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Sep 21st, 2013
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  10. <h1 style="margin:0">
  11. <span class="identify_user"><span style="color:#ff8c00;">minsized</span></span> <span class="online_star"><span style="color:#ff8c00;"><strong>*</strong></span><sup style="font-size:.5em"><span style="color:#ff8c00;">o</span><span style="color:#ff8c00;">nline</span></sup></span></h1>
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  13. Female<br />
  14. Japan<br />
  15. Joined on Sep 21, 2013<br />
  16. Last login on Sep 21, 2013<br />
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  20. &ldquo;β†ΊIA Tori No Uta&rdquo; <a class="edit pencil" id="change_status"> ✎</a></p>
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