

Oct 23rd, 2011
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  1. [19:20:46] <CounterBeard> Last time on Talent Scouts! Savage and Tentra met with an Elemental Manifestation bound, Regibubble. It desired to test Lindsey to see if she was worthy of a pact. In the ensuing battle both Tetra and Lindsey got a DOUBLE KO. It gifted her with a fraction of its power. A wegibubble. Oh also Rock is was passed out and Alexei went and got drunk with a giant Crab. What weirdness awaits this week? Let's find out!
  2. [19:21:09] * KujiUn is now known as Rock
  3. [19:21:39] <Rock> (So, where are we?)
  4. [19:22:36] <CounterBeard> You are all currently at the Loire Estate, it is the day after the RegiFight. Lindon is still in his bed as you all hear whoops and hollars outside from the assembled masses wanting to watch the contest of skill and battling (and maybe fabulous).
  5. [19:23:49] * Rock shakes his head, looking at Biter, since he was out. "Alright, alright. I'll ask you BEFORE I attack anyone."
  6. [19:24:15] <CounterBeard> Lindsey is currently in her room playing with wegibubble. She is grounded for a month for goign to go try and contract Ancient Elements.
  7. [19:24:33] <CounterBeard> Biter shrugs. <I thought we could take it. Til it hit us back.>
  8. [19:25:40] <Tentra> (best reason for being grounded ever.)
  9. [19:25:53] : Alexei is murmuring to himself as he rubs his head and looks over the crowd. "How is crab have TWO giant claw? Is not make sense! Maybe crab store alcohol in claw, so he drink like strong Sinnoh man!"
  10. [19:26:09] <Rock> "Yeah, true." Rock shrugs and looks to the others. "So... since the girl is grounded, we have to wait for that before we can establish the gym, right?"
  11. [19:26:33] * Tentra sits paitentently in the comfiest chair she could find, scribing something in a thick tome while waiting to see what happens next.
  12. [19:26:57] * Celia is watching from the crowds, searching for the place to register herself on this so called... "Guardian Fight." Truly, waiting with this rabble is not something for her, the main character, so she yells at the guys on the state. "HEY! YOU JERKS! LET ME IN!"
  13. [19:27:21] <Savage> Savage has been noticably quiet since coming back; probably thanks to a scolding he got from the family for encouraging Lindsey's actions. "Well, there is... I mean we could always--?" oh hey someone's shouting at them
  14. [19:28:08] * Rock sighs and looks outside, taking out his bow. "What a rowdy bunch... especially that girl."
  15. [19:28:46] <Tentra> "...has the family patriarch told us of his plans for this event yet?"
  16. [19:28:55] <Rock> "Nope."
  17. [19:28:58] <Tentra> She looks up briefly, nibbling on the end of a pen.
  18. [19:29:42] : Alexei holds his empty flask upside down and squints into the opening, shaking it furiously. "We should make test quickly to receive paycheck sooner."
  19. [19:30:03] <Savage> "Well you'd better not shoot them," Savage half-glares at Rock for pulling out his weapon at the moment.
  20. [19:30:05] <CounterBeard> Lindon hobbles on out to the common room on a pair of crutches. "Well hello there. Hope you all had a better night sleep then me."
  21. [19:30:40] <Celia> "Bah, perhaps i should fry those imbeciles on the crowds. Perhaps that show of strength against random idiots might make me... Noticed by whoever is inside that manse."
  22. [19:30:41] <Rock> "Good to see you're active."
  23. [19:31:19] * Tentra gives a polite nod to Lindon from her chair.
  24. [19:32:39] <CounterBeard> "Can't keep a one of us down too long. Now that we've got Lindsey back we can finally finish all of this. My son and I perused some of the canidates yesterday. Only a few really stood out. I was hoping you all could take over for us, seeing as how James shipped out this morning and I plan to have a long talk with my granddaughter."
  25. [19:36:06] <CounterBeard> "Did any of you have any plans? We were mostly thinking of just battle challenges or some such?"
  26. [19:36:30] * Tentra closes the tome quietly and slides it away. She looks to the others, not how they've handled such things in the past.
  27. [19:36:56] <Rock> "Yeah, that works."
  28. [19:37:02] : Alexei gives up and tosses his flask aside for the moment. "Last time we did fabulous contest. Maybe this time is try that again?"
  29. [19:37:27] * Savage has gone mostly quiet since Lindon came out, after giving him a wave of greeting, then returning to his companions.
  30. [19:37:42] <CounterBeard> Lindon takes a seat in one of the other comfy chairs. "Do what ever you please, but I reserve the right for final say. It is my grandaughters lifer at stake."
  31. [19:37:58] <Rock> "Nah. We're looking for a guardian. Not a performer."
  32. [19:38:31] <Tentra> Tentra looks veryconfused. "What is a...contest?"
  33. [19:39:42] <Alexei> "I have most fabulous idea. Island is made of many fabulous coral. So guardian for island must be skill at command coral guardians of island. So..." Alexei taps his feet a bit and strikes a pose from his corsola dance. "Contest is have candidate make dance for coral! Best candidate is who have best sense for command giant coral guardian!"
  34. [19:40:57] * Celia waits on the line, tapping the ground impatiently.
  35. [19:41:26] <Tentra> Tentra blinks for a few seconds, processing this. "You propose a...dancing competition?"
  36. [19:41:27] <Rock> "..."
  37. [19:41:37] : Alexei crosses his arms and nods.
  38. [19:41:50] <CounterBeard> Lindon blinks and rubs his temples "You could do that. But most of the locals wouldn't even try."
  39. [19:43:05] <Rock> "Hm... let's just do a normal battle."
  40. [19:43:08] <Alexei> "Then is shameful disgrace without passion needed for protect gym leader from Triface!"
  41. [19:43:13] <Savage> "Well... wouldn't that be the point?" Savage leans back a little. "You don't want just anyone, right?"
  42. [19:43:28] <Alexei> "Hippie boy is finally speak sense, yes."
  43. [19:44:50] * Rock sighs. "I don't think who ever wins a competition of commanding wilds would really help..."
  44. [19:44:51] <Savage> "Well, that, I guess, and..." Savage seems to actually get thoguhtful a bit. "I mean I'm sure Lindon would already know all the really good battlers in town, right?"
  45. [19:45:10] <Tentra> "We - I, uh," she takes a deep breath, and sighs. "These things are not as we predicted, it seems."
  46. [19:45:58] <CounterBeard> Lindon shrugs again nodding to Savage "That I do Savage. Most of them are either closer to Lindsey's age or mine. Although I'd say most of you are closer to Lindsey than me. Save for Alexei."
  47. [19:46:12] <Alexei> "Giant coral is island natural defense! Why would you not use for guard gym leader?"
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