Guest User


a guest
Jan 1st, 2020
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text 1.51 KB | None | 0 0
  1. enabled: true
  2. LEFT:
  3. 1: ''
  4. 2: ''
  5. 3: ''
  6. 4: ''
  7. 5: '&b&lYou&7: &f{player}'
  8. 6: '&b&lRank&7: &f{rank}'
  9. 7: ''
  10. 8: ''
  11. 9: ''
  12. 10: '&b&lUHC-01'
  13. 11: '&fStatus&7: {status-uhc}'
  14. 12: '&fOnline&7: &b{online-uhc}'
  15. 13: ''
  16. 14: '&b&lServer #4'
  17. 15: '&fStatus&7: &cOffline'
  18. 16: '&fOnline&7: &b0'
  19. 17: ''
  20. 18: ''
  21. 19: ''
  22. 20: '&'
  23. MIDDLE:
  24. 1: ' &b&lFate &7| &fHub 2.0'
  25. 2: ''
  26. 3: ''
  27. 4: ''
  28. 5: ''
  29. 6: ''
  30. 7: ''
  31. 8: ' &3&lServers'
  32. 9: ''
  33. 10: '&b&lFactions'
  34. 11: '&fStatus&7: {status-factions}'
  35. 12: '&fOnline&7: &b{online-factions}'
  36. 13: ''
  37. 14: '&b&lServer #5'
  38. 15: '&fStatus&7: &cOffline'
  39. 16: '&fOnline&7: &b0'
  40. 17: ''
  41. 18: ''
  42. 19: ''
  43. 20: '&'
  44. RIGHT:
  45. 1: ''
  46. 2: ''
  47. 3: ''
  48. 4: ''
  49. 5: '&b&lOnline&7: &f{bungee-online}/1000'
  50. 6: '&b&lQueued&7: &f{in-queues}'
  51. 7: ''
  52. 8: ''
  53. 9: ''
  54. 10: '&b&lSkyBlock'
  55. 11: '&fStatus&7: {status-skyblock}'
  56. 12: '&fOnline&7: &b{online-skyblock}'
  57. 13: ''
  58. 14: '&b&lServer #6'
  59. 15: '&fStatus&7: &cOffline'
  60. 16: '&fOnline&7: &b0'
  61. 17: ''
  62. 18: ''
  63. 19: ''
  64. 20: '&'
  65. #This is for 1.8 users only!
  66. FAR-RIGHT:
  67. 1: ''
  68. 2: ''
  69. 3: ''
  70. 4: ''
  71. 5: ''
  72. 6: ''
  73. 7: ''
  74. 8: '&cUse 1.7 for a'
  75. 9: '&cbetter gaming'
  76. 10: '&cexperience!'
  77. 11: ''
  78. 12: ''
  79. 13: ''
  80. 14: ''
  81. 15: ''
  82. 16: ''
  83. 17: ''
  84. 18: ''
  85. 19: ''
  86. 20: ''
  87. FOOTER: '&3&lYou are playing on a Fate HUB server!'
  88. HEADER: '&3&lYou are playing on a Fate HUB server!'
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