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Apr 23rd, 2017
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  1.    …/Games/jamestown  nm -D ./Jamestown-x86 | grep SDL_  ✓  01:06:14  0.54 
  2. U SDL_CreateMutex
  3. U SDL_CreateThread
  4. U SDL_DestroyMutex
  5. U SDL_EnableUNICODE
  6. U SDL_FreeSurface
  7. U SDL_GetError
  8. U SDL_GetTicks
  9. U SDL_GetVideoInfo
  10. U SDL_GetVideoSurface
  11. U SDL_GetWMInfo
  12. U SDL_GL_SetAttribute
  13. U SDL_GL_SwapBuffers
  14. U SDL_Init
  15. U SDL_InitSubSystem
  16. U SDL_JoystickClose
  17. U SDL_JoystickOpen
  18. U SDL_JoystickOpened
  19. U SDL_KillThread
  20. U SDL_ListModes
  21. U SDL_LoadBMP_RW
  22. U SDL_mutexP
  23. U SDL_mutexV
  24. U SDL_NumJoysticks
  25. U SDL_PollEvent
  26. U SDL_PushEvent
  27. U SDL_Quit
  28. U SDL_RWFromMem
  29. U SDL_SetEventFilter
  30. U SDL_SetVideoMode
  31. U SDL_ShowCursor
  32. U SDL_VideoModeOK
  33. U SDL_WaitThread
  34. U SDL_WM_GrabInput
  35. U SDL_WM_SetCaption
  36. U SDL_WM_SetIcon
  37. U SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen
  38. 086e0e00 T _ZN23ViewportSdlOpenGlWindow17SdlOglEventFilterEPK9SDL_Event
  39. 08644690 W _ZNSt6vectorIP13_SDL_JoystickSaIS1_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS1_S3_EERKS1_
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