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Neodynic Q+A

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Mar 26th, 2013
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  1. 21:54 Computer_Man Welcome, participants! By random drawing, you are among the lucky few to be invited to the alpha testing of Neodynic's Palace Championship!
  2. 21:54 Culture_Scorch Alright, I'm here.
  3. 21:55 Culture_Scorch I'm not late, am I?
  4. 21:55 TKBebop Ack
  5. 21:55 Culture_Scorch Looks like I'm actually not late for once.
  6. 21:55 Computer_Man Now is your opportunity to ask questions about the gaming experience of the year!
  7. 21:55 TKBebop Oh awesome stuff's going on
  8. 21:56 TKBebop Kinda juggling atm
  9. 21:56 Culture_Scorch Juggling what?
  10. 21:56 TKBebop Stuff
  11. 21:56 Computer_Man Neodynic Studios is committed to a quality user experience.
  12. 21:56 Laissez_Armstrong So the alpha's free, right?
  13. 21:56 TKBebop But, yeah, this
  14. 21:57 Iceblade17 About time you brought us in do you know how long I've been waiting
  15. 21:57 Computer_Man In response to the first question: user:Culture Scorch, you are not late! This is an open Q&A session, and you have arrived precisely at its beginning.
  16. 21:57 Culture_Scorch Perfect
  17. 21:57 Culture_Scorch So, this game is supposed to be the 'most impressive augmented reality game ever' or something, right?
  18. 21:57 Computer_Man In response to the second question: The alpha build is indeed free to access for alpha test invitees!
  19. 21:57 Culture_Scorch And... what, you only invited... I count four of us?
  20. 21:58 Culture_Scorch Is everyone else just asleep or what?
  21. 21:58 Computer_Man In response to the third question: Neodynic's Palace Championship is indeed the most impressive augmented reality game ever! Thank you for your kind feedback.
  22. 21:58 Culture_Scorch Tell me about exactly how impressive the Palace Championship is?
  23. 21:58 TKBebop This thing is mobile only, or you got some other platforms lined up?
  24. 21:58 Computer_Man In response to the fourth question: The remainder of the participant candidates may have elected not to participate in this question and answer session, or are otherwise indisposed.
  25. 21:58 Alex White Oh.
  26. 21:58 Iceblade17 Is there PvP in this thing? How do I know when I'm winning?
  27. 21:58 TKBebop Not sure if I've got a rig for phones yet
  28. 21:59 DragonFogel mutters quietly about how /they/ must have a hand in this, starts taking notes.
  29. 21:59 Computer_Man In response to the fifth question: That is an imperative statement, terminated with a question mark. Please refer to NPC marketing materials for general descriptions of our impressiveness.
  30. 22:00 Culture_Scorch In addition, how exactly do you augment your environment? What cues does the game look for to append objects into the environment? I don't live in a particularly... /conventional/ setting. Will that affect the quality of gameplay?
  31. 22:00 *** Sanzh joined #palacecaprae
  32. 22:00 Culture_Scorch Gee, that was... very computerlike of you, computer man guy.
  33. 22:00 Computer_Man In response to the sixth question: Neodynic's Palace Championship is currently available on mobile platforms only, but we have a team working on a PC version!
  34. 22:00 Alex White Who are we talking to?
  35. 22:01 Culture_Scorch I dunno, but the guy's either very well-trained or he's a sophisticated AI.
  36. 22:01 Computer_Man In response to the seventh question: The game does indeed support player versus player and related activities, but co-op play is encouraged.
  37. 22:01 Culture_Scorch Think we ought to, like, run a turing test on him or something?
  38. 22:02 Culture_Scorch Hey, Computer_Man, what's the meaning of love?
  39. 22:02 Alex White I suppose we are, right now.
  40. 22:02 Laissez_Armstrong Wait, we are what?
  41. 22:02 TKBebop Man, c'mon guys, there's games and there's games
  42. 22:02 Iceblade17 I'm pretty sure he's not an AI what are you stupid?
  43. 22:02 Culture_Scorch Also, this sentence is false. Let's see if it can deal with logic bombs!
  44. 22:02 Computer_Man In response to the eighth question: The player's progress and completion is represented by several metrics in-game. Success and failure are slippery terms which may be hard to apply to individual goal cases.
  45. 22:03 Culture_Scorch I mean, if it's a computer or whatever.
  46. 22:03 Culture_Scorch Hey, you never know. This guy sounds pretty damn robotic and I've heard some of the techies are coming up with lots of improvements in every field ever these days.
  47. 22:04 Laissez_Armstrong I don't see how that'd be more efficient than just having a dev answer the questions
  48. 22:04 TKBebop Not much of a point to asking, if y'ask me
  49. 22:04 Computer_Man In response to the ninth, tenth, and eleventh questions: Our procedural generation software is assuredly flexible enough for any given environment. Your environment will certainly affect quality of gameplay, but this is not due to irregularities in scanning or other deficiencies in the game engine.
  50. 22:04 TKBebop ...
  51. 22:04 Alex White Neodynic did have a 48% increase in market share over the last quarter.
  52. 22:05 Culture_Scorch Yeah, no need to tell /me/ of all people, here.
  53. 22:05 Iceblade17 I mean let's hope they have good AI because fighting scripted mobs is nowhere near as good as killing players and there's so few of you
  54. 22:05 Iceblade17 but not /that/ good
  55. 22:05 TKBebop ...Any particular deficiencies or irregularities you'd care to comment on?
  56. 22:05 DragonFogel makes a note "Some of these other guys are probably in on whatever's going on here."
  57. 22:05 TKBebop Or is that part of the
  58. 22:05 TKBebop "player experience"?
  59. 22:05 Culture_Scorch On the original subject, how long is the game?
  60. 22:05 Culture_Scorch How many hours on average do you get to play before you beat it?
  61. 22:05 Computer_Man In response to the twelfth question: You are talking to me! I am quasi-legally required to inform you that I am a friendly computerized guide! I am here to answer your questions about Neodynic's Palace Caprae.
  62. 22:05 Culture_Scorch Whoa, I was right.
  63. 22:05 Culture_Scorch He /is/ a robot!
  64. 22:05 DragonFogel "Quasi-legally"?
  65. 22:05 Iceblade17 nah come on he's just roleplaying, this is a PR gig
  66. 22:06 Culture_Scorch Wow, I don't even have those yet.
  67. 22:06 Laissez_Armstrong ((Yo what's Culture_Scorch's deal, I don't see him in the thread))
  68. 22:06 Computer_Man In response to the thirteenth question: The meaning of love is that which you find deep inside your heart. Believe in your dreams, and you can accomplish anything!
  69. 22:06 Culture_Scorch ((
  70. 22:06 TKBebop ((Guessing he's the Geothermal Reactor dude))
  71. 22:06 TKBebop ((Not Tony Stark))
  72. 22:06 Iceblade17 ((spoilers are great for foiling ctrl f))
  73. 22:06 Laissez_Armstrong ((Ah right, thanks))
  74. 22:06 Culture_Scorch ((basically: lazy good-for-nothing who inherited Tony Stark's dad's fortune))
  75. 22:07 Culture_Scorch Oh my /goodness/ this AI is great.
  76. 22:07 Culture_Scorch I wonder if I can get a licence to the software once this is done, just for that thing about deep inside hearts and shit.
  77. 22:07 Laissez_Armstrong I doubt it.
  78. 22:07 Laissez_Armstrong They probably just anticipated obvious questions.
  79. 22:07 TKBebop If we believe in our dreams, will it help us in the game?
  80. 22:07 Laissez_Armstrong Someone ask it a hard paradox.
  81. 22:07 Computer_Man In response to the fourteenth question: There are no particular irregularities or deficiencies we would like to comment on, nor any whatsoever.
  82. 22:07 TKBebop Followup: Is believing in your dreams planned for support in the full version?
  83. 22:08 Iceblade17 Look it's not even an AI there's just a guy there typing the answers, if it was an AI don't you think it'd be a bit faster?
  84. 22:08 Laissez_Armstrong What Ice said.
  85. 22:08 Culture_Scorch You're shattering my dreams
  86. 22:08 Culture_Scorch Now I can't experience true love anymore
  87. 22:09 Computer_Man In response to the fifteeth question: The game's procedurally generated sandbox environment provides endless hours of compelling content. The main questline, if there is such a thing, I would estimate lasts for approximately 96 hours, depending on player acumen.
  88. 22:09 TKBebop Now who's the robot
  89. 22:09 TKBebop (Don't answer that)
  90. 22:09 Computer_Man In response to the sixteenth question: Yes, quasi-legally.
  91. 22:09 Laissez_Armstrong Wait, which question is this one? I lost track.
  92. 22:09 Culture_Scorch Maybe I /am/ a robot. Ever thought about that?
  93. 22:10 TKBebop Woah wait
  94. 22:10 Alex White Many times.
  95. 22:10 Iceblade17 I bet I could do it in less
  96. 22:10 Culture_Scorch I think we all lost track.
  97. 22:10 Computer_Man In response to the seventeenth question: Believing in your dreams may or may not be crucial to your progress through the game's many quests. If at any point you dream that your pillow is in fact a marshmallow, we advise you to try pinching yourself to wake up.
  98. 22:10 TKBebop If there are no irregularities or deficiencies in the game, why is this a limited alpha release, and not a full game release?
  99. 22:11 TKBebop You're basically claiming that the game is flawless
  100. 22:11 Laissez_Armstrong Game balance, presumably.
  101. 22:11 TKBebop I call shenanigans
  102. 22:11 Laissez_Armstrong And looking for features to add, or somethin'.
  103. 22:11 Computer_Man In response to the eighteenth question: Believing in dreams is a known bug in the humanity system. Support for believing in dreams is currently under debate by the development team.
  104. 22:11 Iceblade17 It's a 96 hour game they can't have thoroughly bugtested it, that's what we're there for
  105. 22:12 Iceblade17 got to find and exploit the hell out of those loopholes before... so that they can fix them
  106. 22:12 TKBebop Oh, you too?
  107. 22:12 Computer_Man In response to the nineteenth question: You have guessed the true actual answer! I am in a quasi-legal sense, not an artificial intelligence! I am a human at a desk using my slow human fingers to behave robotically, as a stunt.
  108. 22:12 Computer_Man Corollary: Artificial intelligence isn't real, silly.
  109. 22:12 Iceblade17 Don't worry I won't tell your boss
  110. 22:12 Culture_Scorch Let's hope none of the bugs are of the 'steal other peoples' inventory without them noticing' kind or anything like that.
  111. 22:13 Computer_Man In response to the twentieth question: This is currently the twentieth question.
  112. 22:13 Computer_Man You have asked twenty questions! It is now time to guess the answer.
  113. 22:13 TKBebop WH
  114. 22:13 Laissez_Armstrong ...Is it Nicolas Cage?
  115. 22:13 TKBebop OH COME ON
  116. 22:13 TKBebop ...
  117. 22:13 TKBebop Answer to what
  118. 22:14 Culture_Scorch Oh shit this is the part where we have to decide if he's a robot AI or a real person
  119. 22:14 Laissez_Armstrong Wait, no, Elvis.
  120. 22:14 Laissez_Armstrong It's Elvis, right?
  121. 22:14 Culture_Scorch and if we don't, we fail the turing test
  122. 22:14 Culture_Scorch ...I'm guessing- none of the above!
  123. 22:14 Culture_Scorch You're not a human /or/ a machine.
  124. 22:14 Culture_Scorch You're probably, like...
  125. 22:14 Computer_Man Correct! The answer is "Nicolas Elvis Turing".
  126. 22:14 Culture_Scorch some sort of tragic man-machine fusion.
  127. 22:14 Culture_Scorch created by dark science and abandoned by its creators, a testament to the inherent flaws of humanity-what
  128. 22:14 Culture_Scorch what???
  129. 22:15 NotTheAuthor I'm calling double-shenanigans
  130. 22:15 Iceblade17 I see they didn't select the other participants based on intelligence
  131. 22:15 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-first question: The answer to this question is conditional on the signing of a non-disclosure agreement with Neodynic Studios.
  132. 22:15 Culture_Scorch Don't ask me to enumerate the shenanigans, man, there's too many of them to count now.
  133. 22:15 Culture_Scorch Well, of course they didn't select the others based on intelligence, they selected them /randomly/.
  134. 22:16 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-second question: Yes???
  135. 22:16 Culture_Scorch Do you know what the word means? Do you need me to look it up for you in a dictionary?
  136. 22:16 Laissez_Armstrong Oh, good, the thirteen-year-olds are going to have themselves a flame war.
  137. 22:16 Laissez_Armstrong Rein it in, guys, this is supposed to be about the game.
  138. 22:16 Culture_Scorch It'd suit my name, anyways.
  139. 22:16 Laissez_Armstrong Yeah, whatever, melting ice or something, don't care.
  140. 22:17 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-third question: I do know the definition of the word "randomly", despite the concept being incoherent in a deterministic physical universe.
  141. 22:17 Culture_Scorch Anyways, an NDA? Seen plenty of those around. Throw me the digital form or whatever it is you want.
  142. 22:17 Laissez_Armstrong So what are the core game mechanics we're dealing with?
  143. 22:17 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-fourth question: No, you do not need to look it up for me in a dictionary.
  144. 22:17 Iceblade17 I've heard a lot of weak comebacks in my time I can handle it
  145. 22:17 Culture_Scorch I /like/ this computer-man. None of that quantum magic bullshit people throw around.
  146. 22:18 TKBebop ((I take offense at that))
  147. 22:18 Alex White Can you tell us more about the distribution of this product?
  148. 22:18 Culture_Scorch ((at what? the quantum magic thing or what))
  149. 22:19 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-fifth question: The game features first-person combat, crafting, RPG elements, dialogue trees, dialogue bushes, third-person surveillance, ascension to godhood, quick-time events, medium-speed events, RPG molecules, crafting, and fourth-person combat.
  150. 22:19 TKBebop ((Yes. But nevermind.))
  151. 22:19 Culture_Scorch ((that's a character thing, my character hates physics and math and anything that sounds remotely like physics is distasteful to him))
  152. 22:19 Laissez_Armstrong ...Uh, "fourth-person?"
  153. 22:19 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-sixth question: The product is currently only available to alpha test candidates, and the team at Neodynic.
  154. 22:20 Iceblade17 Godhood sounds nice
  155. 22:20 Culture_Scorch Third-person surveillance? What, there's a thing where we get to spy on each other? That sounds kind of /illegal/.
  156. 22:20 Iceblade17 Oh are your in-house team going to be playing too?
  157. 22:20 Iceblade17 That's good I didn't want it to be too easy
  158. 22:20 Culture_Scorch Also, what. RPG molecules? The hell?
  159. 22:20 TKBebop Careful
  160. 22:20 TKBebop Hell might actually be a feature
  161. 22:20 TKBebop Don't give them ideas
  162. 22:21 Iceblade17 man every game has a hell level that's nothing dangerous
  163. 22:21 Culture_Scorch Pfft, I'm sure I could handle hell.
  164. 22:21 *** Laissez_Armstrong left #palacecaprae (Time to juice and jam)
  165. 22:21 Culture_Scorch As far as heat goes I have everything /under/ control.
  166. 22:21 *** Laissez_Armstrong joined #palacecaprae
  167. 22:21 Culture_Scorch Emphasis on the under part.
  168. 22:21 Laissez_Armstrong ((Accidentally cleared screen))
  169. 22:21 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-seventh question: The game's third-person surveillance mode is restricted to certain character types, and is at LEAST quasi-legal.
  170. 22:21 Laissez_Armstrong I still want to know what fourth-person even means.
  171. 22:22 Culture_Scorch Maybe it's like the fourth wall?
  172. 22:22 Culture_Scorch Like, we get to play as the readers who are watching this story in progress or something.
  173. 22:22 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-eighth question: The in-game Hell does indeed feature RPG molecules, or it would if approximately half of those features I listed were not in fact jokes.
  174. 22:22 TKBebop Naw, like, viewing the viewer viewing the
  175. 22:22 TKBebop uh
  176. 22:22 TKBebop Lost my- goddamnit I /told/ you
  177. 22:22 Laissez_Armstrong That would be second-person, I think.
  178. 22:22 Laissez_Armstrong ...Oh.
  179. 22:22 Laissez_Armstrong I see.
  180. 22:23 Culture_Scorch So when we install this thing, do we get a walkthrough or guide that tells us how the game's supposed to go?
  181. 22:23 Culture_Scorch Y'know, since we're testing it and all
  182. 22:23 TKBebop That's
  183. 22:23 TKBebop not how testing works
  184. 22:23 Culture_Scorch Yeah okay whatever let me rephrase that
  185. 22:23 Alex White Will we be in contact with executives or development team members during play?
  186. 22:23 Culture_Scorch Can I have a walkthrough with my game?
  187. 22:23 Culture_Scorch That'd be pretty nice.
  188. 22:23 *** Garuru quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  189. 22:23 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-ninth question: First person is analogous to the pronoun "I". Second person is analogous to the pronoun "You". Third person is analogous to the pronoun "He", "She", or "It".
  190. 22:24 TKBebop They need to see what we do on our own so they can get a better idea of how to get us to do what they want
  191. 22:24 Computer_Man The fourth-person pronoun is completely confidential.
  192. 22:24 Alex White In addition, how reliant is this game on an Internet connection?
  193. 22:24 Iceblade17 You want them to hold your hand?
  194. 22:24 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-tenth question: In-game guidance will be provided.
  195. 22:24 Iceblade17 I didn't know this was a /casual/ game
  196. 22:25 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-eleventh question: Development staff may communicate with players in-game, assuming development staff is on-duty during play.
  197. 22:25 Alex White As this is an alpha release, it might be advisable to have some guidance.
  198. 22:25 Laissez_Armstrong ...That's not how numbers work.
  199. 22:26 Culture_Scorch I'm liking this computer guy more and more. Screw the rules, right?
  200. 22:26 TKBebop Hah
  201. 22:26 Alex White After all, it's far too easy to trap oneself in an unwinnable situation that the developers haven't anticipated.
  202. 22:26 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-twelfth question: You will not be provided with a full walkthrough. Our tutorial systems should prove adequate, and the codex system should help you keep a grasp of the game's mechanics should you need a reference.
  203. 22:28 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-thirteenth question: The game requires an internet connection for its initial installation. Players should expect that an internet connection is needed for multiplayer features, regardless of the accuracy of their expectations.
  204. 22:28 Culture_Scorch No walkthrough? Eh, whatever, I guess I'll live.
  205. 22:28 Iceblade17 This isn't one of those games that replaces players with bots if your connection drops is it? You can always tell
  206. 22:28 TKBebop Weren't you just going "screw the rules"
  207. 22:28 Laissez_Armstrong What, does it take you three milliseconds longer to kill them?
  208. 22:29 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-fourteenth question: It's not a /casual/ game. /Casual/ games are for scrubs, as anybody who is a gigantic snob would know.
  209. 22:29 Laissez_Armstrong Hehehe.
  210. 22:29 Culture_Scorch Well, yeah. Walkthroughs are a way of screwing the rules, right? Because you know all the obstacles and don't have to play along with the game's difficulty or whatever.
  211. 22:29 TKBebop (I think he knows, Ice)
  212. 22:29 Alex White Neodynic has been secretive about the specifics of NPC. Can you tell us about the in game universe and setting?
  213. 22:29 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-fifteenth question: Players will not be replaced with bots, unless they replace themselves with bots in-game.
  214. 22:29 Iceblade17 correct
  215. 22:30 Culture_Scorch Maybe our computer guy is a player who replaced himself with a bot.
  216. 22:31 NotTheAuthor Listen, Scorch, you just stick with me and I'll gectha through no trouble
  217. 22:31 Culture_Scorch Actually, wait, if you can replace yourself with a bot that means you can just auto-grind for resources right?
  218. 22:31 Culture_Scorch Uhhh, thanks for the offer I guess? I might take you up on that. I guess.
  219. 22:31 Iceblade17 You use aimbots too? I should have known
  220. 22:32 DragonFogel (sorry, my attention isn't all that here right now.)
  221. 22:32 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-sixteenth question: The in-game universe is composed of a number of Terrae. A Terra Unpecca is the main area procedurally generated by out augmented-reality software.
  222. 22:32 Iceblade17 I hope for your sake exp split loss isn't too high
  223. 22:32 Iceblade17 I wouldn't want you to be left behind~
  224. 22:32 DragonFogel (although Emily's probably just writing up meaningless notes anyways)
  225. 22:32 Computer_Man Additionally, the Stellarena in the center of the world serves as a hub, among other important game functions.
  226. 22:32 Culture_Scorch Whooooa, Ice, your flirting's comin on a bit strong there.
  227. 22:32 Culture_Scorch Sorry, but I'm not in the market right now.
  228. 22:33 Iceblade17 I'm not even going to respond to that
  229. 22:33 Culture_Scorch But you just did, didn't you?
  230. 22:33 Laissez_Armstrong I'm in the market, Scorch ;3
  231. 22:33 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-seventeenth question: Players can replace themselves with a bot, and that bot can indeed grind for resources. The effectiveness of this strategy is controlled by various balancing mechanics.
  232. 22:34 Culture_Scorch You sound like a markety person! Your name reminds me of both the Invisible Hand and the concept of Laissez-Faire markets.
  233. 22:34 Laissez_Armstrong Ha. Hahahahahaha.
  234. 22:34 Laissez_Armstrong If only.
  235. 22:34 Alex White Whar
  236. 22:34 Alex White Fuck.
  237. 22:34 Sanzh ((i'd laissez your faire))
  238. 22:35 Computer_Man Notice: Please refrain from lascivious interaction until the game is underway.
  239. 22:35 Laissez_Armstrong Even if it's sarcastic?
  240. 22:35 Iceblade17 You put that in your game? Eww
  241. 22:35 Culture_Scorch What, there are 'lascivious interaction' elements in gameplay?
  242. 22:35 Alex White What are resources used for? In the same vein, skills and abilities: how do they relate to the story and game?
  243. 22:35 Culture_Scorch Man, that sounds like a brave, brave move on Neodynic's part if so.
  244. 22:35 Laissez_Armstrong You really are twelve, aren't you, Ice?
  245. 22:35 TKBebop Heh
  246. 22:36 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-eighth question: Nooooo, I TOTALLY didn't mean that notice to apply to /sarcastic/ lewdness.
  247. 22:36 Iceblade17 I just don't want to play with the kind of creeps who buy RPGs just so they can hang around in the inns and ERP
  248. 22:36 TKBebop Guess you don't play many RPGs then
  249. 22:36 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-ninth question: Neodynic Studios strives for an E for Everyone rating. Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB.
  250. 22:36 Culture_Scorch Note to self: find other alpha testers and pay them money to ERP in the inns to annoy Ice.
  251. 22:37 Computer_Man *eighteenth, nineteenth
  252. 22:37 Iceblade17 Their whining when I wander in and clear out their unarmoured asses can get so annoying
  253. 22:37 Laissez_Armstrong I like you, Scorch.
  254. 22:37 Computer_Man Apologies for: misnumbering.
  255. 22:37 Iceblade17 you have poor taste
  256. 22:37 TKBebop I think she's
  257. 22:37 TKBebop Out of your league B)
  258. 22:37 Laissez_Armstrong ...Was that supposed to be a pun?
  259. 22:37 Computer_Man In response to the twenty-twentieth question: the game contains various resources, used in crafting and player augmentation. Their purpose is for you to discover!
  260. 22:37 Culture_Scorch Yeah, I didn't get it either.
  261. 22:37 TKBebop .../Maybe/
  262. 22:38 Culture_Scorch Is it time for another guessing session?
  263. 22:38 Culture_Scorch Since we hit another twenty and all
  264. 22:38 Alex White Fair enough.
  265. 22:38 Computer_Man You may now attempt to guess the answer.
  266. 22:38 Culture_Scorch THE ANSWER IS: ICE IS TWELVE YEARS OLD.
  267. 22:38 Laissez_Armstrong "DuChamp," including the quotes but not including the bit after the quotes.
  268. 22:38 TKBebop Including the comma?
  269. 22:39 TKBebop Also: goathouse
  270. 22:39 Computer_Man Incorrect. The answer is "Nicolas Elvis Turing".
  271. 22:39 Culture_Scorch ...You can't hear me, but be assured I just made a kind of weird goat-sounding 'guuuuh' sound here.
  272. 22:40 Computer_Man Notice: Neodynic's Palace Championship will require better observational skills than those you've just used.
  273. 22:40 Iceblade17 If was actually 12 you'd be a little embarrassed by what happens when the game actually starts
  274. 22:41 Culture_Scorch Right, I'm reading that as 'learn to answer questions the way you'd answer those really really stupid riddles', then.
  275. 22:41 Culture_Scorch Man, Ice, you're so /aggressive/.
  276. 22:41 Culture_Scorch Why don't you... just cool down?
  277. 22:41 Culture_Scorch Take a chill pill.
  278. 22:41 Culture_Scorch Everything's frosty.
  279. 22:41 Computer_Man Notice: My riddles are not /stupid/.
  280. 22:41 Iceblade17 nice one hotshot, I've never heard that before
  281. 22:41 Culture_Scorch Am I supposed to count the 'hotshot' thing as a counter-pun?
  282. 22:41 Computer_Man Inquiry: Maybe it is /you/ that is stupid?
  283. 22:41 Culture_Scorch Eh, I'm a generous man, I'll give you that one.
  284. 22:42 Culture_Scorch Coooomputer I thought we were friends! Bros! Comrades in arms!
  285. 22:42 Laissez_Armstrong Okay, I have another question.
  286. 22:42 Laissez_Armstrong Can we actively help and hinder other players through non-combat means?
  287. 22:43 Computer_Man In response to the whatever question: Yes. Yes you can do that.
  288. 22:44 Culture_Scorch ((we don't actually, like, know each other yet do we- we haven't spoken before this right))
  289. 22:44 Computer_Man ((nope))
  290. 22:44 Laissez_Armstrong Good, because someone's asking for it majorly.
  291. 22:44 Computer_Man Snarky inquiry: Are there any non-obvious questions remaining?
  292. 22:45 Laissez_Armstrong Does a cow have the buddha-nature
  293. 22:45 Culture_Scorch I thought it was told with a dog, not a cow.
  294. 22:45 TKBebop /Is/ there a story?
  295. 22:45 Alex White ((So do we even have the app yet))
  296. 22:45 Laissez_Armstrong I'm localizing the onomot... uh, sound effect.
  297. 22:45 Computer_Man In response to the Zendo question: Neither the dog nor the cow have the Buddha-nature.
  298. 22:46 Culture_Scorch Anyways, the right answer is obviously that if you meet a cow on the road, kill it.
  299. 22:46 Culture_Scorch Which explains why hinduism and buddhism are at arms against each other, the buddhists want to kill the cows and the hinduists want to save the cows.
  300. 22:46 Computer_Man In response to that other question over there: There is indeed an overarching story.
  301. 22:47 TKBebop Dangit, I'm forgetting something
  302. 22:47 TKBebop Oh! Duh
  303. 22:48 Computer_Man Notice: Yes, you are. But also, you're not.
  304. 22:48 TKBebop Is there in-game support for recording your progress
  305. 22:48 Iceblade17 You got any of those microtransactions? Is the final game going to be free to play, buy to play or is there a subscription?
  306. 22:48 Laissez_Armstrong How's character progression work? We talking skill trees, class-and-level, job system, all equipment?
  307. 22:48 Culture_Scorch Well, your mind technically continues to change and grow as you learn new things so there's no such thing as forgetting because there's no such thing as a continuous you
  308. 22:48 Computer_Man In response to the A question: The game features auto-saves.
  309. 22:48 Culture_Scorch every time you forget what actually ahppens is the old you vanishes and a new you comes into being
  310. 22:48 Culture_Scorch crazy right
  311. 22:49 Computer_Man In response to the B question: The game does feature the ability to exchange actual money for in-game items.
  312. 22:49 TKBebop Ah, no, I meant
  313. 22:49 Alex White How immersive?
  314. 22:49 Iceblade17 That's definitely crazy
  315. 22:49 Culture_Scorch ooooo
  316. 22:49 Alex White Surely there are limitations to the mobile medium
  317. 22:49 Culture_Scorch ohohohoho.
  318. 22:49 Laissez_Armstrong Great/
  319. 22:49 Computer_Man In response to the C question: The final game will indeed be free to play.
  320. 22:49 TKBebop Like, video recording, or some such?
  321. 22:49 Culture_Scorch I /like/ this fact.
  322. 22:49 Laissez_Armstrong * Great.
  323. 22:49 Culture_Scorch I like it very very much!
  324. 22:49 Culture_Scorch What do the most costliest items cost in the game?
  325. 22:49 Alex White Oh.
  326. 22:49 Alex White A pay to win scenario.
  327. 22:50 Iceblade17 Fine with me
  328. 22:50 Alex White That is interesting.
  329. 22:50 Computer_Man In response to the D question: Character progression occurs based on in-game choices. Certain quests and activities will reward the player with new skills and attributes upon completion.
  330. 22:50 Laissez_Armstrong ...Ooh, wait.
  331. 22:50 Laissez_Armstrong Are microtransactions used for cosmetic items or actually useful and overpowered bullshit?
  332. 22:51 TKBebop Wait, there's
  333. 22:51 TKBebop What's this Championship you mentioned?
  334. 22:51 Computer_Man In response to the E question: Some skills use skill trees, there is no static class and level definition (although you will occasionally be identified as a certain class based on your attributes and skillset), there is a job system, and equipment is not the exclusive means of advancement.
  335. 22:51 Culture_Scorch I thought the Championship was the name of this whole event.
  336. 22:51 Culture_Scorch Does it mean we're competing for a goal or what?
  337. 22:51 Computer_Man In response to the F question: Very immersive. Very.
  338. 22:51 Alex White The NPC, as it were.
  339. 22:52 Computer_Man In response to the G question: There is in-game support for video recording, and the ability to stream content is an unlockable.
  340. 22:52 TKBebop Sweet
  341. 22:53 Iceblade17 Aren't we under an NDA? How are we meant to test /that/
  342. 22:53 Computer_Man In response to the H question: The game's costliest items cannot be purchased with real money, unless you are very very rich and insane.
  343. 22:54 Computer_Man In response to the I question: Items purchased with real money are unlikely to be a significant factor in game balance, unless you are very very rich and insane.
  344. 22:54 Culture_Scorch What's the /numeric/ value in US Dollars of the most costly item in the game, then?
  345. 22:55 TKBebop Well, there's uh
  346. 22:55 Computer_Man In response to the J question: The Palace Championship is an in-game event in which, ordinarily, you do battle with your Penumbra.
  347. 22:55 TKBebop One of two conditionals fulfilled, I think
  348. 22:56 TKBebop Okay
  349. 22:56 TKBebop Seriously
  350. 22:56 *** Alex White quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
  351. 22:56 TKBebop Stop inventing words
  352. 22:56 Computer_Man In response to the K question: Competition between players is possible, but all players can achieve the game's goal without opposing other players.
  353. 22:56 Culture_Scorch Actually, Penumbra is a real word. It refers to the darkest part of your personality and the part you have to overcome and face, your shadow-self if you will.
  354. 22:56 TKBebop I know /that/
  355. 22:57 Culture_Scorch No, wait, nevermind, I just looked up 'penumbra' and it turns out it's like this dark spot behind the moon
  356. 22:57 TKBebop But I mean relative to the /game/
  357. 22:57 Computer_Man In response to the L question: The content-streaming feature is temporarily set to stream only to Neodynic Studios.
  358. 22:57 Culture_Scorch Unless we're fighting the moon I'm out of ideas
  359. 22:57 Laissez_Armstrong Do we fight the moon?
  360. 22:57 *** Alex White joined #palacecaprae
  361. 22:57 Laissez_Armstrong Games where you fight the moon are the best.
  362. 22:57 Laissez_Armstrong Like Majora's Mask, and I guess that one Star Wars game.
  363. 22:57 TKBebop That wasn't a moon
  364. 22:57 Computer_Man L question corollary: You are not yet under NDA! You are allowed to freely disclose the information I have given you as you see fit.
  365. 22:57 Iceblade17 You don't really fight the moon in that one you just get four strong men to do it for you
  366. 22:58 Culture_Scorch What about that one anime where it turned out the moon was a giant robot spaceship?
  367. 22:58 TKBebop Is that why you're being so vague?
  368. 22:58 Culture_Scorch Well, I guess they just hacked the moon in that one, they didn't really fight it.
  369. 22:58 Computer_Man In response to the M question: The numeric value in US dollars of the costliest item in the game exceeds the GDP of most if not all large countries. Its price could be regarded as a joke, except by the very very rich and insane.
  370. 22:59 Laissez_Armstrong Pfffft.
  371. 22:59 Computer_Man Notice: You can indeed fight the moon.
  372. 22:59 Laissez_Armstrong Ice, how far have you played that game?
  373. 22:59 Laissez_Armstrong The four large men fail, as you'd know if you were really pro.
  374. 22:59 TKBebop You don't really fight the moon, though
  375. 22:59 Culture_Scorch I never played Majora's Mask, so I wouldn't know.
  376. 22:59 Iceblade17 Yeah you aren't pulling my leg that easily
  377. 22:59 Culture_Scorch It wasn't really my thing.
  378. 22:59 Computer_Man In response to the N question: Yes, you can indeed fight the moon.
  379. 22:59 Iceblade17 I'm on /crutches/ and you didn't even manage, good job
  380. 23:00 Culture_Scorch Oh what?
  381. 23:00 Culture_Scorch Why are you on crutches?
  382. 23:00 Alex White Are all items requiring monetary transaction unlockable on their own?
  383. 23:00 Computer_Man In response to the O question: That one anime where it turned out the moon was a giant robot spaceship was like, totally baller, but the moon is not actually like that, exactly.
  384. 23:00 Iceblade17 I'm just /too/ extreme
  385. 23:01 TKBebop Not extreme enough to not be on crutches, though
  386. 23:01 Laissez_Armstrong You probably pissed off a man twice your size because you don't know when you're actually superior and when you're just running your mouth off.
  387. 23:01 Computer_Man In response to the P question: That is partially why I am being so vague. Other reason(s) include: I am responsible for building hype, which is assisted by vagueness.
  388. 23:02 Culture_Scorch Well, I guess being on crutches doesn't really impact your ability to play videogames, at least.
  389. 23:02 Computer_Man In response to the Q uestion: Yes, all items regarding monetary transaction can be unlocked without real-world money, unless an NPC is being unreasonable or you are very very rich and insane.
  390. 23:02 Iceblade17 Is that a threat?
  391. 23:02 TKBebop ...
  392. 23:02 Culture_Scorch What? No!
  393. 23:02 Iceblade17 I was talking to Mr "Armstrong" sweetie
  394. 23:03 Alex White I would not consider myself rich.
  395. 23:03 Culture_Scorch Armstrong is a big man twice your size?
  396. 23:03 Iceblade17 How would I know?
  397. 23:03 Culture_Scorch Well, uh, I guess that could be true since I don't know what either of your sizes are :/
  398. 23:03 Iceblade17 He seems to like burly arms
  399. 23:03 Iceblade17 that's all I have to work with here
  400. 23:03 Culture_Scorch You know, /every/ time compy-guy says the phrase 'very very rich and insane' i giggle a little.
  401. 23:03 Culture_Scorch Just a little.
  402. 23:03 Alex White However, I should confirm as an aside that White Financial is perfectly solvent.
  403. 23:04 Laissez_Armstrong It's not a threat, it's more an educated guess.
  404. 23:04 Laissez_Armstrong ...White Financial?
  405. 23:04 Iceblade17 If that's what you'd call it then I think you'd better start re-examining your education
  406. 23:04 Laissez_Armstrong It's not a threat, it's more an educated guess.
  407. 23:04 Laissez_Armstrong ...White Financial?
  408. 23:04 Iceblade17 If that's what you'd call it then I think you'd better start re-examining your education
  409. 23:05 NotTheAuthor Were there any /particular/ qualities you were looking for that led to this /particular/ test group?
  410. 23:05 Culture_Scorch I don't suppose we could get off each others' cases? I probably wouldn't have been so, uh, antagonistic, if I'd known you were in crutches.
  411. 23:06 Iceblade17 snort
  412. 23:06 Culture_Scorch ((man saying what i just said out loud in real life would be SUCH a bad idea))
  413. 23:06 Computer_Man In response to the R question: Among the qualities looked for is corresponding to a random number we generated to pick participants. An astute person might hypothesize that this is in fact the only quality looked for.
  414. 23:07 Culture_Scorch I think I already mentioned the whole 'definition of randomness' thing.
  415. 23:08 TKBebop Just checking
  416. 23:08 TKBebop I'm just thinking of reality shows
  417. 23:09 Alex White I'll be back soon.
  418. 23:09 TKBebop Where The Hyperdramatic One doesn't get voted off because Producer Intervention
  419. 23:09 Culture_Scorch well, on the reality show note, we ought to introduce ourselves right?
  420. 23:09 TKBebop Good to know the internet hasn't changed
  421. 23:09 Culture_Scorch We haven't actually done that.
  422. 23:09 TKBebop Eh
  423. 23:09 Computer_Man In response to the S question: Yes! You ought to introduce yourselves.
  424. 23:10 Iceblade17 I don't know, aren't there some guys missing?
  425. 23:10 Alex White My name is Alex White.
  426. 23:10 Iceblade17 I don't want to have to repeat myself to the people who somehow don't already know who I am
  427. 23:10 Alex White In retrospect, I shouldn't have brought up White Financial.
  428. 23:11 TKBebop Just call me TK
  429. 23:11 Laissez_Armstrong I'm Larry.
  430. 23:11 Culture_Scorch I'm Jonas. Jonas Bentham.
  431. 23:11 Alex White I'll be back.
  432. 23:11 *** Alex White quit (Quit: Petra is closed!)
  433. 23:12 Culture_Scorch You might just have heard of me in the recent news.
  434. 23:12 Culture_Scorch Or maybe not so recent, depending on your perspective.
  435. 23:13 TKBebop Oh no
  436. 23:14 TKBebop Was
  437. 23:14 Laissez_Armstrong Didn't you provoke an international incident or something?
  438. 23:15 Culture_Scorch Um... Well, the long-term effects will certainly be international in scope, sure, but I don't think you've got the right impression.
  439. 23:15 TKBebop Were you using "very very rich and insane" on purpose?
  440. 23:15 Computer_Man In response to the T question: Yes, my choice of phrasing was very careful.
  441. 23:15 TKBebop Oh
  442. 23:16 TKBebop boy
  443. 23:16 Culture_Scorch Yeah
  444. 23:16 Iceblade17 I like you fake robot dude
  445. 23:16 Culture_Scorch I'm... actually surprised White is playing
  446. 23:16 TKBebop This should be an interesting game
  447. 23:16 Culture_Scorch that is, I haven't heard anything about those guys for a while on the news now
  448. 23:16 Culture_Scorch well, besides /that./
  449. 23:16 TKBebop I'm not really
  450. 23:17 TKBebop up-to-date with newsstuffs, much
  451. 23:17 Iceblade17 I don't watch the news I don't have time and I'm not an old person
  452. 23:17 Culture_Scorch White family suicide? Reclusion on their part? Extremely rich family- jeez, you guys really /don't/ keep up with the news do you?
  453. 23:17 TKBebop Crutches, though
  454. 23:18 Culture_Scorch White family banking's been sinking for a while- White Financial used to be a /big/ player
  455. 23:18 Culture_Scorch now... not so much
  456. 23:18 TKBebop It's not really my field of interest, no
  457. 23:18 Iceblade17 You'd be amazed how many things you can do from a bed that are more interesting than watching a bunch of old people lie to you about someone you've never met
  458. 23:18 Laissez_Armstrong You're adorable, Ice.
  459. 23:19 Culture_Scorch we didn't have an account there but my dad did business with them before /he/ passed as well, and good riddance.
  460. 23:19 Culture_Scorch Anyways, point being: nobody's heard anything from the White mansion for, like, ages, Alex White hasn't communicated with the outside in forever
  461. 23:19 Culture_Scorch I'm surprised that she actually bothered to come
  462. 23:19 Culture_Scorch or at least she /did/ come before she logged off, so.
  463. 23:20 TKBebop It's not exactly like she had to /go/ anywhere
  464. 23:20 Computer_Man U, V, W, X, Y, Z remaining.
  465. 23:21 Laissez_Armstrong What happens after Question Z?
  466. 23:21 Culture_Scorch Holy shit, we've only got six questions left?
  467. 23:21 TKBebop Four, now
  468. 23:21 Iceblade17 So reclusive shut-in, crazy millionaire, "Larry" and me. What an all-star team.
  469. 23:21 Culture_Scorch oh
  470. 23:21 Culture_Scorch uh
  471. 23:21 Culture_Scorch um
  472. 23:21 Culture_Scorch whoops
  473. 23:21 Computer_Man In response to question U: After question Z, you need to guess the answer.
  474. 23:21 Laissez_Armstrong What's the problem with my name? :<
  475. 23:21 Laissez_Armstrong Is the answer the same as last time?
  476. 23:22 Computer_Man In response to question V: No, you only have four questions left.
  477. 23:22 Computer_Man In response to question W: The answer is not the same as last time.
  478. 23:22 Laissez_Armstrong Promise?
  479. 23:22 Computer_Man (Nor is it "Nicolas Elvis Turing.")
  480. 23:23 Computer_Man In response to question X: Yes, I promise.
  481. 23:23 Laissez_Armstrong Okay, cool.
  482. 23:23 TKBebop Much as I'd love to stick around and watch the freezerburn
  483. 23:23 Iceblade17 So what that's two questions now?
  484. 23:23 TKBebop I have things to do
  485. 23:23 Computer_Man In response to question Y: No, it is one question now.
  486. 23:23 Iceblade17 Bye bye
  487. 23:23 Iceblade17 And this one is the last one?
  488. 23:23 Laissez_Armstrong Adios
  489. 23:23 Computer_Man In response to question Z: Yes, this is the last one.
  490. 23:23 TKBebop See you lot in the game, maybe
  491. 23:24 Culture_Scorch Seeya
  492. 23:24 *** TKBebop quit (Quit: END OF LINE)
  493. 23:24 Iceblade17 Oh you will
  494. 23:24 Computer_Man You are out of questions! You must now guess the answer.
  495. 23:24 Culture_Scorch Cage Presley Alan
  496. 23:24 Laissez_Armstrong Okay, I think the answer is "Iceblade is a pompous loser with nothing worthwhile to do."
  497. 23:24 Iceblade17 Has it occured to you that submitting that as an answer to which you do not know the question doesn't really end up saying much at all?
  498. 23:25 Laissez_Armstrong We're out of questions, Icy.
  499. 23:25 Computer_Man Incorrect, possibly accurate and unnecessarily hostile but not the answer to the question, and in response to question ?, you are out of questions.
  500. 23:25 Iceblade17 Don't worry I wasn't asking the "AI"
  501. 23:25 Culture_Scorch Y'know, Iceblade17's kind of a boring name.
  502. 23:25 Culture_Scorch I mean, the Iceblade part just sounds like you've played too much runescape.
  503. 23:25 Laissez_Armstrong Oh, like "Culture Shock!"
  504. 23:25 Laissez_Armstrong I just got it!
  505. 23:26 Computer_Man The question, for reference, is "Would you be watching you?"
  506. 23:26 Laissez_Armstrong The answer is Culture Shock!
  507. 23:26 Culture_Scorch And, seriously? 17? What, were there 16 other Iceblades in front of you that were clogging up the line?
  508. 23:26 Iceblade17 I watch myself all the time, streaming video!
  509. 23:26 Iceblade17 You've not played many MMOs huh Scorchy?
  510. 23:26 Culture_Scorch Can't say I have.
  511. 23:27 Culture_Scorch But for someone who talks about winning so much, your name sure doesn't sound very... unique, or notable.
  512. 23:27 Iceblade17 Record everything you do, find mistakes, remove them. Everyone should be watching themselves
  513. 23:27 Laissez_Armstrong Clearly she's the seventeenth in a line of game-playing robots.
  514. 23:27 Laissez_Armstrong Each more leet than the last.
  515. 23:27 Iceblade17 I don't need a special name to be notable
  516. 23:27 Computer_Man Notice: There are [120] seconds remaining to answer the question.
  517. 23:27 Culture_Scorch Iceblade Model 17, eh?
  518. 23:28 Laissez_Armstrong Uh, okay.
  519. 23:28 Culture_Scorch okay, that actually sort of salvages the name.
  520. 23:28 Iceblade17 The answer's not "yes" then?
  521. 23:28 Laissez_Armstrong The answer is "Answer Correctly To Win A Free Item?"
  522. 23:28 Laissez_Armstrong Quotes not included, nor some of the letters.
  523. 23:28 Culture_Scorch the answer is... uh. hm.
  524. 23:28 Culture_Scorch the answer is "the answer to the question"!
  525. 23:29 Computer_Man The answer to the question "Would you be watching you" is "Yes. No."
  526. 23:29 Computer_Man You have failed to answer the question correctly!
  527. 23:29 Computer_Man Congratulations!
  528. 23:29 Culture_Scorch Yay! Congratulations aaaall around.
  529. 23:30 Computer_Man Thank you for attending Neodynic's Palace Championship alpha testing participant candidate question and answer session!
  530. 23:30 Culture_Scorch You're /welcome/.
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