

Jun 25th, 2014
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  1. -[X] 1 Don't let Kakashi stick you with the bill. If at all possible stick <em>him</em> with the bill.: (Hymn of Ragnarok)
  2. -[X] 15 Don't let Kakashi stick you with the bill. If at all possible stick him with the bill.: (Yzarc, drake_azathoth, Biigoh, Archanist, theweepingman, Space Penguin, Nekraa, Nekraa, Xicree, nick012000, Torgamous, Jack of Olives, Robotninja, ShadowAngelBeta, dreadis)
  3. [X] 2 Have an evaluation of our skills, talents, and abilities and how they might synergize so that we can develop a plan for more efficient training.: (Larekko12, Nekraa)
  4. -[X] 1 Over dinner, mention how your bloodline gives you the ability to mutate things, with one of the results being a plant that burrows into people and increases their power. Offer to implant it into your team-mates, if they want.: (nick012000)
  5. --[X] 3 Share the plan with your team before hand and order enough food for three meals... then ditch them all after quickly eating enough to feel full.: (Biigoh, Nekraa, Xicree)
  6. [X] 1 Take a mission: (Nekraa)
  7. [X] 2 Then go to a restaraunt.: (Larekko12, Nekraa)
  8. -[X] 2 To bond in a social setting and to discuss more about our selves, and our dreams..: (Larekko12, Nekraa)
  9. [X] 2 Train: (darklord, Nekraa)
  10. [X] 19 Visit a restaurant: (Yzarc, drake_azathoth, Biigoh, Archanist, theweepingman, Space Penguin, Nekraa, Nekraa, Nekraa, Xicree, hunter09, nick012000, Torgamous, Jiven, Jack of Olives, Hymn of Ragnarok, Robotninja, ShadowAngelBeta, dreadis)
  11. -[X] 1 What kind of training?: (Nekraa)
  12. [X] 1 Write in:: (Nekraa)
  13. -[X] 1 tree waking: (darklord)
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