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Sep 25th, 2017
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  1. Dream shit
  3. first thing I remember is waking up in the 52nd floor of this hotel. Apparently there's an elevator that goes right to my room? So I got up and watched TV, then got in the shower. As I was getting dressed, a guy bursts into the room trying to sell me cell coverage from the hotel I'm at? I said nah I'm good, I get enough service here as it is, and he got REALLY mad. Then a guy comes out of the elevator in my room, hands me half of a subway sandwich and an omelet and starts pelting me with nerf darts. I corral both of them into the elevator and then cut the rope, making them fall.
  4. Some shit happens and I'm in some sort of class? Also the hotel is a dorm and it's in the middle of the desert. Anyway, my class is some sort of class on a boat or something. A huge building built on wood and rafters. There's a storm. Shit's shaking everywhere and we're all flipping a shit because we're having class outside? And also I find a fridge full of orange faygo and drink the shit out of it.
  5. Then I download some sort of card game made by Tomoe and it gives me the ability to transport anywhere, at will, using google maps, and gives me the ability to track my friends as well?
  6. Class is over so I go out and there's a fucking STAMPEDE of people, so I grab a friend of mine and teleport to the top of a building next to the hoteldorm. We all chill up there (on top of a room with glass windows for walls) drinking faygo and shit-talking the class/hoteldorm. I wasn't the only one assaulted by the cell phone guys.
  8. So then we go back to the lobby of the hoteldorm thing and there's a friend of mine carrying around a wireless phone + wireless phone dock with a huge battery pack duct-taped to it. He's using it as a cellphone. I laugh. There's a hospital in the lobby of this place. of fucking course there's a meet the medic joke. So then I start thinking about where I want to teleport. At first I dick around and jump places, taking money and whatnot. Then I visit @lilithskull and then some of my friends. One of my friends apparently teleported right outside of the hoteldorm and decided to take the 20 minute walk from town to this place to visit me.
  10. And then Tomoe got hospitalized and I lost the ability to teleport.
  14. Was seriously disappointed this was a dream.
  15. Best part about it is that I can relate every single thing that happened to something that happened yesterday.
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