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a guest
Sep 3rd, 2022
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  1. [border=none; padding: 10px; background: #F6ECD1; border-radius: 5px; color: black][size=30][color=darkred][b]YOUR CHARACTER NAME HERE[/b][/color][/size]
  2. a quote about your character goes here - keep it short pls
  3. [color=darkred][b]─────────────────────────────[/b][/color]
  4. [color=darkred][b]Armor Class[/b]
  5. this will be your base strength + 5
  7. [b]Hit Points[/b]
  8. this will be your base constitution + 5
  10. [b]Speed[/b]
  11. this will be 30ft + your dex modifier
  12. [b]─────────────────────────────[/b][/color]
  13. STR
  14. 10(+0)
  16. DEX
  17. 10(+0)
  19. CON
  20. 10(+0)
  22. INT
  23. 10(+0)
  25. WIS
  26. 10(+0)
  28. CHA
  29. 10(+0)
  30. [color=darkred][b]─────────────────────────────[/b]
  31. [b]Languages[/b]
  32. you will speak english + 1 language of your choosing by default
  34. [b]Proficiencies[/b]
  35. you get a +2 in any stat modifier of your choosing
  37. [b]Ability Spotlight[/b]
  38. what your character is known for being good at
  39. [b]─────────────────────────────[/b][/color]
  40. 𝙒𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮. Must be at least 250 words long. Cannot contain mentions of self harm, suicidal ideation, or sexual assault. Cannot write graphic scenes in explicit detail. Characters do not need to be fully human. If they are not fully human, they get 10 stat points less than everyone else to account for the power imbalance. Everyone starts off with 85 stat points, which may be distributed however you want. For modifiers, look here -[click me!].
  42. If you are writing a character that is not fully human, it is up to the moderator to approve or disapprove your abilities.
  44. Please include a section detailing the following: personality, backstory, physical description, how your character ended up being discovered by Rio, and why they chose to join the crew. If your character is not human, please give a description of how they hide their non-human...ness, as well as and overview of their abilities (if they have any).
  45. [color=darkred][b]─────────────────────────────[/b][/color]
  46. 𝙀𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙖 𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚. Fusce viverra eget nulla a vulputate. Etiam congue non libero eu placerat. Proin sodales magna sed arcu efficitur, id lacinia tortor tempor. Integer a velit volutpat, commodo tortor sed, euismod nulla. Nam sit amet pharetra risus, sed condimentum quam. Cras commodo venenatis lorem, at aliquam urna pellentesque non. Nulla in ultricies nisl, vel placerat velit. Quisque ac ligula libero. Aenean pellentesque massa a nisl porttitor aliquet. Etiam auctor nibh in lectus vestibulum, sed ultricies justo vehicula.
  48. Maecenas sed vehicula risus, ut ornare lorem. Nunc ut nisi erat. Duis porta sem sed tincidunt sagittis. Vestibulum consequat molestie diam, sit amet congue lectus ultricies ac. Praesent feugiat efficitur ligula in accumsan. Mauris quis ligula non purus euismod elementum. Praesent massa justo, dapibus non leo faucibus, congue consectetur erat. Phasellus vitae sapien ac quam tempus volutpat. Cras dolor massa, porttitor sit amet dapibus id, faucibus at ligula. Sed ac congue sem, ac pellentesque erat. Proin ultricies ligula sed suscipit porttitor. Vestibulum sed libero tellus. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus sodales purus ut turpis tempor mollis. In bibendum leo ac lobortis ultrices. Aliquam rhoncus justo at est ultricies, pellentesque rhoncus neque tempus.[/border]
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