
BBB ethernet phy issue

Mar 9th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. I’ve seen the inverted link led thing as well. It suggests the logic level of the led pin was somehow incorrectly recorded at reset, which is also the strapping option for REGOFF, hence the phy will not work in that case. In general, all of the phy problems (ranging from having an incorrect phy address to not working at all) appear to be due to incorrect strapping options being latched at reset.
  3. Based on testing I’ve done the primary cause seems to be the slow rise of the reset line, which is caused by a 2.2μF capacitor on it (C24), apparently to ensure the phy’s specified reset timing is met, and to lesser extent by a 0.1μF capacitor (C30).
  5. I’ve done some tests on a beaglebone (known to be susceptible to the phy issue) with a reset extender added to ensure reset timing is met and additional pull-up to decrease the rise time on reset deassertion. The impact on the phy failure rate was pretty clear:
  7. 2.4% (34/1431) with no external pull-up (just the on-board 10K).
  8. 1.0% (12/1189) with 1K pull-up.
  9. 0.4% (5/1153) with 240Ω pull-up.
  10. 0.15% (2/1354) with 1K pull-up and C24 removed.
  11. 0 failures in 16901 power cycles with both caps (C24 and C30) removed.
  13. In other words, the faster the reset rise time, the less frequently it failed.
  15. How or why the phy is managing to misread the strapping options is still a mystery to me. We tried shorting the link led to make REGOFF pulled down more convincingly and reduce the opportunity for noise pickup, but it did absolutely nothing. Adding 0.25s delay between bootrom and U-Boot SPL, just in case the AM335x is released from reset earlier than the phy, likewise had zero impact. Perhaps the phy is just really intolerant of a slow-rising reset, but that seems very odd given that the datasheet actually suggests using an RC-circuit on the reset input to generate the required reset timing.
  17. Our current workaround consists of:
  18. 1. a voltage supervisor (TPS3839K) with a push-pull output connected to the BBB reset (P9.10) via 330Ω series resistor (to limit current), both to ensure reset is asserted for longer and to make it rise faster after deassertion. This should greatly reduce (but not eliminate) phy issues.
  19. 2. a Schottky diode from the pmic power button input (P9.09) to the VDD_3V3 to ensure that if the beaglebone powers off, it automatically powers back on. This allows software to power-cycle the board if the phy issue is detected.
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