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Jun 21st, 2018
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  1. Username: Wild Martini
  3. Age: 17
  5. Country: US
  7. Languages: English
  9. Microphone:
  10. Yes
  12. Minecraft Username:
  13. Wild_Martini​
  15. Activity:
  18. Why:
  19. First of all, I'm obviously a bit older than most other players so I'm already more mature in that aspect. I also have real job experience including real management experience. I also believe I can make the server a fun and safe place for all players. In addition, I know first hand how important it is to not only server owners, but all the players too that there is an active staff community and I would be dedicated to being as active online & on the forums as possible. also Being staff to me is more than being able to ban and mute people to me its playing with a large majority of people that come and go on the server every day. People with different religious beliefs and different parts of the world.​
  21. Improv:
  22. This server is small, but growing quite rapidly, and I believe I'd be able to improve this server with my social skills and advice. As a staff member, we don't just help others, ban hackers, and such things like that. We are more than just a simple someone who has a rad looking title in letters and access to special commands. As a staff member I would be able to enforce the rules of this server along with making sure everyone abides by them. I'd make it clear that spamming and using excessive caps is not allowed. I am a level headed, calm person who knows how to stay cool under pressure. ​
  23. Servers:
  24. I had my own server for a few months its was called SinFulPVP and I was paying for it until everyone lost interest so I had to shut it down.
  25. The website to it is still up if you want to see if I'm lying its​
  27. Trouble:
  28. it depends on the situation if it were a hacker I would gather as much proof as I can and report it to a mod+ . If it were a money problem I would try to help as much as I can or I could hop on discord and ask higher staff member if they are on. I will try to solve any problems that I run in to with the knowledge that I have. ​
  30. Time: I am on from 8am to 5pm and then 10pm to 4am eastern day time
  32. Anything else:
  33. I have been playing on trovical from the very start of the server from season 1 till now and I think I would be a great staff member because of my knowledge of the community since I am a big part of it and a well know player.
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