
agl6 day 2 beebs

Aug 28th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. /sd/
  2. Start on Preset 1.
  3. Manually sub by ability.
  5. First Half:
  6. If down, switch to preset 2 and +1.
  8. Halftime:
  9. Switch to Preset 2.
  11. 65:
  12. Switch to Preset 3. Sub in best conditioned CMF, priority for Hoge.
  13. Sub out most tired non-medals otherwise.
  15. /monhun/
  16. Step 1: Pick a number between 1 and 3.
  17. Step 2: Use that preset.
  19. That's about it.
  20. Sub for best condition non-medals and take subs at 70 minutes.
  22. /chess/
  23. GENERAL:
  24. /chess/ is bringing a classical game of /chess/ to the board/field
  25. The Pawns in front and the major pieces behind, all protecting their King.
  26. As the Game develops, so do the pieces on the board, moving up the pitch and checkmating the opposition in 90+toppage moves.
  28. PRE GAME:
  29. Do not sub the player who starts in the CF position pre match (either 1.d4 or 1 e4, this will change for each match if new meme exports are permitted)
  30. Sub all other pawns for their best available subs, manlet for manlet, normal height for normal height
  31. sub in the better condition GK
  33. start every game on preset 1
  35. AT 30 MINUTES
  37. Change /chess/ to preset 2
  38. also show the stream the formation change
  41. AT 60 MINUTE
  42. Change /chess/ to preset3 and sub the 3 most tired pawns (nonmedals)
  44. /mkwii/
  45. start p1 sub manually by condition non-medals (GK, fullbacks,CBs, CMF - for CMFs "Competitive MKW player" has preference over the other CMFs if they have equal conditions and "Activate Shock" should NEVER be a starter).
  46. LB takes left CK, RB takes right CK
  47. Daisy uses the default goalhorn, just use her brace horn if she scores a brace on lap 3 (65'-90')
  49. LAP 1 (0'-45'):
  50. If down by 2 reduce the DLine to 3, support range to 5, remove swarm the box and go +1
  52. LAP 2 (45'-65'):
  53. Same instructions as Lap 1
  55. LAP 3 (65'-90'):
  56. subs at 65':
  57. >If not losing: sub off the 3 most tired non-medals (for CMFs "Activate Shock" has preference over the other CMFs); if winning by 2 or more go p2, otherwise stay on the same preset
  58. >if losing: go p3, turn on gegen if it isnt already on and then sub off the 2 OOP CBs and the non-medal CMF ("Activate Shock" has preference over the other CMFs)
  60. At 75'+: if the team isnt winning make sure that swarm the box is off and gegen is on
  62. /shekel/
  63. Only Use P1
  65. Subs at 65, Sub the Silver AMF for the most tired silver CMF, Either BETTING OUUUUUUUUUUUUHS or Blumpf Bucks.
  67. After that sub the wingers or whoever is most tired
  69. If losing at 65 add memen
  71. /vocaloid/
  72. none
  74. /sinnoh/
  75. none
  77. /pakistan/
  78. none
  80. /uma/
  81. Tactics:
  82. Starting XI instructions:
  83. Sub in best conditioned DMF and GK
  84. Keep the other positions as is
  85. Use Preset 1 to start the game
  87. AT HT:
  88. Swap to Preset 2
  90. AT 70 MINS:
  91. Swap to Preset 3
  92. Sub in >12 Billion and Lose for Mayano Top Cunn
  93. Swap >Draw a cow with #LookatCurren
  94. Sub out #LookatCurren for Triple Cripple
  95. Swap Semen Seeker Silence Succubus Suzaka with Gundam Horse
  96. Sub out Gundam Horse for Grandma Hag
  98. Thank you, thank you.
  100. /machi/
  101. Pre-game:
  102. Manually sub sad arrows for happy arrows. Don't sub medals. Don't sub in Shamiko (kikikanri)
  104. Mid-game:
  105. If we're behind in goals, feel free to change some sliders to make /machi/ win. Like...Attack area center or something.
  106. Sub at 50'. Make sure to sub "Shamiko" for "Shamiko (kikikanri)" (The SS players). She's a super-sub. PES doesn't show it, but she is.
  107. If you feel like embarrassing yourself, yell "SHADOW MISTRESS YUUKO, KIKIKANRI FORM!!!", just before or after subbing her.
  108. Chant a slam
  110. End-game:
  111. If /machi/ wins: yay
  112. If /machi/ lose: boo
  114. Chants:
  115. "chant - awawa for 5 minutes.mp3" is actually 5 minutes if you don't limit it.
  116. Slam 'm
  118. /dbs/
  119. none
  121. /rabi/
  122. --- Pre-game ---
  123. If home, random ball and stadium. Kit 1 is blue, kit 2 is red if there's a clash.
  124. Only sub non-medal CMF (<<This twisted thread needs to be reset>>) with the bottom three sub CMFs
  125. Only sub the bottom CB (Rabisex) with the bottom three CBs
  126. Only sub the other three CBs with the top four CBs
  127. --- Mid-game ---
  128. If Dabi scores I'm going to need you to dab
  129. --- Subs ---
  130. Subs at 60
  131. Sub non-medal CMF with bottom three sub CMFs
  132. Sub bottom CB with bottom three CBs
  133. Sub worse condition medal CMF (if same condition then least stamina) with best condition of Rabomination and Based Rabi of Plentiful Yogurt
  134. --- In case of suspension ---
  135. If SS is suspended put in double-A CMF from bottom three
  136. If CMF is suspended put in double-A CB from top four
  137. If CF is suspended /rabi/ is screwed
  139. Rabi Rabu
  141. ` ``
  142. `---.:-::/+++///++///::--....`` `..`
  143. ``` `--:/:+ossyhhdmmmddddddddddddhhyso+//:-.`` `.-:/:+o::.
  144. ::++:--....-//oshmNNNmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdyo+/:-.-:::+ohmNMd::`
  145. +:NNNdys+/:+hmNNNmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdddddddmmmmNNNNmhs+/+dNMMMMMMs-:
  146. +:NMMMMMNNmmdmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmddddddddmddmNMMMMMNNdyshmMMMMm:+
  147. +-NMMMMMMMMMmsmmddmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmddddddddmmmmMMMMMMMMMMNmyshNMN/+.
  148. +-dMMMMMMMMMmodmdmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdddddmmNNmmmNMMMMMMMMMMMMNdyyh:+
  149. /:yMMMMMMMMNsymmddmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdddddmNMMNmdmNNMMMMMMMMMNMMNd+::`
  150. `-:soNMMMMMNmsyddddmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmddddddddmmNNmddmmmmNNNMMNNNmmNMMNh//-`
  151. .::hNmdddddyyyhddmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdddddddmmmmmmmddyyydmmmmmmmmmmmNMMNs::`
  152. `::dMNmmmddddddddmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdddmdddddddddddddddddmdyooshmmmmddddddmmNMMh:/.
  153. ./:dMNmmmmmdddddddmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdddddmddyydddddddddddddddmmmh/+oydmmddddmmmdmNMMm/+`
  154. `/-hMMmmdmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdddddhhy+o/ddssssssssssssyyyhh+/:+ydmdddddddddddNMm:/
  155. ::oNMNmmdmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdmmddhyyssso/:hm/shooosssssssoooosso/oo-+yhhdddddddddyyNMy:-
  156. `+:mMNmmmdmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmddhssssss+//yNMm++ysssssssssssssssss:ym+-osoossyhdddddohMN//
  157. .:oMMmmmmdmmmmmmmmmmdddddddysssso+:/ohMMMMm//sssssssyyyyyyyyyy+/NNd-/sssssssosyddy/mMy:`
  158. --yMNmdddmmmmmmmddddddddsoo+//++shmMMNmdmdy:+sssyyhhhhhhhhhhy+/mMMd/:sssssssssssys-dNd::
  159. --dMmmdddhdmmmmmdddddddd/dNNNNMMMMMNNyssss/:syyyyydddddddhs++yNMMMd+/ooo++oosssss//dmN/:
  160. .---/:dNmmddsssmmmmmdddddddy:mMMMNdy+/:-------..--:/osyyyssssshmNNmhhyo/://:////+oso::ymmN+/
  161. .:+sss+-dmdmddsosmmmmmddddmddo-mMMMNy-..--------...-+/+++smNNNMMMMh:---.........-::::::ohmmmo+
  162. .++dmmmm/hdydddy+ymmmmmddddmdy+-mMMMMh--::::::/::::-:NNNNNMMMMMMMMN:---::::::::--:mNNNd-+ymmmo/
  163. `//dmmmmmyohohmdh/ymmmmmddddmds+-mMMMMd:/++oooooooss+:MMMMMMMMMMMMMm-//++++++++//:+MMMMM/:sdmmo/
  164. :/ymmmmmmm/ysshdh:ymmmmmdddddyo/-mNNNNN++sssssssshmmyoMMMMMMMMMMMMMm:sssssssssyhh/sMMMMMs-odddo/
  165. /:dmmmmmmms/ssshh-smmddddddddso+-dmmmmmh/osssssssydd+dMMMMMMMMMMMMMM+ossssssssmNd/mMMMMMd-+dmmo:
  166. `//mmmmmmmmm/+sssy-smdddddddddso/-dmmmmmmh+ohdddddyo+hMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd/ossyyyysyy+hNNNNNNm+/oydo-
  167. -:/mmmmmmmmmd//sso:sddddddddddso+-dmmmmmmmdysyhhhysymMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMdosdmmmmdsohmmmmmmmmmdy+/::
  168. .:/mmmmmmmmmmh-/oo:odddddddddhss+-hmmdmmddmmmddhhdmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNdyyssssymmmmmmmmmmmmmmy:/
  169. `/:mmmmmmmmmms+//o:/dddddddddhsso-ymmdmmddmmddmmmmmNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNmmmmmmddmmddmmddmmmm+:-
  170. +:dmmmmmmmmm/sd+:/:dmdddddddhsso-+oyhdmmmmmmdmmmmmNMMdmNNmdmMMMNhMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmddmmddmmddmmmm+:.
  171. /-ymmmmmmmmsy/+yh+-ydddddddddsoo-/o+///osyhdmmmmmNMMMNdhhdmhssyshMMMMMMMNmmmmmmmdmmmddmmmdmmms-:
  172. .:/mmmmmmmoyhs+:/y/+dddddddddsso-/oooo+:ys+/:/+oshdmNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdyo+o/.
  173. /:smmmmmyodsssso/+:hddddddddsso-:o++/:hmmmd:so/oo+/////+osyhdmmNNNNMMMMMNmmmmmmdddhys+++oydd/:
  174. ::shyo::hysssso/m/+dddddddmyso------sMNNmd:ss/hhhhhhhhy+oo/+/+::-://+++//:::-::://++ohdmmds-`
  175. `---:/+dsssoo/-++-oddddddmhso:/` -/NMMMMN:ss:yhhhhhhhhooy:y/dmdysso+ooosyyh++sssssshmmmdy:.
  176. :-yhsssoo:/..::+dmmmmmdss::`.-dMMMMMM/hh/hdhhhhhhhs/h+sh+mmmmmh+yyss+++:+ssssshmmddy/-
  177. `/-dysssso:/` .//shydmmys/:--+MMMMMMm+dh/dddmdddddh+do+N+ymmmmms:/ooooo:ossssddmddo/-
  178. -:/mssssso-/ --::++sso+-/-hMMMMMMy+dd+dmmmmmdddd+hy:Nd/yhyo/://ssss+:o++/dddhs/-`
  179. /-odssssso-/ `..`-::::/:NMMMMMMo+ddoyyyssssssy+hd/NM+:-..` -:ossso/o/+/+///.`
  180. /-sdssssso-/ ``.:/MMMMMMM++dddddhhhhhhhhhdd+hMh-` .:+sssooyo+```
  181. /-ydssssso-/ .-sMMMMMMM/oddddddddddddddddsoMN:- `//sssoosh:.
  182. /-ydsssss+-/ --hMMMMMMN/odddddddddhhhhdddy:NMo: /:osssssd::
  183. `+-ydssssso-/ :-dMMMMMMN/odddhysssosyhhsddd:mMh-. -:osssssd+:
  184. /-ydssssso-/ ::NMMMMMMN:oddhssydmmmmNmoddd/yMm-: --osssssho:`
  185. o-sdsssooo:: /:NMMMMMMN:oddssyyhyhyhyy+ddd+oMM//` --+ssssshs-.
  186. /:odsssooo//` +/MMMMMMMN-sddhoyhddmNmmmodddo/MMo:. --+sssoshy-.
  187. -//dsssooo+-- //MMMMMMMN-sddddhyyysyyyyhddds:NMy-- --+sssoshs--
  188. /:hyosoooo-: ++MMMMMMMm-ydddddddddddddddddh-mMd-: --oooossds-.
  189. -/sdsooooo/:: /oMMMMMMMm:hdddddddddddddddddd/mMm:/ -:ooosssds:`
  191. /moonman/
  192. none
  194. /lwa/
  195. none
  197. /watchmen/
  198. Start on preset 1
  200. Sub in best CBs/DMF by condition
  202. IN GAME:
  203. After the first half go to preset 2
  205. AT 65:
  206. Sub the CBs/DMF
  208. Go to preset 3
  210. /ytmnd/
  211. none
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