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Sep 20th, 2018
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  1. box-data:
  2. enabled: true
  3. box-name: '&6&lMARINE SCOPE SNIPER &6랜덤 박스'
  4. box-description:
  5. - ''
  6. - '&e낮은 확률로 &6MARINE SCOPE&e” &6 획득 가능'
  7. - ''
  8. - '&7박스 등급: &6✬✬✬✬&7✬'
  9. - '&7미스터리 박스: &b{BOX_AVAILABLE} 미스터리 박스'
  10. vault-icon-name: '{CLICK_INFO} &8- &6레전더리 미스터리 박스'
  11. vault-icon-lore:
  13. vault-icon-type: 351
  14. vault-icon-amount: 1
  15. vault-icon-data: 0
  16. vault-icon-glow: false
  17. vault-unavailable-click-info: '&c존재하지 않는 정보입니다.'
  18. vault-no-permission-click-info: '&c펄미션이 부족합니다.'
  19. vault-click-to-open-click-info: '&e클릭하여 오픈하세요!'
  20. box-entity-data:
  21. opening-box-name: '&6레전더리 미스터리 박스'
  22. opened-box-name: '&6레전더리 미스터리 박스'
  23. opening-box-type: ENDER_CHEST
  24. opening-box-data: 0
  25. opened-box-type: REDSTONE_BLOCK
  26. opened-box-data: 0
  27. use-player-head-as-box: false
  28. opening-box-player-name: xeRicker
  29. opened-box-player-name: Eselyx
  30. opening-data:
  31. openable: true
  32. permission:
  33. permission-message: '&7[&cMB&7]: &c에러: 이 박스를 오픈할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다!'
  34. animation:
  35. rotating-block-type: ENDER_CHEST
  36. dot-color-R: 0
  37. dot-color-G: 255
  38. dot-color-B: 0
  39. line-color-R: 100
  40. line-color-G: 255
  41. line-color-B: 100
  42. crafting-data:
  43. craftable: true
  44. dust-cost: 500
  45. permission: mysteryboxes.craft.common_box
  46. permission-message: '&7[&cMB&7]: &c에러: 이 박스를 제작할 수 있는 권한이 없습니다!!'
  47. loot-reveal-effect-data:
  48. lightning:
  49. box-lightning: false
  50. player-lightning: false
  51. item-confetti:
  52. enabled: true
  53. confetti-duration: 2
  54. stay-duration: 5
  55. item-type: REDSTONE_BLOCK
  56. item-data: 0
  57. item-enchanted: false
  58. particle-text:
  59. enabled: true
  60. text: Redstone Pack
  61. particle-effect: REDSTONE
  62. height-increase: 5
  63. particle-data:
  64. opening:
  65. - ENCHANTMENT_TABLE;0;0;0;1;100
  66. opened:
  67. - REDSTONE;1;0.75;1;0;2
  68. - CRIT_MAGIC;0.35;0.35;0.35;0;1
  69. loots:
  70. empty-chest:
  71. config:
  72. loot-name: '&c빈 상자'
  73. loot-revealed-box-entity-name: '&r오픈 결과: 빈 상자'
  74. loot-chance: 95
  75. one-time-loot: false
  76. messages:
  77. to-send:
  78. - ' &7상자 안은 비어있었습니다.'
  79. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  80. - ' &7상자 안은 비어있었습니다.'
  81. broadcasts:
  82. send-to-player: false
  83. to-send:
  84. - ''
  85. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  86. - ''
  87. commands:
  88. execute-as-player: false
  89. to-execute:
  90. - mysteryboxes adddust {PLAYER} 20
  91. to-execute-when-already-had-loot:
  92. - mysteryboxes adddust {PLAYER} 20
  93. sounds:
  94. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  96. sounds-already-had-loot:
  97. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  99. fireworks:
  100. - BURST;false;false;0;RED,ORANGE;WHITE
  101. fireworks-already-had-loot:
  102. - BURST;false;false;0;FUCHSIA,PURPLE;WHITE
  103. Kar98k:
  104. config:
  105. loot-name: '&9Kar98k'
  106. loot-revealed-box-entity-name: '&r오픈 결과: &9Kar98k'
  107. loot-chance: 5
  108. one-time-loot: false
  109. messages:
  110. to-send:
  111. - ' &6상자 안에서 &9Kar98k &6를 획득했습니다!'
  112. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  113. - ' &6상자 안에서 &9Kar98k &6를 획득했습니다!'
  114. broadcasts:
  115. send-to-player: false
  116. to-send:
  117. - ''
  118. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  119. - ''
  120. commands:
  121. execute-as-player: false
  122. to-execute:
  123. - shot give {PLAYER} kar98k 1
  124. to-execute-when-already-had-loot:
  125. - mysteryboxes adddust {PLAYER} 500
  126. sounds:
  127. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  129. sounds-already-had-loot:
  130. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  132. fireworks:
  133. - BURST;false;false;0;RED,ORANGE;WHITE
  134. fireworks-already-had-loot:
  135. - BURST;false;false;0;FUCHSIA,PURPLE;WHITE
  136. M24:
  137. config:
  138. loot-name: '&9M24'
  139. loot-revealed-box-entity-name: '&r오픈 결과: &9M24'
  140. loot-chance: 5
  141. one-time-loot: false
  142. messages:
  143. to-send:
  144. - ' &6상자 안에서 &9M24 &6를 획득했습니다!'
  145. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  146. - ' &6상자 안에서 &9M24 &6를 획득했습니다!'
  147. broadcasts:
  148. send-to-player: false
  149. to-send:
  150. - ''
  151. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  152. - ''
  153. commands:
  154. execute-as-player: false
  155. to-execute:
  156. - shot give {PLAYER} M24 1
  157. to-execute-when-already-had-loot:
  158. - mysteryboxes adddust {PLAYER} 500
  159. sounds:
  160. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  162. sounds-already-had-loot:
  163. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  165. fireworks:
  166. - BURST;false;false;0;RED,ORANGE;WHITE
  167. fireworks-already-had-loot:
  168. - BURST;false;false;0;FUCHSIA,PURPLE;WHITE
  169. G3SG/1:
  170. config:
  171. loot-name: '&9G3SG/1'
  172. loot-revealed-box-entity-name: '&r오픈 결과: &9G3SG/1'
  173. loot-chance: 5
  174. one-time-loot: false
  175. messages:
  176. to-send:
  177. - ' &6상자 안에서 &9G3SG/1 &6를 획득했습니다!'
  178. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  179. - ' &6상자 안에서 &9G3SG/1 &6를 획득했습니다!'
  180. broadcasts:
  181. send-to-player: false
  182. to-send:
  183. - ''
  184. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  185. - ''
  186. commands:
  187. execute-as-player: false
  188. to-execute:
  189. - shot give {PLAYER} G3SG/1 1
  190. to-execute-when-already-had-loot:
  191. - mysteryboxes adddust {PLAYER} 500
  192. sounds:
  193. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  195. sounds-already-had-loot:
  196. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  198. fireworks:
  199. - BURST;false;false;0;RED,ORANGE;WHITE
  200. fireworks-already-had-loot:
  201. - BURST;false;false;0;FUCHSIA,PURPLE;WHITE
  202. AWM:
  203. config:
  204. loot-name: '&9AWM'
  205. loot-revealed-box-entity-name: '&r오픈 결과: &9AWM'
  206. loot-chance: 5
  207. one-time-loot: false
  208. messages:
  209. to-send:
  210. - ' &6상자 안에서 &9AWM &6를 획득했습니다!'
  211. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  212. - ' &6상자 안에서 &9AWM &6를 획득했습니다!'
  213. broadcasts:
  214. send-to-player: false
  215. to-send:
  216. - ''
  217. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  218. - ''
  219. commands:
  220. execute-as-player: false
  221. to-execute:
  222. - shot give {PLAYER} AWM 1
  223. to-execute-when-already-had-loot:
  224. - mysteryboxes adddust {PLAYER} 500
  225. sounds:
  226. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  228. sounds-already-had-loot:
  229. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  231. fireworks:
  232. - BURST;false;false;0;RED,ORANGE;WHITE
  233. fireworks-already-had-loot:
  234. - BURST;false;false;0;FUCHSIA,PURPLE;WHITE
  235. AWP:
  236. config:
  237. loot-name: '&9AWP'
  238. loot-revealed-box-entity-name: '&r오픈 결과: &9AWP'
  239. loot-chance: 5
  240. one-time-loot: false
  241. messages:
  242. to-send:
  243. - ' &6상자 안에서 &9AWP &6를 획득했습니다!'
  244. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  245. - ' &6상자 안에서 &9AWP &6를 획득했습니다!'
  246. broadcasts:
  247. send-to-player: false
  248. to-send:
  249. - ''
  250. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  251. - ''
  252. commands:
  253. execute-as-player: false
  254. to-execute:
  255. - shot give {PLAYER} AWP 1
  256. to-execute-when-already-had-loot:
  257. - mysteryboxes adddust {PLAYER} 500
  258. sounds:
  259. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  261. sounds-already-had-loot:
  262. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  264. fireworks:
  265. - BURST;false;false;0;RED,ORANGE;WHITE
  266. fireworks-already-had-loot:
  267. - BURST;false;false;0;FUCHSIA,PURPLE;WHITE
  268. MarineScope:
  269. config:
  270. loot-name: '&6MARINE SCOPE'
  271. loot-revealed-box-entity-name: '&r오픈 결과: &&6MARINE SCOPE'
  272. loot-chance: 5
  273. one-time-loot: false
  274. messages:
  275. to-send:
  276. - ' &6상자 안에서 &6MARINE SCOPE &6를 획득했습니다!'
  277. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  278. - ' &6상자 안에서 &6MARINE SCOPE &6를 획득했습니다!'
  279. broadcasts:
  280. send-to-player: false
  281. to-send:
  282. - ' &r{PLAYER} 님이 &6상자 안에서 &6MARINE SCOPE &6를 획득했습니다!'
  283. to-send-when-already-had-loot:
  284. - ' &r{PLAYER} 님이 &6상자 안에서 &6MARINE SCOPE &6를 획득했습니다!'
  285. commands:
  286. execute-as-player: false
  287. to-execute:
  288. - shot give {PLAYER} MarineScope 1
  289. to-execute-when-already-had-loot:
  290. - mysteryboxes adddust {PLAYER} 500
  291. sounds:
  292. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  294. sounds-already-had-loot:
  295. - ENTITY_CHICKEN_EGG;1.0;1.0
  297. fireworks:
  298. - BURST;false;false;0;RED,ORANGE;WHITE
  299. fireworks-already-had-loot:
  300. - BURST;false;false;0;FUCHSIA,PURPLE;WHITE
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