
Sylver Light Post-Hiatus

Aug 27th, 2013
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  1. >You are Anon
  2. >A knock knock knockin' on Ashas' door
  4. >It's been a week since you first met her, and since then you've picked up living in Appaloosa
  5. >They treated you a lot more kindly than Ponyville did, that was for sure
  6. >You remember being approached by an energetic(and you're not a homosexual but you couldn't help but admitting also attractive) stallion
  7. >Who gave you an enthusiastic welcome to the town, and asked if there was anything you needed
  8. "Um. . . A shower and shave, I suppose,"
  9. >You had croaked
  10. >And you took that shower, and it was the best shower ever
  11. >The cold water had been soothing against the back of your head, where Asha's had gotten a home run with her bat
  12. >You had reached behind and touched the great lump that had resulted from the incident, where your hair was sticky with what you'd assumed was blood
  13. >But when you pulled your hand away, there was no red
  14. >Odd
  15. >The ponies of Appaloosa gave you shelter for the first night, and when it came to earning your own living, gave you a job making apple pie
  16. >Sure beat scooping cat litter
  17. >Life in Appaloosa was wonderful, and you doubted you'd ever go back to Ponyville
  19. >Ashas opens the door to her humble wooden shack, and smiles upon seeing you
  20. >"Well hello, Anon. It's been a long time. Come in come in!"
  21. >You comply withh her wishes
  22. "I come bearing gifts!"
  23. >You say, and then hold out a four pack of bottled apple ciders
  24. >"Oh!" She exclaims. At first her expression is of pleasant surprise, but for reasons you do not know it quickly turns into one of some sort of vacant horror
  25. >"Oh shit." she whispers
  26. "Um. . . Something wrong?"
  27. >"Huh? What? Oh, oh no, eveything's fine, everything's fine, just. . ."
  28. >She walks over to her table and pulls out a chair
  29. >"Just, have a seat here. . ."
  30. >She hurries back to you and nudges you towards the table. Confused, you do as she asks
  31. >"Just sit down there, and I'll be right back!"
  32. >She runs out of the house and slams the door behind her.
  34. >Okay.
  35. >You sit and wait for Ashas to return
  36. >Wondering just what she's so worked up about and why cider was the trigger
  37. >You wait ten minutes, fifteen, twenty
  38. >At half an hour you open up one of the bottles of cider
  39. >Screw it, if she wants to just leave and make you wait then you'll start the party without her
  40. >In another half an hour you've downed the whole cider, and Ashas still isn't home
  41. >And then you hear something
  42. >WHAM
  43. >A slight pause
  44. >WHAM
  45. >. . .
  46. >WHAM
  47. >It's coming from outside the door
  48. >You walk over, and tentatively open it
  49. >Ashas is there
  50. >Panting, drenched in sweat and. . .
  51. >What the fuck?
  52. >She's carrying a fucking twenty litre jug full of some yellow liquid
  53. >She stumbles inside
  54. >"Th-Thanks Anon," she mumbles
  55. >She let's the jug roll off her back and moans
  56. >"Sorry it took so long Anon, but that thing is damn heavy. Plus it kept falling off my back"
  57. "W-What is it?"
  58. >Right now your mind is filled with horrible thoughts of those 4chan users' piss bottles
  59. >"It's cider."
  60. >Oh thank god.
  61. >"Yeah, I mixed the ingredients put it out to sit in the woods like, three months ago, and forgot about it. I only remembered when you showed me the cider you brought."
  62. >Well, that explains a lot.
  63. >"Yeah, three months might be too long, so who know, maybe it went bad."
  65. >You open another cider for yourself and one for Ashas
  66. >By the time your halfway done Ashas has finished hers and the last bottle
  67. >"Time to see how this turned out," she says, pushing the five gallon jug towards the table
  68. >She pours it into a large glass(miraculously not spilling it everwhere, you have no idea how she is able to maneuver such a large bottle so well without hands)
  69. >She takes a sip and holds it in her mouth for a while. She swallows
  70. >"Hm."
  71. >She takes another sip and says nothing
  72. "Is--Is it good?"
  73. >"Surprisingly so," she answers
  74. >"Want some BLTs?" She asks with an abruptly peppy attitude
  75. "Sure."
  77. >She begins gathering the components of the sandwiches
  78. >Meanwhile you help yourself to the jug of cider
  79. >It's pretty good
  80. >By the time Ashas sets down a plate of BLTs on the table you have a buzz
  81. >Damn, it's strong too
  82. >"So, I'm guessing that since you managed to come back here you're living in Appaloosa now?"
  83. "Yeah."
  84. >"You liking it?"
  85. "Oh yes. The people there are very hospitable."
  86. >And talk continues like this for some time. You're starting to become genuinely drunk
  87. >Your conversation is quite tame, but then. . .
  88. >"So, Anon. We're talking, over BLTs. Are you going to tell me about what you are now, like you promised?"
  89. >Oh shit, that's right
  90. >You don't know if you're ready to talk about your past just yet
  91. >You take a big gulp of cider
  92. >Well, now is as good a time as any, you suppose
  93. "Well, you see, I'm from a place called earth. I'm a human being"
  94. >You stop and try to gather your thoughts on the subject
  95. "I guess the best way to describe us humans. . ."
  96. >Damn. You hadn't realized just how big a topic this was
  97. >And your drunk, which doesn't make things any easier
  98. >You take another gulp of cider
  99. >You put your elbows on the table, lowering your head between your hands and press hard on your temples
  100. "Ummm. . ."
  101. >Plus you still had to explain how Earth was in an entirely seperate dimension
  102. >Fuck
  103. >"Earth has more humans then?"
  104. "Uh. . . Yeah"
  105. >"Do you miss them?"
  106. >The question hits you hard
  107. >"Like, did you have a family? Like wife and stuff? Do humans do that?"
  108. "Uh. . . Yeah, humans. . . Do that"
  109. >Your trying to keep it together
  110. "But I was a bit too young for a wife. I had a girlfriend. . . Ex girlfriend, though."
  111. >But you're drunk
  112. >And it's hard
  113. >Muscles in your throat clench
  114. >Your eyes water
  115. >You cover them
  116. >And next thing you know, you're sobbing
  118. >"God, Anon, are you okay?"
  119. "I. . . I. . ."
  120. >You want to say something but can't find the right words
  121. >Right now your mind's prime directive is to cry
  122. >Ashas has gotten up and walked to your side
  123. >"Anon, what is it?"
  124. "I-It's just. . . It's been a year. . . A year. . ."
  125. >You're overtaken by a fit of especially violent sobs
  126. >God dammit, you wish you could stop yourself
  127. >"A year what, Anon? You can tell me"
  128. "A year. . . Since I came here. . . To Equestria. . . A year. . . Since. . ."
  129. >Ashas has started rubbing your back
  130. "I saw. . . Anyone I knew, and I don't know how to get back. I might never get back!"
  131. "Never talk to my friends, my family, never go on the computer and just fuck around all day and feel bad about it afterwards"
  132. "Never truly be able to follow my dreams never. . . Fuck a chick again!"
  133. >Ashas burts out laughing then, her hoof still laying on your back. You stare at her, dumbfounded
  134. >"I-Im sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh," she says, still giggling slightly
  135. >"It's just that you said with so much oomph behind it and the way that you. . ."
  136. >She's now doing that snickering thing uncontrollably
  137. >"Keekekekekkekkekk. . ."
  138. >She has her hoof over her mouth, eyes tight shut, heaving as she tries to spare your feelings by stopping
  139. >You notice that her outburst has shocked you out of your crying fit
  140. >You calmly wipe your eyes and gulp down the rest of your cider, then pour more from the jug
  141. >Ashas goes back and sits in her chair
  143. >"So you haven't had sex since you left earth a year ago?"
  144. "Uh. . . No, as I'm sure you've. . . Inferred, I am the only member of my species around"
  145. >"Well why should that be a problem?"
  146. "Excuse me?"
  147. >"I mean, I'm sure there are PONIES around that are willing right?"
  148. "Uh, no, I don't see how that would work. I never tried and neither has any ponies yet"
  149. >"Well sure it would work, I mean, ponies would do it for the novelty alone"
  150. "Novelty?"
  151. >"Yeah! Like, they could be the ONLY one alive to EVER fuck something like you. They'd do it just to try it"
  152. "Hm."
  153. >You reach for your cup of cider but accidentally knock it off the table
  154. "FUCK! Goddammit!"
  155. >"It's okay Anon, just give me a sec."
  156. >She gets up to go get a rag to clean it up
  157. "Geez, I'm sorry Ashas."
  158. >It's okay Anon, don't worry.
  159. >She walks over to the fallen and cup puts her face, with the rag in her mouth, to the floor in order to clean the spilt cider
  160. >You glance her way, then find your attention fixed on what you see there
  161. >She is facing directly away from you, which means her ass is directly towards you
  162. >Her ass which is swaying right to left, left to right as she cleans your mess
  163. >Her tail swinging back and forth in front of her clearly displayed genitals
  164. >It looks so perfect. . .
  165. >The hair is slightly thinner there, making the skin show through ever so little, pink as the day she was born
  166. >It looks so soft, you can imagine just what it feels like
  167. >She's just two feet away, you could easily reach out and feel that pussy
  168. >You imagine how that soft pussy would feel sopping wet
  169. >Your mind is full of images of you pounding that delicious poon with all you've got
  170. >Ashas stands up and turns around and smiles
  171. >"See? No problem!" she says through the cider soaked rag
  172. "Eh what? Oh, yeah, no problem."
  174. >She gets a new cup and fills it with cider for you, then sits down at the table
  175. >There was a period of silence
  176. >You can't freaking handle this boner
  177. >"Anyway, on the topic we were on just earlier. . ."
  178. >"Oh hang on, your low on cider. Here, let me top you off"
  179. >You notice she hasn't had any cider since you started crying
  180. >But you're too drunk to think anything of it
  181. >"Anyway, as I was saying, I think that even if you can't get back to earth, you will get laid eventually."
  182. "I dunno, Ashas, I don't think any pony out there would be willing."
  183. >"I would."
  184. >You nod somberly for a moment, but then your inebriated mind processes what was just said and you your head snaps right back up
  185. "Euh whanao?"
  186. >Ashas gets up and walks away from the table
  187. >"Say Anon, it's gotten dark already. Time flies huh?"
  188. >She's walking towards her bed
  189. >"Surely you aren't going to walk all the way back home at night?"
  190. >She places her hooves on the bed, showing off her winking vag
  191. >"Maybe we should have another. . . Sleepover"
  192. >She looks back at you and winks
  193. >Oh shit it's happening
  194. >You stand up, fast
  195. >It's the first time you've stood up since Ashas freaked out and pushed you to the chair
  196. >The combination of drunkenness and a headrush that results is not very pleasant
  197. >Damn, that floors comin' towards you awful quick. . .
  198. >You feel your head hit, and though it doesn't hurt, you know it hit real fuckin' hard
  199. >Your last thought before slipping into unconciousness is:
  200. It's funny how winking is a sign of sexual invitation in both vaginas and eyes
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