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Jul 16th, 2018
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  1. God she's terrible she's a disaster
  2. she has no impulse control
  3. she's got a generally cheery disposition until she doesnt
  4. she's the kind of person that would burn down the palace while giggling cutely
  5. she's a HUGE summoner fangirl
  6. stylizes herself after her ancestor in every way
  7. wilde childe of the desert
  8. big titanium plated fangs, tiger stripe tattoos
  9. tons of piercings, wild hair
  10. shaved at the sides with a lot of braids and beads in the rest that cascades down to her waist
  11. she cares a whole lot about animals, a whole whole lot as she's a communer
  12. bronze beastmaster
  13. runs an animal sanctuary in the middle of the deep desert at a big oasis
  14. the area is basically a no fly zone for drones because anyof them that try get taken out by the wildlife that are extremely loyal to her
  15. rides a huge winged hellbeast and wields a giant lance for fun
  16. makes a living by ransoming the lusii of highbloods by abusing her powers and making bank off the exchange
  17. she's been a thorn in the side of the gentry for ages because she's a guerilla fighter she disappears into the desert wastes and no one can fucking find her
  18. anyone they send into the desert gets fucked up by the local fauna
  19. shes extremely warm and friendly and almost a little fae to her friends, she actually does really care about others in her weird detached way
  20. she's a witch of breath and as such she's a hyper anarchist individualist to an almost unhealthy extent
  21. like the type of person to say fuck the rules even when we really shouldnt
  22. she goes against the grain just on principle
  23. she's fanatically anti imperialist and would totally set off bombs and not care too much about the results because she's just that far gone into fuck the system
  24. desperately needs a moirail like holy shit does she ever need one(edited)
  25. she could genuinely be a force for good if someone could manage to temper her less responsible instincts and trigger finger tendencies
  26. traumatized rustblood who's well beyond giving a shit
  27. got treated like absolute garbage as a child and ended up escaping to the desert on her lusus and never came back
  28. she's done a lot of good for lowbloods just because they know that if shit gets bad? if they wander into her desert she will find them and they will be safe
  29. as such as it is right now the only highblood she trusts is this timeline's cobalt kanaya, who's a huge soft bookworm who cares little for the hemospectrum or rank and just spends all her time lost in libraries doing research and writing academic papers
  30. she's the only rich benefactor fef has ever had and theyre basically moirails
  31. but kanaya could definitely do a better job checking fef's impulses, she's just too busy with her nose in the books
  32. she's a god tier witch of breath which is just
  33. God
  34. jsut run away
  35. just run from her its terrible
  36. Also she's a huge furry, i couldnt not have a bronze fef be a huge furry she's got the most OBNOXIOUS FURSONA
  37. and she's really in love with hokey environmentalist movies like she went wide eyed at james cameron's avatar the first time she saw it
  38. shes such a dork
  39. if someone could ever get her to calm down and stop feeling like she's constantly at war with the entire world she'd be an extremely chill friend you could smoke weed with and she'd go out of her way to help you out with your problems and enable your dreams
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