
IWUAaDNW: Party 5.1

Jun 19th, 2022
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  1. Besides, they were having enough trouble with my bugs and will-o’wisps anyway; the soldiers had figured out that the best way to protect themselves from getting burned––and I was careful to keep the flames down, no matter what the little fireballs thought about that idea––was to keep in a kind of turtle formation, shields raised, and protect themselves from all directions. Will-o’-wisps had a ranged attack of a sort; by spinning really fast, they grew their ‘tails’ into a fire whip that could reach around six feet in length, but that attack had a bit of a tell to it, so it was easy to block.
  3. Not so easy when ants were just waiting for them to raise their shields up so they could dart down to grab their legs. They were learning, though; more than a few of my ants had gotten clobbered by shields already.
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