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anti-conflict logs.

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Nov 16th, 2015
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  1. <Vulpes> okay, it's more like Islam then
  2. <Coast2> plus reddit is organized, has rules, has structure, can kick out members
  3. <bassgoon> wow, amazon essentially blanked out the top 750 pixels of their layout today
  4. <Vulpes> officially, anyone who views themselves as Muslim and recites the Shahada is a Muslim
  5. <IceKarma> Coast2, ... supposedly
  6. <bassgoon> probaly since at least Saturday I suppose
  7. <Vulpes> this is in no way different than Anonymous
  8. <diogenes> Coast2: there being a would make it a bit non-anonymous, wouldn't it?
  9. <cnf> Coast2: what do you mean? i don't have a reddit account
  10. <diogenes> Coast2: being a list*
  11. <cnf> i'm on reddit all the time, thiugh
  12. <taixzo> I'd agree with cnf on that
  13. <Vulpes> they'd probably be annoyed at the assertion that they're more or less a religion, of course
  14. <Coast2> diogenes, true
  15. <Coast2> diogenes, making anonymous *fundamentally* useless
  16. <Vulpes> Anonymous is a self-selected group, just like any other group in history
  17. <arble> SCOTUS has agreed to hear Whole Women's Health v Cole
  18. <bassgoon> is there like a bizarre historical parity to people from Syria going to Europe and attacking them because of their religious differences?
  19. <diogenes> Vulpes: like mensa
  20. <djh> Coast2: How does anonymous differ from a religion, in your view?
  21. <arble> potentially the biggest ruling on abortion since 1992
  22. <IceKarma> arble, haven't heard of that one, got a summary in a thimble?
  23. <Vulpes> or like nationality, or like religion
  24. <Vulpes> bassgoon, not really
  25. <arble> it's bubbled up from Texas trying to slap more burdens on women who want an abortion
  26. <Coast2> djh, it doesn't differ much, except major religions have their official texts, have churches, have rules, can excommunicate people sometimes, have structure
  27. <arble> the one Wendy Davis filibustered for 11 hours
  28. <IceKarma> arble, right
  29. <Vulpes> Coast2, nope, that's just this one weird religion
  30. <Vulpes> and only some parts of it
  31. <cnf> Coast2: "official" texts
  32. <IceKarma> arble, so who are Whole Women's Health and who is Cole, and which side are each on?
  33. <cnf> Coast2: they can't really agree on which version, though
  34. <Coast2> cnf, the catholic church has canon texts.
  35. <arble> SCOTUS may end up issuing firm judgement on what constitutes an unreasonable burden on access to abortion
  36. <Coast2> sure, cnf
  37. <cnf> Coast2: and anonymous has a manifesto
  38. <Coast2> never said they're good at it
  39. <bassgoon> Vulpes, I mean, I know there's no central Islamic authority saying "go attack Europe and free the holy lands"...but i mean...I dunno
  40. <Vulpes> Islam certainly doesn't have anything like this, since it only has the Koran as an official God-given text
  41. <arble> WWH is a women's organisation who are pro-choice, it seems
  42. <djh> and like the bible, it forbids violence and murder
  43. <Vulpes> it's more the method that seems entirely different to me bassgoon
  44. <arble> don't know who Cole is specifically
  45. <cnf> Coast2: and anonymous has meetings, and rules, and structure
  46. <arble> aha
  47. <cnf> just all very fluid
  48. <arble> Texas health commissioner
  49. <Coast2> cnf, too fluid
  50. <Bucket> Was that a haiku?
  51. * drumr has quit (Ping timeout: 188 seconds)
  52. <cnf> Coast2: maybe for your taste
  53. * stvlker (stvlker@E65B5DF:ADB0E23D:AB791E3C:IP) has joined
  54. <Coast2> cnf, to fluid to "exist" in my opinion
  55. <cnf> Coast2: that doesn't make it useless, or non-existing
  56. <cnf> some people _like_ it fluid
  57. <arble> then your opinion is a minority one
  58. <bassgoon> Vulpes, I think the method is the most effective available to them
  59. * drumr ( has joined
  60. <bassgoon> Vulpes, for Europeans in the 11th century it was boats of soldiers...
  61. <Coast2> it is useless. Why? Because there is no new useful information gained by learning x is part of Anonymous
  62. <Vulpes> yes there is
  63. <nobody> thats bullshit
  64. <djh> that depends on who x is
  65. <bassgoon> Vulpes, or rather, the method perceived to be most effective...
  66. <cnf> Coast2: useless to you
  67. <djh> if x is just someone who reads 4chan sometimes, then it's useless
  68. <Vulpes> if someone is part of Anon, you know that they probably stand for more freedoms for the Internet, privacy etc.
  69. <djh> if x is someone who can rally a worldwide group of hackers to target a site.. it's not useless
  70. <cnf> anonymous has had quite objective impacts on the world
  71. <Coast2> cnf, useless in general. If I tell you that my friend john is part of anonymous, what important aspect have you learned about john
  72. <cnf> good or bad is another debate, of course
  73. <cnf> Coast2: oh, a hell of a lot!
  74. <bassgoon> I suppose it's trite to make the whole "how different is the suicide bomber from the air force aside from the plane" comparison...
  75. <cnf> Coast2: what he believes, what he supports, for one
  76. <barometz> you know he's active on the internet
  77. <djh> if I tell you my friend John identifies as a christian, what have you learned about john?
  78. <Coast2> cnf, why is that
  79. <barometz> he probably doesn't support the kicking of kitties
  80. * Logokas has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  81. <cnf> Coast2: because that is what anonymous IS, it's a social structure
  82. <Coast2> cnf, cant john not believe anything in the "anonymous manifesto" and still call himself anonymous?
  83. <Vulpes> barometz, maybe?
  84. <Vulpes> sure, but why would he do that?
  85. <Coast2> Vulpes, why not?
  86. <Coast2> for lols?
  87. <djh> lulz
  88. <cnf> Coast2: just as much as you can call yourself a government employee
  89. <Coast2> for giggles?
  90. <Vulpes> also, what he calls himself and what he is are sort of different things
  91. <barometz> yeah I can do that with any group
  92. <barometz> anyone can tell a lie
  93. <Vulpes> I could say I'm French if I wanted to
  94. <Coast2> cnf, no, because government employees have actual requirements and papers to back that claim up. You need to follow certain rules and meet certain criteria
  95. <cnf> Coast2: no you don;t
  96. <Vulpes> it would be an utter lie, but there's nothing specific you can identify about it that makes it so
  97. <djh> if christians can be split on whether gay marriage is totally fine or a huge sin, isn't a religion as useless as anonymous?
  98. <cnf> anyone can call themselves government employees, or members of a church, or any other group
  99. <Vulpes> to call yourself a government employee you need a method of communication with the world
  100. <Coast2> cnf, sure, I can lie about beings a govt employee, but if you wanted to investigate, you could find proof to either support or deny my claim
  101. <barometz> When I tell you I identify as Christian, what's more important - my identifying as such, or the fact that the church has me in their big book of baptisms?
  102. <cnf> Coast2: doesn't mean you can just walk into a gov building, but just calling yourself anonymous doesn't get you in with the group, either
  103. <cnf> Coast2: you need serious cred to actually get int anonymous
  104. <Coast2> if I had no paper supporting the claim that I am employed by the govt you would have no reason to believe me
  105. <djh> meh, this conversation hs gone from vaguely interesting to boring. I shall make tea instead.
  106. * barometz starts the first episode of Enterprise, smiles at the intro music
  107. <arble> when I say I like owls, do you take my word for it or look me up in the registry of owl lovers
  108. <cnf> i agree djh
  109. <arble> because if you do the latter you'll see that I'm top of the list
  110. <barometz> arble: that makes it sound vaguely illegal
  111. <Coast2> but if anonymous is so "fluid" then the claim "I am part of anonymous" is unfalsifiable.
  112. <arble> p cool really
  113. <cnf> arble: owl lovers are a myth
  114. <arble> I'm an owl lover
  115. <barometz> well, sure
  116. <arble> is that unfalsifiable
  117. <djh> arble: that would make you a superb owl lover?
  118. <Coast2> arble, yes.
  119. <Coast2> arble, it is
  120. * shambrarian ( has joined
  121. <IceKarma> arble, /your face/ is unfalsifiable ;3
  122. <arble> you flirt
  123. <Vulpes> Coast2, you're not human
  124. <Coast2> arble, which is why headlines don't read "owl lovers have declared war on isis"
  125. <cnf> Vulpes: he just likes to debate everything
  126. <arble> djh: I prefer superb owls, yes
  127. <Vulpes> human is just such a fluid group
  128. <djh> ..that's a headline I would like to read!
  129. <Vulpes> humans are a myth
  130. <cnf> Coast2: you should read the news more, stuff like that is in there ALL the time
  131. <arble> owls are extremely efficient predators
  132. <arble> wouldn't mind seeing them declare war on these baddies
  133. * puddle has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  134. <Vulpes> maybe you could train owls to identify Daesh leaders and then inject them with fast-acting neurotoxin?
  135. <barometz> why HAVEN'T owl lovers spoken out!?
  136. * Logopolis ( has joined
  137. <Coast2> cnf, "owl lovers *as a group* have declared war on ISIS" is a meaningless headline for the exact same reasons
  138. <Vulpes> they stalk silently in the night, hunting... for INJUSTICE
  139. <arble> owllahu ackbar
  140. <Vulpes> get them on a special team with falcons, cats, foxes, and octopodes and you've solved the problem entirely
  141. <cnf> Coast2: nonsense, you just don't understand social structures _at all_, it seems
  142. <Coast2> cnf, that's a good argument.
  143. <Coast2> cnf, you can write an owl loving manifesto all you want, but until you have The Organization of Owl Lovers with a member list and a structure it means nothing. Then that particular organization can take a stance against ISIS.
  144. <cnf> *sigh* i'm gonna do something else
  145. <arble> nah that's just false
  146. <cnf> repeating the same thing all the time leads nowhere
  147. <Logopolis> ISIS lovers declare war on ISIS
  148. <Logopolis> Egyptologists everywhere have condemned etc etc predictable joke
  149. <Coast2> arble, I'm sorry if there is an actual owl loving organization I have dismissed here
  150. <arble> Logopolis: rowers have taken up blades against extremism
  151. <Coast2> arble, I'm especially sorry if you're the president of such an organization
  152. <cnf> HIPSTERS take on ISIS!
  153. <Logopolis> buttock-topping underpants declare war on islamic state etc etc predictable joke
  154. <arble> nah there is no such organisation, but it is definitely a group of people
  155. <arble> since any group of people is a group of people
  156. <arble> tautology germane
  157. <Logopolis> Any group of people declaring itself to be such a group of people will be noted in the statutes and particulars general to be a group of people designated as such.
  158. * Vorthon ( has joined
  159. <arble> probably in triplicate
  160. <Logopolis> And definitely in this format:
  161. <Coast2> arble, a group of which I can declare myself a member of any time I wish to. I can hate owls and declare myself an owl lover, then write to newspapers about how I declare war on ISIS. I can then get a couple of my buddies and do the same, and then the headlines will shout about how Owl Lovers as a group have declared war on ISIS.
  162. <arble> the point is that any group of people can have aims, goals, objectives etc
  163. <arble> that is just fact
  164. <djh> no they won't, because you identify as an owl hater
  165. <Coast2> arble, and as long as that group has some rigidity, some boundaries, they might actually be relevant too
  166. <arble> the importance, legitimacy etc of such goals and objectives is another issue
  167. <Logopolis> Whereby it has been Declared that this Group of People has been declared to be such a Group of People (in relation to those Articles and Ordinances where it has been declared that such a Group of People has been declared to be required to be declared such a Group of Such People), this Group fo People shall henceforth and without let, hindrance, or delay, be declared a Group of People with respect to this note.
  168. <arble> see also: statehood
  169. <djh> See also:
  170. <Logopolis> A state is any entity which is a state.
  171. <Vulpes> this is sort of like saying that the Civil Rights struggle wasn't real because there wasn't an exhaustive register of "black people"
  172. <barometz> any sensible newspaper will go 'round asking owl lovers to verify your claim
  173. <barometz> Vulpes++
  174. <Vulpes> barometz, wait, those still exist?
  175. <Logopolis> barometz: Good job none of them are sensible then, ho ho ho.
  176. <barometz> Vulpes: that's the hitch
  177. <barometz> or the snag, as may be
  178. <cnf> Coast2: you know that ISIS itself has the exact characteristics, right?
  179. <arble> "we dressed up as owls and went out to track down some owl lovers"
  180. <Coast2> cnf, I am not sure what the structure ISIS has or if it has any
  181. <Logopolis> Austin Hasteltine reporting on that one later.
  182. <Vulpes> "but then we got distracted by some tasty mice"
  183. <Logopolis> Coast2: ISIS is an extremely sophisticated organisation.
  184. <cnf> btw
  185. <Logopolis> It operates as an independent state
  186. <Vulpes> "so we're replacing the planned article with one about how tasty mice are"
  187. * ree (qux@888610B6.4B749185.A2FCF2F9.IP) has joined
  188. <Logopolis> drawing on and coordinating all the infrastructure at its disposal in exactly the way any other state would.
  189. * qux has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  190. <arble> since we're discussing owls, here's a picture of an owl that appears to belong to Thor
  191. <Logopolis> Also, the west has finally realised that we can call it “Daesh” and annoy everyone.
  192. <arble> he's decided to outdo his father's silly ravens
  193. <Logopolis> So overnight, everyone has started calling it Daesh.
  194. <bassgoon> so stupid
  195. <bassgoon> who gives a shit
  196. <Logopolis> I’ve been saying from the beginning that we should just call them “A pack of raging cunts.”
  197. <Coast2> Vulpes, I can declare myself to be black all I want. I will not be black. There exist boundaries for that group
  198. <Logopolis> So that whenever they’re in the news, you get this:
  199. <Vulpes> Coast2, nope, there are no boundaries
  200. <Logopolis> “A pack of raging cunts has captured Rakka."
  201. <Logopolis> Vulpes: Yes there are, actually.
  202. <Coast2> Vulpes, there are, and I know because I sit outside of them
  203. <bassgoon> why don't we call them something based on the Egyptian godess of motherhood
  204. <Logopolis> Rachel Dozeal discovered that the hard way.
  205. <Logopolis> arble: Also, that’s kind of racist.
  206. <cnf> Logopolis: so APORC?
  207. * stvlker has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  208. <Logopolis> Assuming that every blond, long haired bearded scandinavian lookin’ man is Thor.
  209. <arble> not all of them
  210. <Bucket> only 3.14 of them.
  211. <Coast2> Logopolis, was Thor described as blond?
  212. <Vulpes> but that's the thing, there wasn't any real reason to definitively state that Rachel Dolezal wasn't black
  213. <Logopolis> Besides, everyone with a thorough understanding of the Eddas and norse mythology in general knows it to be true
  214. <Logopolis> that Thor was actually a MASSIVE GINGE.
  215. <arble> only ones evidently worthy enough to enlist the service of such a creature
  216. * zx96 has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  217. <Logopolis> Vulpes: Except for the fact that she isn't.
  218. <djh> I always thought mjolnir was a hammer. Turns out it was an owl
  219. <Logopolis> Mjowlnir.
  220. <Vulpes> Logopolis, ok, how exactly do you define black though?
  221. * ksool has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  222. * stvlker (stvlker@E5675127:97D32F70:AB791E3C:IP) has joined
  223. <Coast2> Vulpes, well, for starters, you can very easily identify someone who is very far from being black
  224. <Logopolis> It has pretty exact parameters.
  225. <Vulpes> oh, so you're basing it entirely on skin colour
  226. <Logopolis> Er, no.
  227. <Vulpes> that's pretty lazy
  228. <Coast2> not just.
  229. <Logopolis> Ancestry.
  230. <Coast2> ^^
  231. <barometz> "Ready to what?" "To look beyond your provincial attitudes and your volatile nature." "Volatile? You have no idea how much I'm restraining myself from knockin' you on your ass." quality character establishment for Cpt. Archer
  232. <djh> so at what point does someone's ancestry stop qualifying them as being black?
  233. <Logopolis> djh: There’s the rub, really.
  234. <Logopolis> It’s about degrees of relatedness.
  235. <barometz> hold up
  236. <Bucket> You thinking what I'm thinking?
  237. <Logopolis> Sex ferret?
  238. <Logopolis> Because otherwise, no.
  239. <Vulpes> ok, so was Effa Manley black, white, both, or neither?
  240. <Logopolis> I have literally no clue who that is.
  241. <barometz> isn't the conflict you're talking about betewen "people who support the establishment" and "people who want to take it the fuck down", rather than "people who are oppressed" and "people who oppress"
  242. <Logopolis> Depends what you mean by “the establishment."
  243. <barometz> (this makes for an easier argument in the preceding discussion, because "people who want to take it the fuck down" are not registered anywhere either)
  244. <Vulpes>
  245. <Logopolis> barometz: Because nobody knows what to rebel against.
  246. <Vulpes> an important figure to keep in mind when discussing Rachel Dolezal
  247. * Guest22687 is now known as RobG
  248. <Logopolis> That’s the beauty of the west!
  249. <taixzo> many people who would generally be considered Hispanic have African ancestry - are they black then?
  250. <Logopolis> We all feel anxious, all the time, and none of us are ever entirely sure why.
  251. <barometz> rebel without a caaaaause *air guitar*
  252. <Coast2> barometz, I thought we were talking about how relevant or informative the headline "anon declares war on ISIS" was
  253. <Logopolis> taixzo: Dunno - ask them.
  254. <Vulpes> not saying she was justified in any way to claim black heritage, because I know fuck all about that specific case, largely out of personal choice
  255. <Logopolis> taixzo: Most hispanic people in the states identify as white.
  256. <barometz> Coast2: it's what I'm tying back into, but it's about three hops back so it's a hassle to make the connection
  257. * ree (qux@888610B6.4B749185.A2FCF2F9.IP) has left (Leaving)
  258. <Logopolis> And most europeans struggle to work out what exactly “hispanic” means because it isn’t a category you really get over here.
  259. <barometz> also hooray after emailing my insurance instead of trying for a third time to get helpful information over the phone they have confirmed that I can get new glasses for free
  260. <Logopolis> Glasses of what?
  261. <barometz> as in a pair of
  262. * zx96 (zx96@F6C2B553.B7D26743.483FFFD3.IP) has joined
  263. <Logopolis> o rite
  264. <barometz> binocles
  265. <Logopolis> duopthalmos
  266. * ksool ( has joined
  267. <taixzo> "binocles" is an excellent word and should be used more often.
  268. * bassgoon has quit (Ping timeout: 187 seconds)
  269. <barometz> current pair is very slightly off but enough to be a hassle in traffic in the dark, plus there's a big scratch on one that looks bad
  270. <Logopolis> It would be biocles, which is a bit ambiguous.
  271. <barometz> sounds like a greek dude
  272. <Logopolis> Biokles, greek hero of The Bees.
  273. <barometz> bio-klees
  274. <Logopolis> Not to be confused with Thebes, which is different.
  275. <taixzo> what does the "-cles" suffix mean, anyway?
  276. <Logopolis> GLORY.
  277. <Logopolis> *klewos “fame, prestige”
  278. <djh> ooo, harshness from reddit: Anonymous declares war on ISIS: The terrorists are being attacked by the virgins
  279. <barometz> all 72 of them
  280. <cnf> djh: :P
  281. <Logopolis>
  282. <Coast2> so uh, yeah. Where I'm failing to see the logic is where you'd extract any information from the following: You have group A that has say, a manifesto, but no criteria for joining. Therefore, any member X can instantly declare themselves as part of group A without believing a word of that manifesto. In fact, the group cannot even make the rule that all members need to agree with the manifesto because that would mean imposing regulations, which
  283. <Coast2> would mean structure, which would mean loss of fluidity. If I then tell you that X is part of A, what do you know besides a simple label?
  284. <arble> nothing
  285. <djh> oh, give it a rest
  286. <Bucket> nothing does not exist.
  287. <Vulpes> that they say they agree with the manifesto
  288. <arble> but you can infer
  289. <cnf> Coast2: you fail because you refuse to incorporate knowledge you have been supplied
  290. <barometz> people lie, news at 11
  291. <barometz> it's not enough information for a rigorous proof, but the news isn't concerned with that
  292. <Logopolis> That is why you fail.
  293. <barometz> the news is concerned with talking about people
  294. <Vulpes> it's like if someone says they're a Communist, they probably agree with at least some of the core tenets of the writings of Karl Marx and will talk at length about the ones they don't agree with
  295. <Coast2> Vulpes, how so? In order for that to e the case the manifesto would need to be "official" or canonical
  296. <Logopolis> Vulpes: Or at least that they think they agree with them
  297. <Vulpes> read what I said again, Coast2
  298. <arble> if I say I'm an owl lover you can infer that I like owls
  299. <Logopolis> this is an important facet of the thing.
  300. <arble> I might not actually like them!
  301. <Logopolis> arble: Or you’re an owl which can be worn over something else.
  302. <Coast2> ok, the owl lover example has that going
  303. <arble> but in the general case you would expect someone who calls themselves an owl lover to be a big fan of owls
  304. <Coast2> if I concede that someone calling themselves anon means that most of the time they agree with the stuff in the manifesto, I still find it hard to buy that you could ever say that this group has made a decision, as a group
  305. <barometz> it usually holds up
  306. <cnf> hell, you can be part of a social structure even if you don't know it, or want to be
  307. <barometz> not a lot to gain by falsely claiming that one
  308. <Logopolis> Anon operates much like nomadic confederations.
  309. <Logopolis> Someone says “We should do this.” If others agree to it, it snowballs.
  310. <Logopolis> If they don’t, nobody even remembers it was said in the first place.
  311. <djh> a pack of wolves decides to go hunting for food without a word being spoken.
  312. * nobody remembers it was said
  313. <Coast2> nobody, you forgot "even"
  314. <LogicalDash> #xkcd you're looking a little bit Photoshopped today, did you remember to floss?
  315. <arble> in practice a newly minted anon handle on twitter would carry little weight if it tweeted about its decision to attack ISIS
  316. <Coast2> Logopolis, if it snowballs to the point where a majority of the group do the thing, sure, you could see it as a group decision
  317. <Coast2> but you don't know how big anon is
  318. <Coast2> 5000 people could mean a majority or a minority
  319. <Logopolis> It doesn’t matter.
  320. <Logopolis> That’s the whole point.
  321. <arble> instead you have more established accounts that have a history of behaving in accordance with overall Anon principles
  322. <Coast2> if a minority of the people in the group make the decision
  323. <Logopolis> It’s as big as the people involved in any given thing want or need it to be.
  324. <Coast2> then is it a group decision?
  325. <darkscrypt> i like that this conversation is still going.
  326. <cnf> if you do outlandish things in the name of anon, and anon disagrees, everyone will know about it
  327. <arble> I peep the occasional tweet from YourAnonNews and I have no idea how many real people have access to that account
  328. * CO2 has quit (Input/output error)
  329. <darkscrypt> sad that i missed a lot of it since i had to step away
  330. <Logopolis> darkscrypt: Coast is unable to grasp that sometimes things don’t matter.
  331. <arble> could be a whole team of folks, could be jsut one guy
  332. <arble> it doesn't matter
  333. <taixzo> if someone says Anonymous made a decision, and more people from anonymous agree than disagree, it's made
  334. <djh> darkscrypt: Coast2 is still refusing to accept Boxxy as the reigning queen of /b
  335. <arble> what matters is that the account says things consistent with Anon
  336. <darkscrypt> who is boxxy?
  337. <cnf> Coast2 is unable to grasp social structures, i think
  338. <Logopolis> djh: You take that back.
  339. * Bucket takes back his million dollars
  340. <djh> hahahahahah
  341. <Logopolis> YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW.
  342. <Logopolis> Uhh forget I said anything.
  343. <cnf> Logopolis: did you say something?
  344. * taixzo forgot Logopolis
  345. * barometz considers Beowulf (2007) as his movie for tonight
  346. <Logopolis> No.
  347. <Coast2> arble, my initial point was that "it doesn't matter". It "doesn't matter" what people who claim to be in anon do, we cannot characterize that as the group, itself, taking a stance
  348. <Coast2> because the group itself is of unknown proportions
  349. <Logopolis> Coast2: If the group comes to take that stance, it has taken it.
  350. <arble> I'm talking about a different thing not mattering
  351. <Logopolis> That is the nature of the group.
  352. <Coast2> Logopolis, the group as represented by whom
  353. <Logopolis> It doesn’t exist until it has decided it exists.
  354. <Logopolis> This is the nature of groups.
  355. <arble> anon has a whole bunch of twitter accounts and blogs and websites
  356. <Logopolis> And that’s why nobody in the MSM really “gets” anonymous.
  357. <djh> and chans
  358. <Logopolis> They don’t understand that it’s not a group.
  359. <Logopolis> It’s an /ungroup/.
  360. * u1x6b0 ( has joined
  361. <arble> anyone can be Anon if they want to
  362. <Logopolis> It’s not even an ungroup, come to think, it’s more /agroup/ all together.
  363. <arble> all they have to do is start being Anon
  364. * Thezla has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
  365. <Logopolis> It’s amazing how a running joke can turn into something this metaphysically troubling for some people.
  366. <Logopolis> Do you think we should tell anyone?
  367. <cnf> it's how you are at a party
  368. <Coast2> arble, if 10 buddies of mine and I start calling ourselves anon and take a particular stance on an issue, has anon taken a stance?
  369. <cnf> and suddenly everyone decides to go to another party
  370. <cnf> "the group" decided
  371. * Logopolis sics the party van on cnf
  372. <arble> if you issue your statement through an outlet known and widely acknowledged as Anon, yes
  373. <taixzo> cnf++
  374. <djh> I'm still wondering how Coast2 can accept the existence of rivers, since their size and composition change constantly and this apparently means there's no useful way of defining them
  375. <cnf> probably someone says "hey, i know a great place!"
  376. <cnf> but who that person was, few people will remember
  377. <Coast2> cnf, "everyone". The problem is, in this particular party, you don't know how many total people there are, you jsut know that some of them have left
  378. <cnf> "everyone" decided to go to the new place
  379. <Logopolis> cnf: Then they lead everyone to a gigantic flatfish.
  380. <arble> that's all you know at a real party too
  381. <Logopolis> And people agree that it is, on examination, a Great Plaice.
  382. <cnf> Coast2: the point is, that is how social structures work
  383. * lowbro has quit (Client exited)
  384. <Coast2> arble, at a real party, you can see that there are 3 people left in the room
  385. <arble> an indeterminate quantity of people leave and it triggers the question "where did everyone go?"
  386. <arble> even if lots of people are actually left
  387. <cnf> Coast2: no, you can not
  388. <cnf> Coast2: you really can not
  389. <cnf> Coast2: suddenly, _everyone_ leaves
  390. <Coast2> order for everyone to leave, then there would have to be no one left correct?
  391. <arble> the only important number of remnant partygoers to look out for is one, if she's hot and down
  392. <cnf> the individuals become a flock, move as a flock, and then become individuals again
  393. <djh> maybe there should be an #xkcd_long_arguments for threads like this to move to
  394. <Logopolis> arble: Or even if she’s hot and up.
  395. <cnf> Coast2: it doesn't matter
  396. <shambrarian> #xkcd-pedantic
  397. <taixzo> djh: or #xkcd-long-arguments
  398. <cnf> if 5 people stayed, they are not part of "the group" at that time
  399. <Logopolis> #xkcdiam14andthisisdeep
  400. <djh> taixzo: or that
  401. <Bucket> or that... or that... or maybe that.
  402. <Coast2> cnf, my point is you cannot characterize :the party: as having done something if only a few people left right?
  403. <Coast2> it was just those dudes, correct?
  404. <cnf> Coast2: not right
  405. <Coast2> not right
  406. <Coast2> hm
  407. <Coast2> so at a party with 100 percent people, 2 percent leave, the party has left?
  408. <djh> it could do
  409. <arble> go to some parties and report back
  410. <djh> "the party" is an emergent property
  411. <Vulpes> if everyone looks around, and thinks 'hey, everyone's gone' then everyone's gone
  412. <cnf> Coast2: the numbers don't matter
  413. <Coast2> no, Vulpes, thats what I'm saying. Just 2 percent of the people are gone
  414. <Vulpes> this is sometimes known as the 'life of the party'
  415. <Logopolis> Depends.
  416. <Bucket> Depends is for the incontinent in all of us
  417. <cnf> sigh, whatever
  418. <Logopolis> was one of those two people Magnitude?
  419. <Coast2> Vulpes, everyone's still here
  420. <Coast2> Vulpes, just those few people are gone
  421. <Coast2> can you say the party has left?
  422. <cnf> it's like you deliberately miss the point
  423. <Logopolis> cnf: He’s young.
  424. <Coast2> 98 percent of the people are still in the room.
  425. <Vulpes> what is the party?
  426. <Bucket> In America, you can always find a party ... In Soviet Russia ... Party finds you!
  427. <Logopolis> cnf: Deliberately missing the point is basically his job.
  428. <Jacob> The party is an agreed upon social construct, it exists as long as society believes it to exist
  429. <djh> hey, we can test this theory empirically: s/the party/the argument/ and everyone but Coast2 stop taking part
  430. <cnf> indeed Jacob
  431. <Logopolis> djh: I know this great plaice down the road from here.
  432. <Coast2> well that's an amazingly nice way to say you'd like to not take part in a discussion.
  433. <Logopolis> Wanna go?
  434. <Coast2> I should just never hold opinions from now on, I'm just a young dumbfuck anyway right?
  435. <Coast2> christ.
  436. <Bucket> christ is delicious.
  437. <Jacob> Logopolis: by if we all leave to go the party, is this conversation still occurring?
  438. <Vulpes> Coast2, no, being wrong is how you learn
  439. <Coast2> Vulpes, apparently I'm wrong by default.
  440. <shambrarian> Coast2: and being douchy is how you get people pissed off at you
  441. <Jacob> Vulpes: than I should be a genius by now!
  442. <Vulpes> we're just being a bit tetchy about how long it takes because of an interesting feature of how we remember things
  443. <Logopolis> Vulpes: In that case, people should really call me Albert Einsteincunt rather than just cunt.
  444. <Vulpes> we think it took us a lot less time than it actually did
  445. <Coast2> shambrarian, you wouldn't be happy either if every time you did not understand something it was chalked up to "oh he's just young and stupid"
  446. <shambrarian> I was never on a debate team, but I've done enough of it personally to know that many people do not take well to being hammered over the head with a theoretical argument. doubly so for "devil's advocate".
  447. <Vulpes> also, you're going to be wrong a lot, it's inevitable, it's better to just not feel bad about it
  448. <djh> Coast2: Nobody's chalking anything up to your being young and stupid. They *are* chalking it up to an entire roomful of people telling you why you're wrong for a fucking hour and you still refuse to even entertain the possibility that you might, in fact, be wrong.
  449. * creature ( has joined
  450. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to creature
  451. <Jacob> Vulpes: even better, feel good about it
  452. <shambrarian> Coast2: oh, I got that plenty when I was younger, and still do from my elders. agreed that it is annoying, but I believe it was also the nice way of explaining that you don't know how/when to drop something to avoid conflict.
  453. <Vulpes> Jacob, that's a bit dangerous
  454. <Coast2> djh, of course it's possible that I am wrong, never claimed I'm infallible.
  455. <cnf> Coast2 it is your unwillingness to waver from whatever you think you are right on, for hours, and ignoring every argument that makes people say that
  456. <cnf> not being wrong
  457. <Vulpes> because then you get Meghan McCarthy and a whole lot of dead people
  458. <Jacob> creature: challenge, what is this conversation about?
  459. <Jacob> Guess quickly
  460. <Vulpes> yay, meta-argument
  461. <creature> I'm going to opt-out of that one.
  462. <Jacob> Awwww
  463. <Jacob> No fun
  464. <djh> ahh, wisdom
  465. <Coast2> djh, do you really think I'm not trying to understand? That's why I'm asking questions, to see where I'm mistaken
  466. <terran> It's something to do with parties
  467. <Coast2> and in fact I've conceded a lot of my points too.
  468. <creature> My instinct is to make a sarky quip, and I suspect the goal is to teach someone a little more empathy, so I'm going to quash that instinct.
  469. <cnf> Coast2: it's not a battle
  470. <Coast2> cnf, I've accepted I'm wrong about some parts of my ideas.
  471. <Vulpes> see, this is why I don't actually like debate competetions much as a concept
  472. <Coast2> better?
  473. <cnf> nope
  474. <Coast2> then?
  475. <Coast2> what would be the correct formulation in a non-battle contexts.
  476. <Coast2> context* even
  477. <cnf> you are saying "i'm trying to learn by assuming i am right, and making everyone else prove i am wrong"
  478. <Jacob> cnf: wait, it's not a battle? Oh, I should probably disable the targeting satellites
  479. <cnf> and then making it a difficult battle by rejecting or ignoring every attempt
  480. <cnf> and then say "but i have conceded on _some_ points
  481. <taixzo> Bucket: inventory
  482. <Bucket> I am carrying a concealed weapon, a horsetail, horse still attached, a song in 13/68 time, more magic, a metal pole, an alibi, an excuse, steam constroller, electrolytes, Death By Eaten By A Grue,, life everlasting, a luck dragon, a burned book with a grainy portal to another world on the first page, a Shoopuf, cheap imitation feels, the undroppable, the eyes, a thermometer catfight, nausea, and a hyperdermic needle.
  483. <Coast2> when...trying to show the wrongness of something, is it not a correct method to take that something and see how every aspect of it squares against other things?
  484. <Coast2> or taking it and going down the logical chain until you reach a contradiction
  485. <terran> You're all probably wrong anyway whatever this is about
  486. * taixzo considers the hyperdermic needle
  487. <Coast2> or a fallacy
  488. <taixzo> That's basically a squirt gun.
  489. <cnf> well, i'm gonna switch channels, i'm out of patience
  490. <darkscrypt> o/ cnf
  491. * protosoul has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
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  493. * puddle ( has joined
  494. <Kizul|Science> :D Bucket's still holding more magic! Yay!
  495. * Kizul|Science is now known as Kizul
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