
FoE RPG G0 - #040 Nnoto Village: By Your Powers Combined

Dec 7th, 2013
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  1. [21:25]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #40 starts now
  2. [21:25]<SpiritOfFate> =======================================
  3. [21:33]<SpiritOfFate> The late hours pass in the village, until a flame bearer comes to announce movement coming their way.
  4. [21:35]? Sotho blinks as he hears this, standing up and nodding.
  5. [21:36]? Royal_Lace is pooring over notes, books, and poor scrible drawings, all of which float back neatly into her saddle bags at the announcment.
  6. [21:37]? Hawkeye stands up, still holding her shotgun. "Movement?" she says. "Can y'all be a mite more specific? How many, an' who?" She looks over to Royal_Lace. "Mudponies, maybe? Was they plannin' on comin' here?"
  7. [21:38]? Royal_Lace nods, "Yes, the mud ponies said they would seend a group to our location while they made preperations for the... assualt"
  8. [21:39]? Ignis doesn't even bother gazing upwards, it was as expected things would went, he assumed.
  9. [21:39]? Wintergreen continues to go over her medical supplies with a frown. Not as much as she would like, but... it will have to do.
  10. [21:39]? Sotho moves towards the sleeping form of the filly and shakes her lightly. "Time to wake up Firefly." He smiles a bit.
  11. [21:40]? Royal_Lace seems to preocupy her mind with her little side projects as she trys to keep focus off the large scale battle that was soon to come.
  12. [21:43]<SpiritOfFate> "They don't look like the salvagers' mercenaries. They are also using camouflage. It's a group of ten, most armed." The zebra says
  13. [21:43]? Firefly yawns and stretches as she wakes up. "Breakfast already?"
  14. [21:43]<Sotho> "It must be the Mud Ponies." He says to the others. "Firefly?" He shakes the filly again.
  15. [21:44]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal is talking to the other two griffin, who don't seem very happy about the whole situation.
  16. [21:44]? Sotho shakes his head. "We may be leaving soon, I'll let others explain, I must speak to somepony." He moves away, going towards Royal_Lace.
  17. [21:45]? Royal_Lace moves her packs onto her back just in case as she taps her chin, "I cant imagine who ells it could be, should I teleport out to meet them before they reach the village? ", Turning she smiles at Sotho, "Also, Breakfast dose sound good, but I suppose it can wait"
  18. [21:45]? Sotho chuckles. "I'd make it myself, but first we plan." He says. "Speaking of plans, what plans await you after the battle?"
  19. [21:47]? Firefly stretches as she stands up and yawns. She takes a few moments to scratch the back of her head, muttering something about wanting a sparkle cola before digging through her saddle bags and starting to put on her gear.
  20. [21:48]? Royal_Lace looks over Sothos Sholder to Firefly, "Her Parents, after that I dont know... I had planned on making a home for myself somewhere far away from it all, some place with nice neighbors. But For now I think its best to stay focused on the near future"
  21. [21:49]? Hawkeye snorts. "Good luck findin' nice neighbors, miz Lace," she says. "The whole world's full of greedy sons of mules just like the fellers at Scrapyard."
  22. [21:49]? Royal_Lace ears twitch at Fireflys words and without a word shes floats a sparkle cola out from her saddle bags and over behind the filly, bobing off the cap to allert her to the near at hoof refreshment.
  23. [21:49]? Sotho nods. "I agree, but know this much." He smiles. "I enjoy traveling with you." He chuckles a bit at Hawkeye's comment. "True true. But some do better. We do better."
  24. [21:50]? Wintergreen smiles. "And why not continue to do so? After we find Firefly's parents, there will still be much that we can do."
  25. [21:50]? Hawkeye looks away. "That's 'cuz y'all are good folks. Y'all are a commodity in short supply these days. If there was more folks out there like y'all, y'might stand a better chance at gettin' good neighbors."
  26. [21:51]? Royal_Lace Frowns as she looks to Hawkeye, "Oh well the thought had accured to me, I know I havent ben traveling long but I havent seen to much in the way of the nice and peacful place I had dreamed of... "
  27. [21:52]? Royal_Lace Smiles at Wintergreen, "Oh i would love to have you and Fireflys parents as neighbors Miss Green", Looking around she smiles, "All of you really, or even as travel partners for a time if at all possible. We have come to be so close I feel in our short time together"
  28. [21:52]<Hawkeye> "Well, if we cain't find a nice place, we make it," Hawkeye says determinedly. "Now c'mon, Lace. Let's go take a peek. And no usin' magic. If they're hostile, they'll shoot at the flash. Ah'll cover y'all." She hefts the sniper rifle.
  29. [21:52]? Ignis nicks foward a bit. "haven't heard much of such things these a lot, though...the prewar times were an uneasy peace, but nonetheless, peace..."
  30. [21:52]? Firefly finishes putting on her gear, looking to the others. "So... where we going?"
  31. [21:53]? Sotho thinks for a moment. "Well, I know my path after this." He sighs a bit. "I need to at least make contact with my family. Any form would be fine." He smiles a bit. "Though I want to see my daughter." He says happily.
  32. [21:53]? Sotho snerks at Ignis's comment
  33. [21:54]<Sotho> "It was not peace. Not at any moment was it close to it from that damn Kaisar."
  34. [21:54]? Royal_Lace waves the open sparkle cola before the fillies face, tempting Firefly .
  35. [21:55]<Ignis> "It was, oficially...according to ministerial data...they would never imagine how things would escalate."
  36. [21:55]? Royal_Lace Rubs Sothos side, "Of course, that is a top priority, but for now lets to see these ponies. We have an... indever to help with"
  37. [21:55]<Firefly> Temptation? There is no temptation for Firefly. Her will is like iron, and her determination like fire... unfortunately, her will and determination are taking a vacation day. The filly's eyes are focused on the bottle of sparkle cola Royal_Lace is holding. "Oooh..."
  38. [21:55]? Hawkeye nudges Royal_Lace. "Ah don't mean to be rude, but we'd better get out there and meet them ponies. Sooner's better than later."
  39. [21:55]? Sotho nods. "Ministery data tells ponies side." He says. "Tales tell Zebra side." He looks to Lace nodding. "Of course, let us be off."
  40. [21:56]<SpiritOfFate> Buck looks out into the rainy night. "Finally."
  41. [21:56]? Royal_Lace nods to Hawkeye, "Yes, lets go"
  42. [21:57]? Hawkeye turns back to the flame bearer. "Arright. Show us which way they're comin' from. If y'all hear gunfire, prep the village for defense, cuz' Ah cain't hold off an army by myself."
  43. [21:58]? Wintergreen nods, turning to follow Lace.
  44. [21:58]? Sotho sneakily takes the sparkle cola and gives it to Firefly
  45. [21:59]? Firefly squees in delight and chugs the sparkle cola.
  46. [21:59]? Royal_Lace was giving it to firefly anyway, was holding it before her face to take.
  47. [22:00]? Sotho trots after the mares who seem to be taking charge
  48. [22:00]? Royal_Lace takes charge, LIKE A BOSS!!!
  49. [22:00]? Firefly is a polite filly! She doesn't take things from others unless others say she can. She finishes off the sparkle cola, and releases an un-ladylike belch. "Hehe... excuse me." Rarity would be unamused.
  50. [22:01]? Ignis stays after them and gives cursory glances to those flanks before growing bored and catching something else's attention...
  51. [22:02]? Sotho smirks. "Good job, but you need to belch from the chest, not throat." He says to Firefly
  52. [22:02]? Sotho gives glances to a flank.
  53. [22:03]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal is now scratching the old emblem of his armor.
  54. [22:03]? Royal_Lace tail whaps Sotho in flank, "Dont tell her that Sotho! Its most unrefined"
  55. [22:03]<SpiritOfFate> The flame bearer nods and trots into the rain, leading the group outside the village.
  56. [22:04]? Sotho snickers. "So? Can't foals have a bit of fun, besides, I don't want Firefly beat out by a colt who got lucky in a belching contest."
  57. [22:04]? Hawkeye follows after the zebra, taking shelter in the trees for better cover, should a firefight erupt. The sniper does NOT like feeling exposed.
  58. [22:04]? Firefly giggles. "Oh, ok." She trots after Royal_Lace and the others. She'd land on bestest foalsitters back, but brass shoes are cold. She settles the fruit bat mask over her face... and Batmare roams the night once more!
  59. [22:05]? Royal_Lace eyes widen as her coat pales a shade, "Belching... Contests? Is... is that a thing?". Looking around at the other ponies and gentle beings she looks hopeful for someone to contest this, "Please tell me that is not an actual thing that exists and happens!"
  60. [22:05]? Wintergreen giggles, feeling Firefly take her perch. "Is the Batmare back to watch over us and keep us safe?"
  61. [22:05]<SpiritOfFate> Buck follows along with the group. The griffin and Knick Knack stay behind. The chubby mare looks deep in thought.
  62. [22:06]? Sotho glances and adopts a more serious demeanour, but it balks at that comment. "PFFT!" He laughs loudly. "It happens all the time!" He snickers. "At least with foals."
  63. [22:07]<Hawkeye> "Ah've won a few," Hawkeye says. "When y'hang mostly with stallions, y'all have to learn a thing or two to fit in, Royal_Lace."
  64. [22:07]<Firefly> Batmare is silent, peering out through the woods for any trouble. "Yes Ma'am, there'll be no trouble on my watch. Especially from that Laughing Stallion."
  65. [22:07]<SpiritOfFate> You cross the protective tiles, entering the woods.
  66. [22:08]? Ignis hums a little." I participated into one of those contests...once..." His face twists into a sly little grin.
  67. [22:08]? Royal_Lace eyes twitch as she scews her face, "A... adaptation to fit into the social norm of the wasteland? Heh... I... dont think I shall partake, thank you. Also let me know before any of these contests start so I may excuse myself if you please. I mean no offense but they hardley seem like something I would enjoy"
  68. [22:09]? Sotho wipes the tears from his eyes. "I always beat my friends in them, got a quick smack from my mother... and my wife at times." He smirks but tries to compose himself for when they meet the mud ponies.
  69. [22:10]<Hawkeye> "Naw, y'all don't have the frame or guts for it," Hawkeye says, playfully nudging Royal_Lace. "Now let's get this done. Ah'm feelin' antsy to get this show on the road, an' I'm normally patient as a tortoise."
  70. [22:10]<SpiritOfFate> It doesn't take long until you see leafy figures trotting among the trees.
  71. [22:10]? Ignis tilts his head as he goes on. "I still don't get it how he disappeared into thin air...never heard of him after that one time...." The dragon scratches his chin
  72. [22:11]<Ignis> "Almost pretty sure I didn't burned that one, he just...vanished."
  73. [22:11]? Wintergreen chuckles. "Good. I've never felt safe with knowing the Laughing Stallion could attack."
  74. [22:12]? Royal_Lace raises a hoof and waves to the partially cammoed ponies moving through the brush, "Pardon, But I belive you are looking for us?"
  75. [22:13]<Firefly> The Batmare nods. "His crimes never go unpunished. Don't worry citizen, he won't get away with anything tonight." Firefly tries to pull of a low, gravely, serious voice, but her filly voice doesn't let her.
  76. [22:14]? Sotho stands up straight and tall, attempting to look respectable and strong.
  77. [22:17]? Hawkeye blends into the shadows as best she can, despite flashes of lightning that illuminate her more than she'd like.
  78. [22:21]<SpiritOfFate> A large figure approaches Royal Lace, wearing a leaf covered armor and a trooper hat, carying an auto axe on her back. It's surprisingly big for a donkey, but her features are hard to see in the dark . "You must be Royal Lace." She says, in the same authoritative voice you have heard before in the radio.
  79. [22:24]? Royal_Lace nods her head politely with a shallow bow, "I am indeed, and these are my good friends and companions. Miss Wintergreen, Firefly, Sotho, Ignis, Buck, Hawkeye, and a few representatives from the tribe. May I ask who we have the distinguished honor of addresing?"
  80. [22:25]? Hawkeye sulks a bit as she's pointed out in her hiding spot, and waves sullenly.
  81. [22:25]? Royal_Lace iluminates the dark forest with her horn.
  82. [22:26]? Ignis overhears the conversation quietly, doubting if the party would have much interest on him... well, he was had a sucessful career as an arsonist, but it was mostly wishful thinking.
  83. [22:31]<SpiritOfFate> The donkey mare has a scar on her muzzle, her right ear missing, and a bright grin. "I am Tamara, leader of the resistance. These are my comrades in arms." She points to the group behind her, a variety of ponies and other species, most of them carrying cheap firearms, one bringing radio equipment on their back.
  84. [22:31]? Sotho smiles a bit at this team, how diverse it is.
  85. [22:32]? Firefly turns to look momentarily at the auto-axe wielding donkey, then looks over at her compatriots. Firefly remains stoic, the fruit bat mask casting odd shadows with the lightning and Royal Lace's light. Batmare is on the prowl.
  86. [22:32]? Royal_Lace Smiles plesant and nods, "A pleasure to finaly make your aquaintance Tamara, we are happy to meet muzzle to muzzle with you and your comrads at last"
  87. [22:38]<SpiritOfFate> "Good. Now that we are done with that, we should gather our allies and make our move before they realize their hired guns are missing." She says. "I'd like to take a look on this so feared tribe."
  88. [22:40]? Sotho nods as he glances back. "I'm sure they have no issue with that." He says, looking to the village.
  89. [22:40]? Royal_Lace bows to the zebras that led them this far, "Then Im sure that these fine gentle beings will be all to glad to show us the way"
  90. [22:42]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Well actually they got no reason to trust y'all. Ah think we'd better talk here. Somepony can go back and fetch a zebra representative if y'all like."
  91. [22:46]? Ignis sees that would take their merry time and allows himself to lounge into the dirt..."paint me like one of your dragons" pose, or something of the such. "So...any news other than what was relayed? From what I heard, the compound is crawling with sparky metalheads..."
  92. [22:46]<SpiritOfFate> "If that how it will be, we just need to know which of them will be joining our attack to the slaveyard."
  93. [22:48]? Hawkeye nods. "Somepony want to go back an' ask, or shall I?" She turns back to her companions. "We need to get this show on the road afore something worse happens than just inclement weather."
  94. [22:48]? Firefly nods to Hawkeye, but doesn't volunteer. She's quick, but its easy to get lost in the woods, especially by yourself.
  95. [22:49]? Ignis raises his eyebrows "Like, the forest being all bitchy again?"
  96. [22:49]? Royal_Lace looks to the zebras, "Well im certain that a simple message can be delivered, otherwise i can be there and back in, well... a flash"
  97. [22:49]<Ignis> "That...couldn't happen...could it?" he looks over to Sotho for an answer
  98. [22:50]<SpiritOfFate> The flame bearer dashes back to the village
  99. [22:50]? Sotho nods. "It could." He says. "We never did get rid of the forest spirit."
  100. [22:50]? Hawkeye nudges Royal_Lace. "Ah got four workin' hooves, Lace. Stop usin' magic when a short walk will do," she says. "Otherwise y'all might burn out, and then y'cain't help nopony." She turns back to Sotho. "That's a problem fer AFTER we save Firefly's folks and them ponies at the scrapyard, Ah'm afraid. Priorities."
  101. [22:51]<Sotho> "I never said it was a problem now." He smiles a bit.
  102. [22:51]? Ignis sighs. "Couldn't you just offer it some berries and nuts and dirt so it would leave us alone for good?"
  103. [22:53]? Royal_Lace looks a bit offended, "Ill have you know I was well tutored in maintaing my pace of magic Hawkeye, however I do appreciate your concern... I will admit I can unplesantly close to burning myself out during the day of my escape"
  104. [22:53]? Sotho frowns at Ignis. "I saw it. It wanted souls. LOTS of them."
  105. [22:54]? Sotho shivers, thinking back to that experience
  106. [22:54]? Firefly cocks her head at Sotho. "I thought that was the other spirit we beat up?"
  107. [22:54]? Ignis hums. "It was...trapping the ponies and zebras into plants, right?"
  108. [22:54]<SpiritOfFate> Soon a group of 6 bow and sword wielding zebras show up. The one ahead of the announces, "The Silent Council has said enough. We will accompany you."
  109. [22:54]<Hawkeye> "And Ah'm saying save the strain for when we need it, not to save a walk," Hawkeye huffs. "Cheesy pete... you unicorns!" She turns back to the mudponies. "Y'all ain't got near the equipment necessary t'take on that scrapyard. They got robot griffons an' autoturrets. Y'all will need things with more bang, an' preferable more boom."
  110. [22:55]<Sotho> "No no That was Avarice." He says and looks to Ignis. "Yes, i believe it was."
  111. [22:55]<Ignis> " was trying to grow souls into it would do to seeds..."
  112. [22:55]? Royal_Lace bows to the zebras, "Thank you so much for joining us"
  113. [22:56]<Sotho> "Yeah... Maybe." He looks to the zebras. "We thank you warriors."
  114. [22:56]? Ignis nodsnods. "For all we can say, it could be the embodiment of an eight-year old foal who doens't know better...or ...pretty much anything else."
  115. [22:57]? Firefly sticks her tongue out at Ignis... unfortunately, the mask gets in the way.
  116. [22:57]? Ignis draws a long sigh and smiles wearily. "I wish we could stop dealing with spirits...not my cup of tea."
  117. [22:58]? Royal_Lace Speaks a bit over the rest of her friends in an effort to politely but firmly quiet them as she turns to Tamara, "Now, if you could illuminate we volenteers to the plan of assault?"
  118. [23:00]? Ignis taps his chin. "If spirits feed on souls, then size doesn't matter..." He says, mostly to himself. "Do all animals have souls or it comes along only with sentience?"
  119. [23:00]<Sotho> "Sentience I believe." He says and then coughs. "This can wait."
  120. [23:01]? Ignis nods swiftly. "Yeah, about that plan now..."
  121. [23:32]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara says. "We need a distraction to attract their guards to the back while we circle around to attack from the roadside. If we make our way to their house, the turrets won't be able to reach us, the griffin will have to land to fight us, and we can get to their leader faster."
  122. [23:33]? Hawkeye thinks for a few moments. "Well, Ah have expertise in infiltration and sabotage," she says slowly. "And th'griffs were kind enough to donate a brick of C4... if Ah could get in there and sabotage the control hub for the turrets, would that be enough distraction, y'think?"
  123. [23:34]<SpiritOfFate> "Do you know where the control hub are?" She asks
  124. [23:34]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "No. But they might." She looks at Jamal. "Well?"
  125. [23:35]? Royal_Lace smiles, "I as well have specialties in infiltration, it is safe in fact to say few instilations are truley equiped to keep me in or out if"
  126. [23:35]<Sotho> "Do you?" He asks, thinking. "If we could draw up a map of the place then that would help."
  127. [23:36]? Firefly nods, listening to the plans. Explosions are pretty distracting.
  128. [23:37]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal is still back at the village
  129. [23:38]? Hawkeye taps her chin. "Huh. Coulda swore he was here a minute ago." The sniper looks back to the mudponies. "We captured a couple of their griffs. One might know where the hub is. Otherwise, Ah got bombs and fire. They're mighty distracting."
  130. [23:39]? Sotho nods. "And if that fails, perhaps Lace could teleport me inside and I can get some attention myself?"
  131. [23:40]<Ignis> "I wouldn't count too much on fire...if they haven't got the place fireproofed since my, they're dumber than a sack of ferrets."
  132. [23:41]<Royal_Lace> me nods, "I am actually fine with shuttleing ponies in or out as needed, or general scouting or stealth aspects of the attack. Im not actually much in a fair fight
  133. [23:41]<Royal_Lace> "
  134. [23:42]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara looks around. "I expect you didn't get the griffin get away to telll their friends about our plans."
  135. [23:42]<Ignis> "Now, collapsing a building from inside out...that would work fine."
  136. [23:42]<Hawkeye> "That's the trick to winnin' when y'all are outnumbered and outgunned," Hawkeye says. "Don't fight fair. Hit 'em where it's the most expensive. A strike force has that bitty advantage." She turns back to Tamara. "No, they're under guard at the moment. Took their equipment an' such. Two of em's turtles. Don't ask. Cheater magic." She looks at Lace.
  137. [23:44]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara grins. "We could use this kind of cheating."
  138. [23:44]? Royal_Lace humps, "Yes, if you count years of practice, tutilage, and vergirous training as cheating then yes, yes it was... also they are no longer turtles, also there supplies are still at the village, but the zebras are there watching them"
  139. [23:47]<Hawkeye> "Sweetheart, spending years learnin' to count cards an palming aces don't make it any less cheating," Hawkeye says. "The only thing Ah can turn griffons into that's harmless is fine red mist."
  140. [23:50]<SpiritOfFate> "That doesn't matter. We need to see these griffin" Tamara says
  141. [23:50]? Royal_Lace rolls her eyes, "yes, well like I said. Beyond a hoof full of such trickery and my abilites with negotiaion and stealth Im better suited in a tattical roll getting ponies in or out, funneling resorces where they are needed to hit the hardest"
  142. [23:51]? Sotho smiles. "We do need to speak with the griffons about this, after all, they could help or hinder."
  143. [23:51]? Firefly continues to sit and watch. Better she stay quiet for now.
  144. [23:51]? Royal_Lace nods, "well should we send for them as well?"
  145. [23:53]<Hawkeye> "Or go in an' meet 'em, if the fine folk don't have any objections to the mudponies enterin' your village," Hawkeye says to the Zebra present. "Better not to give them the chance to fly away, after all..."
  146. [23:54]<SpiritOfFate> "As long as they don't become hostile, they are allowed to." The leading zebra says.
  147. [23:55]<Hawkeye> "Then let's do that," Hawkeye says to Tamara. "C'mon, follow us." She leads the way back toward the village.
  148. [23:55]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara and the mudponies trot along, wary as they enter the zebra village.
  149. [23:56]? Royal_Lace follows
  150. [23:56]? Hawkeye leads the group back to where the griffons are under guard, muttering under her breath about the lackadaisy lollygagging group she's been saddled with.
  151. [23:59]? Firefly hops off Wintergreen's back and walks with the group.
  152. [23:59]<SpiritOfFate> They are still where they were left, but now with a zebra soldier close to them. Knick Knack is also around. She glances at the group and shivers.
  153. [23:59]? Sotho walks indeed with the group, not wanting to take lead and gladdly allows the mare lead.
  154. [23:59]? Wintergreen turns and follows as well!
  155. [00:01]<Hawkeye> "In there," Hawkeye says, gesturing to the hut with the griffons. "Let me know what y'all think an' what y'all come up with." She walks over to Knack. "Hey," she says softly. "Somethin' wrong?"
  156. [00:02]? Ignis idly tags alongside
  157. [00:02]? Sotho follows behind Hawkeye to Knack. "Yes, are you alright?"
  158. [00:06]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara trots to the griffin, sizing them up. "Alright, cap mongers. Tell us where are the controls for the turrets." She glares at the griffin.
  159. [00:06]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack looks down. "...what is going to happen?"
  160. [00:07]? Wintergreen frowns at Tamara. "Or you could be civil..."
  161. [00:08]<Sotho> "I..." He thinks. "I do not know." He states."
  162. [00:08]? Royal_Lace politely clears her throat, "If it helps at all Tamara, This fine mercenary is named Jamal"
  163. [00:08]<SpiritOfFate> The griffin look at each other and shrug. "No idea." Jamal says. "Are we doing that again?" He glances at Hawkeye
  164. [00:09]? Firefly chills, watching this interrogation.
  165. [00:09]<Hawkeye> "We're not trying to intimidate anyone," Hawkeye says, glaring with her one eye at Tamara. "These guys already know they got their wings in a sling, and ain't wrong wantin' to both survive and turn a profit. They're mercs, not slaves, or have y'all forgotten the difference?"
  166. [00:12]<SpiritOfFate> Tamara grunts. "Alright, handle them however you want." She steps away. "Are you sure they are telling the truth?"
  167. [00:13]? Royal_Lace nods, "As sure as we can be"
  168. [00:14]<SpiritOfFate> "That doesn't help us. Taking them down one by one would only result in losses." Tamara frowns.
  169. [00:15]? Hawkeye sits down next to Knack. "It's gonna be a mess, not gonna lie," she says to the heavyset mare. "But we're gonna try an' keep the damage an' killin' to a minimum, both for your sake an' for everypony else's. If we can get yer family back in one piece, we will. Except yer pa." Hawkeye looks away. "He's gotta pay for what he's done. And you know it wouldn't be healthy t'go back t'him nohow, right?"
  170. [00:16]? Royal_Lace blinks as she thinks up a terrible, WONDERFUl Idea, "Ummm.. actually, if you dont mind a bit of set up before the actual strike, I think I can get a good ammount of explosives in place before anypony even starts shooting. My tranformation spell has many... interesting aplications"
  171. [00:20]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack's face changes from nervousness, to anger, to sadness. "Yeah, but... "
  172. [00:23]? Sotho looks to her and sighs. "But?" He asks. "Speak your mind."
  173. [00:23]? Hawkeye tentatively puts a hoof around Knack's shoulders. "I know, hun. He ain't good people. But he's your pa. Torn loyalties hurt worse than torn ligaments..." She sighs. "Tell y'all what. If we get him alive, we'll let you decide what goes on. Would... would that make y'all feel better?"
  174. [00:25]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack nods weakly. "I guess..."
  175. [00:25]? Firefly looks over at the griffins. "You want to tell us where the control room is. Then there won't be turrets guarding a scrap yard... and there will probably be a bunch of free ponies looking to pay for protection."
  176. [00:26]? Sotho hugs Knick Knack closely. "I will make sure your father takes minimal damage. You have unresolved issues to speak with him about and we will allow that."
  177. [00:26]? Hawkeye shakes her head. "Ah'm sorry, sugarcube. There just ain't a good way out of this one, near's Ah can tell. Tell me what y'think. Two heads is better than one. Or three." She looks at Sotho and mouths 'thank you' at him.
  178. [00:27]<SpiritOfFate> "Sorry, chick. We really don't know." Jamal says.
  179. [00:27]? Royal_Lace pulls out her book of magic and starts skimming, smiling as she puts stuff together, "yes, i should be able to manage this..."
  180. [00:28]? Firefly looks at the others and shrugs. "Well, if I got some clouds I can blow up the turrets. Or some guard griffins."
  181. [00:30]? Ignis coughs. "If what you all say is true and the compound is a robot-riddled madhouse, then...if we could access a terminal to track down the mainframe there, it would point us toward the global shutdown switch"
  182. [00:30]<Hawkeye> "How about an educated guess?" Hawkeye says to Jamal. "Y'all have seen the turrets. Any place it looks like they *might* all connect to? Like, where's their power comin' from? Generators, or internal batteries?
  183. [00:31]? Sotho smiles to Hawkeye and nods.
  184. [00:34]<SpiritOfFate> Jamal scratches his beak. "The cyberfreak littered the garage with this kind of things when he got there."
  185. [00:35]<Hawkeye> "Alright, but where does the juice come from? Anything he told you not to touch 'cuz of high voltage, warning signs, an' such?" Hawkeye asks. "Anythin' that offers a startin' point. We just need a place to look, otherwise that compound's mighty big."
  186. [00:41]<SpiritOfFate> "That doesn't help much. He doesn't want anyone touching anything when he is around." Jamal says. "He even got a break room for himself, instead of using the guard shack."
  187. [00:43]? Hawkeye scrunches up her face. "Hmm. Might not be a bad idea to check there first, if we can swing it," she says. "Besides, maybe they have a robot eye or somethin' Ah can replace this missin' peeper with." She taps the eyepatch. "Then Ah could be all creepy cyberfreaky too. OoooOOOooo" She waggles her hooves at the group.
  188. [00:45]? Sotho snickers a bit. "I'd rather you not. You looks much prettier with the eyepatch than you would with a hunk of metal eye."
  189. [00:46]<Hawkeye> "Ain't worried about pretty so much, pardner, as Ah am about havin' depth perception," Hawkeye says with a chuckle. "It's somethin' y'all don't miss until y'dont have it no more."
  190. [00:49]? Firefly sits back and looks at the others. "So... what are we gonna do?"
  191. [00:49]<SpiritOfFate> Buck nods. "It's a bit strange, if somepony could get a part they lost again and refused because it didn't look good."
  192. [00:52]<Hawkeye> "Well, looks like our best bet is to get in unseen and sabotage a few things as a distraction for the resistance," Hawkeye says. "Ah can do that, but Ah'll need Royal_Lace's help. Then the rest of you take out who or what y'have to, and we win the day. Ah hope." Hawkeye looks sheepish. "This was the kinda story muh Pappy used to tell, 'bout heroes runnin' in t'save folks from evil overlords....
  193. [00:52]<Hawkeye> ...Never thought Ah'd actually be doin' it muhself..."
  194. [00:55]? Sotho smiles at Hawkeye. "Well, I've always wanted to be a great warrior hero, and I thought I was in my tribe, but now I will be to others as well."
  195. [01:03]<SpiritOfFate> ==================
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