rs232 noroutes (bird+ospf)

Mar 22nd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # ver 1.31 - rs232 - 03/23
  4. # All the config is placed in the wg0.conf and you can produce this automatically via " makeconf"
  5. export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/root:
  6. PID=$$
  7. black="\033[0;40m"
  8. grey="\033[0;5;238m"
  9. green="\033[48;2;32m"
  10. alias logw='logger -p WARN -t wg-sh[$PID]'
  11. DIR=$(dirname "$0")
  12. cd $DIR; DIR=$(pwd)
  13. int=wg0
  14. checkmin=$(grep 'checkmin=' ${DIR}/${int}.conf | cut -d= -f2)
  15. port=$(grep 'ListenPort' ${DIR}/${int}.conf | awk '{print $3}')
  16. vnet=$(grep 'vnet=' ${DIR}/${int}.conf | cut -d= -f2)
  17. #rnet=$(grep -Ev '^($|#|\[)' ${DIR}/${int}.conf | grep -Eo '(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])/..' | grep -v .*/32$)
  18. [ $# -gt 0 ] && {
  19. [ $1 == "stop" ] && {
  20. iptables -t mangle -nvL PREROUTING | grep -q '.*MARK.*all.*wg0.*0x1/0x7' && iptables -t mangle -D PREROUTING -i $int -j MARK --set-mark 0x01/0x7
  21. iptables -nvL INPUT | grep -q ".*ACCEPT.*udp.dpt.${port}$" && iptables -D INPUT -p udp --dport $port -j ACCEPT
  22. iptables -nvL INPUT | grep -q ".*ACCEPT.*all.*$int" && iptables -D INPUT -i $int -j ACCEPT
  23. iptables -nvL FORWARD | grep -q ".*ACCEPT.*all.*$int" && iptables -D FORWARD -i $int -j ACCEPT
  24. iptables -nvL INPUT | grep -q ".*ACCEPT.*89.*$int" && iptables -D INPUT -i $int -p 89 -j ACCEPT
  25. #ip route | grep -Eo ".*dev.$int.*" | while read line; do ip route del $(echo $line | awk '{print $1}'); done
  26. ifconfig $int down 2>/dev/null
  27. ip link del dev $int 2>/dev/null
  28. rmmod wireguard 2>/dev/null
  29. cru l | grep -q '#wireguard-check#' && cru d wireguard-check
  30. echo stopped.
  31. exit
  32. }
  33. [ $1 == "check" -a $(wg | wc -l) -gt 3 ] && {
  34. exit
  35. }
  36. [ $1 == "help" ] && {
  37. echo -e "
  38. ┌────────────────── FreshTomato ────────────────────┐
  39. wireguard
  41. Usage:
  44. help this screen
  45. [empty] loads the script
  46. stop to unload the config
  47. check to verify and recover wg if broken
  48. makeconf a wizard to create multisite config
  51. The script can be run from anywhere but expects
  52. a wg0.conf file to be present in the same folder.
  53. makeconf is a good starting point.
  56. └───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  57. "
  58. exit
  59. }
  60. [ $1 == "makeconf" ] && {
  61. SCRIPT_PATH=$(dirname "$0")
  62. rm -fr /tmp/wireguard &>/dev/null
  63. mkdir /tmp/wireguard
  64. d="/tmp/wireguard"
  65. echo -e "
  66. ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  67. │ This script will create the configuration for your wireguard site-to-site full mesh VPN. │
  68. │ Please follow carefully the instructions and beware: you will need to keep to hand the │
  69. ▌ LAN subnet used by each site (/24) and define a brand new privately (rfc1918) addressed ▐
  70. ▌ subnet /24 of choice to dedicate to the inter-VPN connectivity. The configurationis fully▐
  71. ▌ automated including key generation, just make sure you answer the questions correctly. ▐
  72. │ If any issue just re-run the makeconf. When finished you will just need to upload each │
  73. │ site-specific-config to the relevant router │
  74. └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘"
  75. read -p "
  76. ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐
  77. │ rtrA │ │ rtrB │
  78. └──────┘\ /└──────┘
  79. *------------------*
  80. | |
  81. *------------------*
  82. ┌──────┐/ \┌──────┐
  83. │ rtrC │ │ rtrN │
  84. └──────┘ └──────┘
  86. Private /24 subnet to dedicate to the VPN interconnectivity in format X.X.X.0/24
  87. (empty uses : " vpnnet
  88. [ -z $vpnnet ] && vpnnet=
  89. echo "vnet=$vpnnet" > $d/wireguard.TCONF
  90. read -p "Port number to be used for wireguard communication
  91. (empty uses default 51820) : " vpnport
  92. [ -z $vpnport ] && vpnport=51280
  93. echo "port=$vpnport
  94. " >> $d/wireguard.TCONF
  95. read -p "How many sites do you want to interconnect?
  96. (default 2) : " vpnsites
  97. [ -z $vpnsites ] && vpnsites=2
  98. read -p "
  99. How often do you want to check the status of wg? If any issue it will try to recover.
  100. (0 to disable, 15 default) 0-60min : " ansp
  101. [ -z $ansp ] && ansp=15
  102. echo "
  103. We will now enter the site specific section of the configuration."
  104. i=1
  105. while [ $i -le $vpnsites ]; do
  107. read -p "
  108. ┌────────────────────
  109. │ Site $i
  110. ├────────────────────
  111. │ port= $vpnport
  112. │ FQDN= ?
  114. Name (FQDN) of the device : " ansa
  115. read -p "
  116. ┌────────────────────
  117. │ Site $i
  118. ├────────────────────
  119. │ port= $vpnport
  120. │ FQDN= $ansa
  121. │ LAN= ?
  123. LAN Subnet at this site (in format X.X.X.0/24) : " ansb
  124. site=$(echo $ansb | grep -Eo '(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])/..' | grep .*/24$ | cut -d. -f3)
  125. vpnip=$(echo $(echo $vpnnet | cut -d. -f1-3).${site}/24)
  126. read -p "
  127. ┌────────────────────
  128. │ Site $i
  129. ├────────────────────
  130. │ port= $vpnport
  131. │ FQDN= $ansa
  132. │ LAN= $ansb
  133. │ SiteRef= $site
  134. │ VPNIP= $vpnip
  135. │ port-in= ?
  137. Is port $vpnport inbound from Internet possible on this site (e.g. WAN its a public IP or a port-fowarding for $vpnport)?
  138. (default yes) y/n : " ansc
  139. [ -z $ansc ] && ansc=y
  140. # read -p "[Site $i] If this site subject to high packet loss e.g. WAN is 4G?
  141. # (default no) y/n : " ansd
  142. # [ -z $ansd ] && ansd=n
  143. echo -e "${green}
  144. ┌────────────────────
  145. │ Site $i
  146. ├────────────────────
  147. │ port= $vpnport
  148. │ FQDN= $ansa
  149. │ LAN= $ansb
  150. │ SiteRef= $site
  151. │ VPNIP= $vpnip
  152. │ port-in= $ansc
  153. └────────────────────
  154. ${black}"
  155. mkdir $d/$ansa
  156. wg genkey > $d/${ansa}/privateKey 2>/dev/null
  157. wg pubkey < $d/${ansa}/privateKey > $d/${ansa}/publicKey 2>/dev/null
  158. echo "[interface]
  159. PrivateKey = $(cat $d/$ansa/privateKey)
  160. ListenPort = $vpnport
  161. #vnet=$vpnip
  162. #checkmin=$ansp
  163. "> $d/${ansa}/wg0.conf
  164. echo "[peer] #$ansa
  165. EndPoint = $ansa
  166. PublicKey = $(cat $d/$ansa/publicKey)
  167. AllowedIPs = $vpnip, $ansb
  168. $([ $ansc == "n" ] && echo 'PersistentKeepalive = 25')
  169. " > $d/${ansa}.TEMPO
  170. i=$((i+1))
  171. done
  172. ls -p $d | grep .*/$ | cut -d/ -f1 | while read folder; do
  173. cd $d/$folder
  174. ls -1 ../*.TEMPO | grep -v "$folder" | while read line; do cat $line >> ./wg0.conf
  175. cp -f $SCRIPT_PATH/ ./
  176. done
  177. done
  178. echo -e "
  179. ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  180. ▌ ${grey}Configuration completed.${black} ▐
  181. └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  183. Find the each site relevant ${green}${black} and ${green}wg0.conf${black} files in:${green}
  184. $(ls -l $d | grep ^d | awk '{print "/tmp/wireguard/"$9"/"}')${black}
  185. Copy each & wg0.conf on the permanent storage of target router e.g. /jffs.
  186. Place them both in the same folder. Bring the VPN up calling /whateverpath/
  188. NOTEs:
  189. - do not edit the or wg0.conf they are reaby to be used as they are
  190. - remember to ${green}chmod +x${black} on the target device.
  191. - to autostart you could use something like this in the Administration/script/firewall:
  192. ${green}/jffs/${black}
  193. "
  194. find $d -name '*.TCONF' -exec rm {} + &>/dev/null
  195. find $d -name '*.TEMPO' -exec rm {} + &>/dev/null
  196. find $d -name '*Key' -exec rm {} + &>/dev/null
  197. exit
  198. }
  199. }
  200. ifconfig $int down 2>/dev/null
  201. ip link del dev $int 2>/dev/null
  202. rmmod wireguard 2>/dev/null
  203. modprobe wireguard
  204. ip link add dev $int type wireguard
  205. ip address add dev $int $vnet
  206. wg setconf $int $DIR/$int.conf
  207. sleep 1
  208. ifconfig $int up
  209. # bypass CTF for wireguard
  210. [ $(nvram get ctf_disable) -eq 0 ] && {
  211. iptables -t mangle -nvL PREROUTING | grep -q '.*MARK.*all.*wg0.*0x1/0x7' || iptables -t mangle -I PREROUTING -i $int -j MARK --set-mark 0x01/0x7
  212. }
  213. # Open WireGuard port
  214. iptables -nvL INPUT | grep -q ".*ACCEPT.*udp.dpt.${port}$" || iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport $port -j ACCEPT
  215. # Accept packets from WireGuard internal subnet
  216. iptables -nvL INPUT | grep -q ".*ACCEPT.*all.*$int" || iptables -A INPUT -i $int -j ACCEPT
  217. # Set up forwarding
  218. iptables -nvL FORWARD | grep -q ".*ACCEPT.*all.*$int" || iptables -A FORWARD -i $int -j ACCEPT
  219. # add periodic checks
  220. [ $checkmin -ne 0 ] && cru l | grep -q '#wireguard-check#' || cru a wireguard-check "*/${checkmin} * * * * ${DIR}/ check"
  221. # allow OSPF to run over wg0
  222. iptables -nvL INPUT | grep -q ".*ACCEPT.*89.*$int" || iptables -I INPUT -i $int -p 89 -j ACCEPT
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