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May 2nd, 2016
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  799. <h1>About Trunks?</h1><blockquote>
  800. </blockquote>
  801. <p><em>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;The state or quality of being eternal, without beginning or end. &mdash; sempiternal, adj.</em></p>
  802. <p><img src=""></p>
  803. <ul><li><strong style="line-height: 1.4;">General information:</strong></li>
  804. </ul><p><strong>&nbsp;Name:</strong> Trunks Brief // Future Trunks<strong><br></strong><strong>&nbsp;Age</strong>: 30&nbsp;<br><strong>&nbsp;Height:</strong> 5'7<br><strong style="line-height: 19.6px;">&nbsp;Family: &nbsp;</strong><span style="line-height: 19.6px;">Bulma Briefs (Mother) -</span><strong style="line-height: 19.6px;">&nbsp;Alive</strong><strong style="line-height: 19.6px;"><br></strong><span style="line-height: 19.6px;">&nbsp;Vegeta -</span><strong style="line-height: 19.6px;">&nbsp;Deceased&nbsp;</strong></p>
  805. <p><strong style="line-height: 19.6px;">Relationships: </strong>Son Pan (Ex- girlfriend), Makoto (Crush), Son Gohan (Boyfriend)<strong style="line-height: 19.6px;"><br></strong><strong>Current location:</strong> &nbsp;Capsule Corp &amp;/or Toki Toki City.<br><strong>Sexual preference</strong>: Bisexual<br><strong>Mental Disorder</strong>: Sleep disorders, PTSD<em> (Post Traumatic Stress disorder</em>), Paranoia, Haphephobia&nbsp;&amp; &nbsp;Eating disorder.<strong> DO NOT TOUCH HIM</strong> and unless you are familiar to him, do not become offended when my muse freezes, does not acknowledge you after a while, or can become hostile enough to attack you!!</p>
  806. <ul><li><strong style="line-height: 1.4;">History:</strong></li>
  807. </ul><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Well-mannered, serious and very cautious, Future Trunks hails from an alternate timeline in which Android 17 and Android 18 murdered the Z Fighters and proceeded to create apocalyptic hell on Earth. Future Trunks is trained by Future Gohan as a teenager, and becomes a gifted fighter, swordsman and a Super Saiyan; traits that aid him greatly in the battle against the Androids after traveling back in time in order to save his own future.<br><br></p>
  808. <ul><li><strong><span style="line-height: 1.4;">Future:</span></strong></li>
  809. </ul><p>&nbsp; &nbsp;Set after <em>Xenoverse</em>, Future Trunks struggle to maintain the balance of the timelines and his own personal turmoils. While his timeline remains safe, and rebuilding itself despite being 10 years since the android destruction the lonely warrior finds himself at cross ends with his own conflicted emotions unsure where his own future is going or whenever or not he has control over it.&nbsp;</p>
  810. <p>He currently lives Capsule corp with his mother and Gohan but often times gets called by <strong><em>Supreme Kai of Time</em></strong> to aid him in fixing the timelines. While the future warrior has no problem taking out the trash, there is still corners of his mind that more than often are plagued by the terror he was forced to live.</p>
  811. <p>Whenever or not he will win remains<em> unsettled..</em></p>
  812. <ul><li><strong style="line-height: 1.4;">Personality:</strong></li>
  813. </ul><p><strong>Positives: </strong>Kind, Protective, Wise, Understanding, Strong, Resilient.</p>
  814. <p><strong>Negatives: </strong>Isolated, Stubborn, Paranoid, Negative.</p>
  815. <ul><li><strong style="line-height: 1.4;">Abilities:</strong></li>
  816. </ul><p><strong style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src=""></strong></p>
  817. <p><strong>&nbsp;Flight</strong> &ndash; The ability to fly using ki.</p>
  818. <p><strong>Ki Blast</strong> &ndash; The most basic form of energy wave.</p>
  819. <p><strong>Saiyan Rapid Fire</strong> &ndash; A barrage of yellow Ki Blasts fired from both hands. Future Trunks uses this attack to prevent Semi-Perfect Cell from getting to Android 18. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game. It is Future Trunks&rsquo; regular Ki Blast attack in the Budokai Tenkaichi video game series.</p>
  820. <p><strong>Ki Sense</strong> &ndash; Trunks can sense life energy.</p>
  821. <p><strong>Burning Attack</strong> &ndash; The first technique used by Future Trunks in the anime or manga and is his signature technique. Trunks performs a series of rapid arm movements before placing his palms forward, with the thumbs and index fingers touching each other to form a small diamond shape, then he fires a powerful blast of energy from his palms towards the opponent.</p>
  822. <p><strong>Super Burning Attack</strong> &ndash; A more powerful version of the Burning Attack. Used in the video game Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors.</p>
  823. <p><strong>Full Charge Burning Attack</strong> (&#12501;&#12523;&#12481;&#12515;&#12540;&#12472;&#12496;&#12540;&#12491;&#12531;&#12464;&#12450;&#12479;&#12483;&#12463;) - The most powerful version of the Burning Attack. Used by Xeno Trunks Super Saiyan 3 in Dragon Ball Heroes.</p>
  824. <p><strong>Buster Cannon</strong> &ndash; An attack named in the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai series and first used in the History of Trunks special. It is an energy wave from both hands. Trunks uses this technique in his timeline in an attempt to destroy Android 17 and Android 18 together but it fails.</p>
  825. <p><strong>Burning Storm</strong> &ndash; A continuous ki wave form of Buster Cannon named in the Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series. Trunks used it after Buster Cannon failed, with the same effect.</p>
  826. <p><strong>Shining Sword Attack</strong> &ndash; A technique Future Trunks uses to kill Mecha-Frieza. He fires a Burning Attack slowly enough for the opponent to dodge by taking to the air, where he surprises and slices the opponent to bits before finishing them off with a flash of yellow energy shot from one hand. The attack gets its name from the Budokai Tenkaichi series, while it is called Burning Slash in the original Budokai video game series. In the Budokai Tenkaichi series, the Burning Attack distraction is replaced by Trunks using a backflip kick to knock the opponent into the air.</p>
  827. <p><strong>High Strike</strong> &ndash; The slash used to cut Mecha Frieza in half. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.</p>
  828. <p><strong>Lightning Sword Slash</strong> &ndash; Future Trunks swings his sword rapidly, sending waves of energy blades that hit the opponent. Named in the Budokai Tenkaichi series. In Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi, Lightning Sword Slash is the name of the Shining Sword Attack he used in his base form to attack Android 14 in Super Android 13!.</p>
  829. <p><strong>Rapid Sword Stream</strong> &ndash; Trunks slashes the opponent multiple times with his sword in rapid motions. Named in Ultimate Tenkaichi. It is called Stylish Buster in Super Dragon Ball Z, where it is also used by Ultimate Gohan.</p>
  830. <p><strong>God Breaker</strong> &ndash; A yellow energy wave technique named in Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku. Trunks used it to kill King Cold.</p>
  831. <p><strong>Super Buster Cannon</strong> &ndash; The attack Future Trunks uses against Vegeta to stop him from helping Cell absorbing Android 18. Future Trunks charges up a giant ball of energy in his hands and fires an enormous beam from that ball of energy. Vegeta ignored the attack because he assumed Trunks would not be able to carry it out and acknowledged it too late. The attack sent him flying into a far away lake. Named Pulsar Crash in Dragon Ball Z Gaiden: Saiyajin Zetsumetsu Keikaku and MAX Buster in Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2.</p>
  832. <p><strong>Burning Breaker</strong> &ndash; A rush attack used by Future Trunks in his 2nd Grade Super Saiyan form to attack Semi-Perfect Cell. Named in Budokai Tenkaichi 3.</p>
  833. <p><strong>Blazing Rush</strong> &ndash; A rush attack that Future Trunks uses against Perfect Cell. Future Trunks attacks the opponent and kicks them up in the air, then he appears behind them and knocks them down to the ground with a double axe-handle punch. Named in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast.</p>
  834. <p><strong>Masenko</strong> &ndash; Future Trunks is shown using the Combined Masenko with Gohan against Broly in Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan but it had no effect, apart from destroying the stone tower Broly was standing on. It is stated in Future Gohan&rsquo;s data file in Budokai Tenkaichi 3 that he taught Trunks the Masenko. Trunks has the Masenko as one of his Super Attacks in all of his forms in Raging Blast, but he uses this only in his Base (Sword) form in Shin Budokai - Another Road.</p>
  835. <p><strong>Change the Future</strong> &ndash; A technique that Future Trunks used against Future Android 18. Future Trunks charges at the opponent, but stops right in front of them to fire a large energy wave in the opponent&rsquo;s face. He used this attack to kill Future Android 18.</p>
  836. <p><strong>Another End</strong> &ndash; A technique that Future Trunks used against Future Android 17. Future Trunks kicks the opponent away and jumps up in the air to fire an energy wave down below to the opponent. He used this to destroy Future Android 17.</p>
  837. <p><strong>Heat Dome Attack</strong> &ndash; The final attack Trunks uses in the series, and most likely his ultimate attack. He uses it to finish Imperfect Cell in his timeline once and for all. Trunks surrounds himself in a large dome of energy and fires an enormous blast of energy from it, capable of completely obliterating most opponents (such as Cell, who suffered this fate while charging a Kamehameha).</p>
  838. <p><strong>Finish Buster</strong> &ndash; An energy sphere attack used by Future Trunks in video games.</p>
  839. <p><strong>Deadly Impact</strong> &ndash; A single punch through the gut performed in a style similar to Super Saiyan 2 Gohan&rsquo;s Quiet Rage. Future Trunks uses the blow to kill Kogu in Bojack Unbound. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.</p>
  840. <p><strong>Baked Sphere</strong> &ndash; A dark explosive wave utilized by Villainous Mode Future Trunks.</p>
  841. <p><strong>Force Attack (Bakukan-ha)</strong> &ndash; Future Trunks shoots his hand out and knocks the opponent flying. Used in Dragon Ball Z: Super But&#333;den 3.</p>
  842. <p><strong>Rushing Combo</strong> &ndash; A four hits combo used in the But&#333;den series. Trunks attacks the opponent with an elbow, a punch, a kick, and finishes with an uppercut.</p>
  843. <p><strong>Blast Attack</strong> &ndash; A dashing slide kick used in the But&#333;den series. In the Budokai series, it is a rush attack where Future Trunks kicks the opponent up in the air, and then he kicks and punches them down again (also used by Kid Trunks).</p>
  844. <p><strong>Kakusan Energy Dan</strong> &ndash; Future Trunks lets out three ki blasts all at once, one hovering over the other. Used in the But&#333;den series, where it is also one of Kid Trunks&rsquo; techniques.</p>
  845. <p><strong>Energy Fog</strong> &ndash; Future Trunks fires five energy spheres in five different directions at the same time. Used in the But&#333;den series.</p>
  846. <p><strong>Energy Jet</strong> &ndash; A ground shave energy blade used in the But&#333;den series. Trunks throws this ki blast down at the ground, and it travels along to ground towards the enemy. It is called Energy Zan in Super But&#333;den 3.</p>
  847. <p><strong>Falling Knee Crush</strong> &ndash; A spinning wheel kick used in the But&#333;den series.</p>
  848. <p><strong>Step Ladder</strong> &ndash; A four hits kick combo used in Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22.</p>
  849. <p><strong>Rushing Combo Meteo</strong> &ndash; Trunks kicks his opponent upwards, then he dashes after them as they fly, pummeling them all the while. It is his meteor attack in Dragon Ball Z: Super But&#333;den 2 and Dragon Ball Z: Buy&#363; Retsuden.</p>
  850. <p><strong>Tornado Crusher</strong> &ndash; Future Trunks punches the opponent, then he flies back a bit and unleashes about 20 very quick blasts. Finally, he jumps up and kicks the opponent in the face. It is his meteor attack in Super But&#333;den 3.</p>
  851. <p><strong>Trunks Smash</strong> (&#12488;&#12521;&#12531;&#12463;&#12473;&#12473;&#12510;&#12483;&#12471;&#12517;) &ndash; A two hits combo used in the arcade game Dragon Ball Z 2: Super Battle. It is an electric punch, followed by a flaming kick.</p>
  852. <p><strong>Trunks Rush</strong> (&#12488;&#12521;&#12531;&#12463;&#12473;&#12521;&#12483;&#12471;&#12517;) &ndash; A flip grapple throw used in Super Battle.</p>
  853. <p><strong>Shining Flash</strong> (&#12471;&#12515;&#12452;&#12491;&#12531;&#12464;&#12501;&#12521;&#12483;&#12471;&#12517;) &ndash; Trunks powers up, and an aura that send the opponent up in the air appears around him. Used in Super Battle.</p>
  854. <p><strong>Kiaitame</strong> (&#27671;&#21512;&#12383;&#12417;) &ndash; Trunks powers up, and a flaming aura appears around him. Used in Super Battle.</p>
  855. <p><strong>Aura Saber</strong> (&#12458;&#12540;&#12521;&#12475;&#12452;&#12496;&#12540;) &ndash; Future Trunks&rsquo; ultimate attack in Super Battle. This technique is similar to Goku&rsquo;s Spirit Shot.</p>
  856. <p><strong>Sword Blast</strong> &ndash; A wave of energy channeled through his sword. Named in Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II, and also used in Super Battle (named Blae Wave), the Budokai Tenkaichi series, and Supersonic Warriors 2.</p>
  857. <p><strong>Crescent Sword</strong> &ndash; Trunks slashes with his sword to send a crescent shaped beam down to the opponent. Used in Supersonic Warriors 2.</p>
  858. <p><strong>Flash Saber</strong> &ndash; Trunks slashes twice with his sword, sending yellow beams of energy at his opponent. Used in Supersonic Warriors 2.</p>
  859. <p><strong>Rush Blade</strong> &ndash; Trunks slashes down once and sends multiple blue energy blasts up at his opponent. Used in Supersonic Warriors 2.</p>
  860. <p><strong>Buster Blade</strong> &ndash; Trunks&rsquo; ultimate attack in Supersonic Warriors 2. He slashes his opponent 30 times with an advanced version of the Flash Saber, and finishes by powering his sword up and firing a final blue Sword Blast.</p>
  861. <p><strong>Rapid Shot</strong> &ndash; An extremely fast energy sphere that deals moderate damage. Used in his Super Saiyan form in Supersonic Warriors 2.</p>
  862. <p><strong>Rapid Fall Slash</strong> &ndash; A three hits attack performed after grabbing the opponent. Used in the Budokai series.</p>
  863. <p><strong>Meteor Break</strong> &ndash; Future Trunks&rsquo; High Speed Rush technique named in the Budokai series. It is very similar to Kid Trunks&rsquo; Final Cannon rush.</p>
  864. <p><strong>Energy Burst</strong> &ndash; Future Trunks fires Continuous Energy Bullets at his opponent. Used in the Budokai series, where it is also one of Kid Trunks&rsquo; techniques. It is also one of Future Trunks&rsquo; Ultimate Attacks in Dragon Ball: Xenoverse.</p>
  865. <p><strong>Crescent Wave</strong> &ndash; A crescent shaped energy wave. Future Trunks can fires it horizontal with the ground, vertical, or both waves at the same time. Used in Super Dragon Ball Z.</p>
  866. <p><strong>Aura Smash</strong> &ndash; Future Trunks launches himself at his enemy fist first. Used in Super Dragon Ball Z.</p>
  867. <p><strong>Sword Rush</strong> - Future Trunks (Sword) Signature Attack in the Raging Blast series.</p>
  868. <p><strong>Guard Crush</strong> - Future Trunks signature attack in the Raging Blast series.</p>
  869. <p><strong>Maximum Blow</strong> &ndash; Super Trunks lands several heavy blow on his opponent. It is one of his Unique moves in Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z.</p>
  870. <p><strong>Power Charge</strong> &ndash; Super Trunks produces a red aura that increases his physical abilities. It is one of his Unique moves in Battle of Z.</p>
  871. <p><strong>Break Strike</strong> &ndash; Trunks&rsquo; Evasive Skill in Dragon Ball Xenoverse. Similar to Explosive Wave it can cancel an opponents Combo and Super Attack.</p>
  872. <p><strong>Bloody Sauce</strong>&ndash; A ball of evil energy that splits into five and slows the opponent&rsquo;s body on contact. Future Trunks only uses this move as a result of Demigra&rsquo;s mind control.</p>
  873. <p><strong>Rage Saucer</strong>&ndash; A multi-hitting strike skill that warps to the opponent three times in a row before smashing them into the ground. Future Trunks only uses this move as a result of Demigra&rsquo;s mind control.</p>
  874. <p><strong>Darkness Mixer</strong>&ndash; A power up that generates so much evil energy that it rapidly restores ki and stamina while also creating a hazardous electrical aura. Future Trunks only uses this move as a result of Demigra&rsquo;s mind control.</p>
  875. <p><strong>Pressure Point Attack</strong> - A single chop to the neck used to render someone unconscious. Used by Future Trunks to knock out his father Vegeta in Age 762 after the defeat of Dark Broly in the Legendary Super Saiyan Saga of Dragon Ball: Xenoverse.</p>
  876. <p><strong>Fusion Dance</strong> - Used by Xeno Trunks and Xeno Goten to fuse into Xeno Gotenks.</p>
  877. <p><strong>Super Saiyan</strong> - Ability to enhance all of his body, forms include SSJ1, Ultra SSJ1, SSJ2, SSJ3 and Ultimate Trunks.</p>
  878. <ul><li><strong style="line-height: 1.4;">About Xenoverse threads:</strong></li>
  879. </ul><p><img src=""></p>
  880. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;Due to the high popularity of the game I decide that for any threads fall under Xenoverse tags are purely base AFTER the game ends. Which ALSO means there is <strong>NO</strong> FUTURE warrior claims, as that will not only confused me but not give others a chance to interact with Time patrol Trunks<strong>. DO NOT CLAIM TO BE HIS BEST FRIEND OR FUTURE WARRIOR.</strong> If I see it, I will drop thread and ask you to unfollow me as I will unfollow you.</p>
  881. <p><strong><em>UNLESS</em></strong> stated once again via ask or fan mail in for a AU Xenoverse thread!</p>
  882. <ul><li><strong><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp;Face claim:&nbsp;</span></strong></li>
  883. </ul><p><strong><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=""></span></strong></p>
  884. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Tim Neff - Tim being known to be a BIG Dragon Ball Z fan and even bigger Future Trunks fan. He is an actor, model and Stunman! Please do not copy my face claim. I have Tim permission to edit his hair color.</p>
  888. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  890. <div id="box3" class="popup_block">
  892. <h1>Guidelines </h1><blockquote>
  893. <p><strong>&nbsp;GUIDELINES:</strong></p>
  894. </blockquote>
  895. <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<img src=""></span></p>
  896. <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;Hello! My name is Mynulet! Or Mynu for short~!<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;Welcome to my rule page! Like what you see in my blog? <strong>That&rsquo;s great!</strong> But before we get started in interaction between our muses there is a few rules I like for my followers to try to keep in mind. While I know everyone has their own set of rules, mine are quite genetic and similar so it should be pretty simple stuff! But any regards please the time to read them since there is some notifications done to them!&nbsp;</p>
  897. <ul><li><strong style="line-height: 1.4;">GENERAL:</strong></li>
  898. </ul><p>-This is a Indie Future Trunks RP blog. I strive to stay as canon as I humanly can but since my muse action change base on those who he meets, sometimes as a writer I can stray off. However ALL events (including the games) are familiarize by my muse. Which means he is up-to-date! So if you are looking for normal Future Trunks or Xeno Trunks feel free to howler at me!</p>
  899. <p>-I am NOT Mutual only blog&hellip;<em>yet.</em><br>But <strong>I AM</strong> Highly selective whom I follow back.<br>Mostly because I like to keep my dash as clean as I can so that I don&rsquo;t lost people responds or I miss anyone meme on my dash, should I happen to see any!</p>
  900. <p>- Cut your post.&nbsp;</p>
  901. <p>- Please make a new thread if you respond to my asks, I will have the same<br>courtesy to you. DO NOT REBLOG MY ASKS PLEASE!</p>
  902. <p><strong>-AU / Crossover / Canon / OC friendly.</strong></p>
  903. <p>-Inbox is open for all!<br>-Negative comments will be delete.</p>
  904. <p>- I am comfortable with RPing with others with the same muse! If anything I get very happy when others who write for Trunks contact me because it means I have someone to get silly with and share my love for him.</p>
  905. <p>-Mun and Muse are<em> WAY</em> over the age - So smut might appear in the form of writing. Those will be tagged and Under cut always! I do not reblog NSFW related images, so this blog is slightly over <strong>Safe for Works!</strong></p>
  906. <p><strong>- I DO NOT TOLERATE VAGUEBLOGGING OF ANY KIND!<br></strong>So if I see it, I am going to unfollow you without hesitation, but if you like a reason WHY, you are welcome to come to my inbox in private! We are adults but you know what, if you sink yourself low enough to vague blog then you aren&rsquo;t an adult at all.&nbsp;</p>
  907. <p>-All my icons are made by me, crop off from the manga, the other little is crop off Doujinshi and comics owned by me over the years. Do not steal or copy them.</p>
  908. <ul><li><strong><span style="line-height: 1.4;">ROLEPLAY / ASK MEMES:&nbsp;</span></strong></li>
  909. </ul><p>-I do not accept Anon magic!</p>
  910. <p>-I will be super UBER happy if people came to me with plots, mostly because those RP tend to last longer and also develop our muses.</p>
  911. <p>-I can RP one liner (to an extend?), Paragraphs and Novellas. I have no shame in writing any style so long as it suits the content give to me.</p>
  912. <p>-There might be some slight OOC posting which will be marked as<strong> &ldquo;Out of the Future&rdquo;</strong> but usually I AM pretty good about deleting them later. I rather keep my blog more RP related than personal blog.</p>
  913. <p>-Activity varies depending on the week. Monday-Friday I am full time worker so you might likely see me during the late afternoon/ evenings. Saturday and Sundays are my days off so you will always see online unless I am out with friends, or dealing with family.</p>
  914. <p>-<strong>NO GODMODDING!!</strong> - HOWEVER you <em><strong>ARE</strong></em> allow to hit my muse but just be prepare to be <strong>PUNCH</strong> back for it. Also I do not feel comfortable writing anything Gore related, so please re-frame from writing it with me. I can handle blood to an extend! I am comfortable with writing fighting scene without feeling like I am over stepping someone else shoes.</p>
  915. <p>-<strong>CROSSOVER ARE MY LIFE!!</strong> I love crossovers, even if I am not familiarize with your fandom, if I find your blog interesting (canon or OC) likely changes will be that I will follow or at the very least contact you to engage in a thread!</p>
  916. <ul><li><strong><span style="line-height: 1.4;">SHIPPING:</span></strong></li>
  917. </ul><p>-I SHIP WITH CHEMISTRY! No but&rsquo;s or If&rsquo;s about it.</p>
  918. <p><img src=""></p>
  919. <p>-This blog is <strong>SINGLE SHIP ONLY!!</strong><br>And the spot for shipping is already fulfill and taken!<br>I do not engage in multishipping so do not ask me for it.</p>
  920. <p>-My Trunks is bisexual, but at the current moment he is in a homosexual relationship with a <a href="">Future Gohan</a>. If you are homophobic, stay<strong><em> OFF</em></strong> my blog. I want <strong><em>NOTHING</em></strong> to do with you.</p>
  921. <p><strong>- DO NOT FOLLOW JUST TO SHIP WITH TRUNKS.</strong><br>I WILL NOT WELCOME YOU.</p>
  922. <ul><li><strong><span style="line-height: 1.4;">OVERALL:</span></strong></li>
  923. </ul><p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">- I am probably the biggest cinnamon roll you will ever meet.<br>- I do have triggers: <strong>Needles</strong> &amp; anything that falls into<strong> Gore</strong> related.<br>- Tag your NSFW stuff, I don&rsquo;t really care for it.&nbsp;<br>- I will ALWAYS tag EVERYTHING in this blog!! Most I ever reblog will be food or sweets which are properly label under<em>: tw:food, food, or sweets.<br></em>- I do not follow Personal blogs and I also do not follow if you do not cut your threads.<br>- English is <strong>NOT</strong> my primary language, so mistakes are <a href=";t=OTBlNjI1Yzk0OTRjMGE1YzZiYjQ2ZjBlODVmMzE1OTI5ZWIzNjUyYixUbU4zdWpESg%3D%3D">BOUND</a>. But I do my best to give you &ldquo;quality&rdquo; over &ldquo;quantity&rdquo;.&nbsp;</span></p>
  924. <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">If you read the end, congratulations! And a big thank you for reading my rules. Like I said, they are quite genetic but hopefully that does not turn you away or off about engaging with me! Have a good day!</span></p>
  926. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  928. <div id="box4" class="popup_block">
  930. <h1>Disclaimers</h1><blockquote>
  931. <p><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp;All Art of this blog unless stated otherwise is given permission to be usable.</strong></p>
  932. </blockquote>
  933. <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">Art permission to use for this blog main images are thanks to:</span></p>
  934. <blockquote>
  935. <p><a href=";t=MDRmYWRlMDlmNWEyM2IyMTgwMGI1Mjk5YTY1MWZlODU5M2YxNDg0OCxUbU4zdWpESg%3D%3D">U&#12539;x&#12539;U</span></span></a></p>
  936. </blockquote>
  937. <p><img src=""></span></p>
  938. <ul><li><strong style="line-height: 1.4;">This blog contains the following:&nbsp;</strong></li>
  939. </ul><p><strong>AU</strong> &mdash; Alternate Universe. The world that strays from the canon either slightly or entirely.</p>
  940. <p><strong>Canon</strong> &mdash; The original source information (TV show, book, etc.) that the characters came from.</p>
  941. <p><strong>Closed Roleplay</strong> &mdash; The thread/roleplay is closed off to outsiders and is only welcome to those that are mentioned and already involved.</p>
  942. <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Multi-Para/Novella </strong>&mdash; Multiple Paragraphs of post length, often stemming from 3 paragraphs to way beyond this.</p>
  943. <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Multiple Storyline Character</strong> &mdash; A character in which the events of one thread have absolutely no effect on the events in another thread in anyway, shape, or form, and are known to be played out in completely different universes regardless of any similarities. Each partner has their own universe that is played with said character, so the events with another partner do not interfere with others.</p>
  944. <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>IC</strong> &mdash; In character. That relating to what occurs in game/post by the characters.</p>
  945. <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Indie</strong> &mdash; Independent. Usually mean a roleplay blog that is not tied to a roleplay group.</p>
  946. <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Mainverse</strong> &mdash; The main universe in which the character is played.</p>
  947. <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Semi-Para</strong> &mdash; Three sentences of post length.</p>
  948. <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Semi-Selective</strong> &mdash; When a roleplayer will sometimes be choosy with who they decide to roleplay with. Out of person A, B, and C, they may roleplay with B and C, but decide not to roleplay with A for whatever reason. However, they are more lax than someone who is selective.</p>
  949. <ul><li><strong style="line-height: 1.4;">Little about the face behind the blog.</strong></li>
  950. </ul><p><strong style="line-height: 1.4;"><strong style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src=""></strong></strong></p>
  951. <p>Mun behind this blog is ancient. She lives in South states which means she is in Eastern Time. As for her favorite hobbies contain writing, drawing, playing the piano and raiding in World of Warcraft &amp; Final Fantasy Online.</p>
  952. <ul><li><strong><span style="line-height: 1.4;">I also write for:&nbsp;</span></strong></li>
  953. </ul><blockquote>
  954. <p><span><strong><a href="">Sciintillating</a>&nbsp;(Private)</strong></span></p>
  955. <p><strong><span style="line-height: 1.4;"><a href="">The Second son</a> (Private)</span></strong></p>
  956. </blockquote>
  957. <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&nbsp;</span></p>
  959. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
  962. <div id="box5" class="popup_block">
  964. <h1>Tags</h1><p>These are by no means any specific order!</p>
  965. <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;"><img src=""></span></p>
  967. <p><span style="line-height: 1.4;">&#10056; VERSE - </span><a href="" style="line-height: 1.4;">Main</a></p>
  968. <p>&#10056; VERSE - <a href="">AU</a></p>
  969. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6px;">&#10056; VERSE - <a href="">Crossover</a></span></p>
  970. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6px;">&#10056; VERSE - ???</span></p>
  971. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6px;">&#10056; VERSE - &nbsp;<a href="">Xenoverses</a></span></p>
  972. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6px;"><span style="line-height: 19.6px;">&#10056; &nbsp;VERSE -<a href=""> Future verse</a> - <strong>ONLY EXCLUSIVE TO&nbsp;</strong><br><strong>CERTAIN FOLKS!!</strong></span></span></p>
  973. <p>&mdash;&mdash;</p>
  974. <p>&#10083;<a href=""> Out of the future</a> &nbsp;- Specific used only by the mun of this blog<br>whenever to make Out of character post or announce something.</p>
  975. <p>&#10083; <a href="">Promos</a> - Follow the cool kids.</p>
  976. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6px;">&#10083;</span><span style="line-height: 19.6px;">&nbsp;</span><a href="">Musing</a> - Small written rambles made by me, or random quotes<br>or information about my muse.</p>
  977. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6px;">&#10083;&nbsp;</span><a href="">Asks </a>- Questioned asked to Mun or Muse</p>
  978. <p><span style="line-height: 19.6px;">&#10083;&nbsp;</span><a href="">Meme</a> - Either responds or break the ice!</p>
  983. </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>
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  986. <a href="/" title="home"></a>
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  999. </div>
  1000. </body>
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