

Nov 9th, 2019
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  1. AutoMessages:
  2. register:
  3. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  4. - ''
  5. - '&eDu musst dich registrieren!'
  6. - ''
  7. - '&a/register <Passwort> <Passwort> &c%captcha%'
  8. - ''
  9. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  10. login:
  11. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  12. - ''
  13. - '&eBitte logge dich mit deinem Passwort ein!'
  14. - ''
  15. - '&a/login <Passwort>'
  16. - ''
  17. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  18. auto:
  19. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  20. - ''
  21. - '&eDu wurdest als Premium Account angemeldet!'
  22. - ''
  23. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  24. session:
  25. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  26. - ''
  27. - '&eDu wurdest in deiner Vorherigen Session angemeldet!'
  28. - ''
  29. - '&8&m----------------------------------------------------'
  31. KickMessages:
  32. register: |-
  33. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  35. &6CTCraft
  37. &cVersuche es erneut
  39. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  40. login: |-
  41. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  43. &6CTCraft
  45. &cVersuche es erneut
  47. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  48. MaxLogin: |-
  49. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  51. &6CTCraft
  53. &cVersuche es erneut
  55. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  56. MaxLoginCracked: |-
  57. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  59. &6CTCraft
  61. &cVersuche es erneut
  63. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  64. PremiumKick: |-
  65. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  67. &6CTCraft
  69. &aMelde dich erneut an!
  71. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  72. unregisterkick: |-
  73. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  75. &6CTCraft
  77. &eDu wurdest von einem Administrator abgemeldet >% admin%
  79. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  80. NameCheck: |-
  81. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  83. &6CTCraft
  85. &eDein Name wurde bereits bei einer anderen Groß-/ Kleinschreibung registriert
  87. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  88. MaxAccountsIP: |-
  89. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  91. &6CTCraft
  93. &cDeine IP hat zu viele Nutzer auf diesem Server registriert.
  95. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  96. MaxPlayingIP: |-
  97. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  99. &6CTCraft
  101. &cDeine IP hat momentan zu viele Nutzer.
  103. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  104. ClearCache: |-
  105. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  107. &6CTCraft
  109. &cDeine Daten wurden gelöscht, bitte verbinde dich sich erneut.
  111. &8&m-------------------------------------------
  114. Titles:
  115. register:
  116. top: '&aBitte Registrieren'
  117. bottom: '&eDeine Captcha ist: &c%captcha%'
  118. options:
  119. fadein: '20'
  120. fadeout: '20'
  121. stay: '200'
  122. login:
  123. top: '&aBitte einloggen'
  124. bottom: '&eUse /login pass'
  125. options:
  126. fadein: '20'
  127. fadeout: '20'
  128. stay: '200'
  129. auto:
  130. top: '&aAuto-Logged'
  131. bottom: '&eThanks for playing with us :D!'
  132. options:
  133. fadein: '20'
  134. fadeout: '20'
  135. stay: '200'
  136. successful:
  137. top: '&aThanks for Playing with us'
  138. bottom: '&eEnjoy the server :D!'
  139. options:
  140. fadein: '20'
  141. fadeout: '20'
  142. stay: '200'
  143. session:
  144. top: '&aSession Resumed'
  145. bottom: '&eEnjoy the server :D!'
  146. options:
  147. fadein: '20'
  148. fadeout: '20'
  149. stay: '200'
  151. Commands:
  152. register:
  153. exist: '&cThis player is already registered.'
  154. wrong: '&cYou used the register command incorrectly, use &e/register pass pass'
  155. non_captcha: '&cYou forgot to put the captcha at the end: %captcha%'
  156. wrong_captcha: '&cCaptcha incorrect your captcha is: %captcha%'
  157. bannedpw: '&cThis password is too easy and/or banned from this server'
  158. to_short: '&cYour password is too short'
  159. to_long: '&cYour password is too long'
  160. registering: '&aTrying to register your account'
  161. success: '&aYour account was successfully registered, have fun!'
  162. login:
  163. already: '&cYou are already connected. OmegaLuL'
  164. wrong_pass: '&cIncorrect password. Try again'
  165. wrong_kick: '&cIncorrect password. Try again'
  166. correct: '&aAccount successfully logged in, have fun :)!'
  167. wrong_cmd: '&cYou used the login command incorrectly, use &e/login pass'
  168. register_first: '&cYou need to register first.'
  169. cracked:
  170. already: '&cThis account is already set as cracked. You can also try /premium'
  171. successful: '&cYour account cache was cleared by an admin, please re-join.'
  172. exception: '&cThis account is not registered on the server'
  173. premium:
  174. successful: '&aYour account has been set to premium please rejoin the server.'
  175. on_list: '&cThis account is already on the list please rejoin to apply changes.'
  176. error: '&cSomething weird happened please contact a staff member!'
  177. already_premium: '&cThis account is already set to premium, this command will not work!'
  178. not_registered: '&aYou first need to register your account to use /premium'
  179. not_mojang: '&cThis account does not exist on mojangs system'
  180. deactivated: '&cThis command has been disabled'
  181. only_player: '&cThis command only works on players'
  182. wrong_method: '&cThis command does not work with this method'
  183. require_login: '&cThis command only work if y ou are logged. Please use /login pass'
  184. unregister:
  185. correct: '&aCorrect usage: &c/authadmin forcelogin %player%'
  186. console: '&aThe user %player% was un-registered by %admin%'
  187. success: '&aThe player was un-registered correctly'
  188. disableshield:
  189. success: '&cThe shield has ben disabled correctly, now all the players can join'
  190. wrong: '&cThis server does not use the protection with shield mode.'
  191. cacheclear:
  192. correct: '&aCorrect usage: &c/authadmin playercacheclear %player%'
  193. success: '&aThe cache for %player% was cleared from the server'
  194. player_msg: '&cYour player info was removed from the cache by an admin, try join again.'
  195. changepassword:
  196. not: '&cYou need to register first...'
  197. wrong: '&cCorrect usage is: &a/changepassword current_pass new_pass'
  198. same: '&cYour new password is the same as the old one, please try with a different password.'
  199. successful: '&cYour account password has been updated correctly'
  200. incorrect: '&cYour current password is not the same as the registered password.'
  201. premium_adm:
  202. wrong: '&cCorrect usage is: /authadmin premium nick'
  203. already: '&cThis account is already set to premium'
  204. sucess: '&aThis account is now is set as premium'
  205. not_registered: '&cThis account does not exist on this server'
  206. cracked_adm:
  207. wrong: '&cCorrect usage is: /authadmin cracked nick'
  208. already: '&cThis account is already cracked'
  209. sucess: '&aThis account has now been set to cracked'
  210. not_registered: '&cThis account does not exist on this server'
  211. fetchdata: '&aThe command is processing and the result will be displayed on your DATABASE "playerip" Table'
  212. redis: '&aThe command was executed on the player proxy'
  213. rediserror: '&cThe player isn''t online or RedisBungee isn''t installed.'
  214. playerip:
  215. ipnotfound: '&cThe player ip isn''t registered on the database'
  216. addaccount: '&aAdded 1 account to the ip of the player %player%'
  217. minusaccount: '&aRemoved 1 account to the ip of the player %player%'
  218. addplaying: '&aAdded 1 account to the ip of the player %player%'
  219. minusplaying: '&aRemoved 1 account to the ip of the player %player%'
  220. delete: '&aThe %player% IP was deleted from the database'
  222. HelpADM:
  223. - '/authadmin unregister <nick>'
  224. - '/authadmin clearcache <nick>'
  225. - '/authadmin disableshield'
  226. - '/authadmin clearnames'
  227. - '/authadmin premium <nick>'
  228. - '/authadmin cracked <nick>'
  229. - '/authadmin fetchada'
  230. - '/authadmin playerip "for the player ip help"'
  232. HelpPlayerIP:
  233. - '/authadmin playerip accounts add <nick>'
  234. - '/authadmin playerip accounts minus <nick>'
  235. - '/authadmin playerip max_accounts add <nick>'
  236. - '/authadmin playerip max_accounts minus <nick>'
  237. - '/authadmin playerip playing add <nick>'
  238. - '/authadmin playerip playing minus <nick>'
  239. - '/authadmin playerip max_playing add <nick>'
  240. - '/authadmin playerip max_playing minus <nick>'
  241. - '/authadmin playerip delete nick'
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