
Odds and Ends

Oct 21st, 2014
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  1. Howdy again.
  3. Here's more shorts i throw into various threads.
  5. -----
  7. what sparked this was talking about Chrysalis and her family
  9. (comment) I wonder if she's got any hot daughters...
  11. >you are about to make love for the first time with the princess of the changelings
  12. >you find out that it was actually the queen disguised as the daughter
  13. >she tells you she's been doing that for quite a while
  14. >she's actually been following you on your dates with her daughter
  15. >watching from the background
  16. >or as your waiter
  17. >or the lonely pony sitting behind you in the theater
  18. >sometimes disguised as her daughter
  19. >you actually kissed the queen one time
  20. >she said you were a good kisser
  21. >she only did it for one reason
  22. >to make sure you treated her daughter right
  23. >she tells you that she was very proud of you
  24. >you would treat her daughter the absolute best from then on
  25. >because you never know where her mom is
  27. -----
  29. OP: (picture of a unicorn chart, split into pieces
  31. Remember to only pet your pony in the designated petting spots.
  33. "Twilight, is this a real chart?"
  34. >"Why of course, Anon. I got it from Canterlot University."
  35. "Why is it all split up like that if it mostly says yes?"
  36. >"I uh..."
  37. "What about pegasuses?"
  38. >"it's pegasi, Anon"
  39. "But what if I wanted to pet a pegasus?"
  40. >"um..."
  41. "Do you have a chart for them?"
  42. >"No. There is no chart for them"
  43. "What about earth-"
  44. >"there is only the chart for unicorns."
  45. "So I can only pet unicorns!?"
  46. >"Yes."
  47. >Anon raised his eyebrow
  48. "So why can't I touch the horn?"
  49. >"um well... The horn is s-sensitive, and..."
  50. "Twilight, let me touch your horn"
  51. >"I um... That's only for... A special s-somepony..."
  52. "I'm gonna touch it"
  53. >"No anon"
  54. "I'm gonna touch it"
  55. >"NO"
  56. >Twilight backed into one of her library's shelves
  57. "Imma gone do it"
  58. >"Please anon, don't!
  59. "Gonna do it"
  60. >anon was reaching for her horn
  61. >"no don't you-"
  62. *touch*
  64. (infinite cliffhanger)
  66. -----
  70. "Cadence, you're just flying upside down"
  72. "No Cadence."
  74. >she's flying up pretty high...
  75. "Come back, Cadence!"
  76. >"I'M TRYING ANON"
  77. "Come on!"
  78. >she is really up there...
  79. >still upside down
  80. >she's got wings. she'll be alright
  81. >i hope
  82. "You can come down now!"
  83. >she is just a pink dot in the sky now
  84. >you faintly hear "i'll bring you some moon rocks, anon!"
  86. -----------------
  88. OP: Do you still hate me for being alicorn Anon?
  90. "Well..."
  91. >you didn't exactly HATE Cadence...
  92. >but
  93. >she was only mildly annoying
  94. >but, she barely knew how to fly...
  95. >you think back to all of your valuables she's knocked over
  96. >and, well,...
  97. >she didn't seem to be aware she had a horn most of the time...
  98. >she kept running it into stuff
  99. >and there was still a hole in the door from that time she ran into it
  100. >and whenever she'd rub her hoof up and down her horn
  101. >while saying "Oh yeah, you like that?"
  102. >now that you think about it...
  103. >she horn-sturbated almost constantly
  104. >"Oh, okay anon..."
  105. >shit
  106. >Cadence had a sad look on her face
  107. >you must not have answered fast enough
  108. "No, Cadence, I meant-"
  109. >she held up a hoof, cutting you off
  110. >"I understand Anon."
  111. >No.
  112. >You didn't mean to hurt her feelings
  113. "Cadence..."
  114. >she put her hooves to the base of her horn
  115. >and started turning it
  116. >wait, what?
  117. >her horn came off with a *pop*
  118. >she held her horn in her hooves
  119. >and set it on the table
  120. >followed by another *pop* *pop*
  121. >she had detached her wings
  122. >somehow...
  123. >and onto the table they went, beside her horn
  124. >"I'm going for a walk, Anon."
  125. >she said, completely dejected
  126. >"I'll be back whenever..."
  127. >as she left the house, Anon followed her
  128. "Cadence, I didn't mean..."
  129. >She paid him no attention
  130. >Anon watched as Cadence jumped into the air
  131. >presumably to fly away
  132. >except...
  133. >*Oof!*
  134. >she landed face first in the dirt
  136. -----------
  138. this was prompted by a pajama thread
  140. Twilight:
  142. >"ANON" Twilight said in an annoyed tone
  143. "Just give me your hoof"
  144. >"I can't. I'm stuck"
  145. >you were starting to get annoyed also
  146. "I got it"
  147. >you grabbed hold of her rear hoof, and with one swift motion, she was now wearing her pair of pajama bottoms
  148. >"Anon, my tail is stuck in the leg" the purple mare stated
  149. "Ugh..."
  150. >after another minute of struggling and wrestling with the pony, she now had on her cute pair of pajama bottoms correctly
  151. >"Thanks Anon"
  152. >"Okay, now for the top part. I can handle this, Anon."
  153. >you turned to leave
  154. >about two seconds later
  155. >"Anon! My horn is stuck!"
  157. Rainbow:
  159. >"I am not wearing that" the blue pegasus said bluntly
  160. "But look it's got little clouds on it"
  161. >your enthusiasm was met with a blank, somewhat annoyed stare
  162. "And some of the clouds have little smiley faces on them!"
  163. >Dash continued to stare at you
  164. >you felt slightly hurt from the rainbow mare rejecting your gift
  165. >"look Anon, it's just I don't wear nothing to sleep"
  166. "It's ok dash"
  167. >you said in a flat tone
  168. "looks like I'm gonna have to return those, along with this other pair..."
  169. >a subtle smirk grew on your face as you pulled out another pair of pajamas
  170. >"is that a..." the multi-colored mare piped up
  171. "Yes, a Wonderbolts flight uniform. Well, they're supposed to look like one."
  172. >Rainbow dash had perked up
  173. "But I'm going to take it back tommor-"
  174. >"Wait!"
  175. "Hmm?"
  176. >Dash was somewhat flustered now
  177. >"Maybe I can at least try on one pair..."
  178. >you smiled, knowing that pair of pajamas would win her over
  179. >After a minute of fidgeting and a wing being stuck in a pajama leg, Dash finally had her mock wonderbolt uniform on
  180. >"I look SO COOL!" Rainbow said
  181. >well, she did look pretty cool
  182. >you felt her legs wrap around your waist as she gave you a big hug
  183. >"Thanks Anon" she said in an almost shy tone
  184. "You're welcome, Rainbow"
  186. ---------------
  189. OP: I want for rainbow dash to cum inside me
  192. >you were lying face down on your couch, ready to take a nap
  193. >this couch is wonderfully comfy
  194. >just as you're about to drift off, you hear fluttering behind you
  195. "What..."
  196. >then something lands on your back
  197. >it's sitting on your butt
  198. >as you turn your head, you see a blue wing
  199. >you know it's Dash
  200. >she starts rubbing her hooves on your lower back
  201. "Hey Dash."
  202. >"Don't "Hey Dash" me. I'm here to make you mine!"
  203. "Dash..."
  204. >"Hush. You're just my little mare, now."
  205. >then she starts humping you
  206. "Dash!"
  207. >she slapped your butt after you spoke up
  208. >"Be quiet! Let me enjoy this!"
  209. >her hips started to slam into you faster
  210. "Dash, you can't..."
  211. >she kept going faster
  212. >"Oh yeah, who's my dirty little mare..."
  213. "You're a mare, you can't..."
  214. >"Oh, I'm gonna make you take all of it..."
  215. "You don't even have a dick..."
  216. >"Don't care..."
  217. "my pants are still on, Dash."
  218. >"You're still mine!"
  219. "you're making no progress..."
  220. >you just sat there and let her do her thing for a few minutes
  221. >eventually she grunted as she slammed into you one final time
  222. >"Was it good for you? Cause it was for me!"
  223. "Oh, just wonderful, Dash. You've ruined me, I can never be pleased like that by any other pony..."
  224. >you said in the best dry, sarcastic tone you could muster up
  225. >"Good. Cause I'll be back soon."
  226. >then she flew off
  227. >Why did she do this all the time?
  228. >is she just trying to assert her dominance?
  230. ----------------------------------
  232. OP(picture of Lyra): Anon
  233. I want you to gag on my huge, meaty, throbbing, mare cock
  234. it taste like Peppermints. Now open your mouth anon
  236. >you is the Anon, best human in Equestria
  237. >and only human, so best by default
  238. >today is, well...
  239. >it am not a bad, it mostly is am the goods.
  240. >a nice day to be outside, sitting on a park bench
  241. >which is where you are
  242. >you are enjoying the fresh air and sun, as you hear a pony approaching you
  243. >its Lyra
  244. >she's a good little pony friend, if a bit obsessive
  245. >she's always asking you about human stuff
  246. >and smelling you...
  247. >but all around a good pony.
  248. "Hi Lyra."
  249. >"Hey there Anon! I got ya something!"
  250. >Ooh! presents!
  251. >these ponies were so kind
  252. "Ooh, ooh! Gimme gimme please!"
  253. >"Okay!" she said excitedly
  254. >she magically floats you a very large cup with a cool, thick, light green liquid in it
  255. >a little bit is trailing down the side of the cup
  256. "A milkshake?"
  257. >"Yep!"
  258. "Well, thanks Lyra!"
  259. >"Go ahead and try it! I made it myself!"
  260. "Well..."
  261. >something in your gut is telling you no
  262. >but her big, soft puppydog eyes means she would be heartbroken if you didn't...
  264. >you slowly stick the straw in your mouth and try to drink it
  265. >she giggles as you furiously suck the straw
  266. >it's real thick
  267. >is it stuck in there?
  268. >eventually, you get some
  269. >for a second, it's bitter
  270. >then it gets very sweet.
  271. >Vanilla, with just a hint of peppermint
  272. >this is just like a...
  273. "Wow, this is great, Lyra! It's like a shamrock shake!"
  274. >"...a what now?"
  275. "It's something from my world. A milkshake that was available only a short time a year."
  276. >her face lights up, probably the happiest you've ever seen a pony
  277. >"So I did good?"
  278. "Yeah, it's good. You'll have to make me some more sometime!"
  279. >did her smile get even bigger?
  280. "So, uh, what's in it?"
  281. >"Oh..."
  282. >her face is tinted in blush
  283. >"Special secret recipe. I made it with my own two hooves..."
  284. "Oh, okay."
  285. >she's shuffling her hooves in front of her legs, almost like she's trying to hide something
  286. >"It took me a little bit to work it up, but I had enough to fill that cup."
  287. >she winks at you
  288. >"And I did it all for you..."
  289. "Well, aren't you sweet."
  290. >she stands up on her hind legs and throws her front hooves around your neck in a big hug
  291. >you feel something hard and warm poke into your side, leaving a warm wet spot
  292. >"So make sure drink all of it down..."
  293. >she says in an almost seductive tone
  294. >you just stare forward
  295. >you don't want to finish the milkshake now
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