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Apr 30th, 2016
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  1. // Ogar Server configurations file
  2. // Lines starting with slashes are comment lines
  4. // [Server]
  5. // serverMaxConnections : Max amount of players that can connect.
  6. // serverMaxConnPerIp : Max connections per IP.
  7. // serverPort : Port to run the gameserver on.
  8. // serverVersion : Protocal version of client (v561.20 and up is 1, while v561.20 and below is 0)
  9. // serverGamemode : List of gamemodes at's.
  10. // serverResetTime : Hours before the server restarts. (Set 0 for none.)
  11. // serverBots : Amount of bots to spawn in the server. (-1 to disable all together.)
  12. // serverViewBase : Base view distance of players. (High values can cause lag.)
  13. // serverStatsPort : Port for the stats server. (-1 to disable all together.)
  14. // serverStatsUpdate : Amount of seconds to update the stats port information.
  15. // serverAutoPause : Auto-Pause the game if no players are on, best for RAM Usage. (1 is on / 0 is off.)
  16. // serverLiveStats : Show server stats on the top right of the console, must be 127 characters long. (1 is on / 0 is off.)
  17. // serverLogLevel : Logging level of the server. (0 = No logs | 1 = Logs the console | 2 = Logs console and IP connections)
  18. // serverLogToFile : Log to Files enabled or disable.
  19. serverMaxConnections = 100
  20. serverMaxConnPerIp = 9
  21. serverPort = 4411
  22. serverVersion = 1
  23. serverGamemode = 0
  24. serverResetTime = 48
  25. serverBots = 0
  26. serverViewBaseX = 1200
  27. serverViewBaseY = 630
  28. serverStatsPort = -88
  29. serverStatsUpdate = 60
  30. serverAutoPause = 0
  31. serverLiveStats = 0
  32. serverLogLevel = 2
  33. serverLogToFile = 1
  35. // [Admin and Tracker
  36. // serverName : The name to display on the tracker (leave empty will show ip:port) so Do not put http:\\ !
  37. // serverAdminPass : Remote console commands password, if you wish to send commands to server true chat put the password here
  38. // uncomment the one, both or none if you wish to use one of the futures below
  39. // serverName =
  40. // serverAdminPass = yourpassword
  42. // [Chat]
  43. // chatMaxMessageLength : Maximum message length
  44. // chatToConsole : Log Chat To Console (0 to Disable)
  45. // chatIntervalTime : Set the delay between messages and commands (in millisecond), to stop spam
  46. chatMaxMessageLength = 70
  47. chatToConsole = 0
  48. chatIntervalTime = 2500
  50. // [Border]
  51. // Border values of the map (Vanilla values are left/top = 0, right/bottom = 12000)
  52. borderLeft = 0
  53. borderRight = 12000
  54. borderTop = 0
  55. borderBottom = 12000
  57. // [Spawn]
  58. // spawnInterval : The interval between each food cell spawn in ticks (1 tick = 50 ms)
  59. // foodSpawnAmount : The amount of food to spawn per interval
  60. // foodStartAmount : The starting amount of food in the map
  61. // foodMaxAmount : Maximum food cells on the map
  62. // foodMass : Starting food size (In mass)
  63. // foodMassGrow : Enable or Disable food mass grow
  64. // foodMassGrowPossiblity : Chance for a food to has the ability to be self growing
  65. // foodMassLimit : Maximum mass for a food can grow
  66. // foodMassTimeout : The amount of interval for a food to grow its mass (in seconds)
  67. // virusMinAmount : Minimum amount of viruses on the map.
  68. // virusMaxAmount : Maximum amount of viruses on the map. If this amount is reached, then ejected cells will pass through viruses.
  69. // virusStartMass : Starting virus size (In mass)
  70. // virusFeedAmount : Amount of times you need to feed a virus to shoot it
  71. // mothercellMaxMass : Max mass the mothercell can get to. (0 for unlimited)
  72. spawnInterval = 10
  73. foodSpawnAmount = 100
  74. foodStartAmount = 2500
  75. foodMaxAmount = 2000
  76. foodMass = 10
  77. foodMassGrow = 1
  78. foodMassGrowPossiblity = 50
  79. foodMassLimit = 5
  80. foodMassTimeout = 120
  81. virusMinAmount = 30
  82. virusMaxAmount = 75
  83. virusStartMass = 100
  84. virusFeedAmount = 7
  85. mothercellMaxMass = 0
  87. // [Ejected Mass]
  88. // ejectMass : Mass of ejected cells
  89. // ejectMassLoss : Mass lost when ejecting cells
  90. // ejectMassCooldown : Time(milisec) until a player can eject mass again
  91. // ejectSpeed : Base speed of ejected cells
  92. // ejectSpawnPlayer : Chance for a player to spawn from ejected mass
  93. ejectMass = 20
  94. ejectMassLoss = 16
  95. ejectMassCooldown = 200
  96. ejectSpeed = 160
  97. ejectSpawnPlayer = 50
  99. // [Player]
  100. // playerStartMass : Starting mass of the player cell
  101. // playerMaxMass : Maximum mass a player can have (Vanilla value: 22500)
  102. // playerSpeed : Player base speed
  103. // playerMinMassEject : Mass required to eject a cell
  104. // playerMinMassSplit : Mass required to split
  105. // playerMaxCells : Max cells the player is allowed to have
  106. // playerRecombineTime : Base amount of ticks before a cell is allowed to recombine. (1 tick = 1000 milliseconds / -1 = instant merge)
  107. // playerMassDecayRate : Amount of mass lost per tick (Multiplier) (1 tick = 1000 milliseconds)
  108. // playerMinMassDecay : Minimum mass for decay to occur
  109. // playerMaxNickLength : Maximum nick length
  110. // playerDisconnectTime : The amount of seconds it takes for a player cell to be removed after disconnection (If set to -1, cells are never removed)
  111. // playerSplitSpeed : Controls the speed of the splitting cell. Default value is 130.
  112. // playerFastDecay : Double the decay if cell is over 5000 mass. (0 is off)
  113. playerStartMass = 30
  114. playerMaxMass = 225000
  115. playerSpeed = 30
  116. playerSplitSpeed = 130
  117. playerMinMassEject = 32
  118. playerMinMassSplit = 20
  119. playerMaxCells = 32
  120. playerRecombineTime =
  121. playerMassDecayRate = 0.002
  122. playerMinMassDecay = 200
  123. playerMaxNickLength = 15
  124. playerDisconnectTime = 300
  125. playerFastDecay = 5
  127. // [Gamemode]
  128. // Custom gamemode settings
  129. // gameLBlength : Number of names to display on Leaderboard (Vanilla value: 10)
  130. // tourneyMaxPlayers : Maximum amount of participants for tournament style game modes
  131. // tourneyPrepTime : Amount of ticks to wait after all players are ready (1 tick = 1000 ms)
  132. // tourneyTimeLimit : Time limit of the game, in minutes.
  133. // tourneyAutoFill : If set to a value higher than 0, the tournament match will automatically fill up with bots after value seconds
  134. // tourneyAutoFillPlayers : The timer for filling the server with bots will not count down unless there is this amount of real players
  135. // experimentalIgnoreMax : Ignore the foodMaxAmount when the mothercells shoot. (Set to 1 to turn it on)
  136. gameLBlength = 10
  137. tourneyMaxPlayers = 12
  138. tourneyPrepTime = 10
  139. tourneyEndTime = 30
  140. tourneyTimeLimit = 20
  141. tourneyAutoFill = 0
  142. tourneyAutoFillPlayers = 1
  143. experimentalIgnoreMax = 0
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