

Jun 12th, 2014
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  1. [X] 11 Female:: (Jiven, a2znut, Silversun17, Ephemeral_Dreamer, ChandraMagic, redaeth, dreadis, Jaertin, Biigoh, Darkened, theweepingman)
  2. ----[X] 1 Fong Saiyuk: (Xicree)
  3. [X] 2 Huo Qing'e, a Taoist doctor.  She'd fixed up what few injuries you'd obtained with an unmatched speed and efficiency and had declined any offers of payment, insisting that being able to help someone was payment enough.: (mannan, Jack Folstam)
  4. [X] 8 Jiang Yinghua, a noble lady of mysterious origins.  You have no idea what someone like her might be doing out here in the wilderness all by herself, but you're grateful, nonetheless.  No doubt there's more to her than meets the eye.: (Jiven, a2znut, Silversun17, Ephemeral_Dreamer, ChandraMagic, Jaertin, Biigoh, theweepingman)
  5. ----[X] 3 Li Chongqi: (Void, Jack Folstam, ReinZero)
  6. [X] 9 Male:: (Void, CrawlingChaos74, Least Devotee, shiki11, Ghost, Xicree, Jack Folstam, ReinZero, skaro)
  7. ----[X] 1 Qin Liangyu: (Jaertin)
  8. [X] 5 Sheng Bailian, itinerant Buddhist preacher from the far east.  She's different than your typical nun, though.  For one, she still has a full head of hair.  But you have the feeling that her calm exterior hides darker secrets...: (Void, Least Devotee, redaeth, Darkened, ReinZero)
  9. [X] 3 Sheng Bailian, itinerant Buddhist preacher from the far east.  She's different than your typical nun, though.  For one, she still has a full head of hair.  But you have the feeling that her calm exterior hides darker secrets...Gender/Name:: (CrawlingChaos74, Xicree, skaro)
  10. ----[X] 9 Su Daji (蘇妲己): (Jiven, a2znut, Silversun17, Ephemeral_Dreamer, ChandraMagic, redaeth, Biigoh, Darkened, theweepingman)
  11. ----[X] 4 Wang Jingang: (CrawlingChaos74, shiki11, Ghost, skaro)
  12. [X] 1 You'd barely been initiated into the style when they'd attacked.  Those bastards had simply laughed off your feeble attempts.  It seems they hadn't even thought you worthy enough to bother with the effort to kill you.: (Jaertin)
  13. [X] 9 You'd been an adept of the style, ready to be initiated into the deeper techniques.  The Grandmaster had given you his prized possessions to safeguard, and instead of fighting, you'd run instead.: (Void, CrawlingChaos74, shiki11, Ghost, mannan, Xicree, dreadis, ReinZero, skaro)
  14. [X] 11 You'd just been recognized as a student.  During the fight, you were knocked out by a heavy blow to the head, and somehow, they'd overlooked you afterwards while they'd burned the place to the ground.: (Jiven, a2znut, Least Devotee, Silversun17, Ephemeral_Dreamer, ChandraMagic, redaeth, Jack Folstam, Biigoh, Darkened, theweepingman)
  15. ----[X] 1 Zhang Lin: (dreadis)
  16. [X] 3 Zhao Xiyang, wandering martial artist.  At first, he'd challenged you to a fight, but when you'd explained your circumstances, he'd quickly taken you under his wing.  He seems like a decent person, but the constant warbling about the "strength of the Spring" can be irritating at times.: (shiki11, Ghost, dreadis)
  17. ----[X] 1 Zhou Weihua: (Least Devotee)
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