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a guest
Feb 14th, 2025
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  1. {
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  687. },
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  694. "maxPlanetSize": "300",
  695. "birthPlanetSize": "400",
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  697. "birthPlanetSiTi": "True"
  698. }
  699. },
  700. "PluginPreferences": {
  702. },
  703. "MainSettings": {
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  705. "Import Filename": "No Files Found",
  706. "Generator ID": "space.customizing.generators.gs2dev",
  707. "VSPlanetScaleFactor": "3",
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  709. "Cheat Mode": "True",
  710. "Force Rare Spawn": "False",
  711. "Skip Tutorials": "True"
  712. },
  713. "version": 2104
  714. }
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