Guest User


a guest
Jul 7th, 2018
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  1. {
  2. downloading = "Download in corso",
  3. CPUArchitecture = "Architettura CPU",
  4. RAMControl = "Controllo RAM",
  5. packageUnloading = "Scaricamento automatico",
  6. networkFTPNewConnection = "Nuova conn. FTP",
  7. networkFTPConnections = "Connessioni FTP",
  8. networkFTPAddress = "Indirizzo server",
  9. networkFTPPort = "Porta",
  10. networkFTPUser = "Utente",
  11. networkFTPPasswprd = "Password",
  12. updatingFileList = "Aggiornando la lista file...",
  13. network = "Reti",
  14. networkTimeout = "Il computer remoto non risponde",
  15. networkAccessDenied = "L'accesso al filesystem da computer remoto è stato negato. Contattta il proprietario per avere i privilegi.",
  16. networkAllowReadAndWrite = "Accesso al filesystem",
  17. networkModemNotAvailable = "Attacca un modem per usare le funzioni di rete",
  18. networkState = "Attiva la modalità a rete",
  19. networkComputers = "Opzioni di rete",
  20. networkName = "Nome di questo PC",
  21. networkSearchRadius = "Raggio di ricerca",
  22. openWith = "Apri con",
  23. select = "Scegli applicazione...",
  24. keepInDock = "Tieni nella dock",
  25. closeAllWindows = "Chiudi tutte le finestre",
  26. newWindow = "Nuova finestra",
  27. launchWithArguments = "Lancia con argomenti",
  28. dontShowAnymore = "Non mostrare più",
  29. newName = "Nuovo nome",
  30. folderName = "Nome cartella",
  31. fileName = "Nome file",
  32. applicationName = "Nome applicazione",
  33. file = "File",
  34. notExists = "Non esiste",
  35. alreadyExists = "Esiste già",
  36. inDirectory = "nella directory",
  37. needReplace = "Sostituire?",
  38. yes = "Sì",
  39. no = "No",
  40. cancel = "Annulla",
  41. open = "Apri",
  42. applyToAll = "Applica a tutto",
  43. toDirectory = "alla directory",
  44. copying = "Copiando",
  45. faylaBlyad = "file",
  47. resolution = "Risoluzione schermo",
  48. pressAnyKeyToContinue = "Premi un tasto per continuare",
  49. screensaver = "Salvaschermo",
  50. screensaverDelay = "Ritardo",
  51. screensaverEnabled = "Salvaschermo attivato",
  53. areYouSure = "Sei sicuro?",
  54. emptyTrash = "Cestino vuoto",
  55. type = "Tipo",
  56. size = "Dimensione",
  57. date = "Data",
  58. path = "Percorso",
  59. folder = "Cartella",
  60. unknown = "Sconosciuto",
  61. calculatingSize = "calcolando…",
  63. properties = "Proprietà",
  64. newFolderFromChosen = "Nuova cartella dal selezionato",
  65. create = "Nuova",
  66. newFolder = "Cartella",
  67. newFile = "File",
  68. newFileFromURL = "File da URL",
  69. newApplication = "Applicazione MineOS",
  70. paste = "Incolla",
  71. copy = "Copia",
  72. cut = "Taglia",
  73. edit = "Edit",
  74. editInPhotoshop = "Modifica in Photoshop",
  75. rename = "Rinomina",
  76. editShortcut = "Modifica scorciatoia",
  77. createShortcut = "Crea scorciatoia",
  78. addToDock = "Aggiungi alla Dock",
  79. removeFromDock = "Rimuovi dalla Dock",
  80. moveRight = "Muovi a destra",
  81. moveLeft = "Muovi a sinistra",
  82. archive = "Aggiungi all'archivio...",
  83. delete = "Elimina",
  84. addToFavourites = "Add to favourites",
  85. removeFromFavourites = "Remove from favourites",
  86. setAsWallpaper = "Set as wallpaper",
  87. showPackageContent = "Show package content",
  88. showContainingFolder = "Show containing folder",
  89. flashEEPROM = "Flash to EEPROM",
  90. flashingEEPROM = "Flashing in progress. Don't turn off computer",
  92. sortBy = "Sort",
  93. sortByType = "By type",
  94. sortByName = "By name",
  95. sortByDate = "By date",
  96. showExtension = "File extensions",
  97. showHiddenFiles = "Hidden files",
  98. showApplicationIcons = "Application icons",
  100. aboutSystem = "About system",
  101. updates = "Updates",
  102. update = "Refresh",
  103. shutdown = "Shutdown",
  104. logout = "Logout",
  105. reboot = "Reboot",
  106. returnToShell = "Return to Shell",
  108. protectYourComputer = "Computer protection",
  109. inputPassword = "Input password",
  110. confirmInputPassword = "Confirm password",
  111. oldPassword = "Old password",
  112. newPassword = "New password",
  113. setProtectionMethod = "Change computer protection method",
  114. wrongOldPassword = "Wrong old password!",
  115. passwordSucessfullyChanged = "Password has been successfully changed!",
  116. withoutProtection = "Without protection",
  117. passwordProtection = "Password protection",
  118. biometricProtection = "Biometric protection",
  119. putFingerToVerify = "Put your finger to authorize",
  120. putFingerToRegister = "Put your finger to create a biometric signature",
  121. fingerprintCreated = "Biometric signature has been created",
  122. accessDenied = "Access denied",
  123. welcomeBack = "Welcome, ",
  124. passwordsAreDifferent = "Passwords are different",
  125. incorrectPassword = "Incorrect password",
  126. mineOSCreatorUsedMasterPassword = "The creator of this operating system has used Master-Password",
  127. loginToSystem = "Login",
  129. systemLanguage = "System language",
  130. colorScheme = "Color scheme",
  131. iconProperties = "Icons properties",
  132. spaceBetweenIcons = "Space bewteen icons",
  133. sizeOfIcons = "Size of icons",
  134. byHorizontal = "Horizontal",
  135. byVertical = "Vertical",
  136. wallpaper = "Wallpaper",
  137. wallpaperPath = "Path to wallpaper",
  138. iconPath = "Path to icon",
  139. wallpaperModeStretch = "Stretch",
  140. wallpaperModeCenter = "Center",
  141. wallpaperEnabled = "Wallpaper enabled",
  142. wallpaperBrightness = "Wallpaper brightness",
  143. wallpaperSwitchInfo = "Disabling this option will decrease RAM usage and increase system perfomance",
  144. backgroundColor = "Background color",
  145. menuColor = "Menu color",
  146. dockColor = "Dock color",
  147. transparencyEnabled = "Transparency enabled",
  148. transparencySwitchInfo = "Disabling this option will increase system perfomance",
  149. screenResolution = "Screen resolution",
  150. changePassword = "Change password",
  151. shortcutIsCorrupted = "Shortcut is linked to non-existent file",
  152. sortAutomatically = "Align to grid",
  153. onDesktop = "On desktop",
  154. inCurrentDirectory = "In current directory",
  156. settings = "Preferences",
  157. dateAndTime = "Date and time",
  158. timezone = "Timezone",
  159. dateFormat = "Date format",
  161. errorWhileRunningProgram = "Error while running ",
  162. sendedFeedback = "Feedback was sent",
  163. sendFeedback = "Send feedback",
  164. yourContacts = "Your contacts",
  165. additionalInfo = "Additional information",
  166. stackTraceback = "Stack traceback",
  168. favourite = "Favourite",
  169. search = "Search",
  170. mounts = "Mounts",
  171. }
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