
Grave Dealings 1

Dec 9th, 2019
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  1. ===> COH <===> 12/7/2019, 8:42:09 PM <===
  2. Cementerio de los Santos - Cementerio De Los Santos
  4. A high adobe wall surrounds the Cementerio, allowing only a single entrance through a wrought iron gate to the South. The Cementerio was built atop a hill which gradually climbs and peaks at the center of the property. At the top of the hill is a large dead tree. There isn't any grass growing. Only dirt, due to the regions hot and dry climate. There are numerous bodies laid to rest here despite the Cementerio's small size. Above ground crypts adorn the property. Each surrounded by above ground graves. Most of which have headstones or are marked with either a crude wooden cross or one made of wrought iron. A gravel path winds its way through the Cementerio, beginning at the Southern gate. At certain points along the path are marble statues of the many Saints of the Catholic religion.
  7. PLACES available
  10. (This room needs a Wraith desc. @mail building staff if you want to provide one.)
  12. The big biker sits atop one of the gravestones near the apex of the hill. He seems to be looking to someone just off to his side and sharing a conversation with the air. "Slow down..." he expresses calmly with words and a hand, "My Spanish is terrible." After his comment to the non-existent entity he nods along as if being told something. "And who ratted you out? La Policia? Typical..."
  14. Pablo tends to the departed, especially the indigenous natives of mesoamerica. As such? He makes the rounds at most of the local cemeteries to make sure things are on the up and up. Thus, tonight? Like every other night, Pinky? He. Is. Here.
  16. As always, across the Shroud, two wraiths accompany Pablo - one moliated into the shape of a werejaguar, and the other into the shape of a werebat.
  18. <WRAITH> The werebeast looking wraiths accompanying Pablo take a look around.
  20. Once a bit closer you see the ethereal shape of a middle-aged woman chatting with Spotted-Horse. "Slow down..." he expresses calmly before noticing your presence. The wraith exits quickly with other, stranger spirits lingering around you. The Mad Indian glances over to you, "Buenos Noches," he butchers.
  22. The interesting wraiths that accompany Pablo get looks akin to a paleontologist discovering a T-Rex skeleton with an iPad.
  24. Pabs gives Spotted Horse a smile. "Hey! Its me, Pablo!" The young shaman makes his way over closer to Spotted-Horse, sparing a glance to the various wraithly denizens.
  26. Spotted-Horse nods slowly and skeptically to Pablo's introduction. "I have seen you before. You ride with Selena." A light push off of the tombstone to get back on his feet. "What ..." a glance to the spirit guardians, "...manner of creature are you?" An addition, "And how did you find favor in Tijuana?" No introductions are formally given. The man's suspicious nature forbids it at this time.
  28. Hyousuke is seen climbing the hill, to reach the abode wall. He scales it easily, hoping off the wall, into the Cemetery, landing near the gate. He frowns as if he had no idea it was there. He heard voices nearby, and stalks in the shadows, to get closer to those voices. Silently, he eavesdrops on the conversation. A snap sound is made, as Hyousuke steps on a makeshift cross, a pair of twigs tied together to serve as a grave marker.
  30. Ghost_18 comes in from Tijuana - Camino Verde
  31. Ghost_18 has arrived.
  33. Pablo gives a nod. "La Arzobispa, yes, but I'm Sra. Socorro's familiar. I provide services to the congregation that cannot easily be had in-house, so to speak. And I am more loyal than the Giovanni or Samedi and the like." But then there's a sound and Pabs looks over a shoulder in Hyousuke's direction. As do the two mesoamerican wraiths accompanying Pabs that are moliated in the shapes of werejaguar and werebat, respectively.
  35. (Shadowlands) The Cementario is void of color. Shadows dance among the ancient tombs and graves. The tree at the top of the hill creaks in a wind that does not carry into the skinlands. Ghost_18 seems to appear from somewhere and yet from nowhere and into existence in the Shadowlands. He is quiet and as still as a statue as he waits a moment to listen and gain baring as to whom or what is present here. He has not traveled to the Flayed Lands since the Day of the Dead.
  37. Alfie comes in from Tijuana - Camino Verde
  38. Alfie has arrived.
  40. Spotted-Horse looks to Pablo with a nod. "Loyalty is a necessity when dealing with us." A wave of his hand to dismiss his comment, "But I have no say in how she deals with her amigos. It is not my place." The two spirit companions keep getting gazes of intrigue, "What happened to your friends? It is a shame. They appear to be of the rare breeds from the Deep South Americas." A pause, "Much like you." Additional ghosts in the graveyard would not be thought unusual at this point. Hyousuke, thankfully, is not noticed by Spotted-Horse at this point.
  42. Pablo nods to Spotted-Horse, then gestures to the moliated wraiths that flank him. "Cousins, from back home. Here to make sure I have whatever help they can provide in executing my duties as brujo especial." Pabs talks with Spotted-Horse over by one of the gravestones.
  44. Shadows can be seen, along with the noise, no matter how immediately Hyousuke stops moving after crushing the makeshift grave marker in his stealth. He decides, perhaps this is close enough, watching the two people with diligence. 'Maybe they didn't see me' is written all over his face.
  46. The rumble and growl of an old motorcycle can heard growing closer. Somewhere down below the hill where the cemetery rests the bike goes quiet. Shortly after, a low scratchy song floats through the night air, interrupted periodically by pauses. As the song gets closer the figure of a man appears in the archway to the old cemetery, a cigarette in hand, which he pauses his song to puff upon. His voice is harsh and raspy, burnt even. The song is an old Neal Young ballad, "Old Man." He stops his song short, noticing the graveyard isn't empty.
  48. (Shadowlands) After a long moment, G18 finally moves to the bench that rests nearby. He sits slowly and begins to admire the old graveyard. Such beauty is rare in the Shadowlands. He takes notice of the other wraiths present but has yet to pay any attention to the others. Maybe he hasn't noticed, or possibly just lost in though...
  50. Ghost_18 sits down at Cement Bench.
  52. Spotted-Horse listens to Pablo's explanation of his companions with a solemn nod. "It saddens me they live no more." In a blur, a tomahawk that reeks of magic is pointed directly at Hyousuke, "Unlike this soon-to-be-dead Motherfucker right here..." A dark glare at the Asian man, "...come to find your new home? That is the only reason I can think you would show yourself in my presence." Fangs barred, eyes glowing a deep red, he seems most displeased by the sneaky arrival of Hyousuke.
  54. Pablo's eyes widen when the tomahawk is produced! Not in fear, but in admiration, given the youth's body language. Its much more interesting to the shaman than the glowing red eyes and fangs. But those, they must receive also their due, so he looks over a shoulder in the direction of Spotted-Horse's ire. The moliated wraiths next to Pablo assume defensive positions.
  56. Hyousuke lowers his hands to the nearby ground he is crouching on. Perhaps he is oblivious, or perhaps he is pretending, but he appears to be paying attention to this grave, rather than the ghosts and goblins and anything else that goes bump in the night.
  58. Alfie screws up his face, squinting at the scene on top of the hill, confused but mildly amused. "Looks like my kind of party!" He calls up from the archway, taking another puff from his hand-rolled cigarette and decidedly taking a few more steps into the cementario. "Don't mean to interrupt, carry on, carry on. Jus' came to pay my respects is all." He motions around at a few gravestones as he walks by them.
  60. Spotted-Horse stands at the apex of the hill among the gravestones. He seems to be pointing his tomahawk at Hyousuke with evil intentions in his eyes. Pablo stands in his area as if they were speaking to one another recently. "Stand up like a MAN, you fucking worm!" Curses coming from the big Native's mouth are as rare as his jokes. "Or are you choosing to lose your head now?" Even mystic spirits of long lost creatures cannot hold his attention when rage is involved.
  62. It happens that Noa has a very good reason to be stalking Hyousuke lately - although she has mostly done so from a distance and while concealed beneath a veil of illusive shadow. However, there's something about the nature of the night that will draw the Ravnos rather a bit closer. She won't reveal herself at the moment - though that seems to be less from caution and more out of a genuine curiosity at how the others will react to what's going on without her arrival distracting them!
  64. Hyousuke is still ignorant of Spotted - Horse diatribe it seems. He is calmly speaking to the ground at his feet as if what was buried under it was perhaps still alive.
  66. Pablo raises an inky-stained arm up to shield his eyes from the moonlight as he looks over in Hyo's direction. Curiouser and curiouser. "I don't know that I know that one, no," he murmurs to his wraithly companions.
  68. (Shadowlands) Somehow the breeze ceases and all is silent. G18 stands and looks into the skinlands towards the commotion. His head tilting a bit in curiosity. He recognizes Pablo and his companions and begins to make his way slowly towards them.
  70. Ghost_18 stands and leaves Cement Bench.
  72. Hey, its G18! Pabs offers an easygoing smile as the wraith approaches. "Hello again, friend. Welcome to Tijuana. Don't mind the ruckus, things around here tend towards the lively, even in the domains of the dead."
  74. Alfie continues his slow saunter up the hill, casually smoking his smoke as if this sort of interaction he's witness to is nothing new. Which is true. He comes to a stop about fifteen feet from the group, glances around a bit before finding a gravestone to sit down on, apparently content to watch the show as if he paid for admission.
  76. Ignoring the threats only seems to make Spotted-Horse's rage burn brighter. "Death it is..." he comments lightly before drawing a long, wicked looking dagger made of a forgotten beast's fang with his offhand. In a remarkable feat of speed the Mad Indian closes the distance between him and Hyousuke in less than a second. "Say your last words, Worm."
  78. (Shadowlands) G18 offers a nod to Pablo and his companions. "How have things been my acquaintance? I am happy to see your still around." He stands nearby and seems to watch things going on around him quietly.
  80. Hyousuke blinks as Spotted - Horse appears in front of him. He reaches over grabbing the makeshift headstone and stands. His gaze drifts from Spotted Horse to the wood in his hand and then at spotted-horse chest, his gaze finds as its destination. A hopeful look in his eye, as the corners of his lips, curl into a mischievous smirk. "Hello, Friend." He says, almost tauntingly in his tone.
  82. It doesn't seem that Noa had been initially too concerned about Spotted's drawn tomahawk - though there is something about the wicked looking dagger that the big Indian draws, which causes the Ravnos to pick up her pace a little.
  83. It might startle those present, when it will appear as if she just pops from behind a nearby tombstone, sort've rising up out of nowhere. Her appearance might be a little startling as well, given that she resembles a post-Apocalyptic Comanche. Her long, overwhelmingly messy mane of hair is barely kept back from her sunset-kissed features by a faded keffiyeh bandana.
  84. She briefly glances towards Hyousuke, Pablito (And G18), and then towards Spot, "I've been looking for you, John." She flashes him a hand signal.
  86. Pabs startles when Noa "appears"! It's always startling when the boss pops up, announced or unannounced! His back will straighten a bit, and then he looks to G18 - "Oh, interesting as always, as you can see," before his eyes go back to the impending confrontation between Hyo and S-H. "Anything I can help you with or just passing through?"
  88. (Shadowlands) G18 seems to gain a look of interest in the event unfolding before him. He speaks again to Pablo and asks, "What has this man done to deserve such a fate. My kind knows death does not come lightly." He looks over to Noa as she appears. "Another one...? Interesting..."
  90. The glare in Spotted-Horse's eyes and flexed muscles in his back seem to indicate he's ready to strike. Then Noa appears to spoil his murderous intent. Unspoken communication seems to ease him in some divine intervention on Hyousuke's part. It takes a bit to worm it's way into his mind before relaxing his arms. The glare continues to burn into Hyousuke but eventually is relaxed when weapons are slowly put away.
  91. Snort-hawck! Something is conjured from his throat in a most unmannered display before being ejected at the Asian man's feet; a slimy bit of black bile. Nothing is said besides the look in his eyes that add one thousand foul words to the foul act. He turns to Noa with a look of displeasure.
  93. The burned man looks extremely displeased, looking back over his shoulder at Noa and shaking his head. "What the fuck? Jus' about to get good, c'mon." He throws his hands up in exasperation and sighs, takes another puff of his cigarette, then stamps it out. "Fuckin' tomahawks and shit too. Jesus..."
  95. Pablo offers a shrug to G18, "In the badlands, my friend? Deserve's got very little to do with things." Then he makes six-shooters with his fingers and "fires" off two rounds. "Unforgiven, yes?" But then, OH HEY! Someone Pabs doesn't recognize. Alfie gets a once-over, finally.
  97. Hyousuke blinks, yet again. Black spit? His smile fades as slowly as Spotted-Horse relents. He is dissapointed. "Are we cross?" He reaches in his pocket to pull out a lighter, and a pack of camel wides. Plucking a square from its case, he pulls it to his lips, lighting it. "Or are we just having fun?"
  99. Noa waggles an eyebrow at Spotted-Horse in a somewhat exaggerated pantomime of confusion when he gives her that unhappy look. That might have been the end of it - and the Ravnos might have slipped right off with the big Indian in tow. However, she'll be unfortunately distracted by Hyousuke choosing that moment to have a bit of teasing fun at Spotted's expense.
  100. She crinkles her nose at Hyousuke, telling him, "You are not acting in a way that would honor Fenix's vouching for you." Which is essentially to not cause trouble for her by taunting a Sabbat warrior into tomahawking him in front of witnesses.
  101. Spotted-Horse pages: Sorry man, I was looking forward to chatting with ya. Lets make sure to do it again sometime
  103. (Shadowlands) G18's eyes grow narrow and, if you can feel, a frigid breeze blows lightly through the immediate area. He then thinks for a moment to himself before finally answering Pablos question. "I came to speak to you actually. I need some information that I think only you or your friends will be able to help me with."
  105. Pablo keeps the lion's share of his focus on Noa, listening to the woman speak, and suddenly? The unwholesome forces of Oblivion will coalesce around his hands, visible across the Shroud as the reality in that realm suddenly threatens to unravel, ripples in space visible as if nihils were on the verge of suddenly opening up around the shaman's hands. But then G18 speaks, and Pablo wills Oblivion away. "Of course, amigo. Happy to be helpful as I am able."
  107. It was done. He was walking next to Noa to exit the lovely graveyard without further comment or bloodshed. But his pardoned victim had to speak. This requires response, "Honor dictates I not cut your heart out and feed it to the crows. But then you let your cock holster flap in the wind..." The violent man turns to point his off-hand blade at Hyousuke, " yourself for tonight and speak no more." Instinctually, he begins to take steps back towards Hyousuke but is (hopefully) physically stopped by Noa.
  108. Once his calm is regained he mentions to Pablo, "You are well met..." the words still come out unintentionally aggressive. "I hope we speak again." The others in the area are not regarded with words or looks. Focus flicks back to Hyou for a final glare.
  110. Hyousuke lowers his gaze as Noa speaks. The look on his face, dourly reveals, he would have rather the tomahawk get planted in his chest, then hear the shame from Noa. He is speechless, and embarrassed, standing there for a rather lengthy moment. "I apologize." He says towards Noa and Spotted-Horse. At Noa, "Come by and see me sometime, so I can make this right." A cloud of smoke fills the air as he smokes on that cigarette.
  112. Alfie crosses his arms, content to sit on the gravestone and watch things unfold. Definitely more interesting than sitting in a goddammned strip club for hours. "So, you're not gonna split his fuckin' skull open, then? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Been hearing Tijuana has some crazy shit goin' on, but shit, I seen worse in Miami." He chuckles to himself while reaching inside his coat to retrieve his tobacco to roll a cigarette of his own, "Did that asian dude fuck yer girl or something, hombre? Shit! Imagine that. Is that yer girl?" He points at Noa. So far, he's content to be ignored, and seems to think he will continue to be. "Eh, could do better, hombre."
  114. (Shadowlands)G18 says to Pablo, "As I stated the last time we met, I am what remains of the Hierarchy for the Drowning Shore. I seek an audience for diplomacy reasons with whoever is in charge of the Flayed Lands in this area. I would assume you would know the wraith I need to see?" He waits patiently and content with the calmness in the Shadowlands.
  116. Noa studies Hyousuke for a moment longer, and then she gives him something of a 'look' when he offers to make it right, "You can begin making it right, right now." Presumably, that would be to start treating those like Spot with a tiny bit more respect, or at least avoid provoking them.
  117. She then glances towards Alfie - and just sorta furrows her brow at him - and then she motions for Spotted-Horse to follow her as she begins to slink off. She seems to have a quiet, deep and unspoken faith in Pablito managing what other silliness is going on at the cemetery, currently.
  119. Noa moves to Tijuana - Camino Verde
  120. Noa has left.
  122. Spotted-Horse moves to Tijuana - Camino Verde
  123. Spotted-Horse has left.
  125. Pablo gives G18 a small nod. "Yes, of course, but they're not here, nor near. They're in an older place than here. Difficult to get to, but not impossible." He watches as Noa and S-H depart, and then his eyes fix upon Alfie for a moment. All kinds come to cemeteries. All. Kinds.
  127. Alfie sighs, lights up his smoke, puffs on it arbitrarily, then gets up from his gravestone seat. "Just when things were about to get exciting." He turns, and slowly meanders on out of the cemetery himself.
  129. (Shadowlands) G18 nods and replies, "I see. Well then, allow me to extend an invitation to this wraith. I recently re established control of the Citadel and respectfully request their presence there. I offer protection to the best of my ability while they are there."
  131. ===> Log ended by user <===> 12/7/2019, 10:27:04 PM <===
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