

Jan 13th, 2018
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text 26.18 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 4. Initialize - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/sh_init.lua:55
  2. 5. unknown - addons/pointshop-master/lua/autorun/pointshop.lua:4
  4. [POINTSHOP] Item missing name: powerups/superhealth.lua
  6. [ERROR] addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/items/weapons/amd65.lua:3: attempt to index global 'ITEM' (a nil value)
  7. 1. unknown - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/items/weapons/amd65.lua:3
  8. 2. include - [C]:-1
  9. 3. LoadItems - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/sh_init.lua:119
  10. 4. Initialize - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/sh_init.lua:55
  11. 5. unknown - addons/pointshop-master/lua/autorun/pointshop.lua:4
  13. [POINTSHOP] Item missing name: weapons/amd65.lua
  15. [ERROR] addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/items/weapons/spas12-spec.lua:3: attempt to index global 'ITEM' (a nil value)
  16. 1. unknown - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/items/weapons/spas12-spec.lua:3
  17. 2. include - [C]:-1
  18. 3. LoadItems - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/sh_init.lua:119
  19. 4. Initialize - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/sh_init.lua:55
  20. 5. unknown - addons/pointshop-master/lua/autorun/pointshop.lua:4
  22. [POINTSHOP] Item missing name: weapons/spas12-spec.lua
  24. [ERROR] addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/items/weapons/svd.lua:3: attempt to index global 'ITEM' (a nil value)
  25. 1. unknown - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/items/weapons/svd.lua:3
  26. 2. include - [C]:-1
  27. 3. LoadItems - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/sh_init.lua:119
  28. 4. Initialize - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/sh_init.lua:55
  29. 5. unknown - addons/pointshop-master/lua/autorun/pointshop.lua:4
  31. [POINTSHOP] Item missing name: weapons/svd.lua
  32. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file models/mic.mdl
  33. mdlkeyvalue, (*prop_data*),
  34. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file models/mic.mdl
  35. mdlkeyvalue, (*prop_data*),
  36. ////////////////////////////////////////////
  37. // Loading Driver License Files //
  38. // //
  39. // Created by ToBadForYou //
  40. ////////////////////////////////////////////
  41. ////////////////////////////////////////////
  42. // Loading Collection System Files //
  43. // //
  44. // Created by ToBadForYou //
  45. ////////////////////////////////////////////
  46. ////////////////////////////////////////////
  47. // Loading PAYDAY Banker System Files //
  48. // //
  49. // Created by ToBadForYou //
  50. ////////////////////////////////////////////
  51. ////////////////////////////////////////////
  52. // Loading PAYDAY Bankrobbery Files //
  53. // //
  54. // Created by ToBadForYou //
  55. ////////////////////////////////////////////
  56. [MEDICMOD]Loading files...[Pointshop Item Maker] Loaded Serverside
  57. [Pointshop Item Maker] Loaded Shared
  58. KoZ's Food Mod has been initialized.Loading Ticket Book System
  59. Loaded Ticket Book System
  60. ///////////////////////////////
  61. // Ulysses Library //
  62. ///////////////////////////////
  63. // Loading... //
  64. // shared/defines.lua //
  65. // shared/misc.lua //
  66. // shared/util.lua //
  67. // shared/hook.lua //
  68. // shared/table.lua //
  69. // shared/player.lua //
  70. // server/player.lua //
  71. // server/bans.lua //
  72. // shared/messages.lua //
  73. // shared/commands.lua //
  74. // server/concommand.lua //
  75. // server/util.lua //
  76. // shared/sh_ucl.lua //
  77. // server/ucl.lua //
  78. // server/phys.lua //
  79. // server/player_ext.lua //
  80. // server/entity_ext.lua //
  81. // shared/plugin.lua //
  82. // shared/cami_global.lua //
  83. // shared/cami_ulib.lua //
  84. // Load Complete! //
  85. ///////////////////////////////
  86. [ULIB] Loading SHARED module: ulx_init.lua
  87. ///////////////////////////////
  88. // ULX Admin Mod //
  89. ///////////////////////////////
  90. // Loading... //
  91. // sh_defines.lua //
  92. // lib.lua //
  93. // base.lua //
  94. // sh_base.lua //
  95. // log.lua //
  96. // MODULE: slots.lua //
  97. // MODULE: uteam.lua //
  98. // MODULE: votemap.lua //
  99. // MODULE: xgui_server.lua //
  100. ///////////////////////////////
  101. // ULX GUI -- by Stickly Man //
  102. ///////////////////////////////
  103. // Adding Main Modules.. //
  104. // bans.lua //
  105. // commands.lua //
  106. // groups.lua //
  107. // maps.lua //
  108. // settings.lua //
  109. // Adding Setting Modules.. //
  110. // client.lua //
  111. // server.lua //
  112. // Adding Gamemode Modules.. //
  113. // sandbox.lua //
  114. // Loading Server Modules.. //
  115. // sv_bans.lua //
  116. // sv_groups.lua //
  117. // sv_maps.lua //
  118. // sv_sandbox.lua //
  119. // sv_settings.lua //
  120. // XGUI modules added! //
  121. ///////////////////////////////
  122. // MODULE: chat.lua //
  123. // MODULE: decals.lua //
  124. // MODULE: fun.lua //
  125. // MODULE: igs.lua //
  126. // MODULE: menus.lua //
  127. // MODULE: rcon.lua //
  128. // MODULE: sh_overtheshoulder.lua//
  130. [ULX Third Person Command] lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:12: unexpected symbol near '='
  131. 1. unknown - lua/ulx/modules/sh/sh_overtheshoulder.lua:0
  133. // MODULE: sounds.lua //
  134. // MODULE: teleport.lua //
  135. // MODULE: user.lua //
  136. // MODULE: userhelp.lua //
  137. // MODULE: util.lua //
  138. // MODULE: vote.lua //
  139. // end.lua //
  140. // Load Complete! //
  141. ///////////////////////////////
  143. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. VCMod: Welcome to VCMod Auto-Updater version - 9.3.
  145. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  147. VCMod: Addons found: VCMod Main.
  148. VCMod: Pre-initialization complete, preparing to load addon data.
  149. ---------------------------------------
  150. Loading William's Car Dealer version 7.2.0
  152. WCD Various File loaded
  153. WCD Fuel File not loaded(disabled)
  154. WCD Data File loaded
  155. WCD Admin File loaded
  156. ZHits: Registered command ("hitsconfig")
  157. ZHits: Registered command ("savehitphones")
  158. ZHits: Registered command ("placehit")
  159. ZHits: Registered command ("hits")
  160. ZHits: Registered command ("quickhit")
  161. Finished loading zHitman system! Enjoy :D
  162. Прогрузка аддона на декали By TheDenVx.
  163. Superstepa's enhanced damage addon initialized
  164. [SB] Art jobs loaded : 10
  165. [SB] Engineering jobs loaded : 15
  166. [SB] Crime jobs loaded : 8
  167. [SB] Math jobs loaded : 9
  168. [SB] Social jobs loaded : 14
  169. [CB-LIB][INFO] Loaded Module : batm/bm_sql.lua
  170. [CB-LIB][INFO] Loaded Module : batm/bm_accounts.lua
  171. [GTAV HUD] Loaded: sv_gta5hud.lua
  172. ---------------------------------
  173. | Loading ServerSide PermaProps |
  174. ---------------------------------
  175. permaprops/sv_lib.lua
  176. permaprops/sv_menu.lua
  177. permaprops/sv_permissions.lua
  178. permaprops/sv_specialfcn.lua
  179. permaprops/sv_sql.lua
  180. -----------------------------
  181. | Loading Shared PermaProps |
  182. -----------------------------
  183. ---------------------------------
  184. | Loading ClientSide PermaProps |
  185. ---------------------------------
  186. permaprops/cl_drawent.lua
  187. permaprops/cl_menu.lua
  188. -------------------------------
  189. Trying to create entities too early! (env_physexplosion)
  192. ---->
  195. > TCB Stamina Loaded ...
  196. > Version: 1.0
  199. > Updates can be found on my website
  200. >
  203. ---->
  206. Error! Flag "$halflambert" is multiply defined in material "models/bloo_ltcom_zel/citizens/female_hands"!
  207. Barney_mif/Barney_mif.mdl/Barney_animations.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm"
  208. Barney_mif/Barney_mif.mdl/Barney_animations.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm"
  209. Barney_mif/Barney_mif.mdl/Humans\male_shared.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm"
  210. Barney_mif/Barney_mif.mdl/Humans\male_shared.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm"
  211. Barney_mif/Barney_mif.mdl/Barney_postures.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm"
  212. Barney_mif/Barney_mif.mdl/Barney_postures.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm"
  213. Barney_mif/Barney_mif.mdl/Barney_gestures.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm"
  214. Barney_mif/Barney_mif.mdl/Barney_gestures.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm"
  215. Barney_mif/Barney_mif.mdl/m_anm.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm"
  216. Barney_mif/Barney_mif.mdl/m_anm.mdl : missmatched parent bones on "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm"
  217. Error! Variable "$AmbientOcclusion" is multiply defined in material "models/splinks/haus/the_plague_doktor/mask_face"!
  219. [ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "addons/zerosmethlab/lua/darkrp_modules/zmlab/sh_zmlab_darkrp.lua" on line 2.
  220. The best help I can give you is this:
  222. Corrupt team: Варщик Мета!
  223. The command must be a string.
  225. Hints:
  226. - No hints, sorry.
  228. The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
  229. 1. addons/zerosmethlab/lua/darkrp_modules/zmlab/sh_zmlab_darkrp.lua on line 2
  230. 2. addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua on line 109
  231. 3. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/modificationloader.lua on line 149
  232. 4. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/init.lua on line 111
  233. ------- End of Simplerr error -------
  235. 1. error - [C]:-1
  236. 2. error - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530
  237. 3. createJob - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua:420
  238. 4. fn - addons/zerosmethlab/lua/darkrp_modules/zmlab/sh_zmlab_darkrp.lua:2
  239. 5. Call - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  240. 6. Call - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/modiCouldn't Load Init Script: 'darkrp/gamemode/init.lua'
  241. Default clips will be not be modified
  243. realrbn's
  244. Tazer
  246. Default clips will be not be modified
  247. SWEP (weapon_ttt_black_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  248. SWEP (weapon_ttt_purple_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  249. SWEP (weapon_ttt_white_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  250. SWEP (weapon_ttt_cyan_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  251. SWEP (weapon_ttt_yellow_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  252. SWEP (weapon_ttt_red_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  253. SWEP (weapon_ttt_pink_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  254. SWEP (weapon_ttt_orange_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  255. SWEP (weapon_ttt_olive_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  256. SWEP (weapon_ttt_lime_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  257. SWEP (weapon_ttt_lightpurple_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  258. SWEP (weapon_ttt_green_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  259. SWEP (weapon_ttt_darkblue_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  260. SWEP (weapon_ttt_blue_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  261. SWEP (weapon_ttt_darkpurple_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  262. SWEP (weapon_ttt_darkgreen_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  263. SWEP (weapon_ttt_lightgray_smokegrenade) is derived from non existant SWEP (weapon_tttbasegrenade) - Expect errors!
  264. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_purple_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  265. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_darkblue_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  266. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_cyan_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  267. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_lime_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  268. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_blue_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  269. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_lightgray_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  270. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_darkgreen_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  271. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_pink_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  272. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_black_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  273. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_yellow_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  274. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_white_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  275. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_red_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  276. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_orange_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  277. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_olive_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  278. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_lightpurple_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  279. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_darkpurple_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  280. ERROR: Trying to derive entity ttt_green_smokegrenade_proj from non existant entity ttt_basegrenade_proj!
  281. [EZAD] Succesfully created the EZAD data directory!
  282. HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
  283. Trying to create entities too early! (mayor_money)
  284. [ORG ADDON]: The addon has been loaded!
  285. [ORG ADDON]: Using the internal database (SQLite)!
  286. HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
  287. Making workshop map available for client download
  288. ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
  289. Unknown command "sv_tags"
  290. Executing dedicated server config file server.cfg
  291. Using map cycle file cfg/mapcycle.txt.
  292. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  293. Can't init info_ladder
  294. Attempted to create unknown entity type info_ladder!
  295. Can't init info_ladder
  296. Attempted to create unknown entity type npc_shop!
  297. Attempted to create unknown entity type sent_arc_atm!
  298. [EZAD] Succesfully spawned the Ammo Dispensers!
  299. [BATM] No map data found for Blue's ATM entities. Please place some and do !saveatms to create the data.
  300. table: 0xacfc54b0
  301. table: 0xacfc54b0
  302. table: 0xacfc56a8
  303. table: 0xacfc5548
  304. table: 0xacfc54b0
  305. table: 0xacfc54b0
  306. table: 0xacfc54b0
  307. table: 0xacfc54b0
  308. nil
  309. table: 0xacfc54b0
  310. nil
  311. table: 0xacfc54b0
  312. table: 0xacfc54b0
  313. table: 0xacfc54b0
  314. table: 0xacfc54b0
  315. table: 0xacfc54b0
  316. table: 0xacfc54b0
  317. table: 0xacfc5548
  318. nil
  319. table: 0xacfc5548
  320. Error! Flag "$nodecal" is multiply defined in material "schmal/fpi_utility/airdek_mesh"!
  321. Nav File is wrong or something (4)
  322. Initializing Steam libraries for secure Internet server
  323. No account token specified; logging into anonymous game server account. (Use sv_setsteamaccount to login to a persistent account.)
  324. Unknown command "pcs_noshowonspawn"
  325. Unknown command "pcs_noshowonteam"
  326. Unknown command "cl_updaterate"
  327. Unknown command "cl_timeout"
  328. Can't use cheat cvar nav_edit in multiplayer, unless the server has sv_cheats set to 1.
  329. VCMod: Preparations started. Server needs to have atleast one player on it for preparations to continue.
  330. NextBot tickrate changed from 0 (0.000ms) to 7 (0.106ms)
  331. [SOCK] > => Прослушка сокета успешно началась
  332. Connection to Steam servers successful.
  333. Public IP is
  334. Assigned anonymous gameserver Steam ID [A-1:1218205699(9520)].
  335. KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file models/alien_nl/busstop/busstop.mdl
  336. mdlkeyvalue, (*prop_data*),
  337. VAC secure mode is activated.
  338. [Photon] No .VehicleTable present, assuming models/nova/chair_plastic01.mdl is a(n) Chair.
  339. [Photon] No .VehicleTable present, assuming models/nova/chair_plastic01.mdl is a(n) Chair.
  340. [Photon] No .VehicleTable present, assuming models/nova/chair_plastic01.mdl is a(n) Chair.
  341. Error - no MetaName string type for userdata (AGH!)
  343. [SB] Loading workplaces
  344. - [1] civilEng loaded!
  345. - [2] accountant loaded!
  346. - [3] toolMaker loaded!
  347. - [4] artDirector loaded!
  348. - [5] bioEngineer loaded!
  349. - [6] mediaWorker loaded!
  350. - [7] computerProg loaded!
  351. - [8] craftArtist loaded!
  352. - [9] telephoneOperator loaded!
  353. - [10] surveyResearcher loaded!
  354. - [11] postalService loaded!
  355. - [12] businessManager loaded!
  356. - [13] crime_explosivesSpec loaded!
  357. - [14] crime_corruptLawyer loaded!
  358. - [15] crime_corruptCop loaded!
  359. - [16] crime_weedGrower loaded!
  360. - [17] crime_mobBoss loaded!
  361. - [18] crime_gunSmuggler loaded!
  362. - [19] crime_drugDealer loaded!
  363. - [20] crime_methCook loaded!
  364. ServerLog: [APG] [Script - ID:4091] : English strings of the script have been successfully launched.
  365. [Script - ID:2893] : English strings of the script have been successfully launched.
  366. [Script - ID:2893] : Your addon is not up-to-date. Your version is 1.2.2 and the most recent one is 1.2.3.
  367. [Script - ID:4091] : Addon up-to-date. Thanks for using it.
  369. [ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "addons/darkrp_refund_sys/lua/sv_refundrp.lua" on line 88.
  370. The best help I can give you is this:
  372. Corrupt entity: Покрышка!
  373. This entity does not have a unique command.
  375. Hints:
  376. - There must be some other entity that has the same thing for 'cmd'.
  377. - Fix this by changing the 'cmd' field of your entity to something else.
  379. The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
  380. 1. addons/darkrp_refund_sys/lua/sv_refundrp.lua on line 88
  381. 2. addons/darkrp_craftingtable/lua/autorun/custom_entities.lua on line 47
  382. ------- End of Simplerr error -------
  384. 1. error - [C]:-1
  385. 2. error - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:530
  386. 3. rpCreateEntity - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua:615
  387. 4. createEntity - addons/darkrp_refund_sys/lua/sv_refundrp.lua:88
  388. 5. unknown - addons/darkrp_craftingtable/lua/autorun/custom_entities.lua:47
  390. Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/darkrp_craftingtable/lua/autorun/custom_entities.lua (line 1)]
  391. Attempted to create unknown entity type npc_shop!
  392. Attempted to create unknown entity type sent_arc_atm!
  393. [ORG ADDON]: The NPC has been spawned in the map!
  394. VCMod: Preparations are complete, handshaking API.
  395. Загружен язык: русский.
  396. Последнее изменение файла руссификации: april 25 2017
  398. Script 2929 Activated!
  399. VCMod: Handshake successful.
  400. VCMod: Handshake finished.
  401. Client "TheDenVx" connected (
  402. VCMod: Contacting preload API.
  403. Loading William's Car Dealer
  405. loaded 0
  406. VCMod: Initializing preload.
  407. VCMod: Preload finished. Initializing addons.
  408. VCMod: Started loading serverside.
  409. VCMod: Loaded Main v1.7608 serverside.
  410. VCMod: Loaded Handling editor v1.101 serverside.
  411. VCMod: Finished loading serverside.
  414. -----------------------------
  415. William's Car Dealer
  416. last change: 2017-12-21
  417. note: Fixed problem with SimfPhys Armed Vehicles
  418. -----------------------------
  420. VCMod: All car dealer's have been placed on the map.
  421. VCMod: All repair man NPC's have been placed on the map.
  422. Spawning textscreens...
  424. William's Car Dealer was loaded successfully!
  425. Loaded after: 158 seconds
  426. ---------------------------------------
  428. Vehicles found: 221
  429. Attempted to create unknown entity type wac_hc_mv22!
  431. [ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/wcd/server/wcd_admin.lua:322: Tried to use a NULL entity!
  432. 1. Spawn - [C]:-1
  433. 2. InitializeCars - addons/williamscardealer/lua/wcd/server/wcd_admin.lua:322
  434. 3. Initialize - addons/williamscardealer/lua/wcd/server/wcd_main.lua:116
  435. 4. unknown - addons/williamscardealer/lua/wcd/server/wcd_main.lua:132
  437. Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/williamscardealer/lua/wcd/server/wcd_main.lua (line 127)]
  438. VCMod: Scanning for potentially incompatible hooks.
  439. VCMod: No incompatibilities found.
  440. VCMod: General vehicle data is up to date.
  441. Added 0 and removed 0 Civs from the world. (0 exist in total.)
  442. Started generating props save ...
  443. Added 0 and removed 0 Civs from the world. (0 exist in total.)
  444. Started generating props save ...
  445. Not enough players, spawnlimit reached or no spawnposes found.
  446. Not enough players to spawn in containers.
  447. Added 0 and removed 0 Civs from the world. (0 exist in total.)
  448. Успешо очистились декали на карте
  449. Started generating props save ...
  450. Added 0 and removed 0 Civs from the world. (0 exist in total.)
  451. Started generating props save ...
  452. Not enough players, spawnlimit reached or no spawnposes found.
  453. Not enough players to spawn in containers.
  454. Added 0 and removed 0 Civs from the world. (0 exist in total.)
  455. Added 0 and removed 0 Civs from the world. (0 exist in total.)
  456. Started generating props save ...
  457. Added 0 and removed 0 Civs from the world. (0 exist in total.)
  458. Успешо очистились декали на карте
  459. Started generating props save ...
  460. Not enough players, spawnlimit reached or no spawnposes found.
  461. Not enough players to spawn in containers.
  462. Initializing TheDenVx.
  463. TheDenVx owns 27 vehicles
  465. {
  466. NetworkAccount = function: 0xaceff718
  467. NetworkGroupAccount = function: 0xad371e38
  468. Config:
  469. {
  470. UseMySQL = false
  471. AddMoney = function: 0xad338490
  472. AuthorisedRanks:
  473. {
  474. 1 = superadmin
  475. 2 = owner
  476. 3 = anyotherrankyouwant
  477. }
  478. TakeMoney = function: 0xad2c7438
  479. CanAfford = function: 0xad34df00
  480. MySQLDetails:
  481. {
  482. host = XX.XXX.XXX.XXX
  483. databasename = databasename
  484. username = username
  485. password = password
  486. port = 3306
  487. }
  488. InterestRate = 1
  489. }
  490. VerifyNumber = function: 0xad1905b0
  491. }
  492. Printing Table from s at addons/libk/lua/libk/server/sv_libk_player.lua:23 :
  493. Object Instance KPlayer
  494. {
  495. player = STEAM_0:0:64603205
  496. updated_at = 1515898455
  497. uid = 3827630928
  498. id = 1
  499. steam64 = 76561198089472138
  500. class = class KPlayer
  501. name = TheDenVx
  502. created_at = 1512328958
  503. }
  505. [ERROR] addons/williamscardealer/lua/wcd/server/wcd_various.lua:3: attempt to compare table with number
  506. 1. fn - addons/williamscardealer/lua/wcd/server/wcd_various.lua:3
  507. 2. unknown - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  510. [ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua:612: attempt to index local 'jobTable' (a nil value)
  511. 1. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua:612
  514. [ERROR] gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua:737: attempt to index local 'jobTable' (a nil value)
  515. 1. unknown - gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua:737
  517. Added 4 and removed 0 Civs from the world. (4 exist in total.)
  518. Started generating props save ...
  520. [ERROR] addons/itemstore/lua/itemstore/sv_player.lua:363: attempt to index field 'Inventory' (a nil value)
  521. 1. func - addons/itemstore/lua/itemstore/sv_player.lua:363
  522. 2. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:32
  524. VCMod: Player TheDenVx has loaded and is waiting for a temp-key.
  525. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  527. [ERROR] addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40: attempt to index field 'General' (a nil value)
  528. 1. fn - addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40
  529. 2. unknown - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  532. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  534. [ERROR] addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40: attempt to index field 'General' (a nil value)
  535. 1. fn - addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40
  536. 2. unknown - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  539. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  541. [ERROR] addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40: attempt to index field 'General' (a nil value)
  542. 1. fn - addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40
  543. 2. unknown - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  546. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  548. [ERROR] addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40: attempt to index field 'General' (a nil value)
  549. 1. fn - addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40
  550. 2. unknown - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  553. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  555. [ERROR] addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40: attempt to index field 'General' (a nil value)
  556. 1. fn - addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40
  557. 2. unknown - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  560. VCMod: Sent API key to player TheDenVx. 99 keys left.
  561. VCMod: Initializing player TheDenVx.
  562. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  564. [ERROR] lua/autorun/impala.lua:54: attempt to call global 'VC_MakeScripts' (a nil value)
  565. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/impala.lua:54
  568. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  569. Couldn't include file 'menu\errors.lua' (File not found) (@lua/autorun/mkhide.lua (line 5))
  571. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  573. [ERROR] lua/autorun/mkhide.lua:188: attempt to concatenate global 'file' (a table value)
  574. 1. unknown - lua/autorun/mkhide.lua:188
  577. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  579. [ERROR] addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/items/powerups/250hp.lua:3: attempt to index global 'ITEM' (a nil value)
  580. 1. unknown - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/items/powerups/250hp.lua:3
  581. 2. include - [C]:-1
  582. 3. LoadItems - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/sh_init.lua:119
  583. 4. Initialize - addons/pointshop-master/lua/pointshop/sh_init.lua:55
  584. 5. unknown - addons/pointshop-master/lua/autorun/pointshop.lua:4
  587. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  589. [ERROR] addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40: attempt to index field 'General' (a nil value)
  590. 1. fn - addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40
  591. 2. unknown - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
  594. [TheDenVx|2|STEAM_0:0:64603205] Lua Error:
  596. [ERROR] addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40: attempt to index field 'General' (a nil value)
  597. 1. fn - addons/gpurge/lua/gpurge/purge/cl_purge.lua:40
  598. 2. unknown - addons/ulib-master/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109
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