

May 30th, 2020
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  2. Name: Basil
  3. Race: Human
  4. Age: 18
  6. Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Applying For: Armadillo stance
  8. Rank/Skills/Ic Knowledge Previously Applied For: Sharingan
  10. Intent With Rank/Skills/Knowledge: To created a early clan to line in with the current rules with how things are passed down this wipe.
  12. RP Scene:
  14. Reason:
  16. After being a loner for quite some time and joining the exams that seemed to no longer be happening; he's been talking more about his past with Hito. This is the second conversation, but the news that followed after wasn't anything he expected to hear and just like that he assumed the curse was at work again.
  18. Basil was used to losing others around him, but he couldn't sit around and allow this a second time and their conversation became emotional and his sharingan reacted in an odd fashion.
  20. He can't bear losing anyone when he has the power to make a change, so he'd take it upon himself to find and find this Wolf-Man to ensure others won't get her. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to put trust in another person, but he felt different...maybe this was another part of the curse.
  21. ---------------------------------------------
  22. Recently Basil left the turtle school to take a different route for himself h found that the school might not be the best place for him at the moment. He sought to do his own thing and has been training to do that for quite a while now, but is it enough? Though training he wants to be strong enough to combat others on his own.
  24. He aims to sharpen his skill in a different way than what the turtle school offers.
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