
Christmas Card

Dec 30th, 2013
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  1. >You are Twilight and you are staring at disbelief at the words "GO AWAY!" spray painted across Anon's door
  2. >Why would anon do this?
  3. >You saw him just a few days ago at the hearths warming eve party and he was perfectly fine
  4. >Walking up to the door you knock politely
  5. >A voice resounds through the house "GO THE FUCK AWAY!"
  6. "Anon its me Twilight! Please let me in!"
  7. >Silence greets you for a few seconds before a resounding answer comes from inside
  8. >"Go the fuck away, your highness!"
  9. >This is not like Anon at all. Giving up on the nice tactics you decided to do this the quick and dirty way
  11. >You teleport into Anon's dimly lit living room ignoring several laws of physics and even more laws about unlawful entry
  12. >A startled yelp draws your attention to Anon's couch where he is currently sitting giving you a glare that could peel paint.
  13. >As you look him over you see he is wearing the same clothes from the night of the party and it looks like he hasn't bathed.
  14. >You notice that his bloodshot eyes are red and puffy as if he has been crying.
  15. >"Twilight I told you to go away." he says quietly
  16. "I know but we were worried. After you threw Rainbow out we knew som-"
  17. >"EH-HEM!" He clears his throat loudly cutting you off
  18. >"Forced entry into a home via magic is a serious crime is it not?"
  19. "Y-yes but-"
  20. >"What would Celestia say if I wrote her and explained what you just used her tutelage to do?"
  21. >The threat causes what you were going to say to die on your tongue
  22. >He wouldn't do that to you...would he?
  23. >Tense with fear you begin picturing all the things that Celestia would say to you.
  24. >So caught up are you in this that you don't even notice Anon gently pick you up and carry you to the door
  25. >It's not until you feel the crunch of snow under your hooves that you are drawn out of your visions
  26. "Anon I only did it because we were worried about you!"
  27. >He turns back around and starts walking into his house
  28. >"I know and that is why I will forget what happened as long as you remember to never force your way into my house again."
  29. >Before he can close the door you blurt out
  30. "Anon please tell me what's wrong. I'm your friend. I just want to help."
  31. >Stopping for a moment he peers at you over his shoulder. You can see the dried up tear streaks down his face in the light
  32. >"Fine. You want to know what's wrong? I'll show you what's wrong."
  33. >He quickly heads inside however before you can follow him he is back at the door
  34. >In his hand is a small letter that he stares intently at.
  35. >"This is what's wrong. It was in my mailbox after the party. As soon as you know how to help I would be damned happy to know."
  36. >Flicking the letter at you he spins around and slams the door shut behind him
  37. >Quickly you grab the letter which turns out to be a small rectangle of cardboard.
  38. >On the front seem to be four humans wearing festive garb gathered around what appears to be a large photo of Anon
  39. >It seems to be a hearths warming eve card. Your family had one one done ever year.
  40. >Turning it over your heart drops
  41. >On the back in bright gold script is "Merry Christmas from the Mouse Family. Wish you were here!"
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