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Jul 1st, 2019
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  1. We've created this project to help us identify your strengths. This isn't about making anyone do grunt work or jump through additional hoops in our interview process. We want to turn you loose, see what you can do and quickly determine where in our organization you can be most effective. This assessment has been setup to take a minimal amount of time, while explicitly outlining what we are looking for you to demonstrate knowledge of.
  3. In the mockup linked below, you'll find a simple, static chat log. We'd like you to produce the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript necessary to consume data from the API endpoint and generate a web page matching the design specs.
  5. Guidelines
  7. This repository is yours to make your own. We ask that you work in the development branch and only use the master branch in the final submission step (see below for instructions on submitting the project). Other than that, feel free to configure your directories and workflows how ever you work best.
  9. Try to avoid using any libraries or frameworks in your code. This assessment is designed to showcase your code. We want to see as much of it as possible in this project!
  11. A compiler/build process is not necessary, but if you do use one, please include a /dist directory in your final submission. We'd like to be able to boot up your project without installing any dependencies.
  13. Your project should function in the latest versions of Chrome, Safari and Firefox. That's all we're requiring. Feel free to use the latest tech modern web browsers have to offer. No need to stress about transpilers and crappy IE browser support.
  14. Key items we’re looking for:
  16. A clean, semantic HTML structure
  17. Clear, well-organized CSS that matches the design. Use of CSS preproccessor/transpiler is allowed, but not required!
  18. Fast, light-weight JS. We would prefer to see ES6+ syntax, but write whatever you're most comfortable with.
  19. An asynchronous network request (in method of your choosing, but without using a library/framework/npm package) to retrieve the data from the API endpoint provided
  21. Bonus items:
  23. Modular, reusable code
  24. SEO-friendly, accessible markup
  25. Code comments
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