

Nov 22nd, 2012
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  1. Highmoon says:
  2. so on another note do you think I should set up a Mafia board on my forum thinger?
  3. Sunflower says:
  4. that would be fun o:
  5. Highmoon says:
  6. kk
  7. I know what I want to do with the game aspect. The RPing I mean...
  8. Its a casual sandbox. You make your own adventure, but there are main events that happen that change or alter a aspect of each player's game. Like...okay there are a few sites like that where you just play out your character's story and a Mod tells the story aspect to yourchoices.
  9. you can also meet up with other players if you set it up with a mod and merge your stories for a spell before splitting again
  10. It starts normal enough. You are a trainer with your first pokemon. But as the story proceeds, the main plot, random players may be approuched by members from different "villain" groups.
  11. Sunflower says:
  12. oOo oooo
  13. Highmoon says:
  14. The ASB aspect actually...I just got an idea. The Team you build in the RP, you gain in ASB. catch those mons, not buy them. The battles you have in ASB can be counted as random trainer battles if you don't want to do a whole story of your pokemon fighting wild mons and leveling up
  15. So...perhaps you don't play out Trainer vs Trainer in rp. You take it to ASB battles?
  16. Then after the fight, the story picks up in their rp thread.
  17. how does that sound?
  18. Sunflower says:
  19. sounds good. Though will there be just open ASB, for those who just want a battle every now and then? You may have to wait to gather more refs before implementing it but it would help with accessibility and easing people into the main plot
  20. Highmoon says:
  21. Also, just because one mod is writing your story when this battle starts, doesn't mean that is the Ref that will be overseeing your asb battle.
  22. And yes. There will be open battles for whatever
  23. Sunflower says:
  24. alrighty
  25. Highmoon says:
  26. Just need to think of how to balance
  27. like...on first one, its part of the story. The latter is for fun,but it would use the same mons and gain the same exp won't it?
  28. so how do you say why a mon got stronger randomly?
  29. Unless those battles don't gain experience? Just silly little battles to get into the idea of the game?
  30. You could still get money though and maybe items...
  31. Sunflower says:
  32. i would think the explaining the random strength increase could be, like, offscreen battles, but the idea about no experience, just for fun battles is good too
  33. Highmoon says:
  34. Well its not like the trainer went off screen to battle in a outerspace bar
  35. people have odd arenas
  36. Sunflower says:
  37. true
  38. Highmoon says:
  39. So n EXP, but money and maybe items?
  40. Sunflower says:
  41. yeah
  42. Highmoon says:
  43. Also...I'm using a different username on this site
  44. So if any of the...undesirables try to come in, I can knock them back out the door and not get backlash on my other accounts in other sites
  45. make sense?
  46. Sunflower says:
  47. aye
  48. Highmoon says:
  49. I'm just waiting for res and Mai to come sniffing at my ASB
  50. Sunflower says:
  51. nnnnope
  52. on-sight ban
  53. Highmoon says:
  54. I have a nice PK Hammer waiting.
  55. Also Registration has to be approved by a Mod
  56. so they can't just join
  57. they have to be /accepted/
  58. Sunflower says:
  59. hahahaha
  60. Highmoon says:
  61. Now....i just need to fgure how to test refs....
  62. Like...i know they need to make a good story. Be able to calc right (though I'll be using the ASB calc Neg made) and other aspects that need to be covered.
  63. I geuss they need to be able to tell a story and do the math. Make it look and flow right.
  64. And have to understand why each calc. goes where. And pay attention to the moves issued for the pokemon
  65. if I have a Bulba using ember, you need to be able to catch that its a move that can't be used and penalize the pokemon properly while weaving it in the story.
  66. Sunflower says:
  67. aye
  68. Highmoon says:
  69. Like...i know what to do but I just don't see myself as a very goodRef. Certianly not Neg, Kratos or Kusa level...
  70. and Neg is the Head Ref in tcod...
  71. Sunflower says:
  72. You'll do fine
  73. Highmoon says:
  74. Yeah i geuss...
  75. So once I have everything set up, would you join?
  76. Sunflower says:
  77. yes
  78. oOo
  79. Highmoon says:
  80. Wanna just be a normal player or....?
  81. Sunflower says:
  82. not sure yet
  83. Highmoon says:
  84. Up to you. tbh I think I'd like you to oversee the Mafia Boards.
  85. Sunflower says:
  86. oOo yeeeeeee
  87. Highmoon says:
  88. yiran wanted Mafia Police? /fine/.
  89. Do as you wish
  90. Be fair. But don't cater to the brats.
  91. Sunflower says:
  92. Yes
  93. of course *salutes*
  94. Highmoon says:
  95. *nods* Good to hear. I plan to keep my place nice and pleasent,
  97. I don't plan to have this happen.
  98. Sunflower says:
  99. Neg's last cryptic words...
  100. (stabbing res in the nuts
  101. Highmoon says:
  102. Heh so you heard this is what she linked too when I told her my issues with the guy
  103. Sunflower says:
  104. yep
  105. Highmoon says:
  106. She knew man....
  107. And I won't let this happen to Sea Salt Cove
  108. Be fair, yes. We have to be fair. But I will not back down and /will/ use PK Hammer on them.
  109. Sunflower says:
  110. Yes good
  111. Highmoon says:
  112. Its not a threat. I will use it if you preovide a need for it.
  113. Us mods talk. We are your judge, jury and excution.
  114. Challenge us. I welcome it. If you have a vaild point, then yes we will listen. But if its bitching over a ruling or and infraction because "poor you, you are so hard done by no one understands". Sorry. No dice. All you'll be getting is either a blank warning or a increases infraction. And if you are poison. The Hammer.
  115. Sunflower says:
  116. damn skippy
  117. Highmoon says:
  118. If people are avoiding playing with you. If Mods refuse to touch your rp and if we see you setting traps for new ASB players in your fun challenges....yea
  119. you are just asking for a ass kick
  120. And trust us. We'll know if you puppet a account.
  121. And if I find you you've been stalking players, harassing the on site and off. On tumblr, facebook, their e-mail. /anything/. You are toast
  122. fucking burnt and the smoke detectors are going off in the whole apartment complex three floors up and below, tost.
  123. Sunflower says:
  124. my goodness
  125. Highmoon says:
  126. I'm sorry I hate bullies
  127. I really do
  128. Sunflower says:
  129. no it's a good thing
  130. Highmoon says:
  131. You don't bring school ground BS to my site,
  132. And mods aren't above this.
  133. Don't think just because Mods have power means that can do what they want. They have to conduct themselves properly. I will not condone abuse in power
  134. You can't bully people into your veiws. You just can't. Freaking jesus,leave the sjl to tumblr where we can mock it.
  135. Sunflower says:
  136. that's awesome of you. So many good forums get ruined by terrible, terrible mods. See TCoD and Starmen
  137. and the admins won't do anything about them
  138. Highmoon says:
  139. Freedom of the speech. Alright. You are free to speak your mind. What you are/not/ given a freedom in is speaking for someone else or telling them why they are wrong.
  140. Sunflower says:
  141. a-freaking-men
  142. Highmoon says:
  143. This is what you believe? Fine. I may not agree buti will defend your right to say it. I expect you to do the same for me.
  144. or rather I will respect your right to say it.
  145. There is enough "defending" as their is.
  146. there*
  147. Have tact as well with your posts on serious issues. If someone is pouring their heart out, don't take that as a invite to pour gas on it and set fire, then piss the flames out to completly change the whole thread and topic to something else.
  148. And mods. Don't take the chance to mod over a player's story as a way to get petty revenge for something. Be adults here.
  149. Sunflower says:
  150. indeed
  151. really you have no idea how happy i am to hear you'll be cracking down on mods too
  152. so many people give mods unlimited power and it does terrible things to forums
  153. Highmoon says:
  154. I will crack down on them. Like I said, I'll listen to the players too. If they have vaild points and proof behind their claims, I will take it to the next level.
  155. I'll just have a better time cracking on Mods that I haven't known as long as you guys though....becuase seriously? I can't crack you guys. All I'll do is explain the situation and work on a plan with you so we can avoid anything further
  156. ....not that I'd think you guys would do anything horrible. You know what to expect from a mod when you are a member. I have faith that you'd conduct yourselfs right
  157. Sunflower says:
  158. Yes. I've seen too many forums go to hell to be a bad mod myself. Though if I ever start to slip I fully expect you to come punt me in the butt
  159. Highmoon says:
  160. And yes. I would punt you.
  161. I will buy a inflatable hammer, put a peice of tape on it saying "PK Hammer" and bop you with it.
  162. And hey. Maybe I'll find "could-be" mods from some members along the way.
  163. ones that show maturaity and we all agree on.
  164. Sunflower says:
  165. yes goof
  166. ...good
  167. Highmoon says:
  168. A-Hyuk.
  169. Sunflower says:
  170. hsaflukwjw
  171. Highmoon says:
  172. But yes,
  173. New mods have to be considered and passed by all of us.
  174. Sunflower says:
  175. yes
  176. anywho, I think i really need to sleep now
  177. Highmoon says:
  178. no probs
  179. I'm glad I got this all out anyhow
  180. Sunflower says:
  181. yessss it sounds amazing
  182. Highmoon says:
  183. thnak you
  184. I just hope I can keep up to those standards I set
  185. Sunflower says:
  186. i know you can do eet UuU
  187. Highmoon says:
  188. thank you
  189. /cp this for a ref file later
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