
Substitute Teacher (AiE Prose)

Jul 25th, 2013
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  1. It was deep into the evening, with Luna's stars and moon hanging decoratively above the town of Ponyville. Almost every citizen of the small town was asleep, snug in their bed, yet, Anonymous the human stayed awake. By candlelight, he studied and read a book of Equestrian History, by now the fourth time, until every minor detail was engrained into his head. He reached across his study table to a cup of hot tea that Spike had brought him and, without moving his eyes from the page, took a small sip. It was a quaint, relaxing evening.
  2. Another lamp lit up the room next to his, catching Anonymous's attention. Not too long after, the owner of the library he stayed in, a sleepy looking purple unicorn, entered the room. Her eyes met the scene before her, and she smiled. "Anon," she said with a yawn, "are you still awake studying?" She leisurely made her way over to the human's desk, who smiled in return, closing the book.
  3. "I just want to make sure I have absolutely everything down," he replied, drumming the book with his fingers. "I mean, I know they don't know more than I do, but I'd hate to be called out or anything if I get something wrong." Twilight laughed and patted Anon on the back.
  4. "I think you study as much as I do," she said with a smile. "You may have only been here for a few months, but you definitely know your stuff." Anon replied with a laugh. It's true; he has been studying more than anything once this opportunity came up. "Has Cheerilee said how long she's going to be gone for?" Anon rose to his feet and gave his back a mighty stretch.
  5. "Two days, I believe." His eyelids grew weary. He was so lost in his studies he hadn't realized how tired he really was. Twilight giggled a little.
  6. "Get some rest, Anon. You'll do no good as a teacher if you're half asleep the entire time." Anon nodded in agreement.
  7. "I guess you're right," he said, eyeing his bed from across the room, "I suppose I'll turn in." Twilight smiled, then stepped toward the door.
  8. "Goodnight Anon."
  9. "Goodnight Twilight."
  11. At the break of dawn, Anon rose from his bed and packed his supplies swiftly. After a quick breakfast provided by Spike and a speedy shower, shave, and use of the bathroom, Anon was out of the door mere moments after Celestia emerged the sun from below the horizon. Excitement welled in his body as he crossed the waking town of Ponyville, giving hearty and cheerful greetings to every pony he saw. They gleefully returned his warm demeanor, now comfortable with this bipedal creature that had been occupying their town for the past few months. Anon inhaled the morning air with a hearty breath, and cheerfully smiled as the red schoolhouse came into view. Thoughts of teaching once again filled his mind, and his excitement grew.
  12. He pushed open the door and strolled into the building. Each little filly and colt that saw him walk by gazed up with awe and wonder. The adult ponies were used to the residential human by now, but to these kids, he was still something new to digest. Anon figured this, and tried his best to make them feel comfortable with a smile and wave to each one that met his eyes. He turned into the assigned classroom, Cheerilee's class, and set down his supplies on the desk. He cracked his knuckles, then grabbed a piece of chalk from the board and wrote his name down.
  13. "Mr. Anonymous."
  14. Yeah, that'll do. Just like home.
  15. With that, he sat down at the desk and folded his hands over each other, waiting for the school bell to alert the fillies and colts for class. And alert them it did, as the bell rang mere moments after Anon finished up, prompting a near-stampede of young ponies through the door. He observed them as they walked through with a smile, mentally pointing out two familiar fillies as they entered the room. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, their names were. Sisters of Applejack and Rarity respectively, very good friends of his. They recognized him too when their eyes met his, and they smiled wide and waved excitedly with their hooves. Anon returned their cheer and waved back. Other fillies and colts muttered to each other softly, with confused looks on their faces, as they eyed out their substitute teacher. Anon expected as much as this. When they all cautiously took their seats, he stood up to his feet, clasped his hands together with a clap, and addressed his class.
  16. "Good morning, students," he said happily. The children looked to him with attention. "My name is Mr. Anonymous." He pointed to the chalkboard behind him. "Ms. Cheerilee is out of town for a couple of days, and I will be your substitute." Anon sighed contently, and placed his hands behind his back, beginning to pace the room back and forth. "Now, I know a lot of your older relatives," he looked to Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, both leaning into the desk and paying close attention with a smile, "and am even good friends with a few. But if you haven't seen me around town, and are confused at... well, at what I am, let me give you a quick run down." He stopped in the middle of the room and took a comfortable seat on the desk itself. He had every child's attention. "I'm what you call a human. I'm not from Ponyville, or Equestria, or even this world entirely. I'm from far away, a place called Earth. An entirely different world." A few "oohs" and "ahhs" came from the crowd, accompanied by a single scoff. Anon's eyes trailed to the source: a pink filly with a small tiara on her head. She rested her head on her hoof casually, looking disinterestedly at the pencil she was balancing against her other hoof and the table. Anon took a breath, then focused back to the rest of the class. "I've been around for only a few months, but have been studying the culture and history of Equestria nearly nonstop, with both the librarian Twilight Sparkle and your teacher, Ms. Cheerilee. I find it absolutely fascinating, and am very excited to be teaching you over the next two days." With that, Anon quickly drummed the desk he was sitting on with his palms, then sat up. "Any questions?"
  17. Many of the children turned to each other and began muttering, presumably asking questions to each other or discussing the nature of him. One filly raised her hand, and Anon motioned to her. "Mr. Anonymous, why are you our teacher and not somepony else?" Anon laughed a little.
  18. "I was a teacher back home on Earth, I'm more than qualified." Another child, a colt, raised his hand. Anon motioned to him.
  19. "Are you really from this 'Earth' place? How do we know you're not lying?"
  20. "Yeah, what if you're from the Everfree Forest or something?" Anon smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head a little.
  21. "I can assure you, I'm not from the Everfree Forest. I'm one-of-a-kind and 100% not from here."
  22. "My daddy says he's a monkey." The rest of their class paused in their mumbles, and everything grew silent for a moment. Anon looked over to the source of the voice: the same pink filly from before. ""Just an oddly intelligent monkey. He probably IS making most of this up." Anon bit his tongue.
  23. "Heh, no little miss. I'm not a monkey, and no, I'm not from here."
  24. "My daddy says you're just lying to make a better life for yourself in Ponyville."
  25. "Look, please, no more of this," Anon said, raising his hand. This little pink filly was beginning to ruffle him just a bit. "It's not important where I'm from, what's important is the education I can give you." He walked around to the back of the desk, gripping a thick textbook. "Now, open your books to page 48, we'll be continuing where you guys left off yesterday, with the conclusion to the Griffo-Pegasus War." The children all groaned, but followed orders and flipped open their books.
  26. As the school day went on, Anon began lecturing the class on all he had read. The way he described it, you'd assume he'd been there himself. The human had a way with words, and the details and battles he described came to life to all that listened. Halfway through his lecture, though, a grey, white maned filly raised her hoof.
  27. "...Which led to the negotiations between Captain Thunderstrike and... oh." Anonymous rose his head from his text, noticing the filly. She sat next to the mouthy pink one, and had a sort of devious smile on her face. "Yes miss, a question?" She put her hoof down with a thump.
  28. "How can you teach this stuff when you don't even understand it?" she said, matter-of-factly. The pink filly looked at her and snickered. Anon frowned a bit and put his book down on his desk.
  29. "I do understand it, quite well. Have you been listening?" he replied. "Was that all?"
  30. "But you don't know how those ponies felt, or what they had to do. You don't know anything about the griffins, or the relationship between them and ponies." Anon's eyebrows began to furl. "You didn't grow up where war could happen."
  31. "I did, actually," he retorted. "There's plenty of war where I'm from."
  32. "Oh come on," a colt said from further back in the class, "war doesn't happen in the Everfree Forest!" The classroom softly filled up with hushed giggles. Anon's blood ran cold.
  33. "Hey!" a filly called from the front. It was Applebloom. "He didn't grow up in the Everfree Forest! He's from Earth!" Anon smiled a little. Well, it was good to know some ponies had manners and took his word. He was about to open his mouth, when--
  34. "Come on, do you actually believe him?" the pink one started up again. The rest of the class all smirked. Anon took a frustrated sigh. This pink filly and her grey friend seemed intent on getting into his head, and by the looks of it, the rest of the class was leaning to their side. He remembered "messing with the substitute" being a fun game himself when he was in elementary school. "No one can prove he's actually from a different world, and I don't think it can happen!"
  35. "So what if you don't believe him!" an orange pegasus filly chimed in. She sat with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo, her name was. "Even if he WASN'T from a place called Earth, did you hear him teach? He clearly knows his stuff!" The grey one scoffed.
  36. "I don't want to learn ANYTHING from a liar." Anon's fists began to ball slightly as the other students began to snicker. He eyed the rest of the class, now lost from his educational grasp and following these bullies like a group of sheep.
  37. "You don't have to believe me if you don't want," he said sternly. "But that doesn't mean I'm not your teacher, and that doesn't mean I'm not teaching you properly." He picked up the textbook and gripped it tightly in his hand. Applebloom put on a look of worry, noticing Anon's change in emotion. "Now. If you please, open your text to--"
  38. "How do we know that any of what you're teaching us is true!?" a colt asked with a snicker. Anon grit his teeth and took an angry breath.
  39. "...Because..." he spoke, trying to remain calm but clearly upset, "it's in your textbook. Now--"
  40. "Well I'D rather just read the textbook then, if it means I don't need to be lectured by an animal!" the pink one chimed with a giggle. The rest of the class laughed loudly. Anon could feel a rage well in his chest, so much so that tears began to form behind his eyes. He dropped the textbook onto the desk with a loud thud. It only partially got their attention.
  41. "Hey!" he called loudly, finishing the job and grabbing the rest of their attention. A snicker or two from the class still found its way out. Anon sighed and leaned against the desk with his arm, drumming his fingers into the wood impatiently. He took a breath. "...What do I need to do to get the lot of you to believe me?" He took another breath. It was very unprofessional of him to seek the acceptance of these kids, but the ridicule and belittlement was getting to him. And if the class was so intent on not paying attention BECAUSE of this, then perhaps something needed to be done.
  42. "You don't need to do anything, Mr. Anonymous..." Sweetie Belle said solemnly from the front row. "I believe you..." Anon looked to her, with her big, green, sad eyes. It almost made his frustration go away.
  43. "That's because you're a gullible LOSER!" the grey one responded. Her and her pink friend both laughed. A flare rose up in Anon's chest.
  44. "Knock it off!" he boomed, pointing to the heckling filly. His voice was enough to startle the thing, frightening not only her, but the rest of the class. Anon grit his teeth as he looked to the classroom of children, still pointing, then dropped his hand. "So, what? What'll it be?" he said quickly. "Want me to pull up a list of Equestrian creatures for you? I'll do it. I won't be there. I can probably find one in the library." He was letting his emotions spin his words. He was sounding desperate.
  45. "It's so cute how he thinks something so trivial can prove his origin!" His eye nearly twitched.
  46. "Hey!" a filly called from the group of kids, "Can you teach us about Earth a little bit?"
  47. "Yeah!" a colt agreed, "If Earth is real, then maybe you could tell us about what it's like?" Anon's head was still foggy with frustration and anger, but the idea settled in with him. A lesson about Earth, huh? It could work. He taught history plenty of times back home. His rustled state of mind didn't allow him to think too much about it though.
  48. "Yeah, fine, that'll work." he stated. He looked up to the clock in the classroom, which signified a school bell ringing any moment. "But it'll have to wait til later." Right on cue, the bell rang, and all of the students began to pack up their things. "Get on out of here, you guys, I'll see you tomorrow," Anon said, walking around to the back of his desk and sitting down. The children all scurried, pushed, and ran out the door. Applebloom and her friends looked to Anon with empathy as they left, who planted his elbows on the table and wiped his face with his hands, then rested them there as he stewed in his high of negative emotions.
  50. "Oh it couldn't have been that bad..." Twilight said, looking to her five friends by her side. Anon scribbled ideas down quickly on a sheet of paper, crossing out topics that wouldn't work and expanding on ones that might. None seemed to reach his expectation though. The fall of the Roman Empire? Maybe. But that only showcases a small fragment of human culture, and while advanced for their time, the Romans in today's perspective seem very outdated. No, he wanted to wow these kids, and to make see what humans were really capable of. But what does that entail? He racked his brain, running his fingers through his hair. Twilight and the other ponies walked over to console him.
  51. "Anon, you don't need to try so hard," Twilight said, patting him on the back. Anon didn't react.
  52. "Yeah sugarcube," Applejack added, "you ain't got nothin' to prove to these children. All you're there for is to make sure they get a good lesson from ya." Anon picked up his head and quickly scratched his cheek.
  53. "That's the thing though," he said, looking back to his notes. "None of them will take me seriously if they keep fantasizing that I'm some abnormally smart creature from the forest." He looked over his notes and sighed. Nothing useful. He gripped the paper in his hand and crumpled it up, then threw it across the room into the trashcan.
  54. "Well, what are you teaching them?" Fluttershy asked softly. Anon leaned back in his chair and sighed.
  55. "War right now. Griffons vs Pegasus." Fluttershy nodded softly.
  56. "That why they think you don't know your stuff?" Rainbow inquired. "I guess humans don't have much of war, huh?" Anon scoffed, followed by a somewhat condescending smile.
  57. "Ridiculously untrue. If there's anything my people like to do, it's kill each other over petty differences."
  58. "That sounds horrid..." Rarity said solemnly. Anon nodded, looking to the rest of the ponies.
  59. "Yeah, it really is. One nation will always want more than it has and fight another one for something. Hell, more than once we've had the entire planet fighting each other over..." Anon trailed off for a moment. His eyes somewhat glazed over, as if deep in thought. The ponies looked to each other, puzzled. Anon folded his hands together, leaned forward in his chair, and rested his chin on his fingers, thinking.
  60. "...Nonny?" Pinkie asked. "Are you alright?" Anon nodded slowly. "Did you think of something?" A smile slowly came to his face. His eyes refocused, and he looked to his equine friends.
  61. "Yeah... I think I just might have," he said, his mood changing for the better. "And," he added, motioning to his friends. "I think I could use all of your help conveying it..."
  63. Anon sat behind his desk with an air of nervousness about him. Everything should be set. He looked up to the clock in the room for the fifth or sixth time: any moment now. He took a breath. Really, there was no need to be this nervous, they were only kids. But all of his information was simply recalled by him, no research went into it. But then again, how could it? No Earth events took place in Equestria. The bell's ring pierced through his thoughts, and he shook his head free of such negative thinking. "Everything will be fine," he muttered to himself. Soon after, the same children from yesterday began filing into the classroom and arranging themselves behind their desks. They all muttered amongst each other, some looked over to the human with excitement, others giggling behind their hooves. The two mouthy fillies from yesterday, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, he found out, eyed him with condescension and superior smirks. Anon forced a smile at them when their eyes met.
  64. When every child was seated, Anon rose from his chair and clasped his hands together. "Good morning, class," he greeted. The class smiled back. What these smiles actually meant Anon hadn't a clue. At least Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle in the front seemed genuinely happy to see him. "The conclusion to the Griffo-Pegasus War will be addressed further into the school day, because, as you know..." he paused, and sighed, "I'll be telling you a little something about my own home this morning." A few snickers came from the crowd, and some mumbling began. Anon lifted his finger, signifying silence. The class, surprisingly, obliged. "Now," Anon began, "I think we can all agree that the Griffo-Pegasus War was a horrible event, was it not?" Diamond Tiara scoffed.
  65. "Like, duh. War is terrible. Ponies died. What kind of terrible observation is that?" The class followed in laughter. Anon, feeling a little more confident, smiled.
  66. "Yes, many ponies died. Griffons fighting Pegasi... truly horrible..." He began pacing the room. "But... could you imagine... what if it wasn't just the Griffons and the Pegasi?" He turned to the class with an inquiring kind of face. They looked to each other perplexingly. "What if... the Earth Ponies got involved? Then the Unicorn?"
  67. "A war between all four of those races? That's ridiculous!" Silver Spoon giggled. Anon happily clapped his hands, then motioned to the talkative filly.
  68. "And why is that, Miss Spoon?" She shrugged.
  69. "It'd be catastrophic! I doubt Equestria could even survive." She smirked. "Do you know ANYTHING?" Anon smiled again.
  70. "Equestria... Equestria Equestria Equestria..." he repeated, pacing. "What of the other nations?" The children, again, looked to each other confused. "Not just Equestria... but many other nations on this world... maybe even ALL nations. What would happen if they all engaged in a grand war?" Diamond Tiara was about to open her mouth, but Anon cut her off. "Buffalo, Minotaur, Dragons, Ponies, Griffons, Changelings, Saddle Arabians, Donkeys!" He punctuated each race with the tap of an imaginary baton. "ALL of these races fighting each other to the death. Could such a global war happen in this world?" The children didn't say anything at first. They simply stared at their human substitute. Finally: "Mr. Anonymous... what are you getting at?" a colt asked. Anon smiled.
  71. "What if I were to tell you that my home planet, Earth, has gone through this before...?" There was a slight intake of breath from them. "Twice?" They all gasped.
  72. "That's insane!" Diamond Tiara cried. "You monkeys would never survive something like that!"
  73. "Hey, quiet down!" a filly called from the back of the room. "Let him tell what happened!" Anon's chest warmed softly, and he smiled.
  74. "Thank you. Now." He motioned to the door. "To help me with this grand tale, I've enlisted the help of six friends of mine..." The door opened, and Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all trotted into the room. The class all "ooh"ed and "ahh"ed, and Applebloom and Sweetie Belle waved to their sisters. "I figured a little visual assistance could help with the presentation." The six ponies lined up next to each other and bowed to their audience. Anon walked behind this line and clasped his hands. "Great. Now, ladies, if you'd please..." The ponies happily nodded, then scattered to opposite sides of the room. Applejack was far to the left, with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity in a line further right, and Pinkie Pie a little further right than that. Twilight hid behind the desk.
  75. Anon planted his foot firmly onto the wooden desk and stepped up on top of it. He towered over the six mares around him, and was completely visible to his class. "Children," he began, "allow me to tell you the tale of the second time the entire world clashed in combat. The second great struggle against each other, the second global conflict... fillies and colts, this is a recap of the Second World War." The children leaned in closely in their chairs, eager to hear the tale. Anon raised his hands. "But first, I must introduce our nations..." he motioned to the three mares together. "Let me introduce The United Kingdom, Poland, and Germany," he said, motioning to Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity respectively. "The Soviet Union rests here," he added, motioning to Pinkie Pie. "And waaay over there, across the sea," with a motion to Applejack, "is the United States." He smiled. "That's where I'm from." The children nodded with interest while Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon grit their teeth. Anon took a deep breath.
  76. "The First World War had ended, leaving victory in the hands of a select few nations." Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all cheered. "But the losers of that war, well..." he laid his hand in the direction of Rarity, who began sobbing into her hooves.
  77. "Oh, woe is me!" she cried, raising her hooves into the air in an overly dramatic fashion. "Why must fate be so cruel to me!?" Sweetie Belle sank deeper into her chair, looking over her shoulders at the other members of her class with a pink tinge to her cheeks. "At this rate, my poor self is doomed! My economy can't handle this debt after this loss!" She continued to weep audibly. Anon tsked, shaking his head.
  78. "Poor Germany. The hit it took after the First World War was devastating. The country was near falling apart. Why, in that state, almost anyone could come strolling along and..." A purple hoof stamped out from behind the desk. The class all gasped in surprise. "Oh, my, who is that?" he asked with mock surprise. Twilight walked with a devious smirk toward Rarity, and placed her hoof on her back.
  79. "There there, my poor Germany..." she said in a soothing voice. Rarity sniffed loudly and looked up toward her comforting companion. "You're in much pain... perhaps I can be of service?" She sniffled again and nodded slowly.
  80. "O-Okay..." Anon smiled.
  81. "How sweet of her, huh?" he said, addressing the class. They all smiled and muttered in agreement. "Taking care of poor Germany by herself..." He shook his head. "How deceiving first impressions can be..."
  82. "Why, Mr. Anonymous?" a filly inquired. Anon crossed his legs and took a seat on his desk.
  83. "Ms. Sparkle here represents none other than Adolf Hitler. A devious and skilled speaker and one of the most evil men to have ever lived." Twilight smiled viciously and began whispering into Rarity's ear. She looked surprised at first, but soon, an evil smile of her own began to creep onto her face. "Over the years, Hitler was able to rise to power and take over Germany as its dictator... and once Germany was his..."
  84. "Let's get her!" Rarity cried, abruptly and startlingly tackling Fluttershy to the ground. The entire class gasped in surprise, and Rainbow Dash reeled back in shock.
  85. "Whoa, hey!" she called, "What do you think you're doing?" Twilight smiled deviously.
  86. "Shhh... it'll all be over soon..." Her eyes grew wicked and frightening. "Just let us take over... soon the entire world will be ours..." Rainbow scoffed.
  87. "Like heck it is! Hey, Soviet Union!" Pinkie happily turned her head. "Do you want this goofball taking over the entire world?"
  88. "Nope!" she said with cheer.
  89. "You wanna team up and fight this creep?"
  90. "Sure!"
  91. Rainbow turned her head the other way. "Hey, America! You in on this?" Applejack tapped her hoof to her mouth.
  92. "Mmm... nah." In the background, Anon folded up a paper airplane and tossed it toward Applejack. It pegged her right in the side of the head. "Ehh, what the hay, fine, I'm in."
  93. "And so the allied forces were formed," Anon said, stepping down from the desk. Applejack, Rainbow, and Pinkie stepped together and clapped their hooves with smiles on their faces. "But it was no happy time..." Their expressions shifted to a more serious look. "Hitler's army had already taken over Poland, and were moving into another European nation, France." Anon walked over to the desk of Diamond Tiara and took a seat. She backed up slightly in her chair, and Anon sighed. "Allow me to paint a picture..."
  95. Anon began talking, and each child listened intently. Their imaginations ran wild as they heard the human's telling of the Earth, France in particular, during wartime. It was as if the entire world was melting around the class, slave to the yarn spun by this bipedal creature. They curiously and frighteningly looked as the classroom evaporated before them, exposing them to a blank, dark void of nothingness. Everything was silent, and the children huddled together for safety. Finally...
  96. "It was the early evening, and the sun was just beginning to set over the French horizon..." Anon stepped out from the shadows toward the children. His arms were planted firmly behind his back, and his eyes were closed in thought. The dark emptiness behind him began to morph and change, twisting into a portrait of something vaguely familiar. The creation of such land was painfully bright, and the children shielded their eyes from its glow. When the radiation dimmed, they dropped their hooves from their eyes and examined the world around them.
  97. The air was cool, with a soft wind blowing against the skin of the fillies and colts, prompting goosebumps to sprout. By the looks of it, they were in some form of city or town, but an assault of sort must have taken place. Entire halves of buildings were completely caved in, leaving only piles of dirty and destroyed bricks to fill in the gaps. The streets were devoid of any life, with only a few scraps of week old newspapers blowing in the wind and dirt following the guidance of the wind. The roads themselves were torn up and destroyed, and giant holes and crevices were carved out of them for an unknown purpose. The wind howled and whistled into the ears of the children, and they shivered in place out of cold and fear. Until...
  98. Two ponies came barreling out from behind a destroyed building, diving into one of the crevices. It was Applejack and Rainbow Dash, dressed in green combat uniforms and matching helmets. The children looked on with awe and confusion. A colt opened his mouth, about to question a classmate the very same thing they were all no doubt thinking, but the moment he did, Anon stepped out in front of the class. His crunching footsteps grabbed their attention, and they looked to him, hoping for an answer. But he never gave one. He simply crossed his arms, a stern look on his face, and gazed out to the two ponies taking cover. Many members of the class silently looked to each other in confusion, but soon they began to understand, and followed his lead.
  99. Rainbow Dash peeked up over the edge of the crevice, gazing into the empty street. Her eyes scanned the entire area, and her ears twitched in complete focus. "What do ya see?" Applejack whispered. Rainbow dropped back down, sliding softly into place.
  100. "It's clear, we should be able to run another street or so." She removed her helmet and wiped the sweat from her forehead with a hoof. "And your American platoon should be somewhere near?" she asked, placing the helmet back on her head. Applejack sighed.
  101. "Ah hope so. Ah couldn't 'a been out for long, and Ah was only gone for a moment b'fore then..." Rainbow nodded, then peeked again over the crevice.
  102. "So they should be at least near... if we can reach them before we're spotted by the Germans, we'll be in great shape." Applejack joined her at the top of the crevice. "Ready for another dash?" She nodded. "Okay, let's go!" The two ponies leapt from the crater and dashed across the torn up street. Their galloping hooves echoed around the ruined buildings and architecture, but this didn't concern them much. If their bursts were quick enough, perhaps the sound would be moot. They reached the corner of two streets, then stuck themselves against the wall of a corner building. Applejack, closest to the edge, looked over to Rainbow Dash, who gave a nod of approval to take a peek. She responded in kind, then slowly and carefully took a look around the corner. It was simply another empty, desolate street. As lonely as the rest of them. She turned to her British companion and gave her an "all clear" sign. Dash smiled.
  103. They rounded the corner and began a mad dash once again. The buildings and environment whizzed past their vision as they ran, completely focused on getting to the next street, when a loud, booming noise caused them to halt dead in their tracks. Not a moment later, an intense, violent explosion erupted in front of them, obliterating a building that faced a perpendicular street ahead. The crack of the blast was deafening, and the two ponies shielded their eyes and turned their heads. Looking from their hooves, a huge cloud of thick black smoke sizzled and rose from the spot of impact, with bits of concrete and debris still falling from the air. Once it finally settled, the whining, cranking sound of a mechanical engine was finally audible. Dash's heart sunk, as she immediately recognized the sound. Grasping her comrade's hoof firmly, she bolted in the opposite direction, whence they came, but the screeching of metal treads grew louder, and she realized they would never reach the corner of the street in time. Her eyes quickly scanned the area around her, looking for any form of shelter, and they fell on a narrow trench, no doubt dug out for use in a firefight long since passed. Rainbow Dash practically threw Applejack into the trench, then dove in herself afterward. The two ponies huddled close together and clasped their hooves over their mouths.
  104. The mechanical winding sound grew louder and louder. They anticipated it driving right over them, but their hearts sank when instead, the distinct noise stopped entirely. They sat in silence, hearts racing. What sounded like a hatch opening rang in their ears, and they picked up a pair of voices.
  105. "Did you hear something?" a voice asked. Her accent was thick and German. It made Applejack's eyes shrink to the size of pinpricks.
  106. "What do you mean?" a second voice responded.
  107. "...Galloping. I swear, I heard galloping."
  108. "I doubt you'd have heard anything the way you're blasting that cannon all willy nilly."
  109. "I'm just having a little fun... God knows we can't have it with the squad."
  110. "We have important work to do. This area's cleared of the Allied Forces and the town is deserted, we needn't be here any longer. Understand?"
  111. "...Alright... but I swear, darling, I heard galloping..."
  112. "You'll hear an earful of the Führer 's scoldings if you don't get a move on right now." The two terrified ponies heard a sigh, then the sound of the machine start up again. It grew louder, until the entire mass of it completely shadowed over them in the trench. The ground shook violently as the tank crossed the gap, spitting dust and pieces of dirt in every direction as it passed. They braced themselves and gripped each other tightly in fear, but soon, the sound began to die down, the ground ceased to shake, and the cold, desolate area around them returned to being just that: cold and desolate. After a few more moments just to be sure, the American and British ponies peeked up out of the trench and crawled out slowly.
  113. "The entire area... cleared of Allied Forces?" Applejack muttered. Dash walked up next to her and rested her hoof on her back. "We weren't equipped ta' deal with anything heavy like a tank..." She removed he helmet and placed it to her chest. A tear came to her eye. Rainbow simply rubbed her back to console her. She too knew what it was like to lose a squad.
  114. "...I don't think this war's ever going to end..." Rainbow said, looking out to the abandoned, destroyed town they occupy. Applejack sniffed, then placed her helmet back on her head.
  115. "...We can't think them thoughts, Rainbow," she said, observing the final tip of the setting sun. "So long as some countries want to oppose this Hitler guy, so long as the Allied Forces stay strong... Ah think we have a chance." She gazed to the fresh, still-smoking destroyed building. "Even if they didn't here..." Dash wrapped her hoof around Applejack.
  116. "And heck, we're still here too, aren't we?" She put on a smile for her friend. "I won't stop fighting. Not til I'm dead. Not til I'm dead or he's dead." Applejack smiled.
  117. "Yeah, me neither."
  118. "Come on," Dash said, trotting out in the direction they were originally heading, "there's got to be more squads around here somewhere. The city's done for, but we haven't checked outside." Applejack nodded, and trotted after her British friend down the street. Down as far as they could in the war-scarred land they called Earth.
  119. The fillies and colts gazed with their mouths gaping from afar. Anon was among them, crossing his arms at the front of the pack. He smiled, and nodded slowly. The world around them began to morph once again, disassembling and vanishing in a misty vapor. The classroom began to materialize before their eyes once more, and they blinked and looked around to the place they've been this whole time, yet simultaneously hadn't seen in a while.
  120. "...And that concludes that," Anon said from the front of the class with a clasp of his hands. The six ponies around him all took a bow, and the class, still awestruck at first, began to applaud the story told. Anon smiled warmly at this new reception. Diamond Tiara internally scoffed and rolled her eyes, then turned to her friend to comment on the tale told. But her attention was elsewhere.
  121. "But that can't be the end!" Silver Spoon said in desperation. "Germany didn't win, right? The Allies took the war... right!?" Diamond Tiara's jaw dropped.
  122. "Yeah!" another colt chimed in, "We gotta know how the war ended!" Pinkie smiled and silently giggled, then hopped up on her forelegs. She pointed her hind hooves toward Twilight and Rarity and readied a powerful buck.
  123. "Not today," Anon said with a laugh. Pinkie fell flat on her stomach. "We've already wasted enough class time." The bell, perfectly on time once again, rang, signifying the school day's break for lunch. All the children hopped up to their feet and excitedly discussed what they had just learned. Diamond Tiara narrowed her eyes and walked with her head low to the ground. "When we get back from our break, we'll finish discussing the war that actually happened in Equestria!" he called as they all left. Once each filly and colt had left the room, he sighed contently and sat down at his desk. His six pony friends surrounded him.
  124. "Oh MY, Anon!' Fluttershy exclaimed, "You have such a way with words! You're a fantastic storyteller!"
  125. "Yeah, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!" Pinkie cheered. Anon replied with a laugh, and leaned in on his chair.
  126. "Well, I couldn't have pulled it off without you guys playing the parts." He smiled warmly to all of his friends. "You all did an amazing job."
  127. "Ah'm glad ya think so, Anon," Applejack said happily. "No doubt those kids'll believe you now!"
  128. "Yeah, actually," Twilight added. "I had no idea you had such a vast knowledge of your world's history. You never told me THIS much!" Anon laughed. "Please, we'll have to add Earth History to our study sessions!"
  129. "If you want, Twilight," he replied with a smile. Rainbow took to the air and rubbed Anon's hair with a hoof.
  130. "You're a real egghead, you know?" she said mockingly. "But a damn cool one, I must say. Now come on girls," she said, heading toward the door, "we gotta let Teach here get ready for his class's lesson." The girls all agreed, and waved Anon goodbye happily as they exited. Alone in the classroom, Anon sighed happily. This turned out better than expected. He observed the empty seats in front of him. Perhaps he can come back when Cheerilee is here and assist or something. Lord knows it'll be fun. He smiled, then grabbed his backpack. Opening it up, he reached his hand inside.
  131. Empty.
  132. He paused, then sighed. "Damn it... I forgot my lunch..."
  134. The End
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