
For the memories

Apr 3rd, 2020
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  3. couldnt save you couldnt save me couldnt feel anything
  5. time is a haze the days flow together a river of consciousness of the fact that i have nothing to do
  6. nothing to say
  7. nothing to save
  8. nothing to feel
  9. couldnt save you couldnt save me or feel anything
  11. what is the point if not to laugh and point at an image a person inside or online
  12. we run and hide and check all the likes on a post that has nothing to do with us
  13. the layers of a personality as complicated as fabricated for betrayer fear
  14. fear of people
  15. fear of mere words mere letters written to a rhythm manage to do more for me than the people
  16. the people i help the people i save it all aint for me or my ego
  17. it aint for no one
  18. its for nobody
  19. nobody you can see
  20. its for the dead and the ghosts
  21. for the haunting memories
  22. for the souls of a thousand pure energies turned to black and ash in the dirt below
  23. those that felt like they didnt belong those that wanted to be down and go
  24. without breath without goal seeking escape without life seeking death without suffering without pain without anything
  25. without anyone
  26. not to feel anything
  27. the lives of many are worth the few in any moment in any time
  28. as the clock flows and turns and goes they still dont let go
  29. as the knives cut and the blood flows and they feel so low
  30. standing on the precipice
  31. a mere breeze so treacherous
  32. falling eternal
  33. cold depths internal
  35. who are you who are we to say what we feel what we think what we are or what we do
  36. who are you
  37. who are me
  38. the few or the many
  39. a river of consciousness a single thought | or a lot | a ho | or a thot
  40. a slut or a cunt
  41. who are they to call themselves that
  42. reflect it back
  43. what they call you yet | you are them | you are they | you are humane
  44. youre a human
  45. no solution
  46. then a breeze blows
  48. single slice a gunshot a bullet wound bleeding out of tears of fears of a pain so sincere
  49. a panic in those beautiful brown eyes
  50. a struggle to hold on
  51. to go on is to suffer but to die is to never be at peace
  52. it's so hard to be tougher to not lie down and cease
  53. but please hold on
  54. never ever are you alone | you got you | you got me |you got them | who am i but a thought in your head
  55. who doesnt wish you dead
  57. you seek escape you dont seek death take a breath youre yours to keep your yours to sleep
  58. on
  59. go on
  60. bawl your eyes out grab a hold of the knife but you dont want it do you
  61. you want life
  62. you want a life
  63. not to survive but to thrive in an environment cold and sadistic
  64. torturous and conflicted
  65. a hellscape of feelings of insults and pain
  66. everyone swimming but youre slowly drowning
  67. being pushed under by the weight of the water
  68. by the weight of the waiter asking you how its going
  69. by the weight of your mother asking you how you doing
  70. youre not
  71. but you say yes you hide it they wouldnt get it they wouldnt understand
  72. they dont feel
  74. you pray its not real
  76. who are you who are they who are me who are they who are you who are me
  77. the people i help the people i save it all aint for me or my ego
  78. it aint for no one
  79. its for nobody
  80. nobody you can see
  81. its for the dead and the ghosts
  82. for the haunting memories
  83. for the souls of a thousand pure energies turned to black and ash in the dirt below
  85. please dont go
  87. please dont let go
  89. grab a hold of my hand i will pull you up a mere voice in your head
  90. grab a hold and trust in me trust in my peace
  91. take a piece of my soul and use it to mend your broken mind
  92. your broken heart
  93. your shattered light
  95. i dont want more
  97. i dont want more pain more suffering more torturous struggling to swim in an icy cold lake.
  99. i want you to swim free to swim to the surface and breath
  100. take a breath
  103. who are you | who are me | who are they
  104. who are you
  105. who are me
  106. the few or the many
  107. the people i help the people i save it all aint for me or my ego
  108. it aint for no one
  109. its for nobody
  110. nobody you can see
  111. its for the dead and the ghosts
  112. its for the haunting memories
  113. for the souls of a thousand pure energies turned to black and ash in the dirt below
  115. who are you who are we to say what we feel what we think what we are or what we do
  116. the people i help the people i save it all aint for me or my ego
  117. it aint for no one
  118. its for nobody
  119. nobody you can see
  120. its for the dead and the ghosts
  121. its for the haunting memories
  122. for the souls of a thousand pure energies
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