
the heirs / @chen-le / pornchai winothai

Sep 10th, 2017
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  2. | name: pornchai winothai (พรชัย วิโนทัย)
  3. — jeon jinho (전진호)
  4. | nickname(s):
  5. — winnie (a nickname she most commonly goes by. this is because most of the members can't say her name properly so she just does by this.)
  6. — chai (another nickname. she either goes by this or winnie)
  7. — jj (come from her korean name)
  8. — jinnie jin (another from her korean name)
  10. | birthday: January 2, 1991
  11. | age: 25 INT. Age
  13. | blood type: AB
  15. | height: 164cm (5'4)
  16. | weight: 41kg (90lbs)
  18. | face claim: hana of gugudan
  19. | backup face claim: jei of fiestar
  22. | birth place: bangkok, thailand
  23. | hometown: bangkok, thailand
  25. | nationality: thai
  26. | ethnicity: thai
  28. | languages:
  29. — thai (fluent)
  30. — korean (fluent)
  31. — morse code (does this count??)
  33. | background:
  34. — pornchai never really had a good life. her parents were never really there for her, always leaving the girl alone at their house, even when she was still a newborn. they neglected the girl by abandoning her everyday and every night. as she grew, she became a real life cinderella, forced to clean the house and do chores while her parents were out, and if she didn't finish them all by the time they returned, she received the worst physical punishment you can imagine. she was only 5 at the time (now she would honestly believe that she would look different than she does now from the beatings she received).
  35. — at age 9, she had now become somewhat of a speed cleaner, not to mention much more smarter. she had discovered that her parents always left home at 10am and returned at 11pm. if the girl was lucky, she could finish all of her cleaning in an hour. after she finished she would sneak out of the house (even though it was really really risky for her to do so). in those few hours she had, she would venture around and experience the outside world in little pieces. however, it didn't last long, maybe a month or so, until she had been found out by her parents whom had come back to the house far earlier that expected. when pornchai arrived and saw her parents at the door, she tried to make a run for it, afraid of the horrible punishment she was to receive. she, of course, didn't make it out the door before her father tanked her back and sent her spiraling down in a hole full of her tears and horrible abuse. after that, the girl felt like it would never end. the beatings became a daily thing, her parents claiming it was the only way to prevent her from ever trying to leave the house and them (despite them leaving her alone for hours on end). when they weren't home abusing their daughter, they were out, and instead of pornchai cleaning the house like cinderella, she now found a new home in a locked closet. the closet had no light, no food, and no drink. she laid there for hours on end until her parents would come back home.
  36. — at age 13, she had lost hope. it had been 4 years of the same thing, the same punishment, the same draining feeling that ultimately made her feel like death. she wanted to kill herself, oh how bad she wanted to just escape this life, but alas the closet had no ways of allowing the girl to die. yes, help finally did come, but it felt to her that there was nothing to save. a korean central intelligence agency had come for her. they claimed that they were working along side thailand central intelligence and had been watching the girl's parents for a long time. it had been news to her that her parents were affiliated with a big thailand gang, and lived a life of drugs, alcohol, and money. the korean & thailand agency's had captured the girl's parents, but could still not secure her safety if she remained in thailand, the gang her parents were affiliated with could still come searching for the girl, and even kill her, so the only way to protect her was to move her away from her home in thailand.
  37. — she ended up being moved to daejeon, south korea with the agent of the Korean CIA, the first man she met when she was saved. the two immediately had a connection, and while she was questioned after being saved, she only insisted on talking to him because she only felt comfortable around him. he ended up adopting her (he didn't have to, she was only to live under his house to be protected in case the thai gang came for her, however he already felt like the girl was her daughter and this adopted her and welcomed her into the family). she was then given a korean name (jeon jinho) and then sent to live with the man and his family. as she grew into a teenage girl (and later into an adult), she decided she wanted to "fight evil" by bringing justice to wrongdoers. she didn't want to become physical in the sense of literally fighting evil (mostly because she was still horrible scarred from her parents, so much so she would have nightmares). so instead she took one thing she learned to love, a computer (her brother jinhwan gave her his old one and she literally cried at how amazing it was), and went to the library to find every and any book on computers and firewalls and all o that fun stuff. she wanted to teach herself to be a hacker. she ended up telling her father (whom she called dad, because he was more of a dad than her own). he was slightly mad at the fact that she went behind his back, but then realized her motives behind doing so and allowed her to do it (what an amazing dad right?). he even managed to get a real hacker from work to take of time from work and help pornchai (now jinho at this point in time), and show her how to break firewalls, hack into systems, and all that jazz. luckily, the girl was lucky and with only a few months of practice she broke into a very complicated server.
  38. — all in all, pornchai faced hardships for the first half of her life, but in a way was thankful because without them, she wouldn't be able to be who she is today, and met her true family. she would like to consider herself blessed, and lucky to have the family she has now.
  40. | family:
  41. — janskirtan winothai // father // 47 // business man // -500000000
  42. — kwang winothai // mother // 46 // unemployed // -500000000
  43. — jeon juho // adoptive father // 52 // korean cia worker // +100000, very very very very very close, he was the first person she saw when she was saved by the korean cia and thus she has a special bond with him
  44. — jeon baekhee // adoptive mother // 50 // stay at home mother // close, least close out of all the other family members, but still close
  45. — jeon jinhwan // brother (by adoption) // 18 // student // very close, but not as close as pornchai & juho
  50. | slot: STIGMA
  51. | backup slot: AWAKE
  53. | personality:
  54. — despite pornchai's harships, she is a very upbeat and happy person. she is known to talk someone's ear off (mostly because she hates silence with her life upcoming hardships). there is no doubt in anyone's mind that the girl is the sass queen, and will literally flame you to a roast (she once wrong a diss track for one of the girls, she ended up making her cry). she is really good at comebacks, due to fast thinking and wit. pornchai tends to curse, often too much as the other members believe. this is mostly because it's the only way she can let out her frustration without being aggressive.
  55. — although the girl is bubbly, loud, out there, and most importantly the queen of sass, she mostly uses those as a cover up. while, yes she is a pretty happy person, she often uses those positive personality traits to cover up how she is feeling (and does it quiet well). in all honest, despite being taken from her horrible home and into a new family, she is still a very broken person. when she first came into her new family, she was diagnosed as having a nightmare disorder (when most of your sub-conscious state is simply just horrible nightmares). this nightmare disorder most likely came from trauma, but has left the girl afraid of sleep, thus staying awake for days on end, until she is some sort of crazy person (she is afraid to sleep because she can't wake herself from the nightmares sometimes).
  56. — pornchai is smart. again despite not being given any proper education for the first 13 years of her life, she managed to grow up to be pretty intellectual (the agents were surprised to see the sass and witty remarks the girl made when they tried to question her). people wouldn't expect her to be smart all with her sometimes ditzy personality, but she is very knowledgeable on certain things.
  57. — all in all, pornchai cares about her friends and will do anything to protect them (expect become violent because no). she is a happy and loving girl that also has her negatives because of her horrible childhood. nevertheless, she always puts other before her, even if she is about to collapse.
  59. | likes:
  60. — hot chocolate
  61. — her glasses
  62. — takeout
  63. — clothes 10 sizes too big
  64. — her computer (it's her child)
  65. — supernatural (the tv show)
  66. — sam winchester (sHE LOVES HIM)
  67. — the sound the can makes when you first open a soda
  68. — dogs (she wants a doggo of her own)
  69. — bubble tea
  70. — singing in the shower
  71. — ryan from kakao friends
  72. — shoes (she owns a lot of them, mostly nikes because she is shameful as fuck)
  73. — the :D emoji (she thinks it's the funniest shit and honestly laughs out loud every time she uses it)
  76. | dislikes:
  77. — being abandoned
  78. — her name being mispronounced
  79. — coffee
  80. — sleeping (she wants to sleep, but is afraid to)
  81. — carrots (claims they are disgusting)
  82. — when people get physical
  83. — when people try to assert their dominance over her (she hates the feeling of being belittled)
  84. — exercise
  85. — candy
  86. — the sound of bones cracking
  87. — when people hover around her desk (this applies to looking over her shoulder)
  89. | hobbies:
  90. — binge watching supernatural
  91. — playing RPG and 1st person shooter games
  92. — doing that hacker stuff bro
  93. — writing in her free time (which she hardly has)
  95. | talents:
  96. — playing video games
  97. — singing (she doesn't consider it a talent, but when she tends to sing while working people compliment her voice)
  98. — binge watching tv shows
  99. — making diss tracks on the spot for people
  103. | habits:
  104. — biting a pen when nervous
  105. — singing while working
  106. — talking to herself in thai and then continuing to talk to a person in thai without even knowing (which results in them being confused and not understanding what she is saying)
  109. | trivia:
  110. — she can type 178 words per minute (which is considered very very very fast)
  111. — she is left handed
  112. — the girl wears glasses (she has an astigmatism in both eyes but is too scared to get lasik eye surgery)
  113. — she named her computer som (ส้ม) which is thai for orange (don't ask her why, she loves the name)
  114. — she once stayed awake for 10 days with no sleep. the areum slapped her and made her go to sleep
  115. — she claims her job is a full time fangirl (she fangirls mostly over supernatural and kpop group history)
  116. — she is allergic to peanuts (she once had some for the first time with her adoptive family and she had a really bad allergic reaction and her dad literally started freaking out while the girl was literally dying )
  117. — pornchai usually speaks in thai when she is mad to spite the other members
  118. — sometimes when she should be working, pornchai is actually watching supernatural on her computer
  119. — pornchai has OCD when it comes to her desk. everything has a certain place on her desk and she hates when people mess with those things.
  120. — she honestly just hates people touching her desk in general
  121. — she wishes she liked coffee so she could stay up longer. sometimes she forces herself to drink it
  122. — pornchai often listens to classical music when she is stressed
  123. — despite not given a proper education for the first 13 years of her life, pornchai has an incredible IQ of 163. doctors were honestly surprised at how smart she was since most brain development is done in the first 12 years of a persons life, and that it's harder for people to learn as they get older.
  128. | how did they join r.o.y.a.l.s:
  129. — what had happened was that royals (in not doing the acronym so fuck you sav) had been gotten a case that closely related to the thai gang (the same one her parents were affiliated with). the girl had managed to find out about this after doing a bit of snooping on the dark web (oops), and immediately wanted to join. she had a strong hatred for the gang, not just because of the stuff they did as a gang, but mostly because if they never existed then maybe her family would still be whole and she wouldn't be so broken.
  131. | why did they join:
  132. — she wanted to bring justice to people that could potentially damage lives just like her life was damaged.
  134. | weaknesses:
  135. — being talked down or being belittled as if she is nothing
  136. — being abandoned (she would honestly lose her mind. she wouldn't be able to handle it)
  137. — seeing people she loves being hurt (since she is someone who always puts other before her, this is a great way to fucking ruin her ass)
  139. | fears:
  140. — being abandoned (iT IS A FEAR TOO)
  141. — sleeping (mostly because of her nightmares)
  142. — closets (childhood trauma)
  143. — darkness
  145. | occupation: lmao what occupation
  150. | love interest: minseok my precious baby
  151. | backup love interest: kyungsoo (oR CHEN)
  153. | first impression:
  154. — her: pornchai had a more neutral feeling towards him. on the positive side of things she thought he was cute and genuine, however couldn't let herself open up to him so quickly as if to fool herself that everything would be fine and that she would be able to trust him. the only reason she was like this was not only because the job is dangerous (and he knows it is too) and it's not always good to involve your feelings in a job, but also because the voice in the back of her head whispered to her telling her that he would just leave her, something she couldn't help. abandonment was her biggest fear and she didn't want to get emotionally attached to him in case he every left (which they usually end up doing).
  155. — him: he was amazed by her work. he couldn't believe how fast she worked and how intellectual she sounded when spitting out words about mainframes and databases and a bunch of things he didn't understand. he admired her work, but also felt a bit afraid by her overwhelming personality and sass. he noticed how she took just about everything as a joke except her job and find it amusing but also quite odd. he was honestly intrigued by the girl, desperately wanting to know more about her and understand how her mind worked (since it had to work differently from the others since she was so smart).
  157. | how your character acts around them:
  158. — beginning: pornchai again is kind of wary around him. sure he peaked an interest, but she was afraid to actually turn that simple interest into something more. she didn't really want to interact with him (but also did at the same time), which lead her to sending small glances his way almost 96% of the time because she is still contemplating if she should do something. she ends up doing so and their first interaction is her sassing his ass off because it's in her nature to slowly tear the band-aid off (despite her attitude being loud and brash).
  159. — middle: winothai/jinho has now become "comfortable" with the boy. she find enjoyment in his company, and being in his company means being able to roast his ass on a daily basis. however their relationship is clearly one that everybody sees has a "spark." winnie knows this, and it fucking scares her. she is still so afraid to love after what happened with her parents, people she loved (or at least thought she did). she hated the idea of abandonment and even if her heart told her he was always going to be there, her mind screamed run away. this dilemma became very troubling to winnie and led her to become very emotional and afraid however she did what she does best, hide her true emotions with an optimistic smile and humor.
  160. — end: (this really depends on what ending you choose so..... i mean ill write it if you want but it honestly depends on how you end their story)
  162. | how they act around your character: bullet the beginning, middle, and end (minimum of six sentences each)
  163. — beginning: minseok was intrigued by her, that is no surprise. he was also slightly intimidated by her which let him to be an awkward mess, his doe eye becoming wide whenever she interacted with him. he was very introverted upon meeting her,
  164. mostly because he honestly had no idea what to say or do or how to even process anything. it takes him a bit to stop acting so, but thankfully to winnie's extroverted personality he was able to warm up to the girl rather fast. he didn't want to admit that he had a sort of school girl crush on winnie, however the butterflies in his stomach and the blush that started to take home in his face would say otherwise.
  165. — middle: minseok had come to terms with his crush on the girl despite all of the signs telling him it clearly wouldn't work. he knew that pornchai was completely clueless to his feelings for her, which made it easier to hide it from her. he had found he had become very close to the girl and that the two had created cute things between them such as little pet names and hand shakes. he had become very comfortable with her and everyone could see. however he was afraid of so much, most importantly the dangers of the job and he was fearful that winnie could get hurt, something that scared him more than anything.
  166. — end: (this really depends on what ending you choose so..... i mean ill write it if you want but it honestly depends on how you end their story)
  168. | relationship: beginning and middle (remember that i will decide the ending for them)
  169. — beginning: pornchai was quite friendly, however her sass was a bit overbearing which caused him to be slightly intimidated by the girl. pornchai of course wasn't super comfortable with the boy yet, and happened to lash out just a
  170. — middle:
  172. | interactions:
  173. — minseok rubbing her back
  174. — pornchai leaning on him when she is tired (which is all the time)
  175. — the two often interlock both hands and push each other back and forth lightly
  176. — pornchai loves playing with his hair
  179. | couple trivia: minimum of six
  180. — minseok often brings her takeout for dinner, but also scolds her for her bad health (such double standards smh)
  181. — minseok often rubs her back when he sees that she is stressed
  182. — minseok often brings the girl energy drinks
  183. — minseok often looks over the girls shoulder, being the only one she lets do that
  184. — the two have a secret handshake
  185. — pornchai taught minseok some morse code so they could talk without the others knowing the subject of their conversation
  186. — minseok calls her win while she called him seokseok or minnie
  189. | requested scenes:
  190. — pornchai having a mental breakdown and starting to cuss and even going as far to throwing things off of her desk. she becomes so worked up that minseok has to come and calm her down.
  191. — the groups all coming together and having a big dinner together
  192. — pornchai throwing a fit because everyone is arguing and nobody is listening to her. she finally just screams at the top of her lungs and everyone looks at her like wtf
  196. | anything else: did i miss anything in the form you'd like to add ((-:
  197. — here is more on nightmare disorder so you can get a good feel and even add some angst ( )
  198. — and complex PTSD ( )
  199. | note to sav(age): i was listening to rain by brian crain while writing the li and it kinda made me emotional lmao
  200. | password: wang wook
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