
Zero [Xavier]'s Bio

Feb 3rd, 2018 (edited)
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  1. Zero was formerly known as Xavier Aeternum...for the first 6 years of his life. His parents sold him to a Magic and SOUL Research Institution for Inhumane experiments at the age of 6, for about $2 million US Dollars. He was then moved to their main branch in a relatively desolate and remote part of Europe. Eventually, it was revealed he was a descendant of a former Royal Court Magician of centeries ago, even farther back than the Barrier, which the institution knew about. They experimented upon him, expecting him to have the DETERMINATION trait due to his ancestry...except he didn't. They continued to experiment on him then attempted an experiment to insert a 2nd trait into his SOUL, while his original one was Perserverance. The 2nd trait happened to be Patience. The experiment, inevitably, failed. The experiment caused a massive explosion, effectively killing of the researchers but merging their SOULs with Xavier's, however they lost their consciousnesses. Due to Xavier's own fractured SOUL, instead of creating a God-like entity, they forged a completely new SOUL trait, Dualism, splitting his personality entirely in two. One personality was his normal one. The other was akin to a mentally unstable person, which only appeared during times of extreme stress. It felt nothing towards anyone and could only be reverted if he was returned to a peaceful state. He also awakened his SOUL magic, obtaining the ability to use Electricity as well as, be immune to it. He also lost his memories prior to this due to the incident, resulting in him being an amnesiac. Because of his lost memories, he donned himself the name Zero, to represent his starting point.
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