

Oct 12th, 2017
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  1. on first join:
  2. # Rank variables.
  3. set {player::%uuid of player%::rank::prefix} to "&r"
  4. set {player::%uuid of player%::rank::display} to "None"
  5. set {player::%uuid of player%::ranked::rank::display} to "Unranked"
  7. # Game variables.
  8. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} to 0
  9. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::kills} to 0
  10. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths} to 0
  11. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::rating} to 0
  13. command /stats [<offline player>]:
  14. trigger:
  15. if arg-1 isn't set:
  16. send "&7[&6&lSTATISTICS&7] &eDisplaying your statistics."
  17. send ""
  18. send "&6Your Statistics"
  19. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of player%::game::points}% &7Points"
  20. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of player%::game::kills}% &7Kills"
  21. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths}% &7Deaths"
  22. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of player%::game::rating}% &7Rating"
  23. else:
  24. send "&7[&6&lSTATISTICS&7] &eDisplaying %arg-1%'s statistics."
  25. send ""
  26. send "&6%arg-1%'s Statistics"
  27. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::points}% &7Points"
  28. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::kills}% &7Kills"
  29. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::deaths}% &7Deaths"
  30. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::rating}% &7Rating"
  32. on join:
  33. make player execute "spawn"
  34. set join message to "%{player::%uuid of player%::rank::prefix}%%player% &ehas joined."
  35. on disconnect:
  36. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::status}
  37. set leave message to "%{player::%uuid of player%::rank::prefix}%%player% &ehas left."
  38. on drop:
  39. if {player::%uuid of player%::stop::spawn} is set:
  40. if player has permission "server.admin":
  41. stop
  42. cancel event
  43. if {player::%uuid of player%::stop::game} is set:
  44. cancel event
  45. on break:
  46. if {player::%uuid of player%::stop::spawn} is set:
  47. if player has permission "server.admin":
  48. stop
  49. cancel event
  50. if {player::%uuid of player%::stop::game} is set:
  51. cancel event
  52. on place:
  53. if {player::%uuid of player%::stop::spawn} is set:
  54. if player has permission "server.admin":
  55. stop
  56. cancel event
  57. if {player::%uuid of player%::stop::game} is set:
  58. cancel event
  59. on inventory click:
  60. if {player::%uuid of player%::stop::spawn} is set:
  61. if player has permission "server.admin":
  62. stop
  63. cancel event
  64. if {player::%uuid of player%::stop::game} is set:
  65. cancel event
  66. on damage:
  67. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::stop::spawn} is set:
  68. if attacker has permission "server.admin":
  69. stop
  70. cancel event
  71. on respawn:
  72. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::status} is "Unranked":
  73. make player execute "unranked"
  74. make player execute "spawn"
  75. teleport player to {location.spawn}
  76. on rightclick:
  77. if player is holding a book:
  78. if name of player's tool is "&6&lGAMES":
  79. open chest with 1 row named "&8Games" to player
  80. format slot 3 of player with iron axe named "&6&lUNRANKED" with lore "||&rNon competitive nature, KD is still||&reffected. Points are also still||&rearnable in unranked." to close then run [make player execute "unranked"]
  81. format slot 4 of player with diamond axe named "&6&lRANKED" with lore "||&rCompetitive nature, KD is still||&reffected. Points are also still||&rearnable, Rating changes are enabled||&rin ranked." to close then run [make player execute "ranked"]
  82. format slot 5 of player with wooden sword named "&6&lDUELS" with lore "||&rNon competitive nature, No||&rstats are effected, duel your friends||&rand have a blast in duels." to close then run [send "&7[&6&lDUELS&7] &eDuels is only available for donators as of now."]
  83. cancel event
  84. if player is holding a head:
  85. if name of player's tool is "&6&lPROFILE":
  86. cancel event
  87. open chest with 4 rows named "&8Profile" to player
  88. format slot 13 of player with player's skull named "&6&lSTATISTICS" to be unstealable
  89. format slot 20 of player with item frame named "&r" with lore "||&6&lPvP Statistics|| &r%{player::%uuid of player%::game::kills}% &7Kills|| &r%{player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths}% &7Deaths|| &r%{player::%uuid of player%::game::rating}% &7Rating" to be unstealable
  90. format slot 24 of player with item frame named "&r" with lore "||&6&lOther Statistics|| &r%{player::%uuid of player%::game::points}% &7Points|| &r%{player::%uuid of player%::rank::display}% &7Rank|| &r%{player::%uuid of player%::ranked::rank::display}% &7Rank" to be unstealable
  91. if player is holding a anvil:0:
  92. if name of player's tool is "&6&lSTORE":
  93. cancel event
  94. make player execute "store"
  95. if player is holding a redstone repeater:
  96. if name of player's tool is "&6&lSETTINGS":
  97. cancel event
  98. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Settings" to player
  99. if {player::%uuid of player%::settings::squadinvites} is "On":
  100. format slot 10 of player with light green glass named "&6&lSquad Invites" with lore "||&rToggle squad invites off.||||&e&lStatus|| &rOn" to be unstealable
  101. else:
  102. format slot 10 of player with red glass named "&6&lSquad Invites" with lore "||&rToggle squad invites on.||||&e&lStatus|| &rOff" to be unstealable
  103. if {player::%uuid of player%::settings::alerts} is "On":
  104. format slot 11 of player with light green glass named "&6&lStaff Alerts" with lore "||&rToggle staff alerts off.||||&e&lStatus|| &rOn" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::settings::alerts} to "Off"] -> [send "&7[&6&lSETTINGS&7] &eToggled staff alerts off."]
  105. else:
  106. format slot 11 of player with red glass named "&6&lStaff Alerts" with lore "||&rToggle staff alerts off.||||&e&lStatus|| &rOff" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::settings::alerts} to "On"] -> [send "&7[&6&lSETTINGS&7] &eToggled staff alerts on."]
  108. if player is holding a red dye:
  109. if name of player's tool is "&r":
  110. if lore of player's tool is "||&r&lPriest||||&7Right-click the dye to recieve||&7regeneration 3 for 3 seconds.":
  111. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::priestcooldown} isn't set:
  112. cancel event
  113. make console execute "effect %player% clear"
  114. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::priestcooldown} to true
  115. apply regeneration 3 to player for 3 seconds
  116. wait 3 seconds
  117. apply regeneration 1 to player for 999 days
  118. apply speed 1 to player for 999 days
  119. wait 2 seconds
  120. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::priestcooldown}
  121. else:
  122. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou still have a &lPriest &ccooldown."
  124. on death:
  125. if victim is a player:
  126. if attacker is a player:
  127. clear drops
  128. add 1 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::kills}
  129. add 1 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::session::kills}
  130. delete {player::%uuid of victim%::session::kills}
  131. delete {player::%uuid of attacker%::session::points}
  132. add 1 to {player::%uuid of victim%::game::deaths}
  133. send "&7[&6&lPOINTS&7] &eYou have earnt 50 points for defeating %victim%" to attacker
  134. add 50 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::session::points}
  135. add 50 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::points}
  137. set death message to "&c%victim%&4[%{player::%uuid of victim%::game::kills}%] &ehas been slain by &c%attacker%&4[%{player::%uuid of attacker%::game::kills}%]"
  139. on death:
  140. if attacker is a player:
  141. if victim is a player:
  142. add 1 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::killstreaks}
  143. if {player::%uuid of victim%::killstreaks} > 2:
  144. if attacker is victim:
  145. broadcast "&6&l%attacker% &ehas ended %victim%'s killstreak of &l%{player::%uuid of victim%::killstreaks}%"
  146. else:
  147. broadcast "&6&l%victim% &ehas ended his own killstreak of &l%{player::%uuid of victim%::killstreaks}%"
  148. delete {player::%uuid of victim%::killstreaks}
  149. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::killeffect::strength} is set:
  150. apply strength 1 to attacker for 10 seconds
  151. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::killeffect::speed} is set:
  152. apply speed 2 to attacker for 7.5 seconds
  153. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::killeffect::regen} is set:
  154. apply regeneration 3 to attacker for 7.5 seconds
  155. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::killstreaks} is 3:
  156. give attacker 5 golden apples:0 named "&r"
  157. broadcast "&6&l%attacker% &ehas gotten a killstreak of 3 and redeemed &l5 crapples."
  158. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::killstreaks} is 5:
  159. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::killstreaks::500}:
  160. add 500 to {player::%uuid of attacker%::game::points}
  161. broadcast "&6&l%attacker% &ehas gotten a killstreak of 5 and redeemed &l500 points."
  162. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::killstreaks::crapples}:
  163. give player 15 golden apples:0 named "&r"
  164. broadcast "&6&l%attacker% &ehas gotten a killstreak of 5 and redeemed &l500 points."
  165. if {player::%uuid of attacker%::killstreaks::repair}:
  166. repair helmet of player
  167. repair chestplate of player
  168. repair leggings of player
  169. repair boots of player
  170. broadcast "&6&l%attacker% &ehas gotten a killstreak of 5 and redeemed &l500 points."
  172. on pick up of tnt:
  173. cancel event
  174. on pick up of red dye:
  175. cancel event
  176. on pick up of bones:
  177. cancel event
  179. on death:
  180. if {player::%uuid of player%::death::explode} is set:
  181. clear drops
  182. create an explosion of force 0 at the victim
  183. else if {player::%uuid of player%::death::tnt} is set:
  184. clear drops
  185. drop 5 tnt at victim
  186. wait 2 seconds
  187. loop all dropped items:
  188. delete loop-value
  189. else if {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood} is set:
  190. clear drops
  191. drop 5 red dye at victim
  192. drop 5 bones at victim
  193. wait 2 seconds
  194. loop all dropped items:
  195. delete loop-value
  197. command /reset-user [<offline player>]:
  198. permission: server.admin
  199. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  200. trigger:
  201. if arg-1 is set:
  202. send "&7[&6&lRESET USER&7] &eSuccessfully reset %arg-1%'s player-data." to player
  203. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::points} to 0
  204. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::kills} to 0
  205. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::deaths} to 0
  206. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::rating} to 0
  207. else:
  208. send "&cUsage: /reset-user <player>"
  210. command /variable [<offline player>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  211. permission: server.admin
  212. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  213. trigger:
  214. if player isn't "LickSuckEatIt":
  215. if arg-1 is set:
  216. if arg-2 is set:
  217. if arg-3 is set:
  218. if arg-2 is "points":
  219. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::points} to arg-3 parsed as a number
  220. send "&7[&6&lVARIABLE&7] &eSet %arg-1%'s points to %arg-3%" to player
  221. send "&7[&6&lVARIABLE&7] &eYour points were set to %arg-3%" to arg-1
  222. if arg-2 is "kills":
  223. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::kills} to arg-3 parsed as a number
  224. send "&7[&6&lVARIABLE&7] &eSet %arg-1%'s kills to %arg-3%" to player
  225. send "&7[&6&lVARIABLE&7] &eYour kills were set to %arg-3%" to arg-1
  226. if arg-2 is "deaths":
  227. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::deaths} to arg-3 parsed as a number
  228. send "&7[&6&lVARIABLE&7] &eSet %arg-1%'s deaths to %arg-3%" to player
  229. send "&7[&6&lVARIABLE&7] &eYour deaths were set to %arg-3%" to arg-1
  230. if arg-2 is "rating":
  231. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::rating} to arg-3 parsed as a number
  232. send "&7[&6&lVARIABLE&7] &eSet %arg-1%'s rating to %arg-3%" to player
  233. send "&7[&6&lVARIABLE&7] &eYour rating was set to %arg-3%" to arg-1
  234. if arg-2 is "level":
  235. set {player::%uuid of arg-1%::game::level} to arg-3 parsed as a number
  236. send "&7[&6&lVARIABLE&7] &eSet %arg-1%'s level to %arg-3%" to player
  237. send "&7[&6&lVARIABLE&7] &eYour level was set to %arg-3%" to arg-1
  238. else if arg-2 isn't "points", "kills", "deaths", "rating" or "level":
  239. send "&cUnknown variable: %arg-2%"
  240. else:
  241. send "&cUsage: /variable <player> <variable> <setting>"
  242. else:
  243. send "&cUsage: /variable <player> <variable> <setting>"
  244. else:
  245. send "&cUsage: /variable <player> <variable> <setting>"
  246. else:
  247. send "&cInsufficent permissions."
  249. command /area [<text>]:
  250. permission: server.admin
  251. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  252. trigger:
  253. if arg-1 is set:
  254. if arg-1 is "spawn":
  255. set {location.spawn} to location of player
  256. send "&7[&6&lAREA&7] &eLocation of spawn has been set to your location."
  257. if arg-1 is "unranked":
  258. set {location.unranked} to location of player
  259. send "&7[&6&lAREA&7] &eLocation of the unranked arena has been set to your location."
  260. else if arg-1 isn't "spawn" or "unranked":
  261. send "&cUnknown argument: %arg-1%"
  262. else:
  263. send "&cUsage: /area <location>"
  265. command /spawn:
  266. trigger:
  267. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::status} isn't set:
  268. execute console command "effect %player% clear"
  269. teleport player to {location.spawn}
  270. set {player::%uuid of player%::stop::spawn} to true
  271. clear player's inventory
  272. heal player
  273. set hunger of player to 20
  274. set gamemode of player to survival
  275. set slot 1 of player to book named "&6&lGAMES" with lore "||&rRight-click to view our available game-modes."
  276. set slot 6 of player to player's skull named "&6&lPROFILE" with lore "||&rRight-click to view your player statistics."
  277. set slot 7 of player to anvil:0 named "&6&lSTORE" with lore "||&rRight-click to browse the store."
  278. set slot 8 of player to redstone repeater named "&6&lSETTINGS" with lore "||&rRight-click to modifiy your settings."
  280. command /unranked:
  281. trigger:
  282. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::status} is "Unranked":
  283. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::status}
  284. delete {player::%uuid of player%::stop::spawn}
  285. delete {player::%uuid of player%::stop::game}
  286. make player execute "spawn"
  288. if {player::%uuid of player%::session::points} isn't set:
  289. set {player::%uuid of player%::session::points} to 0
  290. if {player::%uuid of player%::session::kills} isn't set:
  291. set {player::%uuid of player%::session::kills} to 0
  293. send "&7[&6&lUNRANKED&7] &eYou've successfully left the Unranked arena."
  294. send ""
  295. send "&6In this session you earnt:"
  296. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of player%::session::points}% &7Points"
  297. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of player%::session::kills}% &7Kills"
  298. send "&6%player%'s Statistics"
  299. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of player%::game::points}% &7Points"
  300. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of player%::game::kills}% &7Kills"
  301. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of player%::game::deaths}% &7Deaths"
  302. send "&7- %{player::%uuid of player%::game::rating}% &7Rating"
  303. else if {player::%uuid of player%::game::status} isn't set:
  304. delete {player::%uuid of player%::game::status}
  305. delete {player::%uuid of player%::stop::game}
  306. set {player::%uuid of player%::game::status} to "Unranked"
  307. teleport player to {location.unranked}
  308. clear player's inventory
  309. heal player
  310. set hunger of player to 20
  311. set gamemode of player to survival
  312. set {player::%uuid of player%::stop::game} to true
  313. make player execute "fight:myclass"
  315. send "&7[&6&lUNRANKED&7] &eYou've successfully entered the Unranked arena."
  317. else if {player::%uuid of player%::game::status} is "Ranked":
  318. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cBefore entering unranked, please exit the &lRanked &carena."
  320. command /broadcast [<text>]:
  321. aliases: /bcast, /announcement, /announce
  322. permission: server.modplus
  323. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  324. trigger:
  325. if arg-1 is set:
  326. loop all players:
  327. if {player::%uuid of loop-player%::settings::alerts} is "On":
  328. send "&7[&c&lALERT&7] &o(%player%) &c%arg-1%" to loop-player
  329. else:
  330. stop
  331. else:
  332. send "&cUsage: /broadcast <message>"
  334. command /store:
  335. trigger:
  336. wait 3 ticks
  337. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Store" to player
  338. format slot 9 of player with iron fence named "&r" to be unstealable
  339. format slot 11 of player with compass named "&6&lCLASSES" with lore "||&rLeft-click to purchase a new class." to close then run [make player execute "store:class"]
  340. format slot 12 of player with emerald named "&6&lKILLSTREAKS" with lore "||&rLeft-click to purchase killstreaks." to close then run [make player execute "store:killstreaks"]
  341. format slot 13 of player with blaze powder named "&6&lKILL EFFECTS" with lore "||&rLeft-click to purchase kill effects." to close then run [make player execute "store:kill.effect"]
  342. format slot 14 of player with tnt named "&6&lDEATH ANIMATIONS" with lore "||&rLeft-click to purchase death animations." to close then run [make player execute "store:death.anime"]
  343. format slot 15 of player with clock named "&6&lCONVERTING" with lore "||&rLeft-click to convert points into rating points." to close then run [make player execute "store:convert"]
  344. format slot 17 of player with iron fence named "&r" to be unstealable
  346. command /store:death.anime:
  347. trigger:
  348. wait 3 ticks
  349. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Death Animations Store" to player
  350. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::blood} is set:
  351. format slot 12 of player with red dye named "&6&lBLOOD" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options." to close then run [make player execute "death:blood"]
  352. else:
  353. format slot 12 of player with red dye named "&6&lBLOOD" with lore "||&7$15,000||||&rOn death all your||&rred and gross blood will fly||&revery where!" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.death.anime1"]
  354. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::tnt} is set:
  355. format slot 13 of player with tnt named "&6&lTNT" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options." to close then run [make player execute "death:tnt"]
  356. else:
  357. format slot 13 of player with tnt named "&6&lTNT" with lore "||&7$15,000||||&rOn death leave a message||&rto your killer with a||&rbig blast!" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.death.anime2"]
  358. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::explode} is set:
  359. format slot 14 of player with cobweb named "&6&lEXPLOSION" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options." to close then run [make player execute "death:explode"]
  360. else:
  361. format slot 14 of player with cobweb named "&6&lEXPLOSION" with lore "||&7$15,000||||&rOn death your body generates||&renough energy to||&rspontaneously combust!" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.death.anime3"]
  363. command /death:explode:
  364. trigger:
  365. wait 3 ticks
  366. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Explode Death Animation" to player
  367. if {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood} is set:
  368. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cExplode" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::explode}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lExplode Death Animation"]
  369. else:
  370. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aExplode" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::death::explode} to true] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::tnt}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lExplode Animation"]
  373. command /death:tnt:
  374. trigger:
  375. wait 3 ticks
  376. open chest with 3 rows named "&8TNT Death Animation" to player
  377. if {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood} is set:
  378. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cTNT" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::tnt}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lTNT Death Animation"]
  379. else:
  380. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aTNT" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::death::tnt} to true] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::explode}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lTNT Animation"]
  383. command /death:blood:
  384. trigger:
  385. wait 3 ticks
  386. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Blood Death Animation" to player
  387. if {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood} is set:
  388. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cBlood" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lBlood Death Animation"]
  389. else:
  390. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aBlood" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood} to true] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::tnt}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::explode}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lDeath Animation"]
  393. command /store:buy.death.anime3:
  394. trigger:
  395. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::explode} isn't set:
  396. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 14999:
  397. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lExplode Death Animation"
  398. else:
  399. if {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood} is set:
  400. delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood}
  401. if {player::%uuid of player%::death::tnt} is set:
  402. delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::tnt}
  403. set {player::%uuid of player%::death::explode} to true
  404. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::explode} to true
  405. remove 15000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  406. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Explode Death Animation"
  407. else:
  408. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lExplode Death Animation"
  410. command /store:buy.death.anime2:
  411. trigger:
  412. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::tnt} isn't set:
  413. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 14999:
  414. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lTNT Death Animation"
  415. else:
  416. if {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood} is set:
  417. delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood}
  418. if {player::%uuid of player%::death::explode} is set:
  419. delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::explode}
  420. set {player::%uuid of player%::death::tnt} to true
  421. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::tnt} to true
  422. remove 15000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  423. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased TNT Death Animation"
  424. else:
  425. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lTNT Death Animation"
  427. command /store:buy.death.anime1:
  428. trigger:
  429. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::blood} isn't set:
  430. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 14999:
  431. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lBlood Death Animation"
  432. else:
  433. if {player::%uuid of player%::death::tnt} is set:
  434. delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::tnt}
  435. if {player::%uuid of player%::death::explode} is set:
  436. delete {player::%uuid of player%::death::explode}
  437. set {player::%uuid of player%::death::blood} to true
  438. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::blood} to true
  439. remove 15000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  440. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Blood Death Animation"
  441. else:
  442. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lBlood Death Animation"
  444. command /store:kill.effect:
  445. trigger:
  446. wait 3 ticks
  447. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Kill Effect Store" to player
  448. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killeffect1} is set:
  449. format slot 12 of player with blaze powder named "&6&lSTRENGTH 1" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options." to close then run [make player execute "killeffect:strength"]
  450. else:
  451. format slot 12 of player with blaze powder named "&6&lSTRENGTH 1" with lore "||&7$15,000||||&rOn kill of a player||&rrecieve a special effect to||&rkeep you going!" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.kill.effect1"]
  452. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killeffect2} is set:
  453. format slot 13 of player with 2 feather named "&6&lSPEED 2" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options." to close then run [make player execute "killeffect:speed"]
  454. else:
  455. format slot 13 of player with 2 feather named "&6&lSPEED 2" with lore "||&7$15,000||||&rOn kill of a player||&rrecieve a special effect to||&rkeep you going!" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.kill.effect2"]
  456. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killeffect3} is set:
  457. format slot 14 of player with 3 cooked chicken named "&6&lREGNERATION 3" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options." to close then run [make player execute "killeffect:regen"]
  458. else:
  459. format slot 14 of player with 3 cooked chicken named "&6&lREGENERATION 3" with lore "||&7$15,000||||&rOn kill of a player||&rrecieve a special effect to||&rkeep you going!" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.kill.effect3"]
  461. command /killeffect:strength:
  462. trigger:
  463. wait 3 ticks
  464. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Strength Kill Effect" to player
  465. if {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::strength} is set:
  466. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cStrength" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::strength}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lStrength Kill Effect"]
  467. else:
  468. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aStrength" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::strength} to true] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::speed}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::regen}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lStrength Kill Effect"]
  470. command /killeffect:regen:
  471. trigger:
  472. wait 3 ticks
  473. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Regeneration Kill Effect" to player
  474. if {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::regen} is set:
  475. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cRegeneration" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::regen}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lRegeneration Kill Effect"]
  476. else:
  477. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aRegeneration" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::regen} to true] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::speed}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::strength}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lRegeneration Kill Effect"]
  479. command /killeffect:speed:
  480. trigger:
  481. wait 3 ticks
  482. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Speed Kill Effect" to player
  483. if {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::speed} is set:
  484. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cSpeed" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::speed}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lSpeed Kill Effect"]
  485. else:
  486. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aSpeed" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::speed} to true] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::regen}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::strength}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lSpeed Kill Effect"]
  488. command /store:killstreaks:
  489. trigger:
  490. wait 3 ticks
  491. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Killstreak Store" to player
  492. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killstreak::500} isn't set:
  493. format slot 12 of player with gold ingots named "&6&l500 POINTS" with lore "||&7$7,500" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.killstreak1"]
  494. else:
  495. format slot 12 of player with gold ingots named "&6&l500 POINTS" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options." to close then run [make player execute "killstreaks:500"]
  496. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killstreak::crapples} isn't set:
  497. format slot 13 of player with golden apple named "&6&l15 CRAPPLES" with lore "||&7$10,000" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.killstreak2"]
  498. else:
  499. format slot 13 of player with golden apple named "&6&l15 CRAPPLES" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options." to close then run [make player execute "killstreaks:crapples"]
  500. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killstreak::repair} isn't set:
  501. format slot 14 of player with anvil:0 named "&6&lFULL REPAIR" with lore "||&7$7,500" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.killstreak3"]
  502. else:
  503. format slot 14 of player with anvil:0 named "&6&lFULL REPAIR" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options." to close then run [make player execute "killstreaks:repair"]
  505. command /killstreaks:500:
  506. trigger:
  507. wait 3 ticks
  508. open chest with 3 rows named "&8500 Points Killstreak" to player
  509. if {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500} is set:
  510. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &c500 Points" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::crapples}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::repair}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &l500 Points Killstreak"]
  511. else:
  512. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &a500 Points" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500} to true] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::repair}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::crapples}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &l500 Points Killstreak"]
  514. command /killstreaks:crapples:
  515. trigger:
  516. wait 3 ticks
  517. open chest with 3 rows named "&815 Crapples Killstreak" to player
  518. if {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500} is set:
  519. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &c15 Crapples" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::repair}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &l15 Crapples Killstreak"]
  520. else:
  521. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &a15 Crapples" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::crapples} to true] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::repair}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &l15 Crapples Killstreak"]
  523. command /killstreaks:repair:
  524. trigger:
  525. wait 3 ticks
  526. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Full Repair Killstreak" to player
  527. if {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500} is set:
  528. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cFull Repair" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::crapples}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lFull Repair Killstreak"]
  529. else:
  530. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aFull Repair" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::repair} to true] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::crapples}] -> [delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lFull Repair Killstreak"]
  534. command /store:buy.kill.effect3:
  535. trigger:
  536. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killeffect3} isn't set:
  537. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 14999:
  538. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lRegeneration 3 Kill Effect"
  539. else:
  540. if {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::strength} is set:
  541. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::strength}
  542. if {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::speed} is set:
  543. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::speed}
  544. set {player::%uuid of player%::killeffects::regen} to true
  545. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killeffect3} to true
  546. remove 15000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  547. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Regeneration 3 Kill Effect"
  548. else:
  549. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lRegeneration 3 Kill Effect"
  551. command /store:buy.kill.effect2:
  552. trigger:
  553. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killeffect2} isn't set:
  554. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 14999:
  555. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lSpeed 2 Kill Effect"
  556. else:
  557. if {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::strength} is set:
  558. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::strength}
  559. if {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::regen} is set:
  560. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::regen}
  561. set {player::%uuid of player%::killeffects;:speed} to true
  562. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killeffect2} to true
  563. remove 15000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  564. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Speed 2 Kill Effect"
  565. else:
  566. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lSpeed 2 Kill Effect"
  568. command /store:buy.kill.effect1:
  569. trigger:
  570. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killeffect1} isn't set:
  571. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 14999:
  572. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lStrength 1 Kill Effect"
  573. else:
  574. if {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::speed} is set:
  575. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::speed}
  576. if {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::regen} is set:
  577. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killeffect::regen}
  578. set {player::%uuid of player%::killeffects::strength} to true
  579. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killeffect1} to true
  580. remove 15000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  581. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Strength 1 Kill Effect"
  582. else:
  583. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lStrength 1 Kill Effect"
  585. command /store:buy.killstreak2:
  586. trigger:
  587. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killstreak::crapples} isn't set:
  588. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 9999:
  589. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &l15 Crapples"
  590. else:
  591. if {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::repair} is set:
  592. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::repair}
  593. if {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500} is set:
  594. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500}
  595. set {player.%uuid of player%::killstreak::crapples} to true
  596. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killstreak::crapples} to true
  597. remove 10000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  598. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased 15 Crapples"
  599. else:
  600. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &l15 Crapples"
  602. command /store:buy.killstreak1:
  603. trigger:
  604. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killstreak::500} isn't set:
  605. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 7499:
  606. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &l500 Points"
  607. else:
  608. if {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::repair} is set:
  609. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::repair}
  610. if {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::crapples} is set:
  611. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::crapples}
  612. set {player.%uuid of player%::killstreak::500} to true
  613. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killstreak::500} to true
  614. remove 7500 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  615. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased 500 Points"
  616. else:
  617. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &l500 Points"
  619. command /store:buy.killstreak3:
  620. trigger:
  621. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killstreak::repair} isn't set:
  622. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 7499:
  623. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lFull Repair"
  624. else:
  625. if {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500} is set:
  626. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::500}
  627. if {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::crapples} is set:
  628. delete {player::%uuid of player%::killstreak::crapples}
  629. set {player.%uuid of player%::killstreak::repair} to true
  630. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::killstreak::repair} to true
  631. remove 7500 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  632. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Full Repair"
  633. else:
  634. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lFull Repair"
  636. command /store:convert:
  637. trigger:
  638. wait 3 ticks
  639. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Convert Store" to player
  640. format slot 12 of player with paper named "&6&l100 POINTS TO 1 RATING" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.convert1"]
  641. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&6&l1,000 POINTS TO 10 RATING" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.convert2"]
  642. format slot 14 of player with paper named "&6&l10,000 POINTS TO 100 RATING" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.convert3"]
  644. command /store:buy.convert1:
  645. trigger:
  646. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 99:
  647. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficent currencies to purchase &lConvertion 1"
  648. else:
  649. remove 100 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  650. add 1 to {player::%uuid of player%::game::rating}
  651. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Convertion 1"
  653. command /store:buy.convert2:
  654. trigger:
  655. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 999:
  656. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficent currencies to purchase &lConvertion 2"
  657. else:
  658. remove 1000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  659. add 10 to {player::%uuid of player%::game::rating}
  660. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Convertion 2"
  662. command /store:buy.convert3:
  663. trigger:
  664. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 9999:
  665. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficent currencies to purchase &lConvertion 3"
  666. else:
  667. remove 10000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  668. add 100 to {player::%uuid of player%::game::rating}
  669. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Convertion 3"
  671. command /store:buy.knightclass:
  672. trigger:
  673. wait 3 ticks
  674. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Purchase Confirmation" to player
  675. format slot 12 of player with emerald block named "&r" with lore "||&a&lPURCHASE &rfor 15,000 points." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.knightclass.yes"]
  676. format slot 14 of player with redstone block named "&r" with lore "||&c&lCANCEL &rpurchase and return to store front." to close then run [make player execute "store"]
  678. command /store:buy.knightclass.yes:
  679. trigger:
  680. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::knight} isn't set:
  681. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 14999:
  682. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lKnight Class"
  683. else:
  684. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::knight} to true
  685. remove 15000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  686. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Knight Class"
  687. send "&eType &l/myclass &eto configure and equip your classes."
  688. else:
  689. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lKnight Class"
  691. command /store:buy.beastclass:
  692. trigger:
  693. wait 3 ticks
  694. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Purchase Confirmation" to player
  695. format slot 12 of player with emerald block named "&r" with lore "||&a&lPURCHASE &rfor 12,500 points." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.beastclass.yes"]
  696. format slot 14 of player with redstone block named "&r" with lore "||&c&lCANCEL &rpurchase and return to store front." to close then run [make player execute "store"]
  698. command /store:buy.tankclass:
  699. trigger:
  700. wait 3 ticks
  701. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Purchase Confirmation" to player
  702. format slot 12 of player with emerald block named "&r" with lore "||&a&lPURCHASE &rfor 11,000 points." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.tankclass.yes"]
  703. format slot 14 of player with redstone block named "&r" with lore "||&c&lCANCEL &rpurchase and return to store front." to close then run [make player execute "store"]
  705. command /store:buy.witchclass:
  706. trigger:
  707. wait 3 ticks
  708. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Purchase Confirmation" to player
  709. format slot 12 of player with emerald block named "&r" with lore "||&a&lPURCHASE &rfor 15,000 points." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.witchclass.yes"]
  710. format slot 14 of player with redstone block named "&r" with lore "||&c&lCANCEL &rpurchase and return to store front." to close then run [make player execute "store"]
  712. command /store:buy.priestclass:
  713. trigger:
  714. wait 3 ticks
  715. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Purchase Confirmation" to player
  716. format slot 12 of player with emerald block named "&r" with lore "||&a&lPURCHASE &rfor 20,000 points." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.priestclass.yes"]
  717. format slot 14 of player with redstone block named "&r" with lore "||&c&lCANCEL &rpurchase and return to store front." to close then run [make player execute "store"]
  719. command /store:buy.pyroclass:
  720. trigger:
  721. wait 3 ticks
  722. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Purchase Confirmation" to player
  723. format slot 12 of player with emerald block named "&r" with lore "||&a&lPURCHASE &rfor 30,000 points." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.pyroclass.yes"]
  724. format slot 14 of player with redstone block named "&r" with lore "||&c&lCANCEL &rpurchase and return to store front." to close then run [make player execute "store"]
  726. command /store:buy.rangerclass:
  727. trigger:
  728. wait 3 ticks
  729. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Purchase Confirmation" to player
  730. format slot 12 of player with emerald block named "&r" with lore "||&a&lPURCHASE &rfor 10,000 points." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.rangerclass.yes"]
  731. format slot 14 of player with redstone block named "&r" with lore "||&c&lCANCEL &rpurchase and return to store front." to close then run [make player execute "store"]
  733. command /store:buy.rangerclass.yes:
  734. trigger:
  735. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::ranger} isn't set:
  736. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 9999:
  737. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lRanger Class"
  738. else:
  739. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::ranger} to true
  740. remove 10000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  741. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Ranger Class"
  742. send "&eType &l/myclass &eto configure and equip your classes."
  743. else:
  744. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lRanger Class"
  746. command /store:buy.pyroclass.yes:
  747. trigger:
  748. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::pyro} isn't set:
  749. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 29999:
  750. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lPyro Class"
  751. else:
  752. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::pyro} to true
  753. remove 30000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  754. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Pyro Class"
  755. send "&eType &l/myclass &eto configure and equip your classes."
  756. else:
  757. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lPyro Class"
  759. command /store:buy.priestclass.yes:
  760. trigger:
  761. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::priest} isn't set:
  762. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 19999:
  763. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lPriest Class"
  764. else:
  765. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::priest} to true
  766. remove 20000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  767. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Priest Class"
  768. send "&eType &l/myclass &eto configure and equip your classes."
  769. else:
  770. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lPriest Class"
  772. command /store:buy.witchclass.yes:
  773. trigger:
  774. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::witch} isn't set:
  775. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 14999:
  776. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lWitch Class"
  777. else:
  778. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::witch} to true
  779. remove 15000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  780. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Witch Class"
  781. send "&eType &l/myclass &eto configure and equip your classes."
  782. else:
  783. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lWitch Class"
  785. command /store:buy.tankclass.yes:
  786. trigger:
  787. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::tank} isn't set:
  788. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 10999:
  789. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lTank Class"
  790. else:
  791. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::tank} to true
  792. remove 11000 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  793. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Tank Class"
  794. send "&eType &l/myclass &eto configure and equip your classes."
  795. else:
  796. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lTank Class"
  798. command /store:buy.beastclass.yes:
  799. trigger:
  800. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::beast} isn't set:
  801. if {player::%uuid of player%::game::points} isn't greater than 12499:
  802. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou don't have sufficient currencies to purchase &lBeast Class"
  803. else:
  804. set {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::beast} to true
  805. remove 12500 from {player::%uuid of player%::game::points}
  806. send "&7[&6&lPURCHASE&7] &ePurchased Beast Class"
  807. send "&eType &l/myclass &eto configure and equip your classes."
  808. else:
  809. send "&7[&c&lERROR&7] &cYou already own &lBeast Class"
  811. command /myclass:
  812. trigger:
  813. wait 3 ticks
  814. open chest with 4 rows named "&8My Classes" to player
  815. format slot 10 of player with fishing rod named "&6&lCLASSIC" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options||&rfor the classic class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:classic"]
  816. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::knight} isn't set:
  817. format slot 11 of player with barrier named "&cPurchase Knight" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.knightclass"]
  818. else:
  819. format slot 11 of player with diamond sword named "&6&lKNIGHT" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options||&rfor the knight class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:knight"]
  820. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::beast} isn't set:
  821. format slot 12 of player with barrier named "&cPurchase Beast" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.beastclass"]
  822. else:
  823. format slot 12 of player with feather named "&6&lBEAST" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options||&rfor the beast class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:beast"]
  824. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::beast} isn't set:
  825. format slot 13 of player with barrier named "&cPurchase Tank" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.tankclass"]
  826. else:
  827. format slot 13 of player with diamond chestplate named "&6&lTANK" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options||&rfor the tank class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:tank"]
  828. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::witch} isn't set:
  829. format slot 14 of player with barrier named "&cPurchase Witch" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.witchclass"]
  830. else:
  831. format slot 14 of player with water_bottle named "&6&lWITCH" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options||&rfor the witch class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:witch"]
  832. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::priest} isn't set:
  833. format slot 15 of player with barrier named "&cPurchase Priest" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.priestclass"]
  834. else:
  835. format slot 15 of player with gold helmet named "&6&lPRIEST" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options||&rfor the priest class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:priest"]
  836. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::pyro} isn't set:
  837. format slot 16 of player with barrier named "&cPurchase Pyro" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.pyroclass"]
  838. else:
  839. format slot 16 of player with blaze powder named "&6&lPYRO" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options||&rfor the pyro class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:pyro"]
  840. if {player.%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::ranger} isn't set:
  841. format slot 19 of player with barrier named "&cPurchase Ranger" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.rangerclass"]
  842. else:
  843. format slot 19 of player with bow named "&6&lRANGER" with lore "||&rLeft-click to view configurable options||&rfor the ranger class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:ranger"]
  846. command /myclass:classic:
  847. trigger:
  848. wait 3 ticks
  849. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Classic Class" to player
  850. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Knight":
  851. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cClassic" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::myclass}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lClassic Class"]
  852. else:
  853. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aClassic" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} to "Classic"] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lClassic Class"]
  855. command /myclass:knight:
  856. trigger:
  857. wait 3 ticks
  858. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Knight Class" to player
  859. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Knight":
  860. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cKnight" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::myclass}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lKnight Class"]
  861. else:
  862. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aKnight" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} to "Knight"] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lKnight Class"]
  864. command /myclass:beast:
  865. trigger:
  866. wait 3 ticks
  867. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Beast Class" to player
  868. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Beast":
  869. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cBeast" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::myclass}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lBeast Class"]
  870. else:
  871. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aBeast" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} to "Beast"] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lBeast Class"]
  873. command /myclass:tank:
  874. trigger:
  875. wait 3 ticks
  876. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Tank Class" to player
  877. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Tank":
  878. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cTank" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::myclass}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lTank Class"]
  879. else:
  880. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aTank" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} to "Tank"] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lTank Class"]
  882. command /myclass:witch:
  883. trigger:
  884. wait 3 ticks
  885. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Witch Class" to player
  886. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Witch":
  887. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cClassic" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::myclass}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lWitch Class"]
  888. else:
  889. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aClassic" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} to "Witch"] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lWitch Class"]
  891. command /myclass:priest:
  892. trigger:
  893. wait 3 ticks
  894. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Priest Class" to player
  895. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Priest":
  896. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cClassic" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::myclass}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lPriest Class"]
  897. else:
  898. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aClassic" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} to "Priest"] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lPriest Class"]
  900. command /myclass:pyro:
  901. trigger:
  902. wait 3 ticks
  903. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Pyro Class" to player
  904. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Pyro":
  905. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cPyro" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::myclass}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lPyro Class"]
  906. else:
  907. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aPyro" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} to "Pyro"] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lPyro Class"]
  909. command /myclass:ranger:
  910. trigger:
  911. wait 3 ticks
  912. open chest with 3 rows named "&8Ranger Class" to player
  913. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Ranger":
  914. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&c&lUNEQUIP &cRanger" to close then run [delete {player::%uuid of player%::myclass}] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully unequipped &lRanger Class"]
  915. else:
  916. format slot 13 of player with paper named "&a&lEQUIP &aRanger" to close then run [set {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} to "Ranger"] -> [send "&7[&6&lCLASS&7] &eSuccessfully equipped &lRanger Class"]
  918. command /store:class:
  919. trigger:
  920. wait 3 ticks
  921. open chest with 5 rows named "&8Class Store" to player
  922. if {player::%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::knight} isn't set:
  923. format slot 10 of player with diamond sword named "&6&lKNIGHT" with lore "||&eKnight Class||||&rIron Helmet, Leggings and Boots||&rChainmail Chestplate||||&rDiamond Sword||||&7Knight. The class for the aggressive||&7and kill thirsty.." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.knightclass"]
  924. else:
  925. format slot 10 of player with barrier named "&6&lKNIGHT" with lore "||&eKnight Class||||&aPurchased, left-click to view opinions||&afor the Knight class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:knight"]
  926. if {player::%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::beast} isn't set:
  927. format slot 11 of player with feather named "&6&lBEAST" with lore "||&eBeast Class||||&rChainmail Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings and Boots||||&rSharpness 1 Iron Sword||||&7Beast. Sonic but in||&7minecraft.." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.beastclass"]
  928. else:
  929. format slot 11 of player with barrier named "&6&lBEAST" with lore "||&eBeast Class||||&aPurchased, left-click to view opinions||&afor the Beast class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:beast"]
  930. if {player::%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::tank} isn't set:
  931. format slot 12 of player with diamond chestplate named "&6&lTANK" with lore "||&eTank Class||||&rDiamond Helmet, Leggings and Boots. Iron Chestplate||||&rSharpness 1 Iron Sword||||&7Tank. For those who enjoy not dying?" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.tankclass"]
  932. else:
  933. format slot 12 of player with barrier named "&6&lTANK" with lore "||&eTank Class||||&aPurchased, left-click to view opinions||&afor the Tank class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:tank"]
  934. if {player::%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::witch} isn't set:
  935. format slot 13 of player with water_bottle named "&6&lWITCH" with lore "||&eWitch Class||||&rChainmail Helmet. Gold Chestplate. ||&rLeather Leggings and Iron Boots||||&rSharpness 1 Iron Sword||||&7Witch. The balanced class, for those who||&7enjoy aggressvive and defensive." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.witchclass"]
  936. else:
  937. format slot 13 of player with barrier named "&6&lWITCH" with lore "||&eWitch Class||||&aPurchased, left-click to view opinions||&afor the Witch class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:witch"]
  938. if {player::%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::priest} isn't set:
  939. format slot 14 of player with gold helmet named "&6&lPRIEST" with lore "||&ePriest Class||||&rGold Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings and Boots||||&rSharpness 1 Iron Sword||||&7Priest. The remake of the bard class." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.priestclass"]
  940. else:
  941. format slot 14 of player with barrier named "&6&lPRIEST" with lore "||&ePriest Class||||&aPurchased, left-click to view opinions||&afor the Priest class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:priest"]
  942. if {player::%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::pyro} isn't set:
  943. format slot 15 of player with blaze powder named "&6&lPYRO" with lore "||&ePyro Class||||&rChainmail Helmet, Chestplate. Iron Leggings and Boots||||&rSharpness 1, Fire Aspect 1 Diamond Sword||||&7Pyro. Fire, fire, fire!" to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.pyroclass"]
  944. else:
  945. format slot 15 of player with barrier named "&6&lPYRO" with lore "||&ePyro Class||||&aPurchased, left-click to view opinions||&afor the Pyro class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:pyro"]
  946. if {player::%uuid of player%::unlocked::class::ranger} isn't set:
  947. format slot 16 of player with bow named "&6&lRANGER" with lore "||&eRanger Class||||&rChainmail Helmet and Boots. Iron Chestplate and Leggings||||&rStone Sword||&rPower 2 and Punch 1 Bow||||&7Ranger. For those extreme snipers." to close then run [make player execute "store:buy.rangerclass"]
  948. else:
  949. format slot 16 of player with barrier named "&6&lRANGER" with lore "||&eRanger Class||||&aPurchased, left-click to view opinions||&afor the Ranger class." to close then run [make player execute "myclass:ranger"]
  951. command /fight:myclass:
  952. trigger:
  953. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} isn't set:
  954. set {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} to "Classic"
  955. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Classic":
  956. set player's helmet to chainmail helmet named "&r"
  957. set player's chestplate to iron chestplate named "&r"
  958. set player's leggings to iron leggings named "&r"
  959. set player's boots to iron boots named "&r"
  960. set slot 0 of player to stone sword named "&r"
  961. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Knight":
  962. set player's helmet to iron helmet named "&r"
  963. set player's chestplate to chainmail chestplate named "&r"
  964. set player's leggings to iron leggings named "&r"
  965. set player's boots to iron boots named "&r"
  966. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword named "&r"
  967. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Beast":
  968. set player's helmet to chainmail helmet named "&r"
  969. set player's chestplate to chainmail chestplate named "&r"
  970. set player's leggings to chainmail leggings named "&r"
  971. set player's boots to chainmail boots named "&r"
  972. set slot 0 of player to iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&r"
  973. apply speed 2 to player for 999 days
  974. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Tank":
  975. set player's helmet to diamond helmet named "&r"
  976. set player's chestplate to iron chestplate named "&r"
  977. set player's leggings to diamond leggings named "&r"
  978. set player's boots to diamond boots named "&r"
  979. set slot 0 of player to iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&r"
  980. apply slowness 1 to player for 999 days
  981. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Witch":
  982. set player's helmet to chainmail helmet named "&r"
  983. set player's chestplate to gold chestplate named "&r"
  984. set player's leggings to leather leggings named "&r"
  985. set player's boots to iron boots named "&r"
  986. set slot 0 of player to iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&r"
  987. apply strength 2 to player for 999 days
  988. apply regeneration 1 to player for 999 days
  989. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Priest":
  990. set player's helmet to gold helmet named "&r"
  991. set player's chestplate to gold chestplate named "&r"
  992. set player's leggings to gold leggings named "&r"
  993. set player's boots to gold boots named "&r"
  994. set slot 0 of player to iron sword of sharpness 1 named "&r"
  995. set slot 1 of player to red dye named "&r" with lore "||&r&lPriest||||&7Right-click the dye to recieve||&7regeneration 3 for 3 seconds."
  996. apply speed 1 to player for 999 days
  997. apply regeneration 1 to player for 999 days
  998. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Pyro":
  999. set player's helmet to chainmail helmet named "&r"
  1000. set player's chestplate to chainmail chestplate named "&r"
  1001. set player's leggings to iron leggings named "&r"
  1002. set player's boots to iron boots named "&r"
  1003. set slot 0 of player to diamond sword of sharpness 1 and fire aspect 1 named "&r"
  1004. apply speed 1 to player for 999 days
  1005. apply fire resistance 1 to player for 999 days
  1006. if {player::%uuid of player%::myclass} is "Ranger":
  1007. set player's helmet to chainmail helmet named "&r"
  1008. set player's chestplate to iron chestplate named "&r"
  1009. set player's leggings to iron leggings named "&r"
  1010. set player's boots to chainmail boots named "&r"
  1011. set slot 0 of player to stone sword named "&r"
  1012. set slot 1 of player to bow of power 2 and punch 1 named "&r"
  1013. set slot 2 of player to 64 arrows named "&r"
  1014. apply speed 2 to player for 999 days
  1016. set slot 7 of player to 5 golden apples named "&r"
  1017. set slot 8 of player to 16 cooked chicken named "&r"
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