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Mar 20th, 2021
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  1. Rowann hums softly to himself as he cleared out some of the underbrush from around the clearing, making sure to go for the dried, dead, or fallen plant material. Moving back to the center, he would arrange some rocks he found into a ring, and began clearing some of the grass from the immediate area, not wanting to risk a fire he couldn't control. Brown fur of varying shades was broken by the green crystals along his body, namely shoulders, elbows, knuckles, and ankles. The leather harness and skirt he wore kept him decent, nad helped hold some of the items he needed for living in the jungle, double bladed staff sitting within arm's reach. He took his time building the fire, making sure that it would last a good amount of time with minimal upkeep. Beside the fire were a few skinned rabbits, skewered and ready for cooking over the flame. Tail swayed slowly behind him as he began to light the fire.
  3. Wonderlust had made her way from New Valone to the Tether which she had heard so much about in recent times. She frowned at herself inwardly to go to such a place, but she wanted to see what it was like. Plus she heard that there were some of her kin there and she wished to see that as well. What really peaked her interest though was the strange animals in the terra realm she had heard about. There wasn't much on them so, Kehlani and Narvi packed journals and quills with ink as well as some supplies and figured it was time to study. The Arkaina was in the jungles on the isle that the Tether rested on. She was sight seeing and listening to everything about her. Button ears twitched and emerald eyes gazed around. Her footsteps were silent, skilled at being quiet around animals in Prism. Moving herself further into the jungles she caught sight of fire. "Lets go see, Narvi," she whispered to the chunky companion kept in a pocket in her skirt. Arkaina no longer worried about being too quiet >>
  4. Wonderlust<< since the fire would scare off potential animals. Catching a glimpse of green gems she paused, looking at the sight and covered her mouth at seeing the fresh skinning of creature. "I swear if you did not pray for them as you killed them..." She didn't care who exactly she was speaking to, eyes landing on Rowann with disdain already. [e]
  6. Rowann blinks and turns towards the new arrival, hand on his staff, ready to attack if need be. Noticing the amber gems along her form put him at a bit of ease, until he heard the words. "If you are referring to the rabbits, I did not specifically pray for them. But I did thank them for letting me sustain myself on their bodies. My father taught me respect, and to only take what you can eat." Soft growling given, as he was not accustomed to having strangers threaten him as he was about to eat. Tail stayed as he watched her moving, whether it was closer to him or not. Crackle of fire stole his attention, and he worked the fire some, keeping it warm and comfortable. "If you can promise not to attack, you are welcome to stay. By the way, I am Rowann." Once he was happy with the fire, he'd set the rabbits to cook. "I also showed respect by tossing the bits I wont eat out into the wild, for the animals to have."
  8. Wonderlust nose twitched slightly as he held the staff and she realized she was without weapon and she probably shouldn't start fights she couldn't finish. "Well at least you were taught that." At his growl she growled back. Her thinner fur raising as she glared her eyes at him. She stayed further away than the staff's distance to keep herself safe. Her hand protectively covering the pocket where Narvi was being carried. Although the pocket moved and wiggled since she stopped walking as much. Looking around she saw the broken pillars and she moved to the lowest one and climbed up it. Wearing a skirt made it easier to move for her. Sitting ontop of the rock she watched him now and she crossed her legs, shoving the skirts in the middle to keep her modest. Narvi, the chubby rat, poked her head out of the pocket and twitched her whiskers. "Kehlani," she said while watching him from her perch. "What a shame, even if respect given." Though she wasn't able to only consume veg and fruit, she hated>>
  9. Wonderlust<< the process of killing animals. If she could help it she refused to do it and would rather pay good coin for meat than kill anything herself. [e]
  11. Rowann watches her moving to one of the pillars, and was no longer worried about an attack, at least not from her. The moving pocket caught his attention briefly, before he looked away, seeming disinterested in her aside from conversation. "What is a shame?" He didn't know how to read others well, and while he was somewhat happy to see another Ark, it wasn't in him to be especially hospitable. Though he wouldn't shoo her away if she came closer. "What do you do, if I may ask?" Now and then turning the rabbits so they cooked evenly. "I was trained some about the world and surviving in nature, but my mother had me learn some of her abilities, making sure I caught the basics so I could heal myself."
  13. Wonderlust watched him and was mildly curious but not enough to prompt any questions. Narvi moved out of the pocket and started crawling about Kehlani's thighs and then up to her shoulder to get a look at the view. The Arkaina's tail twitched, although it wasn't thick and fluffy like most Arkaines. It was long and slim. "That they're dead and being used as food." It was a simple statement from her. Button ears lowering some before she twitched them and made them relaxed. "Do you always spill this much information so freely? I mean, I am a stranger. What if I wanted to do harm to you? Do you speak to the strange ones this way?" An eyebrow rose as she watched him. Grunting slightly she shook her wild hair. "I do not heal. I tame animals." She didn't really have much powers other than the common telepathy- but even that she hated to use unless she was paired up to tame something. There was no real point in it.
  15. Rowann shrugs some. "Well, whether you buy it or kill it, animals are food. Not all animals, as some are pets, much like your rat." Chuckling some, he looks up. "Not normally. But we Arks have a bit of kinship between us, whether it is welcome all the time or not." A soft grunt given as he began to eat one of the rabbits, trying to be as polite as he could. "You are welcome to move on if you don't want to watch. Wouldn't be the first to leave me, after all." Last bit said softer with a growl, and while his eyes were not on her, he kept his ears focused in her direction. After he ate the first one, he would take the other off the heat, and just lets it rest, skewer in the ground so it didn't get dirty. Pulling a stone from a pocket on his harness, he reaches over to grab his staff, and begins making sure it was clean and ready in case he'd need to use it. "What brings you out into the jungles?"
  17. Wonderlust's lip curled up slightly with an annoyed look. "Obviously that is the truth. Do I look starved to you?" While she wasn't plump she certainly enjoyed her meals. "Well that's good at least that you don't blab to everyone. I've heard stories about the outsiders." She turned to the direction of the looming building as he ate and she stared at it. She had yet to bring herself to go near it. Staying in the jungles and beaches for now. Narvi chittered and started to groom herself on Kehlani's shoulder. Kehlani smiled and nosed the chunky grey and white rat a bit before she allowed her to continue to do whatever she wanted. "I don't care if you eat or not," shrug was given, which caused Narvi to squeak and move to her other shoulder. "Animals bring me here. I'm interested in learning about the animals here." She moved her hand to pet her rat idly. "What about you?"
  19. Rowann nods some. "Indeed. Some outsiders are cruel, coniving assholes who would do nothing more than the raids of our past. Some, however, have shown to be decent conversationalists, and not the same as those who would do us harm. Not that I've shared anything special with them. Maybe a night or two." He shrugs some and smiles, remembering some of the nights. "Well there is quite the interesting assortment of animals around here. Stay away from the naga, as they WILL take slaves and abuse you in ways you would not wish to hear." He'd heard many stories of both male and female being used for sick needs. "Well, my family grew up in the woods, and so I thought I'd see what else I could find out in the world. I've had some REALLY bad experiences here. Between love lost, and almost dying, BOTH encounters being instigate by our kind, I should say, I think I'm doing well."
  21. Wonderlust's features changed to one of disgust. Thisi male, one of her own kind, was sleeping around with the strangers. She didn't have anything to say about that, she couldn't believe it. After all the stories and even the forbidden laws of the old Solarites, this man was willing to give himself to the strangers. Growl escaped her, not sure fully why she was so disgusted. This male wasn't her male- so truthfully she shouldn't care. "The naga?" The dangerous side of his talk made her lean forward and perk up. This caught her interest. "So they aren't mere animals? They are like the strangers?" Flipping open the flap of her bag she grabbed a notebook out and a quil with ink. She opened to a clean page and looked at Rowann expectingly for more information. She wrote the name he gave her and her green eyes were wide. "What do they look like? Tell me more!" While not pleading outright, she was so very interested. Creatures that would take one as a slave, not deemed completely like the>>
  22. Wonderlust<< strangers, but still.. They were no mere animals. [e]
  24. Rowann could tell the disdain as he stated he'd slept with outsiders, but he himself really didn't see any reason against it. Not like there was anything more than helping the body's needs. Though, she seemed to eagerly change when he spoke of the naga, and he chuckles some. "Wow, you really ARE new to the island." Taking a few breaths, he places his staff on the side for now, checking on the fire to make sure it was going well. "Well, first thing is they are snakes from the waist down, and anthro from the waist up, though the colorations are usually the same throughout their body. They are an actual species, and highly intelligent in their own right, though more tribal." Thinking some about what he knew, he would keep going. "They keep their warriors on the outskirts of their camps, keeping the non warrior types and children safe inside the circle."
  26. Wonderlust growled at him. "Yes, I am." She didn't enjoy the fact that she was so clueless to the island but she wanted to learn. As he spoke she wrote, taking notes about what he said and humming softly while making questions for herself. "And they dislike outsiders? I assume since you said they will take up slaves and do what they please to the being.. So they don't totally hate them but will use them as they please." she was mainly talking to herself as well to him, there was excitement bubbling in her voice and although she seemed calm, if he noticed her body at all she was sitting straighter and her tail was wagging a bit. "And they live in the jungles? Are their tribes big? They're smart.. So do they speak?" Eyes looked towards Rowann and she grinned, she should feel ashamed for asking so many questions but she was all too delighted.
  28. Rowann nods some. "Well, they don't like outsider from their own tribes, and so, they take those who can't defend themselves as slaves. I've freed a few myself, but not often enough to alert them to weaknesses in a camp. Now and then they change things up, so I can't sneak in as much as I want to. Normally, it's for taking some of their treasures, and trying to sell them in the tether." He shrugs some and chuckles. "Well, not very smart. But yes, they live in the jungle in large groups. I'd say easily a hundred in the outter camps, with some larger ones to the center of their territory. There are some sections of the naga who will trade with the outsiders, and act as go between, since both sides are likely to attack at will without speaking first."
  30. Wonderlust continued to write small notes as he talked. All this information was valuable. Although she didn't think it wise to steal from the naga. Nose twitched some before she looked to Narvi and smiled lightly at her. "I wonder if I can find one of these traders and speak with them." She looked to Rowann, "Do you know of one? I have so many questions for them." Button ears twitched and she moved to drape her legs off the edge of the pillar and kick them slightly. Her paw pads hitting the warm stone that had soaked in the sun all day. So interesting that there was a massive clan of violent creatures that were part beast and part anthro. She hummed lightly and tapped her quill to her notebook before she exhaled a short breath. Narvi chittered and scampered down onto the pillar and was messing around with the moss on it. Kehlani watched her carefully, "Don't go far Narvi. This is a new place and you are small." She spoke to the rat like she was Kin.
  32. Rowann shakes his head. "I do not. I have seen many strange creatures inside the tether itself. Some demons, I think an angel, and all sorts of beings you might find fascinating." Soft sigh given as he shifted some, making sure the fire could run without needing to be tended, and would simply run itself out. He then moved to lay on his back, watching the sky as they chatted. "You sound nice, Kehlani. I am sorry for my gruff actions. Not exactly ready to trust other Arks as more than friends or aquaintances. Can't hurt your heart that way." He chuckles and closes his eyes. "You seem to like stories. Do you want the one I got with all the heartache it caused?"
  34. Wonderlust huffed slightly as her hand went to the back of the rat and started to pet the soft curly fur down to the skin on the tail. "I am not so much interested in the creatures in there as the animals out here. The Naga just seem interesting because they are between both worlds." She watched him as he laid down and she just shrugged her shoulders. "No offense but it wasn't off putting. It takes more than that to damage my feelings." Kehlani didn't really care too much about surrounding herself with her kin, or anyone really. She was never at peace in the towns and cities, but in nature and exploring and learning. Chuckle was given as she shook her head at his comment about protecting his heart. There were many ways to do such a thing. "Just Arkaines or anyone?" Laugh escaped her, "You can get hurt in multple ways." Shrug was given as she looked to her notebook. "I can listen, but it will only really catch my interest if you can tell me more about animals. Like the things you ate." She>
  35. Wonderlust< gestured to the furs.
  37. Rowann smiles some, glad she didn't pry into his history. "Well, most of the pain I've endured since being here has been with interactions of other arks, so I'm less inclined to spend time with them." Shrugging some, he looks to the rabbits. "Well, those are rabbits, if you've never heard of them. Small, little animals, similar to your rat. Well, bigger than the rat, but still considered a pest species of their numbers get out of control. They come in a variety of colors, from white to black, though usually to match their surroundings." Some birds flew over, and he points up. "Those are sparrows. Very common most places, and their feather colors keep them hidden from predators. Also, not very good eating." He thinks some. "There are deer. Large animals that walk on four legs, with antlers larger than our own crystal horns by a long shot."
  39. Wonderlust tilted her head slightly. "So I'm assuming you are from this realm? Not from the Prism Realm?" was she really talking to someone that lived freely here by choice their whole lives? Her eyes watched him and she was wondering why Arkaines would inflict pain on one another... That was against one of the laws. Mentally she shrugged off the subject, she wasn't one to butt into peoples business. As he began to talk about animals she made a small noise of glee and started writing on a new page. Each animal got a page, eyes darting up to catch the birds and she smiled. "They look like finches back home. Those little guys are great at getting gold for you. I wonder if sparrows do that.." She wrote the question down in her notebook. "Deer? We have Dialk- they have large crystal horns with four legs with hooves. We tame them as mounts. But they also have long fangs made out of crystal." she slid down the pillar and grabbed Narvi off it before she moved towards Rowann and sat next to him and>>
  40. Wonderlust<< flipped back in hr notebook to show sketches of Dialks she did. "See?" [e]
  42. Rowann blinks and nods. "My parents were some of those taken in the raids over a hundred years ago." Closing his eyes to take some breaths as he thought back to them. "I don't think Sparrows do such a thing. They are flighty and easily frightened by most. They don't seem to deal with gold or anything." As she came closer, likely to share some pictures, he sits up and looks at the Dialk. "Sort of. The antlers are thinner and branch off." He'd make a rudimentary antler design for her. "They don't have teeth like that, nor crystals. Most animals out here don't have crystals in their bodies, just normal bones." He was calming down, though seemed a bit apprehensive of the closeness. He was trying to hide it, but there was a lack of trust on his part. "I think the tether has a few books on animals and plants. Next trip I take, which will probably be tomorrow, I'll see about getting some of the books, and bring them out here if you want?" He shrugs, and looks back to the sky as he lays back. [c]
  43. Rowann motioning to the other cooked rabbit, he smiles. "If you want something to eat, you can help yourself." [e]
  45. Wonderlust wrinkled her nose some. She had heard stories about what happened in Valone after Jettae, Danica, and the other Valonians and Solarites crossed the bridge into the realm. Their stories were shocking and the raid and war of Valone was a sad one. Kehlani didn't know what to say to this, because truthfully she wasn't prepared to meet the offspring of any of those. "Well, that's a shame that sparrows don't do that." She decided to try to keep the the topic of animals. She held no interest in the male other than conversation and learning from him. Narvi on the other hand appeared to hold no interest in either of them and was scuttling around towards the fire. "Narvi please be careful!" The rat had been around plenty of fires and knew better than getting too close- but the Arkaina always worried. She made notes about the deers looking somewhat like dialks and the differences. She hummed in thought before shrugged her shoulders. "We can plan to meet tomorrow if you would do that, but if>>
  46. Wonderlust<< I'll eventually make my way there." She looked to the rabbit and wrinkled her nose and the general look of disgust crossed her features. "I'm sure it tastes fine but I brought some jerky to make due for now. We aren't allowed to bring much over here- strict rules." Narvi was digging around near by, Kehlani watching her closely since she didn't know what dangers lurked near by. [e]
  48. Rowann nods some in understanding. "Well, I've never been to the prism realm. I've heard about it, but never gone." He shrugs some. "I can do that for ya. After all, I'd hate to send onf of our kind out to anywhere and risk them being turned into slaves like the outsiders do." The mention of her preference had him smiling some. "Well, if you eat it while you are here, it isn't being brought, is it? I'm sure there is nothing wrong with having some freshly caught and cooked food. But, I'm not gonna push you into my own lifestyle choices. For what it's worth, food tastes better when you go through the steps to get it yourself." He looks to the rat, and smiles. "The fire will keep the wolves away. Wolves, being quadrupedal dogs, but larger, usually aggressive if they are cornered. But, give them respect, and don't approach, and they don't really attack, unless very hungry."
  50. Wonderlust gave a nod to her head at him but didn't say much for a while. The grass was soft under her and parts of this realm felt very much like her own. Sitting here having a conversation with another Arkaine felt no different than being at home. Although she didn't talk to many others at home. "Wolves," she wrote down the name. "We have Baneclaws. They are massive canines. About six to seven feet at the shoulder." She turned to a page, but the writing was different in this one and it looked stuck in. "I haven't seen one with my own eyes yet, but I've studied what I could about them." She tapped the sketch. "They are mounts but also can protect you. Man what I wouldn't give for one." She grinned looking at the page before closing her book. Food always tasted better fresh but she would leave it alone for now. She didn't really know Rowann well enough to eat his food. "No thank you, I'm fine with my jerky and whatever Narvi finds for us." She noted as Narvi was scampering around and>>
  51. Wonderlust<< sniffing everything. [e]
  53. Rowann looks to the new sketch. "Similar to wolves, yes. But no glowing. At least, natural wolves don't glow. Some may have been in contact with supernatural forces, or possessed by demons, so they may glow. And I'd say a bit smaller, at least the ones on the island." He smiles some and nods. "I think we could actually learn from each other. Do you go on hunts? Because I could teach you how to hunt some of the terrestrial creatures here, if you need food and haven't gotten to the tether." Reaching over to his bladed staff, a crystal dagger, in similar colors to his own, slips out of it's holster. Looking down to it, he sighs and growls some, before picking it up and putting it back. There was a moment he tensed as if eager to throw it away, but didn't. "Have you ever loved someone so bad you hurt yourself for them?"
  55. Wonderlust eyes were watching Narvi and she had dug up the roots to a near by plant and was happily chewing on it. "Interesting that some creatures would possess an animal.." Voice drifted off in that thought. What were these demons? She thought he had mentioned them twice now. Shrugging her shoulders slightly, "I am not good with hunting. I enjoy learning about animals far too much to end their lives." Frown crossed over her maw and she made sure her notebook was closed and shoved it into her sachel. "I guess that means I'd be hard to teach how to hunt." She caught the small moment with the dagger and looked between it and him for a few moments and offered a sigh. "No," she admitted. "I don't really care enough for others to bring myself into deep relationships." She stood and picked up Narvi with a tender hand and nuzzled her face into the happy rat who was chewing away on the root. "Is love like that?" Although she was two hundred years old, the concept of love was still beyond her.
  57. Rowann nods and thinks. "Well, learning about animals is a nice thing. You could learn to hunt as easily as anyone, really. After all, it is useful knowledge to have so you know if you are following a creature, whether for research or food." He sighs some. "And there are humane ways of ending the life, and if you get a clean kill, there is minimal suffering." Smiling some, he places his hand on the dagger. "You are lucky then. I heard another ark had their blood bonded die in front of them. I don't know the whole story though." He was only about 60 years, and had experienced a lot. "It can be. I thought she loved me. Carved my horns into weapons for her, only for her to leave. No words, no message. Didn't even take the daggers I gave her." He began curling up some, tail curled at his side as arms held knees to his chest. "But, to know the pains of love means that when I am ready, I'll be more able to be thankful for the good times next time."
  59. Wonderlust gave a slight shrug. "If I'm in a pinch I suppose hunting would be wise to know- but I don't think I would be much good at it. I can sneak with the best of them. Despite Narvi sometimes." She pretended to his a scolding look to the chubby rat who was now boggling in happiness at the little treat she found. Laugh escaped Kehlani before she looked back to Rowann. Talk about awkward- she had no idea how to talk about this sort of thing with another. She wasn't one who even read on romance and here this guy was telling her of his lost love. Thin tail twitched before she gave a small grunt and rubbed the back of her head. "Well, at least you didn't bond with her." Was all she could offer and even that was slightly cold. Kehlani didn't enjoy others socially enough to feel what he must of felt, and while she wasn't cold hearted- there was a layer around the soft squish of her heart. Nose wrinkled as she put Narvi back in her pocket for travel and dusted off her green skirt. "When should>>
  60. Wonderlust<< I meet you tomorrow then?" [e]
  62. Rowann nods and chuckles. "There is that. And yes, sneaking is a good part, but also knowing an animal's scent capabilities helps out too. Which is where the books will come in handy. I'll make sure to get one on the animals on the island." Thinking some about time tomorrow, he shrugs and looks to her. "Well, I'll probably be there tomorrow most of the morning. I should be out here shortly after the height of the sun? About noon or so." Chuckling some, he looks to her. "You are doing well, for one who seems not sure about letting others get close." Standing to grab the last rabbit, he began munching. "Well, you aren't bad company, though I would be surprised if you ended up hitting it off with me." Giving a small laugh at the joke, he shakes his head. "As for food, I'll see about getting some pre-made from the tether, so you can try their cuisine. Anything you'd like to try?"
  64. Wonderlust gave a small nod. "I suppose the scent capabilities for an animal would be useful." As he made comment about when the sun was high she looked up and gave a nod. "That will be do-able." Shrug was given as she looked at him, slightly unimpressed. "Just because I don't enjoy others doesn't mean I'm a total social asshole." Grin crossed her features but she left it at that. "Food? I don't care, put something in front of me and I'll likely eat it." She dug in her sachel for a moment and pulled out a few gold coins, these were from the Prism realm but gold was gold, right? She walked to Rowann and dropped the coins by his side and started to walk back into the jungles. "See you when the sun is high." With that she walked off. Assuming they'd meet here again, she took note of the pillars and surroundings as she left the area. [exit]
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