
No slaves for you, Next?

Sep 23rd, 2018
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  1. [06:04] He doesn't get the chance to speak first- Instead, Ashley hands him quite the haul of things. He looks them over, humming quietly, before placing them into his back. A hand extends outwards, aiming to delicately grip against her chin like a doctor might, aiming to tilt her head around, to look upon her form.
  3. "Ah, poor little dove. Have the withdrawals started yet? You look.. Not so well. I did warn them, you know, yes? Yes."
  5. The hand against her chin raises upward, back of his hand delicately stroking against her cheek with a bizarre gentleness that would betray what the vampire actually was. His crimson eyes wander her up and down, head canting, looking..
  7. Worried? He wasn't smirking, which was unusual, at the very least.
  9. "I do intend to speak to the baron, you know. My name carries a lot of weight anymore, and if I request your return, and show him what you have gained, it is likely nobody will bat a second glance towards you returning. Given certain.. Happenings, however, I am sure many will be rather.. upset? Eheh. You know how people are.
  11. How are you, Little Dove?"
  12. (Lucien Voss)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [06:04] Zabuza says, "I swear..."
  16. [06:05] Genesis asks, "Hmm?"
  17. [06:05] Zabuza says, "Nothing.."
  18. [06:08] Reunan stretches at the forge, watching over the floating girl and the vampire. He'd hold his tongue for now, simply to watch how Ashley reacted, though the ground beneath him slowly became solid and as white as marbled stone.
  19. (Reunan Volos)
  20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [06:11] Mythril, orchilacum, and of course a hefty sack of coins.
  24. Corinth wasn't here so she couldn't present her tithe to him, and Eiphraem was likely asleep for the time being so... She had nothing to do with the materials that she had begun instinctively and mechanically collecting. She is unresponsive to the hand resting against her chin, gripping at it and tilting her head this way and that- though she does look... Uncomfortable.
  26. Unsurprisingly so, really.
  28. One would think that being bought back into the fold of the vampiric coven would bring either a response of joy or misery. But, she maintains a look of exhaustion and deadness to her. Akin to a corpse floating about and pretending to wear the skin of a living person.
  30. Not only was she a greasy, disgusting mess. But she was sporting quite a few bruises, the most notable being a swollen patch of purple-black flesh along her collarbone- and from the looks of it, it was a slowly healing and broken wound.
  32. A temporary injury not inflicted by herself for once.
  34. "Tired... Really tired.."
  36. Her response was the usual- brief, misty-eye'd and sniffling. Her bloodied nostrils still stuffed as she sniffled loudly. Clogged with a mix of snot and blood.
  38. Poor Lucien however, likely had to deal with a bit of grease on his fingers due to the overall unhygienic and uncleanly lifestyle she'd adopted.
  39. (Ashley)
  40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. [06:16] Genesis whispers something.
  43. [06:17] A slow sigh escapes from Lucien's lips, head slowly shaking in disappointment. His eyes narrow, half lidding as he finishes looking over her, hand pulling back to his side, reaching into his pack-
  45. Just to pull out a small handkerchief, pristine and folded perfectly. It's offered, for only a moment, before he takes it upon himself to slowly dot it against her, delicate movements and even more gentle motions as he made contact with flesh.
  47. "Pathetic, isn't it? So many here were immediately willing to drag you away from us. How horrendous we are, truly, for offering someone like you, Little Dove, a new lease on life. How awful we are for taking you under our wing and protecting you, ah?"
  49. He pulls his hand away, before he reaches down to hers, aiming to just stuff the handkerchief into her hand.
  51. "Ah, but I should not put you in the middle of things. You seem.. Not so well off, at the moment. When is the last time you fed? Had Corinth already started with you, or are you not one of his, yet? I can work faster, if you need to get home more quickly, yes?
  53. You are one of ours- Mine- After all. I take care of my things."
  54. (Lucien Voss)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [06:22] Reunan slowly made his way away from then forge and stand out towards the side and folds his arms. A slow buildup of exorcising energy flows from his center, outwards. First it filled him with indominable energy of a Diamond bulwark, then pulsing outwards from his body like a small nova of protection, washing over all indiscriminately. Even the vampire might feel like he'd be protected if it came to it.
  59. "Yes, Lucien, Hi. Could you not go against your leader's words that were made for her own good? He banished her so that she could grow better equipped for life and when she is better, then possibly he may let her return. I mean you no disrespect, but please respect his wishes and her emotional needs.
  61. Not just act like you do."
  62. (Reunan Volos)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [06:22] Zabuza whispers something.
  66. [06:23] Genesis whispers something.
  67. [06:26] Reunan Volos whispers: Good morning, Lady Tragedy.
  68. [06:28] Zabuza whispers something.
  69. [06:28] Miserable, how utterly miserable. Though- per usual, Ashley subtly enjoys whenever she is given attention, whenever someone dotes and cares for her due to her inadequecies and inability to properly function and act in society. Her shoulders slumping as she sniffles, her hand doesn't even rise to try and grasp the small, pristine handkerchief. The effort put fourth to do was outweighed what she could get from it!
  71. Which was Lucien doing exactly what she wanted.
  73. The delicate movements accompanied by the light press of the cloth against her face slowly but surely cleaning away the grease and grime. The semi-floating magi accepting the treatment like some sort of porcelain doll.
  75. The handkerchief was stuffed into her hand afterwards, her tiny slender and bone-thin fingers barely managing to curl around it. Dead tired eyes and the heavy bags beneath them twitching as she was bombarded with questions.
  77. "Reunan fed me some eggs a while ago..."
  79. The insinuation of the type of feeding Lucien was mention went straight over her head as she hiccuped and sniffled. Mention of Corinth earning a light deflating of her shoulders and a downwards, shameful tilt of her head.
  81. She'd failed him after all, he would be upset with her, and that.. Was scary!
  83. "What do you mean by f-"
  85. But before she can finish asking the question, Reunan spoke up. The girl goes dead silent. Whatever he had to say would be more important than what came out of her miserable mouth after all.
  86. (Ashley)
  87. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. [06:29] Mirage says, "````````/rpp"
  90. [06:29] Ashley says, "yes i too /rpp as well"
  91. [06:38] He listens to Ashley, as little as she speaks, before someone interrupts. His crimson eyes cast a glance towards the side, before he twists himself mid-flight, boots just barely touching the ground to actually turn him before lifting an inch into the air once more, staring down Reunan with dull contempt.
  93. "I know that you have a bad habit, my friend, of speaking of things that you have no actual idea of what you're talking about- But I can promise you that my word carries nearly as much weight as the Baron's. She is a valuable asset to us- To me and my kin, my family."
  95. He exhales through his nose, eyes narrowing upon him. He frowns, halfway baring fangs, before casting a glance towards the woman beside of him. Someone he hadn't seen before. Why was his skin almost crawling at a glance?
  97. Slowly, he pulls back to Reunan.
  99. "I am Lord Lucien V. Voss, the Butcher of Balaren, the youngest elder of the Council of Invictus. You speak to someone far beyond your caliber, in such a manner that is utterly disgusting, time and time again. You are pitiful. I do not pretend or fake emotion for the sake of deceit. This one belongs to Corinth, and in turn, belongs to me. I take care of what is mine.
  101. Begone. I will not ask again, lest you need a reminder of what has happened the last two times you've insulted us."
  102. (Lucien Voss)
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. [06:40] Ashley remains quiet once more, with slumped miserable shoulders. The usual.
  106. (Ashley)
  107. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. [06:43] Whatever reason Reunan had for standing beside and even whispering to her was lost on the silent Archon. Short, childlike and ethereal in a manner befitting spirits, the figure did not yet speak up as she watched the proceedings.
  111. Her eyes were keen yet narrowed, searching for who knows what, while she listened to the two trade verbal blows.
  112. (Tragedy)
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [06:52] Reunan flexed his left arm over his right with ease. A simplistic sign of it's return to normal. He did not move, face remaining unchanged in it's firm stance. He didn't like what he was hearing.
  117. "You may be stronger, yes. But this is Crafthold, City of Lord Eiphraem where he and his hold power, and his set laws are absolute. I am Reunan Volos, blacksmith and protector of those who need it most. Ashley needs it more than you realize, or more than you care to realize, only seeing how it could potentially benefit you without her state of being taken into play. At least that's what your words and actions have stated thus far.
  119. But you can try, by all means try, to prove that you hold her needs above your own. But it will be pointless. As pointless as life. As pointless as death. This world is nothing, it will always be nothing giving no one meaning unless we make meaning for it."
  120. (Reunan Volos)
  121. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. [06:56] Ashley's shoulders deflated- somehow even further as their erbal battle began to escalate. Something something something- was she even listening anymore.
  125. No, no she wasn't.
  127. But for different reason. Glassy, verdant hues had focused on the ethereal and silent Archon standing besides Reunan. The visage nearly identical to the over-embellished statue that resided within the city square.
  129. Tragedy was far before Ashley's time... But even she knew whom, and what the true Angel of Death was.
  131. Doomed, they were all doomed. She'd be upset with their arguments and annoyances and she'd wipe them clear off the face of Agartha.
  133. The gravity magic barely holding Ashley fades away, the youth plummeting to the ground with a loud crackling thud, the pressure on her shoulders from her own gravity magic pressing oppressively down upon her own back as her head tilts downwards in subservient defeat.
  135. Whatever she said wouldn't matter- defeat and doom were imminent. But, much like before, Ashley was filled with inaction and lethargy. Opting for silence whilst the conflict brewed around her.
  136. (Ashley)
  137. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. [07:02] "Yes, believe me, when I wrote out the bounty I made special care to say not to try and slaughter you in these borders. I know how much you like to hide away behind the Archon while picking fights all the while. You're more trouble than you're worth to these kind people, you know-"
  141. He's clearly got more to say, though he's cut short by Ashley suddenly falls to the earth. He hesitates for a moment, though the humor in his face has gone entirely. Now, he simply frowns, a look of something that isn't quite concern upon his visage. It takes a moment more for him to pull his gaze towards Tragedy, then back to Reunan.
  143. ...Weird.
  145. "..Well. Let me use an obvious example. When she was with us, she was frail and weak, of course, but it is merely her nature. Here? She is grimy and disgusting. She is unable to take care of herself. The moment she saw me, she came to have me deliver things to her master. She exists to serve, and you are trying to offer her freedom that she does not, can not, want."
  147. He exhales, quietly, a hand coming out to gently roll through Ashley's hair, as if he were gently reassuring a child. Perhaps he was?
  149. "I know you want to think you are righteous and wondrous, saving a poor child from torment and horrors, but here? You are only subjecting her to torment, making her live her days in squalor and disgust. It will only intensify when the withdrawals set in. You are not helping her. If anything?
  151. You, Ookami. Will kill her, if you continue to force her to stay here. Or someone will kill you, and she will make her way back to us regardless."
  152. (Lucien Voss)
  153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. [07:06] Silence- and contempt. The creature's gaze seemed to settle on none in particular, yet she had no trouble reading the people nearby. Her eyes reflected nothing pleasant. For now her only movement was to distance herself from these two, wandering over to the nearby abandoned stall and sitting on it. Her legs dangled over the edge cutely- yet the innocence of the gesture would fool no one.
  156. (Tragedy)
  157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. [07:17] Reunan did not move from his spot still, watching Lucien with his ears twisting slightly, as though listening for far off threats, finding no notably odd movements his tail began to sway. A bounty on him, enjoyable, more fights that he could carve out his own existence through hard work and diligence.
  161. "I thank you or the challenge presented with the bounty you gave to your people. I hide behind no one, I simply know when it is better to fight and when it is better to talk. More often than not, it is talking to clear the air. Fighting in a fog is pointless."
  163. His holy energies slowly spread along the ground, forming a solid white marble platform beneath Ashley, a familiar heat and hope flowing through it's surface.
  165. "She is not being held here by me. She is being denied entry to your domain by your leader for the actions she displayed. The lack of loyalty shown to her people and the fights that such lack caused. The fights it continues to cause you clinging to the promise of power that she holds when she is able to control the forces that lie her there before you. The personification of the depression that she and I both go through. But where she is upon the ground, I stand tall, and seek to teach her to stand through it without changing who she is or influencing her path. She is free to leave and deny me as much as any."
  167. His right hand goes to motion to her as a waves of the bond breaking diamond bulwark pulse through the air from his body once more, breaking magics that would bind one against one's will, an extension of his own desire to be free of his pains.
  169. "But as she has shown, she has no will of her own. She does not wish to serve, she serves because she is forced, and thus you wrong her. Through her inaction she betrays you and falls further into her darkness. It is simple to observe what you desire, you desire your objectivity, ownership. Yet you cannot own something and disregard it's state. My path does not bring harm to her, my path plunges her into darkness so that no matter which way she looks she sees the light and can finally break free to self awareness and self control. As I said before, to you it would be akin to an investment."
  170. (Reunan Volos)
  171. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. [07:25] How could these two argue when the Archon of DEATH was sitting RIGHT THERE.
  175. And over her, even! It was embarrassing, shameful, an utter disgrace. She was a greasy, fourteen year old child with sandy, dirty hair. Blood staining her uncleaned dress and and- a part of her just wanted to miserably cry. For her, Tragedy was a bed time story told to let her know that death was natural and A-Okay.
  177. It was still scary, however. Very, very scary!
  179. She sniffles softly, letting the tears run shamelessly down her cheeks.
  181. Though, eventually the pity party would be exacerbated. Mentions of her lack of loyalty earning a deflated sinking of her shoulders.
  183. But...
  185. A piece of her subtly loved it. Listening to people fighting over her in a fashion. Having them do things she was unwilling to bother with- like cleanliness, cooking, medical attention... Anything really..
  187. But, the enjoyment was short lived, when she took note of the cutsie gesture the Archon was committing, alongside her contempt gaze...
  189. Slowly, instead, she'd start to close her eyes and succumb to her lethargy. Fading away into a nice sleep. Right there, in the grass.
  190. (Ashley)
  191. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. [07:33] All humor has long since left Voss' face. Instinctively, a hand reaches upwards, as if it were going towards his massive cleaver for a brief moment- Though a short glance towards the short girl kicking her legs about almost seems to halt him dead in his tracks. Instead, it moves to adjust his hat, ever so slightly.
  195. "Ah. I see, now, where my mistake was. I assumed you were reasonable and not entirely incompetent, but I can see now how utterly wrong that was. You refuse to listen to anyone but yourself, existing solely in your own echo chamber. You do not know when to quit. Disappointing. You're just like most of the other Locals I've met.
  197. Mongrels."
  199. He twists his gaze, making sure Ashley held his handkerchief, giving her one last pat upon the shoulder, before he instead aims his gaze towards the bridge to the north.
  201. "If you are curious, the bounty on you? Barely worth anything, and yet I still have people lining up for it. Those who know your name find you disgusting and unsightly, and believe me, that is a LOT of people, will be looking for you.
  203. But I am not unreasonable. You will not be harmed as long as you hide here, behind your Archon. Behind these laws meant to protect the incompetent. However, when you step foot out of here? That is another thing entirely."
  205. He kicks off from the dirt with a single touch of his boot, hovering ten or so feet in the air forwards before he stops, glancing back.
  207. "Perhaps I'll pay another visit to your house. I have fond memories of bonfires in Apropriya, while my kin danced around with joyous delight in the Eternal Masquerade. I'd like to relive that.
  209. We'll be seeing each other again, Child."
  210. (Lucien Voss)
  211. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  213. [07:42] Reunan snickers a bit, smiling. He found the joke about mongrels funny, because he was an ookami, a dog boy.
  215. "Heh.. You know, I had a dream last night that there was a bat in my rafters that kept flying at me with this really comical squeak and I just picked it up and pet it while it squeeked angrily. It was really cute." He didn't know why he dreamed of bats, it was a really weird dream after all.
  217. "Doesn't really matter, any of that, you know? The house? You'd be doing me a favor and getting rid of my pile of dirty laundry and unwashed dishes. Also, Frank the oscuri guy would see that as an act of aggression against Dawn, since technically it's on their border. Sort of a peaceful existence thing there since no one was living there. I mean, I could build my own home anywhere and wouldn't really care if it burned or not. Wood grows, stone is found beneath my feet. And the grass feels good."
  219. He tilts his head before waving with a smile.
  221. "Do return soon. It's better than agreeing with everyone, to have conflict. Later old man, have fun brooding."
  222. (Reunan Volos)
  223. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  225. [07:46] Reunan walks over to the sleeping Ashley and pulls free a small cloth recently purchased after finding her sleeping in the sand, lying it over her like a blanket and tucking her in on the grass.
  226. (Reunan Volos)
  227. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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