
amreeki witness askfm

Jun 12th, 2015
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  8. Amreeki Witness @AmreekiWitness
  9. Dedicated to raising awareness about the upcoming conquest of the Americas, and the benefits it has upon the American people.
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  17. What about Allen henning the aid worker? Abu Bara' has covered this extensively. 5 months ago
  18. Tell me about the Chechnyan jihad n what happened how did it start what's going on now? Allah'u 'alam. 5 months ago
  19. A Message From Amreeki -‎ Amreeki Witness I am now shutting down this account and will not be online any longer. 9 months ago
  20. You heard about the new video Game ISIS made? is it true? Doubtful, to say the least, that they made a video game. 9 months ago
  21. So my almost madkhali friend is telling me about Sh Adnanis speech being reckless and killing civilians isn't allowed.. Can you please help me explain to her his perspective Killing men from the kuffar is halal. I don't think it's the wisest choice. Uthaymeen released a fatwa saying killing children of kuffar through qisas is halal. I disagree with that as well. Killing the men without a treaty is halal, this is well known from the sunnah. 9 months ago
  22. Assalamualaikum. Are there any ijāzah sanad related to Qirā'ah tul Qur'ān / Hadīth programmes for the Muslims in Iraq or Syria, from what of the truthful scholars are left in that region.. I feel impatient & just hastily desire to study under righteous pious scholars. Am I able to study after hijrah Wa alaikum as salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, there are ulama of haqq there. 9 months ago
  23. I'll email you soon in shaa Allaah but I'm worried my name'll be baited, I'll create a new email and we can discuss the matter thereon Tor, bitmessage. 9 months ago
  25. Suggest twitter accounts that tell the news about is Most of them are gone, just follow ShamiWitness. 9 months ago
  26. Does abdaallah have a new account? Not for public tweeting. 9 months ago
  27. Assalāmualaikum Wa Rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh, is khilafah(dot)is, the Islamic states' official website akh? How come no videos are being deleted from it? Seems official tho. Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
  28. As far as I know, it isn't an official site, but it looks extremely well done. 9 months ago
  29. Akhi, I'm asking you a lot of questions lately but I don't know nothing about you. where did you got your wisdom from?‎ عبدالله آل-الحوراني I have no wisdom. 9 months ago
  30. GUESS WHAT? allows you to ask anonymous questions. For example i can ask you your age and you'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever find out who i am! Did you know this? wowsuchsurprise 9 months ago
  31. Wali might not be ok with Hijrah but he will be with marriage - so if I can marry someone who'll take me along on Hijrah it'd be good. But after marriage, its my husbands say Allah'u alam about UK ukhti. There seem to be a plethora of many good brothers there. Email at I can try to get you in touch. 9 months ago
  32. How are you akhi? Al-hamdu'lilah. 9 months ago
  33. Any special recommendations for masajid in the US west coast (NYC or DC) to study Sharia and Hadith?‎ عبدالله آل-الحوراني NYC and DC are east coast. I'd suggest you go to sheikh Ahmad Musa Jibril, but he's under intense fire by the government. Allah'u alam akh. If you're willing to travel across US, just make hijrah instead. 9 months ago
  34. akhi, when talking about hijra, if someone gives u this hadeeth: how to reply? This says pledging hijrah, not actually making it. 9 months ago
  35. Ask me a question Are you Muslim? 9 months ago
  36. The brothers you can recommend are they in the UK? Any? Sister, is your wali okay with hijrah? 9 months ago
  37. What if a Christian lived under IS and payed jiyza. Could you be friends with him? Just be honest, you want to be my friend? 9 months ago
  38. Any special recommendations for masajid in London to study Sharia and Hadith? If i'll decide to go to the IS, can I study there, among the holly soldiers?‎ عبدالله آل-الحوراني I don't know about the schools in the UK.
  39. Yes, you can. 9 months ago
  40. if a top IS leader converted to christianity, so what? we know that ibn khattal who was kaatib wahy (ascriber of quran) left islam. It's his loss not dawla's. tha'ts if the news is true. Agreed, but we need a clear proof before we can claim it happened. 9 months ago
  41. Akhi I'm so confused! I don't know who to believe anymore, I'll read some accusations of IS against JN and think now I'm sure IS is on the haqq but then I'll read some accusations made against IS and statements from scholars and then I'm back in the same boat. May Allah guide us to the truth. Just make istikharah and du'a for guidance, Allah will show you the haqq.
  42. Ameen, ameen, ameen. 9 months ago
  43. I seem to have struck a nerve regarding my Choudury comments. I have not seen such a defensive reaction from you before, which seems to obviously show that there is some truth to my comments which you cannot seem to handle, and therefore react by totally disregarding the original matter. You have never seen a defensive reaction because I have no concern for those who insult me or accuse me of being a hypocrite. However, the moment you touch my brothers' honor, I can never accept that. I am reacting by telling you to shut your mouth. I refuse to go on qiyama and stand before Allah for assisting in the back-biting of the worst of my brothers or even a kafir under Islamic rule. Let alone for a dai'a who has struggled and suffered for this deen. If you are a Muslim, your wala' is incorrect and broken. If you are a non-Muslim, you will never turn me against my brother, even if he were to harm me.
  44. O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.
  45. [Surat Hujarat, 49:12]
  46. Allah has enforced upon himself entrance into jannah for he who turns away bad talk from his brother, in a rigorously authenticated narration. O' rabb! Bear witness that I have turned away bad talk from my brother and demanded the silence of the slanderers! 9 months ago
  47. Is it haram to do dua for 6 pack abs and a strong body rather than doing dua for something like the mujahideen or jannah etc. No. One should make du'a for a strong body to please their spouse, for confidence, and also for jihad. You should make du'a for whatever you want. Even if it's to make du'a to tie your shoes. Don't forget jannah and don't forget your brothers, but it is perfectly acceptable to make du'a for what you mentioned.
  48. Wa' Allah'u alam. 9 months ago
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