)
  478. 6:25 PM - Contract Killer: shh I'm typing
  479. 6:25 PM - Eri Motai: (oh yeah, teamspeak?
  480. 6:25 PM - Eri Motai: )
  481. 6:25 PM - Contract Killer: sure
  482. 6:27 PM - Contract Killer: Norie, the snakelike youma, is slightly irate at her failure to damage Eri. Rin poses dramatically for her turn, as Norie instead slithers rapidly up to Rin and bashes her head into Rin's gut.
  483. 6:28 PM - Contract Killer: Rin is sent flying against a wall and is now unconscious.
  484. 6:28 PM - Contract Killer: Saiko, your turn!
  485. 6:28 PM - Eri Motai: "... So much for being a hero."
  486. 6:28 PM - Saiko Itami: I watch Rin fly across the room and pass out against a wall.
  487. 6:29 PM - Saiko Itami: "That seems familiar, somehow."
  488. 6:29 PM - Eri Motai: "Ya know, you're kinda right."
  489. 6:29 PM - Saiko Itami: ((whats the youma look like again?))
  490. 6:30 PM - Eri Motai: (it's a naga, with the human/lady part being covered in that pitch black youma skin)
  491. 6:30 PM - Eri Motai: (approx 10 ft long, if I remember?)
  492. 6:30 PM - Contract Killer: And the naga part is like 10 feet long, while the lady part is about the size of a lady
  493. 6:30 PM - Saiko Itami: I brace my gun against my hip and blast it in the face with hot lead.
  494. 6:31 PM - Contract Killer: roll it nerd
  495. 6:31 PM - Saiko Itami: ((sorry, forgot to open rolz c;
  496. 6:31 PM - Saiko Itami: ))
  497. 6:32 PM - Saiko Itami: I got a 19 c:
  498. 6:32 PM - Contract Killer: 17
  499. 6:32 PM - Contract Killer: You hit, roll damage
  500. 6:33 PM - Saiko Itami: 7, ooh
  501. 6:33 PM - Contract Killer: 6 damage, then
  502. 6:34 PM - Contract Killer: Norie's turn, but Smas.png (.PowergamingNerdGuy) stunned it
  503. 6:35 PM - Eri Motai: (sounds about right)
  504. 6:35 PM - Eri Motai: (wonder who that is)
  505. 6:35 PM - Contract Killer: The murderer girl, sitting some ways back from the combat, sighs. "Norie, you weren't always this bad! What happened? Here, you'll need some help."
  506. 6:35 PM - Saiko Itami: "You know, I never understood how these things work. You can blast them into swiss cheese and they just keep walkin'!"
  507. 6:36 PM - Contract Killer: The girl claps her hands, and the 4 stained glass windows shatter, the shards falling to the floor and forming 4 floating clouds of colorful glass.
  508. 6:36 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, at this point I just keep swinging until the thing explodes."
  509. 6:36 PM - Contract Killer: Now it's Val's turn
  510. 6:38 PM - Contract Killer: 20
  511. 6:39 PM - Val: 22
  512. 6:39 PM - Contract Killer: roll damage
  513. 6:39 PM - Contract Killer: remember to add 1 for each OC
  514. 6:39 PM - Eri Motai: "I'll clear the glass, you guys focus on the snake monster...!"
  515. 6:39 PM - Contract Killer: 11 damage, blimey
  516. 6:39 PM - Val: 11
  517. 6:40 PM - Contract Killer: Val shoots Norie right in the face
  518. 6:40 PM - Contract Killer: Eri, your go
  519. 6:40 PM - Val: Val blows the smoke from her gun, satisfied
  520. 6:41 PM - Contract Killer: There are 4 clouds, labeled Shard Fields A, B, C, D
  521. 6:41 PM - Eri Motai: Eri attempts to multitarget attack a few clouds of shards, getting in a position where she can hit at least 2.
  522. 6:41 PM - Contract Killer: For simplicity's sake I'll stick all the familiars' turns at the end of the turn order
  523. 6:41 PM - Contract Killer: You're in positon, roll it
  524. 6:42 PM - Eri Motai: 19 do it?
  525. 6:42 PM - Contract Killer: yep, with 4 defense even a max roll won't do it
  526. 6:43 PM - Contract Killer: (youmas don't explode on 6s, I recently read in the rule book)
  527. 6:43 PM - Eri Motai: 10 dmg
  528. 6:43 PM - Contract Killer: You deal 10 damage to Shard Fields A and B
  529. 6:44 PM - Contract Killer: Tami's turn, and she's going to try and draw out Eri's magic again
  530. 6:45 PM - Eri Motai: can I assist?
  531. 6:45 PM - Contract Killer: sure
  532. 6:45 PM - Eri Motai: "I'm sure you got it, just remember how you did it the first time!"
  533. 6:46 PM - Contract Killer: With a *shiiink* noise, Eri's cross elongates into a sword in Tami's hands. She can attack come her next turn.
  534. 6:46 PM - Contract Killer: I think I'll fill Rin's turn with a Shard Field just so they aren't /all/ tacked onto the end
  535. 6:46 PM - Contract Killer: Shard Field A goes!
  536. 6:47 PM - Contract Killer: It uses Shard Shield, and starts circling around Norie.
  537. 6:47 PM - Contract Killer: Saiko, your turn.
  538. 6:49 PM - Saiko Itami: I fire off an experimental volley of rounds at robogirl.
  539. 6:49 PM - Saiko Itami: robe*, woopsie
  540. 6:51 PM - Contract Killer: Norie flings herself in front of the volley
  541. 6:51 PM - Contract Killer: roll attack
  542. 6:52 PM - Saiko Itami: 12, but I'll Fill Em With Lead and reroll the 2.
  543. 6:52 PM - Saiko Itami: Ahaha, shit.
  544. 6:52 PM - Saiko Itami: 11.
  545. 6:52 PM - Eri Motai: (brb food I guess?)
  546. 6:52 PM - Contract Killer: pizza?
  547. 6:54 PM - Saiko Itami: help im balling out of control
  548. 6:55 PM - Saiko Itami: 27
  549. 6:55 PM - Contract Killer: well that's a hit
  550. 6:55 PM - Contract Killer: roll damage
  551. 6:55 PM - Saiko Itami: My gun shivers violently and starts blasting out bullets at triple speed for a few seconds.
  552. 6:55 PM - Saiko Itami: "Jesus!"
  553. 6:55 PM - Saiko Itami: 8 damage
  554. 6:55 PM - Saiko Itami: actually
  555. 6:55 PM - Saiko Itami: whats the TN
  556. 6:56 PM - Contract Killer: Robegirl speaks up, commenting at Saiko, "You pack a lot of punch for such a small package."
  557. 6:57 PM - Contract Killer: The floating glass shards surrounding Norie, who leapt in front of the volley, arrange themselves to absorb the bullets. The shards fall to the floor, inert and broken, and Norie takes 4 damage.
  558. 6:57 PM - Saiko Itami: so the shards get to cover for a youma whos covering
  559. 6:57 PM - Contract Killer: yes
  560. 6:58 PM - Saiko Itami: thats kinda dumb
  561. 6:58 PM - Contract Killer: The youma still took damage
  562. 6:58 PM - Saiko Itami: i know
  563. 6:58 PM - Saiko Itami: still dumb, but w/e
  564. 6:58 PM - Contract Killer: Shard Fields B, C and D go now!
  565. 6:59 PM - Contract Killer: Shard Field B expands, and attempts to create an illusion of Norie.
  566. 7:00 PM - Contract Killer: Pass, an exact copy of Norie appears beside the original, and they begin slithering back and forth, around each other in such a manner that you lose track of which was which.
  567. 7:00 PM - Contract Killer: Shard Field C flies over to Robegirl and surrounds her in the same way the other one did to Norie just before.
  568. 7:01 PM - Contract Killer: Shard Field D will attempt to pin Saiko.
  569. 7:02 PM - Saiko Itami: I call up to Robegirl, "Must be nice having such a dedicated group to fight for you, ya pansy!"
  570. 7:02 PM - Contract Killer: 12 to pin Saiko. Roll Defense.
  571. 7:03 PM - Eri Motai: Eri mutters, "Ya know, we're kinda fighting in a group too..."
  572. 7:03 PM - Contract Killer: "I was letting them have a little fun, but if you insist..." she shrugs, and hops off the arm of the large stone cross she was sitting on.
  573. 7:03 PM - Contract Killer: Norie's turn!
  574. 7:04 PM - Saiko Itami: my defense matched the pin, is that ok?
  575. 7:04 PM - Val: Val laughs on the inside but contains her composure
  576. 7:04 PM - Contract Killer: Yeah, you avoided the pinning, beating back the flying shards with the butt of your gun
  577. 7:05 PM - Contract Killer: Norie lashes out at Saiko, attempting to bind her!
  578. 7:05 PM - Contract Killer: beat 15 Support
  579. 7:07 PM - Saiko Itami: I try to roll out of the way, but slam my gun into the ground awkwardly and flip myself onto the ground, vulnerable.
  580. 7:09 PM - Saiko Itami: "Oof!"
  581. 7:09 PM - Contract Killer: Norie takes this opportunity to grapple you and wrap you with her tail.
  582. 7:10 PM - Contract Killer: You're constricted and tightened in her tail.
  583. 7:11 PM - Contract Killer: Now it's Val's turn.
  584. 7:11 PM - Eri Motai: "Don't worry, I'll cut you out; just give me a moment Saiko."
  585. 7:12 PM - Val: Val focuses on the the Norie who is not involved
  586. 7:13 PM - Val: Val lunges forword at full speed to do a star slice
  587. 7:14 PM - Celestine Travers entered chat.
  591. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Saiko - Kindness~~
  593. 7:11 PM - Contract Killer: You hear a gentle whisper in your ear. It's calming, soothing. "Please... do not hate Aka-chan for this... she only did it for me."
  594. 7:11 PM - Contract Killer: It seems to be coming from... the youma.
  595. 7:16 PM - Contract Killer: "Don't struggle... I can help you... let me do you a kindness..."
  596. 4:18 PM - Saiko Itami: "Kindness? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Lemme go!"
  597. 7:19 PM - Contract Killer: "Kindness... it was my specialty, my element... I shall do you the kindness of ending your suffering..."
  598. 4:21 PM - Saiko Itami: "If that's kindness, then let me help you out there, too!"
  599. 4:22 PM - Saiko Itami: I thrash around and make weak attempts to kick it with my limited mobility.
  601. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Saiko - Kindness~~
  605. 7:14 PM - Saiko Itami: I struggle weakly in my bindings and cry out after being whispered to creepily.
  606. 7:14 PM - Celestine Travers: ((Im so used to frigs telling me to join the game, when he didnt message me, I assumed it wasnt happening :v))
  607. 7:15 PM - Eri Motai: "Thanks for taking one for the team!" Eri shoots a thumbs up at Saiko.
  608. 7:15 PM - Saiko Itami: ((noone is surprised))
  609. 7:15 PM - Contract Killer: Your assist provides no help as she is not currently performing any challenge.
  610. 7:15 PM - Saiko Itami: "Get me outta here, this thing can talk!"
  611. 7:17 PM - Val: 16
  612. 7:17 PM - Eri Motai: "Well of course it can, it's got like, way too many souls lodged up in there!"
  613. 7:17 PM - Contract Killer: 16 c:
  614. 7:17 PM - Contract Killer: no damage, unless you add more
  615. 7:18 PM - Val: 18
  616. 7:18 PM - Contract Killer: Okie, roll damage
  617. 7:20 PM - Contract Killer: Right, Eri's turn now
  618. 7:21 PM - Eri Motai: "Alright, gonna get you out!"
  619. 7:21 PM - Eri Motai: Eri's going to jump and slice, attempting to free Saiko.
  620. 7:22 PM - Contract Killer: Saiko takes 3 damage from her binding
  621. 7:22 PM - Contract Killer: Roll, Eri
  622. 7:22 PM - Saiko Itami: I cough harshly at the sudden squeeze.
  623. 7:23 PM - Val: Val winces at the sound of Saikos pain
  624. 7:24 PM - Contract Killer: You hit, roll damage
  625. 7:25 PM - Contract Killer: You leave a large, vertical slice in Norie, but fail to release Saiko
  626. 7:25 PM - Eri Motai: "Hmmph, I thought that little surprise was gonna get you out of there, sorry Saiko!"
  627. 7:26 PM - Eri Motai: "Just grin and bear it a bit longer!"
  628. 7:27 PM - Saiko Itami: "Yeah, no problem! I'll just sit here and let my ribs get crushed some more!"
  629. 7:27 PM - Contract Killer: Robegirl's turn! Since she just before joined the fray
  630. 7:27 PM - Contract Killer: "I hear your pain, Norie... let me help you, like we always did!"
  631. 7:28 PM - Contract Killer: She activates her finishing move Haste
  632. 7:29 PM - Contract Killer: I messed up before so whoops. When Val attacked, she attacked the illusion Shard Field. Her damage killed it, and the illusion faded.
  633. 7:30 PM - Eri Motai: (gg thnx val)
  634. 7:30 PM - Contract Killer: Robegirl then does two actions
  635. 7:30 PM - Contract Killer: First, she heals Norie
  636. 7:31 PM - Contract Killer: Second, she casts Backlash Curse on Eri.
  637. 7:31 PM - Contract Killer: Eri, roll Support
  638. 7:32 PM - Contract Killer: 20
  639. 7:34 PM - Contract Killer: 34 :v
  640. 7:34 PM - Saiko Itami: what.
  641. 7:35 PM - Eri Motai: 33 cmon baes help
  642. 7:35 PM - Saiko Itami: i dont currently have arms
  643. 7:36 PM - Eri Motai: "S-stupid curses..." Eri grimaces, barely holding her own.
  644. 7:37 PM - Contract Killer: Tami does what she can to assist, and Robegirl adds her luck, breaking even and adding the backlash curse to Eri
  645. 7:38 PM - Contract Killer: Tami's turn, and she'll just go and slice at a shard field, not knowing what else to do
  646. 7:40 PM - Contract Killer: She deals a whole 2 damage to one of the shard fields
  647. 7:40 PM - Saiko Itami: ((>11 year old girl being crushed by a giant snake tail))
  648. 7:40 PM - Saiko Itami: ((BETTER FIGHT GLASS))
  649. 7:40 PM - Contract Killer: she's keeping them off you :v
  650. 7:40 PM - Contract Killer: she's not about to poke a giant snake with a pointy stick
  651. 7:41 PM - Contract Killer: T: "I-I'll try and keep these things back! Eri, Val, you help her!"
  652. 7:41 PM - Contract Killer: Saiko's turn!
  653. 7:41 PM - Saiko Itami: ((that would be more reasonable if she was effective at all though :v))
  654. 7:41 PM - Contract Killer: 2 more damage, and you can resist again
  658. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Saiko - Unbound~~
  660. 4:32 PM - Saiko Itami: ((so how am i bound? torso only? torso+arms? torso+legs?))
  661. 7:32 PM - Contract Killer: pretty much everything
  662. 7:32 PM - Contract Killer: it's a Support roll to break out, TN15
  663. 4:33 PM - Saiko Itami: support? not physical?
  664. 7:33 PM - Contract Killer: it's magic, that's what the move says :v
  665. 4:34 PM - Saiko Itami: oh, welp :v
  666. 7:34 PM - Contract Killer: I got it from the youma powers list so :v
  667. 4:34 PM - Saiko Itami: yah
  668. 4:34 PM - Saiko Itami: yeah*
  669. 4:35 PM - Saiko Itami: i think its more for a magical binding, but im not complaining :v
  670. 4:35 PM - Saiko Itami: same roll either way
  671. 4:35 PM - Saiko Itami: 11, failure
  672. 7:36 PM - Contract Killer: You struggle fruitlessly
  673. 7:36 PM - Contract Killer: "Shhh, let darkness embrace you..."
  674. 4:37 PM - Saiko Itami: I kick my legs and look around the room.
  675. 4:38 PM - Saiko Itami: What's the tail like? Snake scales, I'm guessing?
  676. 7:38 PM - Contract Killer: Aye
  677. 4:39 PM - Saiko Itami: ((well in that case))
  678. 4:39 PM - Saiko Itami: Out of options, I clench my eyes shut and make a disgusted face before biting down hard into the tail.
  680. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Saiko - Unbound~~
  684. 7:42 PM - Saiko Itami: I bite into the snake tail, hard.
  685. 7:43 PM - Eri Motai: "Thanks Tami; just don't get in over your head!"
  686. 7:43 PM - Saiko Itami: hey, perfect roll to get out with no OC
  687. 7:43 PM - Contract Killer: It uncoils and tosses you aside with a powerful shove
  688. 7:43 PM - Saiko Itami: p-p-p-perfect!
  689. 7:44 PM - Saiko Itami: I slam into the ground and roll a few meters, coming to a stop upside-down, with my legs over my head.
  690. 7:45 PM - Contract Killer: The Shard C is still surrounding Robegirl, and Shard D will now use Razor Wind on Val
  691. 7:45 PM - Saiko Itami: "Ow, ow, ow, ow!"
  692. 7:45 PM - Contract Killer: Val, beat 14 on defense
  693. 7:45 PM - Eri Motai: "...We'll get you a band-aid, just hang in there."
  694. 7:46 PM - Contract Killer: R: "You sure are a persistant lot. Most girls don't last this long."
  695. 7:46 PM - Contract Killer: You pass, avoiding damage.
  696. 7:47 PM - Contract Killer: Norie's turn!
  697. 7:48 PM - Contract Killer: She'll go to attack Eri!
  698. 7:48 PM - Contract Killer: Beat 14
  699. 7:49 PM - Eri Motai: 18
  700. 7:50 PM - Contract Killer: You successfully defend. Val's turn.
  701. 7:52 PM - Contract Killer: 20 on defense :v
  702. 7:53 PM - Val: 21
  703. 7:54 PM - Contract Killer: You hit, roll damage
  704. 7:54 PM - Val: Val attepmts to run up Nories back and star slice her in the back
  705. 7:59 PM - Contract Killer: You damage her
  706. 7:59 PM - Contract Killer: Doing your fancy edgy cuts
  707. 7:59 PM - Contract Killer: Eri, your go
  708. 8:00 PM - Eri Motai: Eri's gonna resist the curse.
  709. 8:00 PM - Eri Motai: 13
  710. 8:01 PM - Contract Killer: You successfully disband the curse.
  711. 8:04 PM - Eri Motai: Eri vents her fury, and it manifests in a violent explosion around her person. In the aftermath, Eri looks severely torn up.
  712. 8:04 PM - Eri Motai: (-1 to the rest of my normal rolls, rest of the fight)
  713. 8:04 PM - Contract Killer: Robegirl's turn!
  714. 8:05 PM - Contract Killer: She saunters casually up to Eri
  715. 8:05 PM - Contract Killer: Eri, roll Support!
  716. 8:06 PM - Contract Killer: WHOOPSIES
  717. 8:06 PM - Contract Killer: 42 c:
  718. 8:06 PM - Eri Motai: "So, whatcha want?" Eri states, glaring at the girl.
  719. 8:08 PM - Contract Killer: Eri's voice comes from the robed girl. "You see, I know your tricks... MURDERER!" She puts her hand onto Eri's face, and pulls off a mask that exactly resembles Eri's face, revealing a purple-hooded head beneath the Eri mask.
  720. 8:09 PM - Contract Killer: Eri's clothes change into a robe as well, while the other girl's clothes change to Eri's magical outfit.
  721. 8:09 PM - Saiko Itami: In the meantime, Saiko picks herself up and snaps her fingers to remove the dust and summon her gun again.
  722. 8:09 PM - Contract Killer: "I can do illusions too, you murderer!"
  723. 8:09 PM - Eri Motai: "...Wow, I that youma flesh really does look hideous on you."
  724. 8:10 PM - Eri Motai: "Er, me."
  725. 8:11 PM - Contract Killer: Eri's voice now sounds like that of the murderer's, while the murderer herself says, in Eri's voice while wearing her face and outfit, "And those robes aren't so flattering either."
  726. 8:11 PM - Eri Motai: "Hmmph, fair enough."
  727. 8:11 PM - Contract Killer: Tami's turn! And she is very, very confused.
  728. 8:12 PM - Saiko Itami: "You're arguing about /fashion/ with the girl who killed Namiyo?" I say in disbelief.
  729. 8:12 PM - Contract Killer: The glass shards that were previously circling Robegirl begin to circle the two identity-confused girls in equal mass.
  730. 8:12 PM - Contract Killer: T: "Wh-which do I hit?"
  731. 8:12 PM - Saiko Itami: "What? The robe girl, dummy!"
  732. 8:13 PM - Eri Motai: "You guys aren't helping."
  733. 8:13 PM - Saiko Itami: "Why would we help /you/?"
  734. 8:13 PM - Contract Killer: "Come on, Tami! Like we practiced, hit her!"
  735. 8:15 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh hey, how'd you practice, anyways?"
  736. 8:15 PM - Contract Killer: "Like I'd share anything with you."
  737. 8:16 PM - Contract Killer: T: "U-uh, I - I..." she shakes her head and takes a step back.
  738. 8:16 PM - Contract Killer: She skips her turn
  739. 8:16 PM - Contract Killer: Saiko!
  740. 8:16 PM - Eri Motai: "Heh, what a vague and non-revealing answer."
  741. 8:16 PM - Contract Killer: You're up.
  742. 8:16 PM - Saiko Itami: I shake my head. "Non-magi, I told you, weirdo!"
  743. 8:17 PM - Saiko Itami: I shoot at robegirl.
  744. 8:17 PM - Contract Killer: "If I told you about how we practiced, you'd learn my style that much quicker, and be able to beat me easier."
  745. 8:17 PM - Contract Killer: Roll attack
  746. 8:17 PM - Saiko Itami: 19
  747. 8:18 PM - Contract Killer: Smas, roll Defense
  748. 8:19 PM - Eri Motai: (thank christ for shards)
  749. 8:19 PM - Contract Killer: The shards go to cover the attack!
  750. 8:19 PM - Contract Killer: Roll damage
  751. 8:19 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey, watch who you're shooting!"
  752. 8:20 PM - Contract Killer: The shards take plenty of of damage, and Smas takes 4 of that
  753. 8:21 PM - Eri Motai: "Augh, stupid shards!"
  754. 8:22 PM - Saiko Itami: "I am! If I wasn't, you'd have a lot less holes!"
  755. 8:23 PM - Contract Killer: Shard C will continue to circle Smas with what little is left of the cloud, most having been blown away by Saiko
  756. 8:23 PM - Eri Motai: "Idiot."
  757. 8:23 PM - Contract Killer: Shard D will go after Saiko
  758. 8:24 PM - Contract Killer: 13
  759. 8:24 PM - Saiko Itami: 11, failure.
  760. 8:25 PM - Contract Killer: 5 damage
  761. 8:25 PM - Saiko Itami: I grit my teeth and put my arms up to protect my face from the glass.
  762. 8:27 PM - Contract Killer: Norie's turn!
  763. 8:28 PM - Contract Killer: It's going to attack Val, twice.
  764. 8:29 PM - Contract Killer: yep, twice!
  765. 8:29 PM - Contract Killer: I forgot I gave it the special effect to attack twice
  766. 8:29 PM - Eri Motai: "... So bitch, when I'm done turning your insides into outsides, I think I'll hunt down your family, one member at a time, until nobody remembers you." I direct at 'Eri.' "Perhaps I'll start with your mom, you seem like the kind of sissy who spends too much time in the kitchen."
  767. 8:30 PM - Eri Motai: "And shut your face, 'Tami', before I rip it off."
  768. 8:31 PM - Contract Killer: Roll Social!
  769. 8:31 PM - Eri Motai: 12
  770. 8:32 PM - Contract Killer: No dice~
  771. 8:33 PM - Contract Killer: Norie will continue her assault on Val and leave the Eri/Robey girls to sort their business themselves
  772. 8:33 PM - Contract Killer: Val, beat 19 and 18 on defense
  773. 8:34 PM - Val: 20
  774. 8:34 PM - Contract Killer: You manage to defend against her first strike
  775. 8:36 PM - Contract Killer: Norie's actions quicken, and she strikes at Val with two rapid lashes of her tail. Val jumps over the first tailswipe easily, while the second one flattens her into the ground
  776. 8:36 PM - Contract Killer: 9 damage
  777. 8:38 PM - Val: Val aims with her gun from the ground and tries to 5 shot her face off
  778. 8:40 PM - Val: 19
  779. 8:40 PM - Contract Killer: You beat Norie's defense
  780. 8:40 PM - Contract Killer: Roll damage
  781. 8:40 PM - Val: 18
  782. 8:41 PM - Val: 7
  783. 8:41 PM - Contract Killer: None too shabby on that 7 damage
  784. 8:42 PM - Contract Killer: Eri's up!
  785. 8:43 PM - Saiko Itami: robegirl*
  786. 8:43 PM - Contract Killer: Smas**
  787. 8:43 PM - Eri Motai: I'll grapple Tami, and pull my (whatever weapon I have) to her throat.
  788. 8:44 PM - Contract Killer: Tami screams, dropping Eri's sword as she's grappled, a giant magnifying glass with a sharpened circumfrence now being held to Tami's throat.
  789. 8:44 PM - Contract Killer: "Eri"'s turn!
  790. 8:46 PM - Eri Motai: "So Bitch, you love her, don't you? You'd fight fucking terrifying clowns, crazy shadow demons, role play as characters from the best show ever in the middle of the park, and die for her, wouldn't you?!"
  791. 8:46 PM - Contract Killer: "You're damn right I would! I fight for my friends!"
  792. 8:46 PM - Contract Killer: She runs at Robegirl and goes to cut her.
  793. 8:46 PM - Saiko Itami: ((IIIIIIKE))
  794. 8:47 PM - Eri Motai: "Ok then, what's the name of your goddamned dog? One move, and she's dead!"
  795. 8:47 PM - Contract Killer: She skids to a halt. Roll Support!
  796. 8:47 PM - Saiko Itami: ((this is like the shittiest villain ever))
  797. 8:47 PM - Contract Killer: 19
  798. 8:47 PM - Saiko Itami: ((w-whats your dogs name?))
  799. 8:48 PM - Eri Motai: 25
  800. 8:50 PM - Contract Killer: You beat her roll
  801. 8:50 PM - Contract Killer: "I-it''s..."
  802. 8:50 PM - Saiko Itami: (("dickbutt"))
  803. 8:51 PM - Saiko Itami: ((actually what is her dogs name?))
  804. 8:51 PM - Eri Motai: ((it's Yoki))
  805. 8:51 PM - Saiko Itami: ((is it big enough to ride))
  806. 8:51 PM - Eri Motai: ((almost; my little bro could probably ride her)
  807. 8:52 PM - Eri Motai: (albiet, she only has 3 legs)
  808. 8:53 PM - Saiko Itami: ((thats a no then))
  809. 8:55 PM - Contract Killer: "Y-you're... stealing my... memories!" She says unsteadily.
  810. 8:56 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko boggles vacantly at these shenanigans.
  811. 8:57 PM - Contract Killer: Tami is still bound
  812. 8:57 PM - Contract Killer: Saiko, your turn
  813. 8:57 PM - Eri Motai: "Idiot. If you're going to copy someone, at least know something about them. Hell, how would I even be stealing your memories? I haven't even touched you. You're the one who stole my face."
  814. 8:58 PM - Saiko Itami: "This is stupid! Everyone's everyone!"
  815. 8:58 PM - Contract Killer: "Don't listen to her! She's just trying to get us to turn against each other!"
  816. 8:58 PM - Saiko Itami: I hesitate with my finger on the trigger.
  817. 8:59 PM - Saiko Itami: "Umm..."
  818. 9:00 PM - Eri Motai: "Right, so Saiko, how'd you manage to get those bullets out of your legs?"
  819. 9:00 PM - Eri Motai: "You know how you got 'em."
  820. 9:00 PM - Saiko Itami: "Which bullets?"
  821. 9:01 PM - Eri Motai: "The ones that you used to give yourselves an excuse to not go on stage and dance."
  822. 9:01 PM - Saiko Itami: My eyes narrow. "How'd you know about that?"
  823. 9:01 PM - Saiko Itami: I start walking forward, gun moving back and forth between Eri and Not-Eri.
  824. 9:02 PM - Eri Motai: "I was there, you idiot. Hell, that youma we fought was pretty dumb too."
  825. 9:02 PM - Eri Motai: "It made the worst kind of noise too at the end."
  826. 9:02 PM - Saiko Itami: "!"
  827. 9:02 PM - Contract Killer: "Come on, Saiko. Look at her, she's about ready to cut Tami's throat! And you're pointing that at me?"
  828. 9:02 PM - Saiko Itami: "I got it!"
  829. 9:02 PM - Saiko Itami: "Val, robegirl is that little idol girl!"
  830. 9:03 PM - Eri Motai: "Goddamnit Saiko!"
  831. 9:03 PM - Saiko Itami: "Um..."
  832. 9:04 PM - Saiko Itami: "I'm confused again, can we take this from the top?"
  833. 9:04 PM - Eri Motai: "It's me, Eri, you idiot!"
  834. 9:04 PM - Eri Motai: "If I wanted to kill you idiots, I would have done so by now!"
  835. 9:04 PM - Saiko Itami: I point at Eri. "But, that's Eri."
  836. 9:05 PM - Saiko Itami: "Wait, Eri is the weirdo girl who likes girls, right?"
  837. 9:05 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey, I TOLD YOU I'M NOT WIERD!"
  838. 9:05 PM - Saiko Itami: I rub my chin. "Actually, that describes a good bit of the bar..."
  839. 9:06 PM - Saiko Itami: "Okay, I have an idea!"
  840. 9:06 PM - Contract Killer: "But I haven't killed you either, when I easily could have!"
  841. 9:06 PM - Saiko Itami: "Youma thing, come over here!"
  842. 9:06 PM - Contract Killer: Norie, for what it's worth, has been watching this entire exchange with a confused look, bobbing back and forth while circling the group.
  843. 9:06 PM - Saiko Itami: I gesture to Norie.
  844. 9:07 PM - Contract Killer: Norie then slithers over to Saiko cautiously.
  845. 9:08 PM - Saiko Itami: "Okay, which ones robe lady? Aka-chan, or whatever her stupid name was."
  846. 9:08 PM - Eri Motai: "Aka-chan? What kind of stupid name is that?"
  847. 9:09 PM - Saiko Itami: "Yours, I think. Hold on a sec, stupid!"
  848. 9:10 PM - Eri Motai: "Hell, I never even liked Norie; she was always getting in my way, and then she had to go and get herself killed!"
  849. 9:10 PM - Contract Killer: "That's some way to talk about someone you worked so hard to bring back, by the looks of it."
  850. 9:11 PM - Eri Motai: "You don't mind then, if I kill her myself, would you?"
  851. 9:11 PM - Saiko Itami: "C'mon, snakey, let's go!" I whistle, "Who's a good demon monster? You are! You are!"
  852. 9:11 PM - Eri Motai: I'ma get closer to Norie, Tami still in tow.
  853. 9:12 PM - Contract Killer: Norie slithers over to the duo, pauses to look back at Saiko in response to her comment, then begins to slide across the floor between Robegirl and Eri in a figure-8 motion
  854. 9:12 PM - Contract Killer: Roll Social, Eri!
  855. 9:13 PM - Eri Motai: 13
  856. 9:13 PM - Saiko Itami: "Okay, so is that like, both?"
  857. 9:15 PM - Saiko Itami: I sigh, "This is going nowhere, fast."
  858. 9:15 PM - Saiko Itami: "Time for Plan B."
  859. 9:16 PM - Saiko Itami: I point away towards the wall with one hand to distract everyone, and then void out parts of the ceiling to drop the entire section on top of the group.
  860. 9:16 PM - Contract Killer: Norie stops, then circles the girl who looks like Eri
  861. 9:17 PM - Saiko Itami: too late c;
  862. 9:18 PM - Eri Motai: Cover for Tami, it looks like.
  863. 9:18 PM - Contract Killer: You void out the ceiling, and parts of it fall onto Norie, Eri, Tami and Robegirl
  864. 9:18 PM - Eri Motai: 17 to cover Tami from falling rocks.
  865. 9:19 PM - Contract Killer: lesse here, 1 sec
  866. 9:19 PM - Eri Motai: "Goddamnit Saiko!"
  867. 9:20 PM - Contract Killer: Norie and Real Eri take 6 damage
  868. 9:20 PM - Contract Killer: Tami takes 0, and Real Eri takes 2 more
  869. 9:20 PM - Contract Killer: Robegirl takes 2 damage
  870. 9:21 PM - Saiko Itami: So what's the scene look like?
  871. 9:21 PM - Contract Killer: Meanwhile, both Eri and Robegirls' faces and outfits distort, until they switch
  872. 9:21 PM - Saiko Itami: Oh, that works.
  873. 9:21 PM - Contract Killer: Rocks fall onto the gang, and the disguises disrupt
  874. 9:22 PM - Saiko Itami: "See, that was easy!"
  875. 9:22 PM - Eri Motai: "...Am I really that hard to pick out!?"
  876. 9:22 PM - Eri Motai: "...Sorry Tami."
  877. 9:22 PM - Saiko Itami: "I'm no good with faces! What do I look like, a cop?"
  878. 9:23 PM - Eri Motai: "... Kinda, now that you mention it."
  879. 9:23 PM - Eri Motai: "...My everything hurts..."
  880. 9:24 PM - Val: 15
  881. 9:24 PM - Contract Killer: T: "Oh... Eri..." Tami turns and hugs you, crying.
  882. 9:25 PM - Contract Killer: Val stealths around, behind Norie
  883. 9:25 PM - Eri Motai: Eri hugs back, "...Yeah, that was kinda scary for a moment there, thought you guys were gonna kill me."
  884. 9:26 PM - Val: 20
  885. 9:27 PM - Contract Killer: Val leaps from behind a pillar and stabs Norie in the back of the head
  886. 9:27 PM - Contract Killer: add another 1d6 to that
  887. 9:27 PM - Eri Motai: "...Probably shoulda mentioned the killer bikini stealing crab."
  888. 9:30 PM - Contract Killer: Norie screaches and hisses as she's stabbed stealthily, taking 10 damage after her special effects
  889. 9:30 PM - Contract Killer: R: "NORIE!"
  890. 9:31 PM - Contract Killer: Norie's turn!
  891. 9:31 PM - Contract Killer: She will constrict Val with her tail, as she did with Saiko
  892. 9:31 PM - Contract Killer: roll Support, Val
  893. 9:32 PM - Contract Killer: Beat 19
  894. 9:33 PM - Val: 23
  895. 9:35 PM - Contract Killer: You successfully avoid getting grappled
  896. 9:36 PM - Contract Killer: Your turn again!
  897. 9:38 PM - Contract Killer: ok
  898. 9:38 PM - Contract Killer: you take too long. nevermind
  899. 9:38 PM - Contract Killer: Eri, go
  900. 9:40 PM - Eri Motai: Eri picks up the dropped sword and hands it back to Tami, "Hey, you'll need this." Eri then goes to slice Norie.
  901. 9:40 PM - Eri Motai: 19
  902. 9:41 PM - Contract Killer: Hit
  903. 9:41 PM - Contract Killer: Roll damage
  904. 9:41 PM - Eri Motai: 12
  905. 9:42 PM - Contract Killer: right then
  906. 9:42 PM - Contract Killer: That makes it Robegirl's turn again!
  907. 9:44 PM - Contract Killer: "Norie, that's enough playing with these irritations, let's finish this. Come!"
  908. 9:46 PM - Contract Killer: Norie slithers over quickly, at which point Robegirl takes out the knife again. "Usually, we need him to refine the soul for the right energy, but this should do for now. This will sting for just a moment, please hold tight, for me?" She strokes the youma's cheek, before going to stab her knife into its forehead.
  909. 9:47 PM - Saiko Itami: My eyes widen, and I run forward, "Wait!"
  910. 9:47 PM - Contract Killer: Roll Physical to run~
  911. 9:47 PM - Saiko Itami: 12
  912. 9:48 PM - Contract Killer: got a luck? :v
  913. 9:48 PM - Saiko Itami: Lucking to 15, then.
  914. 9:48 PM - Eri Motai: need 14 bae
  915. 9:50 PM - Contract Killer: luck only adds 2 now
  916. 9:50 PM - Contract Killer: even nicole remembered that
  917. 9:50 PM - Saiko Itami: *shrug*
  918. 9:50 PM - Saiko Itami: 14, then
  919. 9:52 PM - Contract Killer: You sprint forwards and grab her hand before the blade can pierce Norie
  920. 9:53 PM - Eri Motai: "Saiko, get that thing away from Norie!"
  921. 9:54 PM - Contract Killer: She grits her teeth, saying, "You're interfering with a very delicate process. Let go, before my blade's next target is you."
  922. 9:55 PM - Saiko Itami: "I'll show you a delicate process!" I jump onto her and force all my weight down, manifesting the Kamitana in my other hand.
  923. 9:56 PM - Contract Killer: You pull out the Kamitana
  924. 9:57 PM - Saiko Itami: I flick it downwards to throw the sheath forward and snap it off at about dagger length.
  925. 9:58 PM - Saiko Itami: "Drop it!"
  926. 9:58 PM - Contract Killer: She smirks. "Try me, runt."
  927. 10:00 PM - Saiko Itami: I headbutt her and slam the 'dagger' into her side.
  928. 10:00 PM - Contract Killer: Roll physical~
  929. 10:00 PM - Saiko Itami: 13
  930. 10:00 PM - Contract Killer: 16
  931. 10:00 PM - Saiko Itami: 17
  932. 10:01 PM - Eri Motai: (ah snap, dose lucks)
  933. 10:01 PM - Contract Killer: You headbutt her successfully and stab her
  934. 10:01 PM - Contract Killer: roll damage
  935. 10:02 PM - Saiko Itami: 10
  936. 10:02 PM - Saiko Itami: max
  937. 10:03 PM - Saiko Itami: "I said, drop it!"
  938. 10:03 PM - Contract Killer: You stab her successfully
  939. 10:04 PM - Contract Killer: The shards fly in to intercept your blade.
  940. 10:04 PM - Contract Killer: She takes 5 damage, and the remainder of the shards surrounding her fall to the ground, inert.
  941. 10:05 PM - Saiko Itami: I twist the blade around inside her.
  942. 10:05 PM - Contract Killer: Combat starts again!
  943. 10:05 PM - Contract Killer: Shard D's turn!
  944. 10:06 PM - Contract Killer: It razor winds Saiko
  945. 10:06 PM - Contract Killer: 12
  946. 10:06 PM - Contract Killer: defend that
  947. 10:06 PM - Saiko Itami: i'll take it
  948. 10:07 PM - Contract Killer: 5 damage
  949. 10:07 PM - Saiko Itami: you just activated my trap card
  950. 10:08 PM - Contract Killer: is that so?
  951. 10:08 PM - Saiko Itami: yes, definitely
  952. 10:08 PM - Contract Killer: so what's your trap card
  953. 10:08 PM - Saiko Itami: ive got a +1 to everything here
  954. 10:10 PM - Contract Killer: wot
  955. 10:10 PM - Saiko Itami: strength from adversity, hero's will
  956. 10:11 PM - Contract Killer: so what are you doing then? Or are you just buffed
  957. 10:11 PM - Saiko Itami: i'm buffed
  958. 10:11 PM - Contract Killer: o
  959. 10:12 PM - Contract Killer: Well, if that ends your turn
  960. 10:12 PM - Contract Killer: It's Norie's!
  961. 10:12 PM - Saiko Itami: yup
  962. 10:12 PM - Saiko Itami: "Drop the stupid knife, already!"
  963. 10:12 PM - Contract Killer: Norie will attack you!
  964. 10:12 PM - Contract Killer: 16
  965. 10:14 PM - Eri Motai: "Alright Saiko, just hang in there!" Eri's going to cover for Saiko.
  966. 10:14 PM - Eri Motai: (ur welcum)
  967. 10:15 PM - Saiko Itami: ((thxbb))
  968. 10:15 PM - Eri Motai: 20 for support
  969. 10:16 PM - Contract Killer: 9 damage~
  970. 10:16 PM - Contract Killer: It'll attack Saiko again!
  971. 10:17 PM - Eri Motai: 7 to me, 2 to monster
  972. 10:17 PM - Contract Killer: Thanks, Celerity~
  973. 10:17 PM - Contract Killer: I keep forgetting I gave it that
  974. 10:17 PM - Contract Killer: 14
  975. 10:17 PM - Saiko Itami: 16
  976. 10:18 PM - Contract Killer: You manage to dodge Norie's pounce, fangs bared, but her tail still flicks you fairly hard as she passes. 1 damage
  977. 10:18 PM - Saiko Itami: qt
  978. 10:18 PM - Contract Killer: Val's turn!
  979. 10:19 PM - Val: Val wants to attack Norie
  980. 10:19 PM - Saiko Itami: I grunt and hang on tight to her, knife in hand
  981. 10:19 PM - Val: Val changes her mind
  982. 10:20 PM - Val: And decides to pentaprotect robe girl
  983. 10:23 PM - Contract Killer: Val successfully pentaprotects Robegirl, freezing her in place
  984. 10:23 PM - Contract Killer: Eri, your phone buzzes with a text message.
  985. 10:23 PM - Eri Motai: "Lets finis.... what now!?" Eri quickly checks her phone.
  986. 10:24 PM - Contract Killer: It's a text from Ramona! "Yo chucklenuts, how goes it?"
  987. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: (I almost want Eri's ring tone to be the codec sound)
  988. 10:24 PM - Eri Motai: (but I won't)
  989. 10:24 PM - Ramona Boone: (Ramona's is the national anthem)
  990. 10:25 PM - Ramona Boone: (Either that, or like, an explosion)
  991. 10:25 PM - Eri Motai: Eri texts back one handed, "Hey, kinda busy killing a murderer!" (she's got one of those crappy nokias, with no text pad)
  992. 10:26 PM - Contract Killer: "Woah, tough shit, mind if I pop by?"
  993. 10:27 PM - Val: "hurry up, I don't know how much longer I can hold her" Val says under alot of pressure
  994. 10:27 PM - Eri Motai: "If you want, we're kinda beat"
  995. 10:27 PM - Saiko Itami: "Thanks, Valentine! Just hang in there!"
  996. 10:27 PM - Eri Motai: "She's got a snake monster who's also her lesbian lover"
  997. 10:27 PM - Eri Motai: "and it's killing us too"
  998. 10:28 PM - Eri Motai: "Brb Rulz of Nature"
  999. 10:28 PM - Contract Killer: "Damn she sounds crazy, where you guys at, I need to see this?"
  1000. 10:28 PM - Eri Motai: Eri attempts to grab the Youma by the tail, and swing it into the air.
  1001. 10:29 PM - Contract Killer: physical
  1002. 10:29 PM - Contract Killer: You grab and spin Norie by her tail
  1003. 10:29 PM - Contract Killer: You gain some ridiculous momentum
  1004. 10:29 PM - Contract Killer: Roll again for throwing
  1005. 10:30 PM - Contract Killer: You give her a fairly half-assed toss which won't be impressing any cyborg ninjas
  1006. 10:30 PM - Eri Motai: (it's ok)
  1007. 10:30 PM - Contract Killer: Roll attack!
  1008. 10:32 PM - Contract Killer: yeahh you got it
  1009. 10:32 PM - Contract Killer: roll damage
  1010. 10:32 PM - Saiko Itami: (( ))
  1011. 10:32 PM - Eri Motai: "Lets finish this; Glorious Visage!"
  1012. 10:33 PM - Eri Motai: 16
  1013. 10:33 PM - Eri Motai: dmg
  1014. 10:35 PM - Eri Motai: Eri fragments into multiple copies of herself, and they all swing viciously at the youma.
  1015. 10:35 PM - Eri Motai: When she's done, she merges back together.
  1016. 10:35 PM - Contract Killer: You split Norie in half on her way down. One half of her reaches an arm towards Robegirl, and you hear Norie whisper, "A-Aka...chan... I'm sorry..."
  1017. 10:37 PM - Contract Killer: Robegirl's pretty much spazzing out right now under Saiko. "NORIE! NORRIE!! /NORRRRIEEEE/!!" Her voice practically reaches a high pitched squeal as she screams
  1018. 10:37 PM - Eri Motai: Eri resumes texting, "Ok, rulz of nature was a success also yeah now other girl is pissed"
  1019. 10:38 PM - Val: Val mumbles of latin get louder into almost yelling as she tries harder to keep up the penta-protect
  1020. 10:38 PM - Contract Killer: Tami's turn, and she's going to keep out of this shit.
  1021. 10:39 PM - Eri Motai: "We're at this location, here." Eri sends Ramona a gps coordinate for the church.
  1022. 10:39 PM - Contract Killer: Robegirl's turn! She wiggles a hand out and punches Saiko in the face to free herself
  1023. 10:39 PM - Saiko Itami: I attempt to cling tighter!
  1024. 10:39 PM - Contract Killer: Ramona texts back. "Welp, I assume you have this shit covered then, currently building myself a new toy over here in the workshop, I think you'll like it"
  1025. 10:40 PM - Eri Motai: "What is it? I've got time, gonna take a breather on the sidelines for a sec"
  1026. 10:40 PM - Contract Killer: 18 to Saiko-punching
  1027. 10:41 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh yeah, you're also friends with Sarah right? How's she doing? She hardly talks to me."
  1028. 10:41 PM - Contract Killer: "A grenade launcher, compressed air launcher, using a scubatank backpack"
  1029. 10:42 PM - Saiko Itami: so do i roll fortitude to stay on or what
  1030. 10:42 PM - Contract Killer: try it
  1031. 10:42 PM - Saiko Itami: beat 18?
  1032. 10:42 PM - Contract Killer: yep
  1033. 10:42 PM - Saiko Itami: then nevermind
  1034. 10:42 PM - Saiko Itami: is it possible to dodge with finesse or something?
  1035. 10:42 PM - Contract Killer: 7:42 PM - Ramona Boone: "She got out of the hospital, after I had a nice yelling at her for getting herself into danger, she's healthy and well though, went off to rest up at home."
  1036. 10:42 PM - Contract Killer: nope, you aleady tried your fortitude
  1037. 10:43 PM - Saiko Itami: i was just asking about options but ok
  1038. 10:43 PM - Eri Motai: "She go fight a giant monster by herself or something?"
  1039. 10:43 PM - Saiko Itami: not like i rolled :v
  1040. 10:43 PM - Contract Killer: oh
  1041. 10:43 PM - Contract Killer: well then yeah I guess you can try it
  1042. 10:44 PM - Saiko Itami: haha, wow
  1043. 10:44 PM - Saiko Itami: not a big deal
  1044. 10:44 PM - Contract Killer: 7:44 PM - Ramona Boone: "I... Ask her about it, I'll get mad again if I tell the story"
  1045. 10:45 PM - Saiko Itami: I try and lean back to dodge the punch, but refuse to let go of the Kamitana, forcing me to stay close.
  1046. 10:45 PM - Contract Killer: You get a faceful of fist, and Robegirl decks you off herself
  1047. 10:46 PM - Saiko Itami: "Urgh!" I fall back off of her and roll over to my feet.
  1048. 10:46 PM - Contract Killer: Your Kamitana comes with you as she stands
  1049. 10:46 PM - Eri Motai: Eri texts back, "Aight, I'll make sure to ask her when I get a chance also I might need to assist so if you aren't gonna help I should stop texting now"
  1050. 10:47 PM - Contract Killer: She immediately charges towards Eri, summoning a giant magnifying glass and pointing it in Eri's direction. A beam of light forms and lays itself on Eri
  1051. 10:47 PM - Contract Killer: Roll Support!
  1052. 10:49 PM - Contract Killer: Beat 28
  1053. 10:49 PM - Eri Motai: 15 atm, what's she at
  1054. 10:49 PM - Eri Motai: Yeah, can't do it.
  1055. 10:50 PM - Contract Killer: Well, she passed with at least 2 raises
  1056. 10:50 PM - Contract Killer: Roll Fortitude, TN14
  1057. 10:51 PM - Eri Motai: 14
  1058. 10:51 PM - Eri Motai: happy days
  1059. 10:51 PM - Contract Killer: Well, you avoid the supernegative effects
  1060. 10:51 PM - Contract Killer: but still take 1d6 damage from the success
  1061. 10:51 PM - Contract Killer: 2 damage
  1062. 10:51 PM - Contract Killer: She uses Feint!
  1063. 10:51 PM - Contract Killer: She will attack you again!
  1064. 10:51 PM - Eri Motai: "Ow ow ow ow why is this hot wait it doesn't hurt."
  1065. 10:52 PM - Contract Killer: She does a standard attack
  1066. 10:53 PM - Contract Killer: 28
  1067. 10:54 PM - Eri Motai: 27 assist plox
  1068. 10:55 PM - Contract Killer: The Shards join in and assist her!
  1069. 10:55 PM - Val: Val jumps in to stab robe gurl
  1070. 10:55 PM - Saiko Itami: I manifest my bat and lob it at robegirl
  1071. 10:56 PM - Eri Motai: Eri pumps it up one last time, to 35
  1072. 10:57 PM - Contract Killer: You clash her successfully
  1073. 10:57 PM - Eri Motai: "Eat shit and die!"
  1074. 10:58 PM - Eri Motai: 14.
  1075. 10:58 PM - Eri Motai: Eri takes the biggest swing of her life, and degucas mid-process.
  1076. 10:59 PM - Eri Motai: "You won't kill anyone else, or impersonate me, or try and summon people back from the dead! I won't let you!"
  1077. 10:59 PM - Contract Killer: You take a massive chunk of her resolve, but she's still standing!
  1078. 10:59 PM - Contract Killer: Barely, but still standing
  1079. 11:00 PM - Contract Killer: Her robes are torn and frayed, but the hood still hides her face
  1080. 11:01 PM - Eri Motai: Eri tries to get her sword to work, but gives up, and places it back on her belt.
  1081. 11:02 PM - Contract Killer: Tami runs over to support you
  1082. 11:03 PM - Contract Killer: Saiko's turn
  1083. 11:03 PM - Saiko Itami: hehehe
  1084. 11:04 PM - Saiko Itami: I run forward, knife in hand, and throw myself at her once more, aiming for her dagger-hand's shoulder.
  1085. 11:04 PM - Eri Motai: "That was stupid... I can feel the energy burning inside of me. Really, it's crazy how much of a blood frenzy these girls get into; she's just going at it full force."
  1086. 11:04 PM - Eri Motai: "If I didn't know better, she'd be ready to explode."
  1087. 11:04 PM - Contract Killer: She clashes you!
  1088. 11:04 PM - Contract Killer: roll attack
  1089. 11:04 PM - Saiko Itami: 16
  1090. 11:05 PM - Saiko Itami: 17*
  1091. 11:05 PM - Contract Killer: whoops
  1092. 11:06 PM - Contract Killer: 41
  1093. 11:07 PM - Contract Killer: so, gonna try? :v
  1094. 11:07 PM - Saiko Itami: just did, 30
  1095. 11:07 PM - Saiko Itami: so i missed
  1096. 11:07 PM - Eri Motai: gg
  1097. 11:07 PM - Saiko Itami: i activate Follow Up
  1098. 11:07 PM - Contract Killer: ?
  1099. 11:08 PM - Saiko Itami: i can either make another attack at +2 to hit, or use a finisher
  1100. 11:08 PM - Saiko Itami: i think i'll make another attack
  1101. 11:08 PM - Saiko Itami: 14
  1102. 11:08 PM - Contract Killer: well, does it say before or after the current situation is resolved?
  1103. 11:09 PM - Saiko Itami: immediately
  1104. 11:09 PM - Contract Killer: well alright, first I'll roll damage for the clash
  1105. 11:09 PM - Saiko Itami: doesnt matter, whatever it is im down
  1106. 11:09 PM - Saiko Itami: i made sure of that
  1107. 11:09 PM - Contract Killer: 12 damage
  1108. 11:09 PM - Contract Killer: and now she'll defend
  1109. 11:10 PM - Contract Killer: 16
  1110. 11:10 PM - Contract Killer: her base defense would have covered that :v
  1111. 11:10 PM - Saiko Itami: neato
  1112. 11:10 PM - Saiko Itami: now, where is the shard field?
  1113. 11:11 PM - Contract Killer: over there somewhere, ready to strike
  1114. 11:11 PM - Saiko Itami: Strength From Adversity
  1115. 11:12 PM - Saiko Itami: yup
  1116. 11:12 PM - Saiko Itami: they're reactions to different things
  1117. 11:12 PM - Saiko Itami: I shoot the Shard Field
  1118. 11:13 PM - Contract Killer: roll
  1119. 11:14 PM - Saiko Itami: ow, that wasnt part of the plan
  1120. 11:14 PM - Saiko Itami: 25
  1121. 11:14 PM - Contract Killer: well, you hit
  1122. 11:14 PM - Contract Killer: damage
  1123. 11:14 PM - Saiko Itami: 13 damage
  1124. 11:14 PM - Saiko Itami: max
  1125. 11:15 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey Tami, you still got the thing, right?"
  1126. 11:15 PM - Saiko Itami: i could not have hoped for anything better, goddamn
  1127. 11:15 PM - Eri Motai: "You might want to make sure you have it ready."
  1128. 11:16 PM - Saiko Itami: well, the shard field is dead
  1129. 11:16 PM - Contract Killer: T: "R-right."
  1130. 11:17 PM - Contract Killer: The shard field is dead, and she degucas
  1131. 11:17 PM - Saiko Itami: meaning i am the Last Man Standing
  1132. 11:17 PM - Saiko Itami: i insta-revive with 3 resolve
  1133. 11:18 PM - Contract Killer: She backs away, holding the knife in a threatening manner. "You touch me, and I loose her soul to the void, then you'll /never/ get it back."
  1134. 11:19 PM - Saiko Itami: and pull myself to my feet, manifesting my thompson as I drop the katana.
  1135. 11:19 PM - Eri Motai: Eri pulls out her cellphone again, and starts texting Ramona, "Hey, status update, we kinda need help; bitch is loco and is trying to blow up the lower tier via magic nukes"
  1136. 11:19 PM - Eri Motai: "Medical evac would be nice"
  1137. 11:20 PM - Contract Killer: Ramona responds: "Aw fuck yeah, one moment, just built a surprise."
  1138. 11:20 PM - Saiko Itami: "Lady, you picked the /wrong/ girl to mess with."
  1139. 11:20 PM - Contract Killer: "One more move and she's gone! I'll do it!"
  1140. 11:20 PM - Contract Killer: She begins backing away slowly.
  1141. 11:21 PM - Contract Killer: "I leave now, and you get her back."
  1142. 11:21 PM - Eri Motai: Eri mutters, "Hey guys, I just called in an assist; she should be arriving shortly."
  1143. 11:21 PM - Saiko Itami: I quickdraw my gun up to my shoulder and shoot her in the face.
  1144. 11:21 PM - Saiko Itami: What do I roll to do it before she can move?
  1145. 11:21 PM - Contract Killer: roll finesse
  1146. 11:21 PM - Eri Motai: Also, Eri's gonna cover Tami's eyes.
  1147. 11:21 PM - Saiko Itami: 17
  1148. 11:22 PM - Contract Killer: welp
  1149. 11:22 PM - Eri Motai: "Don't look."
  1150. 11:22 PM - Contract Killer: you riddle her with lead
  1151. 11:22 PM - Saiko Itami: Nope, just one clean shot.
  1152. 11:23 PM - Contract Killer: close enough
  1153. 11:23 PM - Contract Killer: You clean shot her dead
  1154. 11:23 PM - Val: "You killed her dead" Val says quite shocked
  1155. 11:24 PM - Contract Killer: With a sudden Burst (huehue) Ramona flaps in, toting guns, and barrels into the corpse as it falls
  1156. 11:24 PM - Saiko Itami: "Good thing, too."
  1157. 11:24 PM - Saiko Itami: "Hey! Get off of -cough- that! I need her dagger!"
  1158. 11:25 PM - Ramona Boone: "Aw man now I smell like corpse!" she says as she pushs it off, letting it fall to the ground.
  1159. 11:25 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey Ramona, you got here pretty fast; get me and Tami out of here, I'm pretty sure that Saiko here's about to Burst."
  1160. 11:26 PM - Eri Motai: "I'll pay ya... a fair bit."
  1161. 11:26 PM - Saiko Itami: I demeguca and stumble over to the body, collapsing to my knees and grabbing the soul-dagger thing.
  1162. 11:26 PM - Contract Killer: The dagger seems to pulse with warmth
  1163. 11:26 PM - Ramona Boone: "Aw shit, money!" She grabs both of them, and take off as ordered.
  1164. 11:27 PM - Contract Killer: Norie's halved body turns to dust, before shrinking down and becoming an Oblivion Seed
  1165. 11:27 PM - Contract Killer: 2XP to everyone involved in the fight
  1166. 11:27 PM - Eri Motai: "Ok guys, make sure to talk to Eno...!" Eri gets cut off as she flies out of the building, along with Tami.
  1167. 11:27 PM - Val: Val grabs Rins body and flops her over her sholder
  1168. 11:28 PM - Val: She makes a break for the door
  1169. 11:28 PM - Contract Killer: Val steals Rin and runs out of the Nightmare
  1170. 11:29 PM - Saiko Itami: I blearily look at everyone taking off, and manage to crawl back over to the Oblivion seed, curling into a fetal position around Namiyo's soul.
  1171. 11:31 PM - Contract Killer: You're alone with a seed, a corpse, and a soul.
  1172. 11:32 PM - Saiko Itami: "I did it, Namiyo...I got you back."
  1173. 11:32 PM - Saiko Itami: And with that played-out sentiment, I burst.
  1174. 11:33 PM - Contract Killer: everyone roll magic, TN13
  1175. 11:34 PM - Contract Killer: except ramona
  1176. 11:34 PM - Ramona Boone: Yay
  1177. 11:35 PM - Saiko Itami: i got a 17
  1178. 11:36 PM - Contract Killer: so that's 2 seeds
  1179. 11:36 PM - Saiko Itami: 2 blanks you mean?
  1180. 11:37 PM - Contract Killer: yes
  1181. 11:38 PM - Saiko Itami: just what i need c:
  1182. 11:38 PM - Saiko Itami: more blanks to not fill
  1183. 11:38 PM - Contract Killer: can always sell them
  1187. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Ramona and Eri - Airlifted~~
  1189. 11:27 PM - Ramona Boone: "Right, where to?" She says as they fly off, out of the church nightmare
  1190. 11:28 PM - Eri Motai: "Anywhere but here. Thanks for the assist."
  1191. 11:28 PM - Eri Motai: "You alright Tami? Things got tense in the middle there."
  1192. 11:28 PM - Contract Killer: "She just... sh-shot her..."
  1193. 11:29 PM - Eri Motai: "Y-yeah, she did..."
  1194. 11:30 PM - Ramona Boone: "God damn, what happened back there?" Ramona's flying them back home, her home to be exact at the moment, she know's its safe, and visitors are always welcome, that and she has one last project to work on
  1195. 11:31 PM - Eri Motai: "Long story short... we just.... defeated... the murderer who was killing all of Enomatia's contracts."
  1196. 11:32 PM - Ramona Boone: "Jesus fuck... Glad you got to her though, I signed up under that adorable featherface."
  1197. 11:32 PM - Eri Motai: "...I guess she was doing it to bring back a friend of hers..."
  1198. 11:32 PM - Eri Motai: "...Kinda seemed to be more than friends though..."
  1199. 11:33 PM - Ramona Boone: "Damn, I mean, I know me and Sarah are close, but I dont know if I'd kill that many people for her..." She says, hoping that she wouldn't, should it ever arise.
  1200. 11:34 PM - Eri Motai: "Seriously though... that was all kinds of messed up."
  1201. 11:36 PM - Ramona Boone: "I'd imagine... Look, we're going back to my place, since it's about as far away from that shit as we can get at the moment, any objections?"
  1202. 11:36 PM - Eri Motai: Eri vents her magic charge, and a black aura forms around her for a moment, and dissapears from view. (Unlucky; GET!)
  1203. 11:37 PM - Contract Killer: Tami just shakes her head, completely silent
  1204. 11:38 PM - Eri Motai: "S-sure... I just need somewhere normal, for a bit."
  1205. 11:38 PM - Contract Killer: "Eri. If... if I died, would you try something like this?"
  1206. 11:38 PM - Ramona Boone: "If you guys want, you can stay the night, we can watch shitty movies, eat popcorn, and try to relax, I find that really helps after I go through shit like that."
  1207. 11:39 PM - Eri Motai: "...Not like that... perhaps if there was a better way... A way that didn't involve so much sadness, and death..."
  1208. 11:40 PM - Ramona Boone: She flies on in silence, landing when they reached her house.
  1209. 11:41 PM - Eri Motai: "...You know, I think I'm finally starting to get a grasp on the true nature of those seeds."
  1210. 11:41 PM - Ramona Boone: "The oblivion seeds?"
  1211. 11:42 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah."
  1212. 11:42 PM - Ramona Boone: "You can fill me in later, but right now, I think we should focus on anything but this depressing shit."
  1213. 11:42 PM - Eri Motai: "...Ok. It's kinda messed up, to be honest, if I'm right."
  1214. 11:44 PM - Ramona Boone: "Yeah, I'll agree with you... I've never been in it for the seeds actually, I just like saving the day when it gets down to it. It's what I was born to do... You mind if we go to the workshop for one moment, your text interupted one little thing."
  1215. 11:45 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh sorry; yeah, honestly... I'm not really in it for justice, or seeds, or whatever."
  1216. 11:45 PM - Ramona Boone: "What are you in it for then?" I ask as I walk to my father's workshop
  1217. 11:46 PM - Eri Motai: "I just fight to protect the people I love and care about." Eri gives Tami a subtle squueze as we walk behind Ramona.
  1218. 11:46 PM - Contract Killer: She squeezes back
  1219. 11:48 PM - Contract Killer: lets end here :v
  1220. 11:48 PM - Ramona Boone: Sure thing
  1221. 11:48 PM - Eri Motai: fine bae
  1223. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Ramona and Eri - Airlifted~~
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