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Space Dandy information

a guest
Aug 11th, 2013
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  1. Thanks to @linkington, @gendomike and @Thomasintokyo
  3. Space Dandy isn’t serious at all and will be very comedic. “Like Mushroom Samba every week.”
  4. They want Space Dandy to feel like old-school sci-fi but modern and new at the same time.
  5. They’re trying to make Space Dandy as epic as possible that it surprises everyone watching it.
  6. In the universe of Space Dandy, you can make amazing money from finding aliens on the farthest reaches of the galaxy.
  7. The premise is that Dandy and crew are alien hunters.
  8. It’s set far in the future and the main trio is looking for aliens that no one has ever seen.
  9. The characters ride their spaceship Aloha Oe every week to a new planet. A different planet every week. This means there will be brand new aliens every week.
  10. Space Dandy doesn’t have a single normal dude in its cast of characters.
  11. Bebop was 80% serious, 20% comedy. Space Dandy is the opposite.
  12. In the world of Space Dandy, they listen to all their music on cassette tapes. The latest audio technology is cassettes. MP3s and CDs do not exist.
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  16. Watanabe was worried about the different aliens all looking too similar, so every planet’s aliens have a different designer. The alien designers are all secrets and they will be announced episode by episode. There are some very famous ones. He told every designer to think of the aliens of their wildest dreams. They have over 100 aliens.
  18. Space Dandy will have 20 artists working on the music. 3-4 songs per artist. No instruments invented after 1984 for musicians.
  20. Some locations that have inspired Watanabe: Rio de Jainero and Morocco. Bebop movie had a lot of the latter, Space Dandy the former.
  22. Watanabe brought Keiko Nobumoto on staff because she hasn't seen Star Wars and he thinks she’ll bring in some very interesting scripts.
  24. Aloha Oe’s ship design looks like a canoe because Watanabe told Thomas Romain to have it look like that.
  26. Watanabe is hopeful that the broadcast of Space Dandy in America will start shortly after the one on Japan.
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  30. Dandy
  31. Dandy isn’t the protagonist’s nickname. It’s his real name.
  32. He is the biggest dude in the universe. He doesn’t worry about the small details.
  33. When we live our lives, we worry about the smallest things. But when something bad happens to Dandy, he forgets about it immediately.
  34. Dandy is a very “yankee” (delinquent) type of character. But he’s a very fun guy to be around.
  35. His greatest pleasure in life is to go to Hooters-like establishment and Honey is an employee there.
  36. Dandy really likes Hawaii, but he’s never been there.
  38. QT
  39. QT is a very dumb piece of crap robot. He’s scrap metal.
  40. Dandy was looking for a capable robot in the shop, but QT is a glorified Roomba
  42. Meow
  43. Meow is very lazy. He spends all of his time on Twitter on his iPhone. He may look like a cat but he is not a cat. He comes from the planet Beetlejuice/Betelguese.
  45. Honey
  46. Honey works at a “certain store”. It’s like a Hooters. There are very similar establishments to Hooters in space.
  48. Professor Gel
  49. A bad guy who looks like a gorilla. He comes up with a new evil scheme every week.
  51. Bee
  52. Gel’s sidekick from planet Cucumber.
  54. Aloha Oe
  55. Main trio's spaceship. A yellow space canoe with a giant old school laser beam on the side.
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  59. Shinichiro Watanabe's quotes:
  61. “Although Shingo Natsume (director) is very young, he’s very talented as an up and coming animator. Listen to his name.”
  63. “I personally think Yasuyuki Okamura (theme song artist) is the funkiest man in Japan.”
  65. “I’ve been a fan of Thomas Romain (spaceship designer) for a long time and I really wanted to work with him. It was very hard to get him to work with us because he’s a Satelight employee. But it turned out he was a big fan of Cowboy Bebop, so we worked out a special arrangement.”
  66. “We were a little worried about how the bad guy’s ship design would be received by Americans.”
  67. “I didn’t tell him anything about the Statue of Liberty. That’s all on him.”
  69. “The last time I directed an anime with Bones was Cowboy Bebop The Movie, so I’m really looking forward to working with them again.”
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  73. Thomas Romain's quotes:
  75. "I met Natsume (director) for the first time on this project. He is very shy but when I saw his storyboard I was speechless!! I just couldn't get how he managed to draw such unique cuts in his storyboard... He is a genius!"
  76. "Bee was designed by the director Natsume himself"
  78. "Wow. I'm so honored. 10 years ago I was just a fan and now... Thank you Watanabe for picking me up! I love Space Dandy!"
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  82. Masahiko Minami (BONES producer) quote:
  84. “Anything is fine as long as there’s spaceships.”
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